offical wwe thread

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002

If I had any faith WWE would use him correctly I'd be excited, but I think we all know better.

I'm calling it know in that he'll have awesome matches in NXT that we'll all enjoy

Then he'll get called up and we'll recall how like past NXT stars he could have been something if given the chance

Sucks for Dragon Gate though as two members of Dragon Express are gone( Riccocet isn't missing but he's m.i.a. and they took the belt off him real quick )


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 9, Presented by GFW is early (2am EST) tomorrow morning-tonight @ 11pm on the west coast!!

J.R. on the mic, and the hottest product in the WORLD. Get on it!

The hype videos GFW has posted to YouTube are ace, and the Preshow is up on demand for FREE right now!!

If you have direct tv, or an xbox one you can watch live either by traditional PPV, or by using the Flipps app.

Everyone else, will have to settle for replays (check local listings).

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Alpha Skyhawk

Windjammers Wonder
Feb 28, 2012
NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 9, Presented by GFW is early (2am EST) tomorrow morning-tonight @ 11pm on the west coast!!

J.R. on the mic, and the hottest product in the WORLD. Get on it!

The hype videos GFW has posted to YouTube are ace, and the Preshow is up on demand for FREE right now!!

If you have direct tv, or an xbox one you can watch live either by traditional PPV, or by using the Flipps app.

Everyone else, will have to settle for replays (check local listings).


Heads up, the 2AM showing in my area is SD only. HD is being shown at night. If you want to get the 2AM one but would reconsider if you would only be getting it in SD, make sure of what definition is being made available in your area. I honestly would get the 2AM one just to DVR it and watch it in the morning, but I'd be stuck with SD.

Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
No. I'm not posting in the wrong thread. Stern Pinball just announced tonight at CES in Las Vegas their next game will be Wrestlemania. Having Roman Reigns on the trasnlite makes him look really, really strong!

Wrestlemania Pinball.jpg


Raiden's Valet
10 Year Member
Oct 30, 2009
Holy Wrestle Kingdom 9 Batman!

I've always loved Japanese wrestling but never was able to catch an event live. After watching WK9 I can honestly say I'll never look at American promotions the same again.

Four hours of non-stop fucking action! Next match starts immediately with no bullshit filler in between (loved this)! I was on the edge of my seat from the opening bell to the final fall.

Aside from the gaijins and Marifuji I was unfamiliar with the NJPW roster, but Nakamura/ Ibushi blew me away! I was on the edge of my seat for the entire show but came out of my seat for this match.

If you question whether or not pro wrestling exists in 2015, catch a replay. You won't regret it.

Pro fucking wrestling in 2015?!?!?!?
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Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
How long is it? I might see if I can find it, I can usually stream ppv stuff for a week after the event, but I need to figure out when I can sit down for that long.


Raiden's Valet
10 Year Member
Oct 30, 2009
How long is it? I might see if I can find it, I can usually stream ppv stuff for a week after the event, but I need to figure out when I can sit down for that long.

A little shy of 4 hours.


formerly DZ
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
It's a good 3 hours and 40 minutes. The post main event thing went on for about 10 minutes too long..but I'm.thinking something might have been lost in translation there. It's totally worth the money gohan.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
One Winged Angel.

Holy SHIT. The sickest finisher I've ever seen, and yes-that includes Burning Hammer.

And dat dead lift suplay (in best Gordon Solie voice)...Kenny Omega just became one of my top 5 guys.

It was so good to hear J.R. again. He seemed genuinely stoked, and especially so during both main events. Ibushi's top rope (on the damn rope!) belly to back had the announce team and yours truly, marking out.

He pitched (and I bought) that Okada's drop kick was the ultimate weapon.

What a fabulous show!

My only two gripes, are that we didn't get the dark match opener w/ Liger & Kabuki, and that Striker was on color instead of Tenay. Matt's mark-ness is super unprofessional and cringe worthy. Enough w/ the 'lariato!' and using words like 'swerve.'

J.R. straight up said, "...I don't know what a swerve is. I *do* know when someone lies to the audience, and understand how that could make them upset."
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Pope Sazae

Known Scammer, DO NOT DEAL WITH!, The Management.,
Dec 9, 2007
I think I am going to order the VOD replay tonight after hearing so much about the show. But damn that is a hell of a long runtime.

Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
Somebody uploaded a very poor quality rip onto Dailymotion today. It's just great to hear good ol' JR on commentary again. Going to have to check this one out later in the week.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 9 PPV Results: 1-4-15

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report).


Kozlov got in his signature spot early on putting on his Russian hat to deliver repeated kicks to Fish's head and face. O'Reilly came to his partner's aid with a hard kick to Kozlov before insulting him with his own Russian dance kick. Young Bucks then got their shine with a double-team, but Kozlov came back with a kick to Nick Jackson. Tag to Romero, who cleaned house on everyone in the ring. That's a lot of humanity. The crowd ate it up.

KUSHIDA cleared Romero to the floor after Rocky ran himself out of energy, then Time Splitters double-teamed Matt Jackson in the ring. On the floor, Shelley stacked up ReDragon, then Romero accidentally took out Shelley with a suicide dive. Kozlov responded with a cannonball splash onto a pile of bodies. Nick Jackson followed with a big dive. KUSHIDA then wiped out everyone with a flying splash.

Back in the ring, Shelley and KUSHIDA combined for a neckbreaker and moonsault on Nick, but the pin was broken up. Another double-team, this time to Matt. A rapid-fire sequence of moves followed, including superkicks from the Bucks. The ref had no control over this. Suddenly, the Bucks busted out a ridiculous number of superkicks. Bucks then combined for a combination Tombstone on Kozlov. It was good for a three count, but the ref slowed down for a pile of bodies to break up the pin.

Fish and O'Reilly re-asserted themselves after the match settled back down. Combination kick/brainbuster Chasing the Dragon to Kozlov, then O'Reilly covered, Fish held off the other teams, and it was good for the pin and the win. ReDragon retains the belts.

WINNERS: ReDragon at 13:03 to retain the IWGP Jr. Hvt. Tag Titles. Good opener. Not quite as clean as past four-team Jr. Hvt. featured tag matches, but all four teams are so good that everyone looked good coming out of the match. (**3/4)


Karen started things off in the ring targeting Honma. Chaos broke out as the bell sounded. Ringside, Jeff held Honma, who took a slap from Karen. Back in the ring, Ten-cozy lit up Takahashi to get the crowd fired up. But, Bullet Club cut off Kojima and started working him over. Hot tag to Honma, who worked over Takahashi while Karen screamed at ringside. Honma went for his trademark running headbutt, but Yujiro moved and Honma ate the mat. Moments later, Honma caught Yujiro bouncing off the ropes with his trademark headbutt.

Jarrett tried to guitar-shot Honma behind the ref's back, but Honma blocked. Yujiro then held Honma for the guitar shot, but Honma ducked and Yujiro took the guitar shot, popping the crowd. The babyface trio took over, then Honma popped the crowd climbing to the top rope to deliver his trademark top-rope headbutt to Yujiro for the pin and the win. Big reaction for Honma getting the win over the heels. Same reaction taking a victory lap on the way out.

WINNERS: Team Honma at 5:35. They kept this short and sweet to the get to the pay-off of New Japan getting a victory over Bullet Club. Meanwhile, Honma is big-time after going through the G1 Climax journey over the summer where he became a sentimental favorite just trying to get a win in the tournament.


Plenty of chaos early on with Iizuka and Yano getting into it. Things settled down until Marufuji entered to a strong reaction wrestling in a New Japan ring. Marufuji cleaned house on Iizuka before Shelton tagged in and sent Marufuji flying across the ring. More chaos, then Iizuka tried to choke Marufuji, but he broke free and Team NOAH took out Iizuka with a combination of kicks for the win. Afterward, Yano entered the ring to gloat about his hired guns helping him get the win over Iizuka.

WINNERS: Team Yano & NOAH at 5:08. The focus was more on Marufuji, who is great, than Yano getting revenge, but it worked fine for another short-and-sweet tag match building to the bigger matches.

