Why haven't any of you doll fuckers started a Game of Thrones topic?


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Tyrion is a Targaryen

I don't like this theory, or the time-traveling Targ fetus theory.

But if it had to be, I would much more prefer the twins to be Targs. They are both really beautiful and both fuck each other, like Targs. In the books, Cersei has a kind of fascination with fire as well, like Aerys did. I also remember it's hinted somewhere in the books that Aerys liked Joanna (Tywin's wife) and maybe had his way with her.

I just think it would be much more poetic if it turned out that the son he hated and shunned so much was in fact his own, and the two he loved were not.

But overall I wouldn't like finding out if they were Targs, because it doesn't add so much to the story and I can't help but feel it would be really corny if they somehow discovered they were Targs. I mean, we found out that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married in such an un-grandiose manner - I guess because, if someone's only ever watched the show I would understand they still don't know who Rhaegar is. I can only imagine how we would find out the Lannister kids were Targs as well.

Also, it really sucks how Tyrion and Varys - who were such interesting characters in the first few seasons - really have no character/are useless now.

edit: also, I think Dany not heeding Tyrion's advice with Dickon and Randyll might be a set-up later, perhaps with Tyrion supporting Jon for king.

I know the show is ending and they're trying to wrap up all loose ends but man how dumb was it that Randyll - who was a Targ loyalist and fought against Robert Baratheon, and who needed hard convincing to join the Lannister side just the previous episode - didn't want to join Dany for literally no reason other than sloppy writing.

I haven't really liked this show in three years.
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Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
Episode 6 has leaked early. Its in the usual shady intarwebz locations, for those that are interested.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I don't like this theory, or the time-traveling Targ fetus theory.

But if it had to be, I would much more prefer the twins to be Targs. They are both really beautiful and both fuck each other, like Targs. In the books, Cersei has a kind of fascination with fire as well, like Aerys did. I also remember it's hinted somewhere in the books that Aerys liked Joanna (Tywin's wife) and maybe had his way with her.

I just think it would be much more poetic if it turned out that the son he hated and shunned so much was in fact his own, and the two he loved were not.

But overall I wouldn't like finding out if they were Targs, because it doesn't add so much to the story and I can't help but feel it would be really corny if they somehow discovered they were Targs. I mean, we found out that Rhaegar and Lyanna were married in such an un-grandiose manner - I guess because, if someone's only ever watched the show I would understand they still don't know who Rhaegar is. I can only imagine how we would find out the Lannister kids were Targs as well.

Also, it really sucks how Tyrion and Varys - who were such interesting characters in the first few seasons - really have no character/are useless now.

edit: also, I think Dany not heeding Tyrion's advice with Dickon and Randyll might be a set-up later, perhaps with Tyrion supporting Jon for king.

I know the show is ending and they're trying to wrap up all loose ends but man how dumb was it that Randyll - who was a Targ loyalist and fought against Robert Baratheon, and who needed hard convincing to join the Lannister side just the previous episode - didn't want to join Dany for literally no reason other than sloppy writing.

I haven't really liked this show in three years.

Randyll was a hard core westeros nationalist. His refusal to bend the knee to Denaerys was expressly because of her "savages."

Anyhow, this opens the way for Sam to become Lord Tarly, which will happen.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Anyhow, this opens the way for Sam to become Lord Tarly, which will happen.

Nah, he took the black

but, hear me out, when everything's said and done, and when Sam's an old maester with extra time, he's gonna write a book about this whole thing, and he's gonna call it...

A Song of Ice and Fire
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Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
Nah, he took the black

but, hear me out, when everything's said and done, and when Sam's an old maester with extra time, he's gonna write a book about this whole thing, and he's gonna call it...

A Song of Ice and Fire

Didn't Stannis offer to get John out of the Black? Im pretty sure whoever is king will allow Sam out of it & join Gillipidea to better serve the realm.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Nah, he took the black

but, hear me out, when everything's said and done, and when Sam's an old maester with extra time, he's gonna write a book about this whole thing, and he's gonna call it...

A Song of Ice and Fire

wait, was HBO bought by Disney? Where are you getting this?


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Theon Greyjoy will sit on the Iron Throne. He has consistently displayed the one ability that no other major character has........

