Your highest scores for Metal slug 1 stage 1 only


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I'm actually not bad on the waterfall bit, its the others.

oh well, I'll just have to try again, I need to be higher on that score table damnit.

oh yeah, metal slug 1 = perfect, best game in series easily.

and thats coming from an MS3 fanbois


Mature's Make-up Artist
Oct 19, 2002
Kernow you re soo right!

i think ms1 is the best too

anyway great lithy!

i'll try something but it ll be hard:(!

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Anyone know what causes the medal to come out instead of the teddy bear? Because the medal is only 500 while the bear is 5000, and that can really make a difference in the run.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
MS1 is great, i love the military feel. I really like Metal Slug 2 as well. Can anyone give me an honest opinion on how good MS4 is? I want to give it a try, i think i will buy MSX before i get MS4 though.

Oh i got a new score: 205,560

I don't know how much higher i can get then that. Anything higher then that sounds extremely unfun to get.

I also got a new personal high score, like 650,000 something. I can get to Mission 5 without dying now, im trying to get a one credit run...


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
lithy said:
Anyone know what causes the medal to come out instead of the teddy bear? Because the medal is only 500 while the bear is 5000, and that can really make a difference in the run.

Are you talking about the Medal that the POW gives you at the begining of the level?


Mature's Make-up Artist
Oct 19, 2002
No i think he s talking about the one that you find inside a crate

after the first elicopter


Jul 6, 2001
lithy said:
Anyone know what causes the medal to come out instead of the teddy bear? Because the medal is only 500 while the bear is 5000, and that can really make a difference in the run.

in metal slug 1, all bonus item is a RANDOM...

medal or bear is Random

in stage 2, there is a Bear or doll, or Professor.... this items are random, and value is random.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Gemant said:
in metal slug 1, all bonus item is a RANDOM...

medal or bear is Random

in stage 2, there is a Bear or doll, or Professor.... this items are random, and value is random.

The first bonus in mission 2 is frustratingly random, as sometimes its 5000 and sometimes its 50,000. Thats quite a point difference.

Metal Slug 2 has the worse random bonus points though...


Jul 6, 2001
in stage 2 bear or doll is random (5000 or 50.000) then, the fish is always 50.000 points, then..... the third item in the boat is a Random..... (monkey, coin...... or teddy bear is 5000 or 50.000)

also in metal slug 2 and X, the bonus items value is random


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Gemant, do you know what the highest possible score you can achieve in Metal Slug is?


Jul 6, 2001
my score is 3.045.980 (1997) but after 6 years, I know many new techniques... and maybe will be possible make a 3.120.000 pts +.....

but...... I not never tried in these years....


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
That is a very impressive highscore, especially considering my highest is only around 673,000. Although i was playing to get a one credit finish and not a high score.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
Lagduf said:
MS1 is great, i love the military feel. I really like Metal Slug 2 as well. Can anyone give me an honest opinion on how good MS4 is? I want to give it a try, i think i will buy MSX before i get MS4 though. [...]

I'm torn between bashing and liking it. The backs are very static, there's almost no parallax scrolling, the level design looks blunt at first and there are only a few new items in it such as the forklift slug or the double machine gun. Also, there are MUCH LESS secrets and bonus items in the game and the bosses aren't all that great, tho I kinda like the 2nd stage boss.

On the light side, you will soon find out that the game is very challenging, much more so than Slug 1, 2 and X. In Slug 4, getting a good score heavily relies on two things: Rescuing all POWs and getting bonus points for the combo/skill medals. This medal thing is a new addition to the Slug series that I really like because it requires good skills and is fun. Trouble is that you won't get a real hi-score if you omit the medal combo system because of the lack of other score-intensive things. There are only a few items like the teddy bear that will get you 50k, most other items only give you a measly 100 or 1000 points.