4 -- SAKURABA vs. MINORU SUZUKI -- Only way to by TKO, KO, or Submission

Sakuraba went for a Sharpshooter early on, drawing oohs from the crowd going for a big submission one minute in. Suzuki, who has aged significantly facially, made his way to the ropes for a break, but they remained tangled in the ropes. A big slap-fest broke out, sending the ringside cameraman scurrying to get a good shot of the exchange. On the outside, the two fighters moved to the long entrance ramp, where they exchanged kicks until Sakuraba dragged Suzuki to the ground to apply a keylock submission. The ref reprimanded Sakuraba for not keeping the fight in the ring, then sent Sakuraba back to the ring as Suzuki recovered on the ramp.

Suzuki eventually limped down to the ring, where Sakuraba lit him up with kick strikes. Suzuki slumped over in the ring, so the ref applied a ten count as the crowd screamed for him to keep fighting. Suzuki reached his feet and tried to fight back with open-hand slaps using his one good arm. Sakuraba shook him off and slapped on a submission. Suzuki tried to reverse, but Sakuraba re-applied the submission. Suzuki reached the ropes for a break, though.

More punishment to Suzuki, who answered the ref's ten count by standing to his feet and no-selling Sakuraba's latest round of kicks. Suzuki tried to hold on before firing off two slaps and a running kick to the face. Suzuki then slapped on a rear-naked choke. Sakuraba initially refused to give up, but the ref stopped the match when Sakuraba faded out in the hold.

Afterward, both men recovered from the battle. Sakuraba then walked across the ring to shake Suzuki's hand. Suzuki, sporting an icebag over his shoulder, thought it over before giving Sakuraba a big handshake and embrace. Suzuki shared a few words with Sakuraba, who then bowed and left the ring. "They don't make them like that anymore," Ross declared on the GFW PPV broadcast.

WINNER: Suzuki via TKO at 9:23. Big win for Suzuki over Sakuraba, who was protected by dominating the match and nearly putting Suzuki away several times. Nice conclusion to the feud ending with a show of respect. (***)

5 -- NEVER champion TOMOHIRO ISHII vs. TOGI MAKABE -- NEVER Openweight Title match

The two big bulls charged and crashed into each other early on, then exchanged powerslams before coming to their feet for a standing battle. Ishii lit up Makabe with consecutive chops to the throat region, drawing concern from the referee. Makabe took a moment to recover, shook off more slaps, and rocked Ishii with his own strikes. Makabe drove Ishii to the corner, but Ishii no-sold, rocked Makabe across the ring, rocked him into the corner, and delivered a top-rope suplex.

Ishii followed with a sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Makabe came back with his own sit-out powerbomb, again for a nearfall. Makabe followed with a German Suplex with a bridge pin for a two count. The battle moved to the top rope, where Makabe managed to get Ishii on his shoulders, then Makabe kind of fell down on top of Ishii for a crash-and-burn Samoan Drop. Another nearfall.

Standing exchange. Makabe delivered a knock-down lariat, but Ishii kicked out just before three. Another big exchange, then Ishii lunged toward Makabe for a headbutt of sorts. Big running lariat, but Makabe kicked out. Ishii tried a suplex, but Makabe escaped. Enziguiri kick, but Makabe kicked out. Another lariat. Ishii tried again, but Makabe ducked and hit a Northern Lights suplex with a bridge for a two count.

Reset at 11:00 as the crowd roared in anticipation of a winner. Another big mid-ring exchange. Ishii rocked Makabe with a headbutt, but Makabe answered with one of his own. Makabe then wound up and delivered two sledgehammers, but Ishii kicked out of the pin at a one count. A lariat followed. Another nearfall. Makabe to the top rope for a diving kick to the head. One, two, three.

WINNER: Makabe at 12:23 to capture the NEVER Openweight Title. Fantastic match taking the Tokyo Dome to the next level. The match just had that feeling of Makabe winning based on how it was laid out with Makabe coming across like the dominant wrestler despite being the challenger. (****)

6 -- IWGP Jr. Hvt. champion RYSUKE TAGUCHI vs. KENNY OMEGA (w/Young Bucks) -- IWGP Jr. Hvt. Title match

Omega acted too-cool-for-school before the bell sounded, so Taguchi mocked his bad attitude and heel mannerisms once the match started. Taguchi went for an anklelock early on, but Omega escaped. Back-elbows to Omega, then Taguchi clotheslined him over the top rope to the floor. On the floor, Omega retrieved an aerosol can and sprayed Taguchi in the face when the Bucks distracted the ref. Omega went on the attack back in the ring as the Young Bucks shouted at the ref from ringside.