Self preservation.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Theon Greyjoy will sit on the Iron Throne. He has consistently displayed the one ability that no other major character has........

Self preservation.

Self preservation is a point brought up in describing Cersei too.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Well yeah, that whole hunting group was a D&D party.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I am patiently awaiting a Taiso post about this season.

The elements that made season 1 great, which was so fresh for TV, are all gone by now.

Dude, the time jump bullshit is fucking killing me this season.

This season needed 10 episodes, if ever a season of this show did.

There is SO MUCH travelling going on in this season, and people are practically teleporting all over the place.

There is no sense of establishing pace.

Also, the entire ice lake battle was fucking stupid. They totally tease the cracking ice but when it counts, there are hundreds of zombies running everywhere recklessly, without any concern for their safety or for falling through the ice. If the ice were capable of supporting all that weight, why the fuck did they tease the ice cracking to begin with? Why the hell didn't they just run across at the start? The tension was all artificial because when it came time for the payoff, the stalling tactic was a pointless narrative conceit.

Also, I love how the Night's King just happens to have ice javelins that can kill a dragon. They're just there. I mean for fuck's sake, at least summon them with ice magic or something. Plot convenience ahoy.

And speaking of plot convenience, I love how the undead army just happened to have anchor chains fit for a man-o-war to haul the dragon's carcass out of the water.

Gendry running to Eastwatch, ravens flying to Dragonstone, Dani flying to the North and Jon Snow's adventuring party somehow enduring the cold with no heat for all that time? Suck my dick, HBO. And I don't wanna hear no 'well, dragons and zombies, yo' because fuck off if anybody thinks that's an argument. Dragons and zombies do NOT mean people, even hardened warriors, can suddenly survive the cold for that long of a stretch. That's one of the narrative elements of the North to begin with; it's a harsh environment and you have to be hearty AND intelligent to survive the elements. For fuck's sake, they didn't even stand around the dude's body when they burned it to get a little heat.

Bottom line is that this episode broke immersion all over the fucking place and was shit.

Arya and Sansa arguing and feuding is artificial drama because the show runners still think Littlefinger serves a purpose on the TV show. That character stopped mattering in the TV show a long time ago. The only reason Arya and Sansa are fighting is because the showrunners lack imagination. They've deviated so hard from the source material that they don't know how to play off the rule of unintended consequences. Based on how they've decided to evolve those characters, this should NOT be the result. Neither of them could possibly be this stupid. Also, why can't Arya tell that Sansa is telling the truth about the letter and is beinjg sincere? That's what the game of faces (or whatever) is supposed to be about.

Let me tell you what this episode was:

The showrunners, who are proving they're terrible hacks now that they don't have Martin's novels to adapt and are working off of whatever sparing cliff's notes he gave them, wanted to get this 'magnificent seven together to tidily advance or resolve subplots. Rather than killing Thoros (which they ALSO could have done), they should have had Barric tell Jon about killing the head of the snake and then, when everyone else was escaping, he foolishly tries to hold back the enemy in a desperate high risk solution of charging the Night's King, who kills him effortlessly but in doing so, gives everyone else a chance to escape. This plants the seed in Jon's head about how to solve the problem, but the means of implementing that solution are not quite so easy. Barric (and maybe Thoros) are both dead now, as those characters are essentially useless time wasters, but they helped to advance the plot by dropping knowledge dynamically.

This should have been two parts. This scenario needed to be paced way better and the action beats needed to be smarter than this. Trapping them in the middle of a sheet of ice over a lake that, in the end amounted to no real environmental challenge at all, was the wrong way to go about doing it. This episode should have ended with the group on the run from the undead army. Then the entire next episode, you move between the group moving and hiding in the North while Gendry runs back to Eastwatch, and then while ravens are flying to Dragonstone, have some character bits and so forth, then Dani gets the letter and decides to fly North to help out. Then the second of the two parter ends with the dragon getting killed and everyone gets away. The only survivors should have been Jon, Sandor and Jorah, but at least they get away with the zombie. You could argue that Tormund has a subplot to resolve with Brienne, but that's a fucking dumb subplot that doesn't matter at all, so in my edit, there is no attraction there because it doesn't matter.