Because of the medal bonus system, there are more one-hit enemies in Slug 4, instead of the monstrous multi-hit beasts in Slug 3. The game plays like Slug 1, and tho it containts a lot of reused elements from the previous Slugs, it's more straight-forward despite the different pathes.

So... overall, I'd say get Slug X first and 4 afterwards. As an action platformer, Slug 4 isn't a bad game, but if the main reasons for you to play the Slugs are easy-goin' action, artwork and crazy hidden stuff, you may want to put your money elswhere.


Quiz Detective
Apr 13, 2003
Gemant said:
is very difficult, because the Gemant's neo history is 60 pages +

I can send in this forum only metal slug prisosers guide (in pdf format) the only complete document for metal slug 1, but it is in italian

could you post links of the Gemant's neo history + the prisoner guide? My wife would translate it into english, so everyone could enjoy it!


Jul 6, 2001
neo history is 1 compelte document

metal slug guide is one small part of NEO GEO SUPER TRICKS GUIDE 2001.

the super tricks guide 2001 is a complete guide for all secrets and bug for neo geo games...

this is a metal slug 1 complete prisoners list:

•Hidden Prisoners Guide (MVS/ROM/CD)

MISSION 1 (10 Total Prisoners, 4 Hidden Prisoners)

Poco prima di arrivare alla schermata del BOSS di fine STAGE bisogna posizionarsi sotto le cascate e sparare in alto, scenderà una coppia di PRISONERS per ogni cascata che rilasceranno un totale di quattro MEDALS. Durante questo STAGE nella modalità 2 PLAYERS, sarà possibile recuperare 3 PRISONERS aggiuntivi.

MISSION 2 (12 Total Prisoners, 3 Hidden Prisoners)

Dopo la sezione dei ponti, subito dopo aver distrutto la baracca di legno, si dovrà sparare in basso sul cespuglio per ottenere 3 PRISONERS che rilasceranno tre MEDALS. Durante lo STAGE in modalità 2 PLAYERS si possono trovare 3 PRISONERS aggiuntivi

MISSION 3 (17 Total Prisoners, 4 Hidden Prisoners)

Oltre la metà di questo STAGE, ci sono due alberi che possono essere abbattuti, la CPU decide in maniera casuale la comparsa (RANDOM) di uno oppure due PRISONERS per ciascun albero. Durante la fase del BOSS possibilmente muniti di METAL SLUG è indispensabile posizionarsi nella parte estrema destra dello schermo sparando in alto senza colpire il BOSS, nel momento in cui il cannone nemico spara, bisognerà evitare il colpo saltando verso sinistra, oppure uscendo dal carro, continuando così per un certo tempo, incominceranno a scendere alcuni PRISONERS dalla parte superiore dello schermo fino a un massimo di cinque.

MISSION 4 (23 Total Prisoners, 11 Hidden Prisoners)

Appena incominciato lo STAGE è necessario rimanere fermi ed eliminare tutti i soldati che arrivano dalla baracca posta sulla destra dello schermo, dopo averli sterminati, il TIMER segnerà circa 54 SECONDS, quindi cadranno 3 PRISONERS dal cielo che regaleranno delle BOMBS, un HEAVY MACHINGER, un CHICKEN, in seguito, dopo avere preso il METAL SLUG VEHICLE, si dovrà salire circa sulla metà della prima scala a gradini e sparare in alto, cadranno altri 3 PRISONERS, quindi bisognerà raggiungere la zona delle torrette nemiche che sparano posizionandosi vicino al BUNKER dove si trova un PRISONER visibile da liberare, sarà necessario attendere che quattro soldati escano dalla struttura dopodichè nella parte interna del BUNKER appariranno uno alla volta 2 PRISONERS, che rilasceranno una medaglia ciascuno, in seguito, nella sezione del BOSS possibilmente muniti di METAL SLUG VEHICLE bisognerà avanzare nella parte estrema destra tenendo il carro abbassato, quindi sarà indispensabile attendere che il BOSS che entra sullo schermo da sinistra sia abbastanza vicino, poi senza spostarsi si dovrà sparare in basso verso di lui ed eliminarlo, adesso si dovrà salire sulla parte alta a destra e sparare in alto per fare apparire 3 PRISONERS, quindi bisognerà scendere dalla rampa senza eliminare il BOSS della zona alta e si dovrà avanzare fino alla zona estrema sinistra, sparando in basso appariranno altri 3 PRISONERS che regaleranno medaglie