Omega turned into a crazyman warming up an imaginary woodchipper or an electric chainsaw, which he used to "saw" Taguchi's hair/forehead. The ref called off the imaginary yardwork, then Taguchi sent Omega crashing into the Bucks at ringside. Taguchi followed with a flip dive to all three men on the floor. Back in the ring, Taguchi delivered a springboard dropkick for a two count.

Taguchi went for the anklelock again, but broke the hold when the Bucks hit ringside again. Taguchi neutralized the Bucks, then dropped Omega for a two count. Taguchi posed, then went for a fireman's carry drop, but Omega elbowed out into a rolling German Suplex. Omega followed with a running kick strike to the head into the electric chair for a one-handed Michinoku Driver. The rapid-fire sequence was good for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Omega at 13:22 to capture the IWGP Jr. Hvt. Title. Omega's character is really out there now, but he's still really good in the ring, so this should be a good title run for Omega. (**3/4)

7 -- IWGP Hvt. tag champions BULLET CLUB ("MACHINE GUN" KARL ANDERSON & DOC GALLOWS w/Tama Tonga and Amber O'Neal) vs. SHIBATA & GOTO -- IWGP World Tag Title match

Gallows dominated Goto early on, then Shibata entered to light up Doc with kicks and strikes. Doc cut him off out of the corner, but Shibata dropkicked him across the ring. Karl Anderson entered and a two-on-two battle broke out in the ring. Goto and Shibata initially got the best of the exchange, but Bullet Club took control after the chaos extended a few more minutes. Anderson tried the Gun Stun twice on Goto, but he blocked both times, combined for a double-team with Shibata, and Doc suddenly blindsided Shibata for a two count.

More two-on-two action. Goto eventually clotheslined Doc into Shibata's arms for a rear-naked choke. Shibata released the hold, they KO'ed Karl, and Goto chucked Doc into the air for Shibata to land a PK Kick. Shibata followed with a second PK Kick to Doc, and it was good for the pin and the win. Afterward, the high school buddies sat down in the middle of the ring to pose with the belts.

WINNERS: Shibata & Goto at 9:00 flat to capture the IWGP Tag Titles. This turned Texas Tornado-style early on, but it worked to build to the moment of long-time friends Goto & Shibata working together to win the Tag Titles for the first time. 2015 should be Shibata's year and this was a good start, even if it was tag versus a spotlight singles match. (**3/4)

8 -- A.J. STYLES vs. TETSUYA NAITO -- special singles match

Styles attacked Naito as the bell sounded, then teased the Styles Clash, but Naito easily blocked. Styles knocked Naito to the floor, then tried his trademark back-flip reverse DDT on the outside, but Naito avoided, bounced onto the ring apron, and kicked Styles across the floor. Back in the ring, Naito sold a left knee injury, which Styles took advantage of.

Naito spent the rest of the match trying to shake feeling into his knee, then shaking off a potential neck injury after taking a flip-over neckbreaker that was not executed cleanly. Naito set up for a top-rope moonsault, but Styles cut him off. Styles tried the Calf Killer on the mat, but Naito held on and flung himself toward the bottom rope for a break. Styles then teased the Clash, but Naito lifted Styles in the air, ran backward to the ropes, and dumped Styles clear down to the floor. Rough landing for Styles, who sold on the floor while Naito sold the knee injury back in the ring.

Styles made it back into the ring at 19 of 20, then took a slingshot kick in the corner. Naito wanted a top-rope huracanrana, but Styles caught his legs in the air, trapped him in the Styles Clash, and delivered a top-rope Super Clash. It was actually safer-looking than his standard Clash from a standing position. Styles rolled over Naito and it was good for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Styles at 14:30. Good singles match, giving Bullet Club another win to keep things even on the night. (***)

Continued in next post...