This episode had a few good moments. Vyserion getting killed was, visually, a spectacle (although the circumstances leading up to it were dumb). I like seeing Jon and Dani develop a relationship but we need to see more of it. I liked Jon approaching Jorah about Longclaw because that scene sort of had to happen-if Jon didn't offer it back to Jorah, then it would have been inconsistent with his character to that point. Jorah refusing it makes all the sense in the world, given everything that's happened. The zombie bear was an unnecessary beat, but at least it was an entertaining spectacle and something we hadn't seen yet that felt organic to some degree.

Bottom line is that this is the worst episode of the entire series so far. This is the GoT equivalent of the episode where Tara gets kidnapped by the hidden village of women and children in TWD.

This was a catastrophically bad episode, one I'm fairly certain the series won't recover from. I'll go down with the ship, but I really hope Martin gets the next book out soon because without him at the helm, even with his sometimes bloated narrative wanderings, this ship is lost.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I am patiently awaiting a Taiso post about this season.

The elements that made season 1 great, which was so fresh for TV, are all gone by now.

Dude, the time jump bullshit is fucking killing me this season.

This season needed 10 episodes, if ever a season of this show did.

There is SO MUCH travelling going on in this season, and people are practically teleporting all over the place.

There is no sense of establishing pace.

Also, the entire ice lake battle was fucking stupid. They totally tease the cracking ice but when it counts, there are hundreds of zombies running everywhere recklessly, without any concern for their safety or for falling through the ice. If the ice were capable of supporting all that weight, why the fuck did they tease the ice cracking to begin with? Why the hell didn't they just run across at the start? The tension was all artificial because when it came time for the payoff, the stalling tactic was a pointless narrative conceit.

Also, I love how the Night's King just happens to have ice javelins that can kill a dragon. They're just there. I mean for fuck's sake, at least summon them with ice magic or something. Plot convenience ahoy.

And speaking of plot convenience, I love how the undead army just happened to have anchor chains fit for a man-o-war to haul the dragon's carcass out of the water.

Gendry running to Eastwatch, ravens flying to Dragonstone, Dani flying to the North and Jon Snow's adventuring party somehow enduring the cold with no heat for all that time? Suck my dick, HBO. And I don't wanna hear no 'well, dragons and zombies, yo' because fuck off if anybody thinks that's an argument. Dragons and zombies do NOT mean people, even hardened warriors, can suddenly survive the cold for that long of a stretch. That's one of the narrative elements of the North to begin with; it's a harsh environment and you have to be hearty AND intelligent to survive the elements. For fuck's sake, they didn't even stand around the dude's body when they burned it to get a little heat.

Bottom line is that this episode broke immersion all over the fucking place and was shit.

Arya and Sansa arguing and feuding is artificial drama because the show runners still think Littlefinger serves a purpose on the TV show. That character stopped mattering in the TV show a long time ago. The only reason Arya and Sansa are fighting is because the showrunners lack imagination. They've deviated so hard from the source material that they don't know how to play off the rule of unintended consequences. Based on how they've decided to evolve those characters, this should NOT be the result. Neither of them could possibly be this stupid. Also, why can't Arya tell that Sansa is telling the truth about the letter and is beinjg sincere? That's what the game of faces (or whatever) is supposed to be about.

Let me tell you what this episode was:

The showrunners, who are proving they're terrible hacks now that they don't have Martin's novels to adapt and are working off of whatever sparing cliff's notes he gave them, wanted to get this 'magnificent seven together to tidily advance or resolve subplots. Rather than killing Thoros (which they ALSO could have done), they should have had Barric tell Jon about killing the head of the snake and then, when everyone else was escaping, he foolishly tries to hold back the enemy in a desperate high risk solution of charging the Night's King, who kills him effortlessly but in doing so, gives everyone else a chance to escape. This plants the seed in Jon's head about how to solve the problem, but the means of implementing that solution are not quite so easy. Barric (and maybe Thoros) are both dead now, as those characters are essentially useless time wasters, but they helped to advance the plot by dropping knowledge dynamically.