MISSION 5 (15 Total Prisoners, 5 Hidden Prisoners)

È possibile distruggere le prime due case colpendo il tetto per rivelare due PRISONERS nascosti al loro interno, qualche passo dopo bisognerà sparare sopra il grande albero vicino alla terza casa, cadranno 3 PRISONERS che regaleranno delle medaglie, in seguito si dovrà sparare sopra il secondo albero vicino alla zona dove si può trovare il METAL SLUG VEHICLE, appariranno altri 2 PRISONERS. Prima di terminare questa missione si potrà distruggere la parte inferiore del BOSS dal quale appariranno ancora 3 PRISONERS che forniranno alcuni preziosi armamenti

MISSION 6 (28 Total Prisoners, 6 Hidden Prisoners)

Appena cominciata la missione bisognerà fermarsi sulla prima asse del ponte di legno sospeso, quindi si dovrà sparare verso sinistra stando bassi, apparirà 1 PRISONER, poco dopo si dovrà avanzare fino alla decima asse sparando indietro e in basso per liberare altri 2 PRISONERS, prima di arrivare nella successiva schermata con il carro armato nemico che spara, esiste ancora un PRISONER nascosto da qualche parte, ma nessuno conosce le condizioni esatte per recuperarlo. Nel masso appeso in alto è nascosto 1 PRISONER che rilascerà un arma, talvolta al suo posto facendo esplodere la pietra con una BOMB, si vedranno 3 soldati che volano fuori dallo schermo, in certi casi oltre al PRISONER nascosto nella roccia, può comparire anche un solo soldato che vola fuori dallo schermo. Successivamente quando sarà possibile scendere dal sommergibile, basterà sparare sulla nuvola in alto per liberare ancora 2 PRISONERS. Nella sezione del BOSS bisognerà posizionarsi nella zona estrema destra sparando continuamente a vuoto, dopo un certo tempo, dal cielo cadranno uno alla volta, fino a 6 PRISONERS. Durante lo STAGE in modalità 2 PLAYERS sarà possibile recuperare ben 8 PRISONERS aggiuntivi.


Quiz Detective
Apr 13, 2003
thx for the slug 1 guide. could you post a link where i can download the neo history 1 document?
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Tesse's Maintainence Man
May 8, 2004
Bump from the past. Thanks to Gemant I was able to get past the 190000 range and have a renewed interest in the game. Playing strictly for score now. Since the pictures are no longer here, I had to figure out the cannon method from the posts minus pictures. "Concussion" blasts from the cannon explosion = 1000 pts per soldier. Now I just need to figure out the boss bonus method described for the added 12000 points.

202060 all hostages rescued, 1 life, and mucked up the 2 gas bonuses getting the concussion bonus and shot a few too many soldiers early on accidentally.

edit...thanks Lagduf for posting the link to this thread in a recent topic, much appreciated. Gemant, thanks for the bit of knowledge, that was even more appreciated.
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The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I still play this for score sometimes , but mainly to finish, I haven't broken 200k on the first level in a very long time though, not sure I did it actually.

1.1million is about my max overall and thats dying half way through mission 6. god that level does my tits in.


Tesse's Maintainence Man
May 8, 2004
Yeah, final missions a bitch. Up until recently I've been playing the credit feed slug with my son. Now I'm playing the game properly. Different mentality big time this way. Made the game loads more fun.


Tesse's Maintainence Man
May 8, 2004
205960 and then I drank too much and the gameplay got sloppy