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 9 PPV Results: 1-4-15

9 -- IWGP IC champion SHINSUKE NAKAMURA vs. KOTA IBUSHI -- IWGP Intercontinental Title match

Cue the bell, then a dramatic zoom-in from the hard camera to signify this is a big-time title match. Champ and Challenger took their time approaching the middle of the ring to engage in a sparring match not looking to make a mistake. Nice feeling-out process without ever locking up. Suddenly, the tone changed when Ibushi slapped Nakamura across the back of the head on a clean break in the ropes.

After a pause, Nakamura made a big production out of extending his hand for a clean match, but yanked in Ibushi for a clothesline. Ibushi responded by driving Nakamura to the corner and doing Nakamura's trademark corner boot stomp. Nakamura stood up, mocked Ibushi, drove him to the corner, and correctly did his boot stomp. Nakamura then took control of the match.

Nakamura played around a bit too much with Ibushi, who eventually put together enough offense to knock Nakamura to the floor. Ibushi then flew off the top rope with a big moonsault onto Nakamura on the floor. Back in the ring, Ibushi followed up with kicks and strikes. Ibushi followed with a running moonsault for a two count. More offense from Ibushi, including a springboard top-rope Frankensteiner for a close two count. Ibushi delivered a twisting corkscrew splash from a standing position, but it was also only good for a two count.

Reset, then Ibushi delivered a big kick strike to the head/neck. He followed with an elevated sit-out powerbomb, but Nakamura kicked out. Ibushi wanted a top-rope splash, but Nakamura moved and kicked Ibushi in the head for a two count. Nakamura then smacked around Ibushi with his boot, becoming overly-aggressive with Ibushi. But, Ibushi smiled and fired back with strikes. Nakamura then shoved the ref into Ibushi and slapped on an armbar submission. But, Ibushi kicked Nakamura in the face to escape. Ibushi played with Nakamura by lightly kicking the back of his head, then nailed a suplex. Ibushi got cocky by doing Nakamura's signature pose and followed with the Boma Ye strike, but Nakamura kicked out of a pin at one. Now it's on.

Nakamura fired off a round of kicks and strikes, but ran into a double foot stomp to the chest. Both men sold on the mat as the crowd roared after the latest big-time exchange. Ibushi then executed a crazy move by grasping Nakamura over the top rope for a rear-grip suplex, hoisting him over the top rope, and suplexing him back in the ring. It was only good for a two count, though. Big-time feeling here. Nakamura staggered Ibushi and came off the top with a knee to the back of the head, but Ibushi stood up, smiled, and charged Nakamura, only to take a suplex. Nakamura followed with the Boma Ye knee strike for the pin and the win.

Post-match, Nakamura posed in the ring with his belt as Ibushi recovered in the corner. Nakamura then approached Ibushi as the crowd waited to see what kind of response he would have. Nakamura gave him respect, then posed with the IWGP IC Title belt in the ring. He then took the mic to address the crowd and bond with his fans.

WINNER: Nakamura at 20:15 to retain the IWGP IC Title. That's a big-time match on a big-time stage, and Ibushi looked the part of a big-time player, no longer just a Jr. Hvt. wrestler. Meanwhile, there's Nakamura, who is, well, Nakamura. (****1/2)

10 -- IWGP World Hvt. champion HIROSHI TANAHASHI vs. 2014 G1 Climax winner "RAINMAKER" KAZUCHIKA OKADA -- IWGP World Hvt. Title match

Nice feeling-out process early on. Okada controlled Tanahashi with a side headlock, working the headlock for a good two minutes. Tanahashi eventually broke out and went to his own side headlock. Okada broke free faster, then drove Tanahashi to the corner. Neither man got control, then Okada offered a clean break, friendly pat on the chest, and suddenly a forearm strike to the face. Tanahashi did not appreciate that and the fight was on.

After winning a standing exchange, Tanahashi climbed to the top rope, but Okada charged him and uppercut Tanahashi down to the floor. On the outside, Okada clotheslined Tanahashi over the guardrail to the secondary entrance area. Okada followed with a DDT off the guardrail into the padded floor. Okada then dragged Tanahashi to the entrance ramp and teased a Tombstone, but Tanahashi blocked. Tanahashi then air-guitared down the entrance ramp, ran back toward Okada, and ran right into a Death Valley Driver on the ramp. That was an ill-advised air guitar.