This should have been two parts. This scenario needed to be paced way better and the action beats needed to be smarter than this. Trapping them in the middle of a sheet of ice over a lake that, in the end amounted to no real environmental challenge at all, was the wrong way to go about doing it. This episode should have ended with the group on the run from the undead army. Then the entire next episode, you move between the group moving and hiding in the North while Gendry runs back to Eastwatch, and then while ravens are flying to Dragonstone, have some character bits and so forth, then Dani gets the letter and decides to fly North to help out. Then the second of the two parter ends with the dragon getting killed and everyone gets away. The only survivors should have been Jon, Sandor and Jorah, but at least they get away with the zombie. You could argue that Tormund has a subplot to resolve with Brienne, but that's a fucking dumb subplot that doesn't matter at all, so in my edit, there is no attraction there because it doesn't matter.

This episode had a few good moments. Vyserion getting killed was, visually, a spectacle (although the circumstances leading up to it were dumb). I like seeing Jon and Dani develop a relationship but we need to see more of it. I liked Jon approaching Jorah about Longclaw because that scene sort of had to happen-if Jon didn't offer it back to Jorah, then it would have been inconsistent with his character to that point. Jorah refusing it makes all the sense in the world, given everything that's happened. The zombie bear was an unnecessary beat, but at least it was an entertaining spectacle and something we hadn't seen yet that felt organic to some degree.

Bottom line is that this is the worst episode of the entire series so far. This is the GoT equivalent of the episode where Tara gets kidnapped by the hidden village of women and children in TWD.

This was a catastrophically bad episode, one I'm fairly certain the series won't recover from. I'll go down with the ship, but I really hope Martin gets the next book out soon because without him at the helm, even with his sometimes bloated narrative wanderings, this ship is lost.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004

This was a catastrophically bad episode, one I'm fairly certain the series won't recover from. I'll go down with the ship, but I really hope Martin gets the next book out soon because without him at the helm, even with his sometimes bloated narrative wanderings, this ship is lost.

I personally believe Martin himself has no idea how to resolve the story he's created. All because he's a 'gardener' and didn't have a plan from the beginning, which lead to the Meerenese Knot and too many characters and subplots making it way too complicated to figure out. This season is, in some ways, a result of that. I think Littlefinger is getting killed this season anyway, how many episodes are left? Maybe next episode.

I want to believe Arya and Sansa are playing Littlefinger. But the writing this season is so shit, who knows.

Also nice Taiso post

Edit: been reading theories going around that Bran is the NK. Just putting that out there
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Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
Dude, the time jump bullshit is fucking killing me this season.

This season needed 10 episodes, if ever a season of this show did.

There is SO MUCH travelling going on in this season, and people are practically teleporting all over the place.

There is no sense of establishing pace.

Also, the entire ice lake battle was fucking stupid. They totally tease the cracking ice but when it counts, there are hundreds of zombies running everywhere recklessly, without any concern for their safety or for falling through the ice. If the ice were capable of supporting all that weight, why the fuck did they tease the ice cracking to begin with? Why the hell didn't they just run across at the start? The tension was all artificial because when it came time for the payoff, the stalling tactic was a pointless narrative conceit.

Also, I love how the Night's King just happens to have ice javelins that can kill a dragon. They're just there. I mean for fuck's sake, at least summon them with ice magic or something. Plot convenience ahoy.

And speaking of plot convenience, I love how the undead army just happened to have anchor chains fit for a man-o-war to haul the dragon's carcass out of the water.

Gendry running to Eastwatch, ravens flying to Dragonstone, Dani flying to the North and Jon Snow's adventuring party somehow enduring the cold with no heat for all that time? Suck my dick, HBO. And I don't wanna hear no 'well, dragons and zombies, yo' because fuck off if anybody thinks that's an argument. Dragons and zombies do NOT mean people, even hardened warriors, can suddenly survive the cold for that long of a stretch. That's one of the narrative elements of the North to begin with; it's a harsh environment and you have to be hearty AND intelligent to survive the elements. For fuck's sake, they didn't even stand around the dude's body when they burned it to get a little heat.

Bottom line is that this episode broke immersion all over the fucking place and was shit.