Both men returned to the ring with Okada firmly in control of the match. Okada tried a standing splash to a prone Tanahashi, but the champ moved out of the way. Tanahashi followed with a flying forearm, then a scoopslam to set up a flip splash to Okada's mid-section for a two count. Rainmaker Pose, zoom-out, and Okada wanted to end it. But, Tanahashi ducked the Rainmaker lariat for a roll-up. Tanahashi quickly transitioned to a Dragonscrew leg whip that took out Okada's left knee.

Okada sold pain and rolled to the floor, where Tanahashi followed up with kicks and stomps. Tanahashi ducked a charging Okada, who went flying over the guardrail into the Tokyo Dome playing field. Tanahashi then climbed to the top turnbuckle, contemplated a big-time high-flying attack, and went for it, delivering a leaping High Fly Flow over the guardrail onto Okada.

Tanahashi eventually got Okada in the ring, where he wanted another High Fly Flow, but Okada stood up, rolled through a cross body-block, and wanted a Tombstone, but Tanahashi countered with his own Tombstone. Tanahashi then hit the top rope and delivered one High Fly Flow. He wanted a second, and he connected. One, two, kick-out by Okada, stunning Tanahashi. Big buzz for a kick-out there.

Tanahashi tried to figure out his next move, which was a Texas Cloverleaf, but Okada blocked. Tanahashi then did the Rainmaker Pose and went for Okada's finisher, but Okada ducked the lariat and destroyed Tanahashi with the Rainmaker, but Tanahashi kicked out. Both men sold on the mat, then barely reached their knees before a ten count. Okada delivered a big uppercut, then tried a Tombstone, but Tanahashi rolled through for a two count.

Tanahashi stood up and kicked Okada's knee, then slapped him around. Okada staggered down to the mat at Tanahashi's knees, then looked up at The Champ, who went for a big blow, but Okada ducked. Okada tried the Rainmaker, but Tanahashi ducked and hit a German Suplex for a two count. Okada answered with his own German with a bridge, but Tanahashi kicked out. Another missed Rainmaker, then Tanahashi hit another suplex for a two count.

Tanahashi stood up with a burst of energy, but ran right into Okada's amazing textbook dropkick. Big energy from Okada, who missed another Rainmaker. Tanahashi then whipped Okada's knee, then whipped it again inside the ropes. 30 minutes here. Tanahashi followed with High Fly Flow to Okada as he was hung in the ropes. Tanahashi followed with a whip, then climbed to the top rope for another High Fly Flow. Tanahashi went for a second, and he connected again. One, two, three. It's over. Tanahashi is still champion and Okada has to settle for second place to New Japan's top star. The crowd had a mixed sense of wanting to see Okada win, but also appreciating and respecting Tanahashi's greatness.

WINNER: Tanahashi at 30:59 to retain the IWGP World Hvt. Title. There's nothing better in the industry than these two on a big stage in a big-time main event. Just the world's best. (*****)


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Sorry to (possibly) break AM's post- how much was the show? I completely forgot about it, very tempted to order the replay.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
I think I am going to order the VOD replay tonight after hearing so much about the show. But damn that is a hell of a long runtime.

The show moves @ a brisk pace; they cut back on entrances this year.

Really, it felt like I was watching a great movie.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Sorry to (possibly) break AM's post- how much was the show? I completely forgot about it, very tempted to order the replay.

$35 standard, $45 HD.

Worth double that.

I voted w/ my wallet, to help ensure we get international events in the future.

Caldwell got it mostly right.

The Nakamura match was *****+
The Okada/Tanahashi match was the 1st ****** I've ever seen. Their series is even @ 3W-3L-1D.

Where do they go from here?!?

Also: TNA is run by a committee of dumbkophs. How in HELL do you have Okada in your promotion, and use him as a Kato knock off, seconding Joe, and not have him wrestling??
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formerly DZ
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
I left me wanting to see every show they announced the dates for. I'm hoping that GFW isn't its own wrestling fed, but a way for us to experience all the great organizations from around the globe with the whole thing called by some amazing US broadcasters like JR.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
This RAW is terrible.

The only good thing has been Booker T replacing King. I like King, but if he stayed away and let Booker T assume the spot permanently, I wouldn't complain.

Otherwise, this is pretty bad.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
This RAW is terrible.

The only good thing has been Booker T replacing King. I like King, but if he stayed away and let Booker T assume the spot permanently, I wouldn't complain.

Otherwise, this is pretty bad.

Brother, you neeeeeeeed to see Wrestle Kingdom 9! It is not terrible!!


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Raw was indeed terrible. I have to respectfully (sort of) disagree about Booker T, however- he's awful. Especially alongside JBL. I know part of it is the producing, but Booker goes from face to heel and back again from segment to segment so fast it makes my head spin. He also says really dumb shit all the time. Give Renee a shot, already.

One positive- Adam Rose is being established as a legit heel. I can go with him, Kidd, Cesaro as a faction.

edit: there's also the possibility, now, of a WM main of Rollins/Reigns after Rollins cashes in on the winner of the triple threat at the Rumble (he won't win, but the story would be that he cashes in on Cena or Lesnar after one pins the other after a brutal war). That would allow the 'fed to go with the original Cena/Rusev match, and, if they wanted to, Ambrose or Bryan could get thrown into the main event to guarantee proper babyface heat, and Reigns could still be anointed over the hottest heel they've got. I think it would go over better than Reigns/Cena- traditional face/heel (or throw in another hot babyface, especially if it's all three former Shield members).

Actually, given the way storylines are set up, I bet that will happen- Rollins cash-in, Reigns win over Rollins (and quite likely Ambrose) at WM. Then a Rollins/Reigns feud over the title through SummerSlam or so.
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Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
I've got TNA set to go on the DVR. If the rumors are true of them wanting to make the backstage area like a reality show, it's going to be a train wreck. I haven't watched it since they went back to the six sided ring. Which I kind of agree with some of the wrestlers it's harder to work with, but it just looks so damn cool on camera and it stands out from what anybody else is doing.

I also agree, Raw was horrible. I love Booker when he does the pre-show and pre-match interviews but as a commentator he's just the worst. Hellbook on Twitter said you could play a game of how many different ways he pronounced "Ambulance" during the Ambrose/Wyatt match. I also wish they'd stop trying to interview Roman and making him have a personality like he's his cousin. I don't get why they can have him be the strong, silent type that just comes out and wrecks shit up and speaks very little. It's amazing to see how they keep pushing him to the front and even that shitty Texas audience was booing him the whole match. If NXT wasn't worth the 10 bucks a month I would strongly consider dropping the network if they have Roman win the rumble. I really wish they'd pull a 180 and have somebody win you don't expect other then D-Bry or Roman. Last year's was fucking awful because they kept touting Batista non-stop and of course he won and people all turned on him.

With Wrestle Kingdom 9, can you get an HD Stream rental online or is it only available on cable outlets? Of course my carrier, Optimum is not one of the carriers. I was jumping at the chance to watch it in full HD glory after watching half of the shitty quality web rip somebody threw up on Dailymotion because it was SO damn good. Even the MMA fight was great too, but the upload was really choppy and froze a lot that I thought my PC was taking a shit. Hopefully GlobalForce will have a Blu-Ray of it to buy. Just having it on for the first match made me miss JR even more. He can't keep up with a lot of the quicker matches but he's still the best in the business and it was so refreshing to listen to the commentators actually call the match and not just the highlights while they plug shit and what's coming up.

Alpha Skyhawk

Windjammers Wonder
Feb 28, 2012
With Wrestle Kingdom 9, can you get an HD Stream rental online or is it only available on cable outlets? Of course my carrier, Optimum is not one of the carriers.

It was on channel 550 at 7PM last Sunday night.

It looked HD, but the aspect ratio was screwed up for the entire show. If you ever had a 4:3 SDTV which let you squish the screen for anamorphic content, imagine that being done to an already anamorphic 16:9 format video on your 16:9 TV. It was still an amazing show to watch, but it was weird.