Arya and Sansa arguing and feuding is artificial drama because the show runners still think Littlefinger serves a purpose on the TV show. That character stopped mattering in the TV show a long time ago. The only reason Arya and Sansa are fighting is because the showrunners lack imagination. They've deviated so hard from the source material that they don't know how to play off the rule of unintended consequences. Based on how they've decided to evolve those characters, this should NOT be the result. Neither of them could possibly be this stupid. Also, why can't Arya tell that Sansa is telling the truth about the letter and is beinjg sincere? That's what the game of faces (or whatever) is supposed to be about.

Let me tell you what this episode was:

The showrunners, who are proving they're terrible hacks now that they don't have Martin's novels to adapt and are working off of whatever sparing cliff's notes he gave them, wanted to get this 'magnificent seven together to tidily advance or resolve subplots. Rather than killing Thoros (which they ALSO could have done), they should have had Barric tell Jon about killing the head of the snake and then, when everyone else was escaping, he foolishly tries to hold back the enemy in a desperate high risk solution of charging the Night's King, who kills him effortlessly but in doing so, gives everyone else a chance to escape. This plants the seed in Jon's head about how to solve the problem, but the means of implementing that solution are not quite so easy. Barric (and maybe Thoros) are both dead now, as those characters are essentially useless time wasters, but they helped to advance the plot by dropping knowledge dynamically.

This should have been two parts. This scenario needed to be paced way better and the action beats needed to be smarter than this. Trapping them in the middle of a sheet of ice over a lake that, in the end amounted to no real environmental challenge at all, was the wrong way to go about doing it. This episode should have ended with the group on the run from the undead army. Then the entire next episode, you move between the group moving and hiding in the North while Gendry runs back to Eastwatch, and then while ravens are flying to Dragonstone, have some character bits and so forth, then Dani gets the letter and decides to fly North to help out. Then the second of the two parter ends with the dragon getting killed and everyone gets away. The only survivors should have been Jon, Sandor and Jorah, but at least they get away with the zombie. You could argue that Tormund has a subplot to resolve with Brienne, but that's a fucking dumb subplot that doesn't matter at all, so in my edit, there is no attraction there because it doesn't matter.

This episode had a few good moments. Vyserion getting killed was, visually, a spectacle (although the circumstances leading up to it were dumb). I like seeing Jon and Dani develop a relationship but we need to see more of it. I liked Jon approaching Jorah about Longclaw because that scene sort of had to happen-if Jon didn't offer it back to Jorah, then it would have been inconsistent with his character to that point. Jorah refusing it makes all the sense in the world, given everything that's happened. The zombie bear was an unnecessary beat, but at least it was an entertaining spectacle and something we hadn't seen yet that felt organic to some degree.

Bottom line is that this is the worst episode of the entire series so far. This is the GoT equivalent of the episode where Tara gets kidnapped by the hidden village of women and children in TWD.

This was a catastrophically bad episode, one I'm fairly certain the series won't recover from. I'll go down with the ship, but I really hope Martin gets the next book out soon because without him at the helm, even with his sometimes bloated narrative wanderings, this ship is lost.

Im pretty sure they will recover from this episode, this is only one of the greatest show on tv ever. I agree with the Sansa & Arya subplot, doesn't make sense that they are this stupid unless Arya is playing Sansa & Littlefinger is already dead.

They shorten episodes because they probably cant afford to pay the cast, just to help with the time jumps. Maybe TV show Westeros is a lot smaller then Book Westeros.

If you want to complain about something, why didn't the Night King just javelin them all?
What the fuck is Bran doing, jerking off to his sister wedding night again.

Anyway, this episode was a bit lack luster for me too, especially since its second to the last episode. i was expecting all of them to die except for the Hound & Jon. My guess Beric will die & give the power of fire to the hound to finally get over it. Jorah will probably be the 1000 Lord Commander to honor his name/father. Tormund will make monster babies to battle against the baby white crawlers when they come of age.

Also, Clegane Bowl is happening! GET HYPE!!

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I personally believe Martin himself has no idea how to resolve the story he's created. All because he's a 'gardener' and didn't have a plan from the beginning, which lead to the Meerenese Knot and too many characters and subplots making it way too complicated to figure out. This season is, in some ways, a result of that. I think Littlefinger is getting killed this season anyway, how many episodes are left? Maybe next episode.

I want to believe Arya and Sansa are playing Littlefinger. But the writing this season is so shit, who knows.

Also nice Taiso post

Edit: been reading theories going around that Bran is the NK. Just putting that out there

It's a strong theory. Bran has already become less human. Although the fight in the cave with the wights shouldn't really happen unless the NK knows that Bran will always survive.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I personally believe Martin himself has no idea how to resolve the story he's created. All because he's a 'gardener' and didn't have a plan from the beginning, which lead to the Meerenese Knot and too many characters and subplots making it way too complicated to figure out. This season is, in some ways, a result of that. I think Littlefinger is getting killed this season anyway, how many episodes are left? Maybe next episode.

I want to believe Arya and Sansa are playing Littlefinger. But the writing this season is so shit, who knows.

Also nice Taiso post

Edit: been reading theories going around that Bran is the NK. Just putting that out there

I think Martin knew what he wanted to do with this story at the start. I think he wanted to write a story where the War of the Roses was interrupted by a zombie horde. The prophecy of the Prince that was Promised looms so large that I also believe that it guaranteed a hero would rise to lead the charge and, ultimately, win the day.

But if you read a lot of Martin's spinoff work from ASOIF, it's a lot of pseudo-historical accounts of things that happened. The guy has transformed from a fiction author into fantasy's version of history author Dan Jones. He's fascinated by all of the moving parts of medieval history and, to be fair, Westeros is a very good fantasy parallel for that sort of thing. You've got lords changing sides, plotting, forming armies, getting angry with one another, refusing marriages and cheating on each other, murder, theft and all of the other stuff that a real world's inhabitants might do in order to seize and hold power.

Martin has world built so much that he's dug himself an enormous hole now. Yes, the world is much more realistic in terms of how people act and react, but when you're committed to organically dealing with what EVERYONE is doing, you make the task that much harder.

But there IS a way out for Martin.


Mother fucker has to write. And keep writing until the story is done. Even if it takes another 10 fucking years.

Just fucking write.

Stop watching football.

Stop going to so many conventions.

Stop having blog wars with conservative authors over the Hugos.

Stop telling us how your movie theater is going.

Stop crying over the New York Giants and New York Jets on your website.

Write the goddamn story. Every day. Even if it's just 500 words or whatever.

Get the fucking thing done. Even if it's another 1 million-plus words to finish it, fucking finish it.

And don't do what the TV show is doing. Don't conveniently shorten things up because you're afraid it's going too long or because you've run out of ideas or patience or because producing it is becoming too costly. The TV show is going to limp to its finish because this episode is going to inform everything that follows: the Night's King has a dragon now, and we will always remember the fucking pathetic pacing and plotting and conveniences that led to that event.

Write the goddamn books, Martin. He started this, and he owes us a good finish at this point.

Neil Gaiman once advised frustrated fans that 'Martin is not your bitch.'

Fuck off, Neil Gaiman. Yes...we buy and read the books and we've been VERY patient to this point. Impatient, even, because now we're watching the series just to get SOME version of the story's events beyond ADWD.

We've given this lighthouse operator looking fuck enough time and patience. I think we're well within our rights to expect a satisfying conclusion at this point.

I feel the same way about Berserk, and you all know how much I love Bererk. There comes a time when it's okay to stop being magnanimous to the creator just because you love the work. These guys may not be our bitches, but by no means does that mean we should keep being theirs.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I looked into LoneSage's mention of Bran as NK, and it totally makes sense that the NK is a superwarg who can control tens of thousands of corpses, just as Bran can control 20 crows, yet most wargs can only control one animal at a time.

Makes me wonder if Bran got too powerful so the first war was to stop Bran from controlling all the humans.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Also, the entire ice lake battle was fucking stupid. They totally tease the cracking ice but when it counts, there are hundreds of zombies running everywhere recklessly, without any concern for their safety or for falling through the ice. If the ice were capable of supporting all that weight, why the fuck did they tease the ice cracking to begin with? Why the hell didn't they just run across at the start? The tension was all artificial because when it came time for the payoff, the stalling tactic was a pointless narrative conceit.

The ice on the lake started thin, which is why they made it across initially as a small party. It froze over as the evening was approaching. The heroes mentioned that while they were on the island. Throwing the rock was also showing the ice had then frozen over as they waited there.