new 3DO ODE; fix your broken cd rom 3DOs


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
I really don't understand the recent resurgence and interest in collecting these failures. 3DO, CD-I, Jaguar and a few others seem to be pretty hot right now with the trendy retro goobers. I can't for the life of me figure out why. It sure as hell isn't nostalgia, no-one played these pieces of shit back in the day and those that did don't have fond memories of them. Hell, I owned a 3DO when it came out and it was just awful. People are dropping serious money on some of this stuff. It's one thing to drop a few bucks on a crappy SNES game, it's a whole other to drop several hundred on literally some of the worst games ever made, from easily the worst period in gaming, there are no hidden gems. It's all Jank-ass FMV garbage, digitized sprites and interactive music videos. Even the "good" games are terrible... it's all shit. The whole retro collecting scene now is like some sort of fucked up funhouse mirror version of what it used to be.

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
It's the belief they are unearthing some sort of hidden gems from the millennial folk.

I sorta get it. It's a fascination with paths not taken in history - 3DO, Jaguar even the Sega Saturn are almost unheard of today. It's probably fun for a whole 30 minutes to see how these pieces of shit (excluding the Saturn, which has some good games) look for the lucky buggers that were too young to experience them first time round.

I even did it myself in the early 2000s and picked up a CD-i pre-youtube so I had no real idea what I was getting into. It was shit, but I kept it for a couple of years as a Video CD player before then selling it all for about what I paid for it on eBay.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
It's the belief they are unearthing some sort of hidden gems from the millennial folk.

I sorta get it. It's a fascination with paths not taken in history - 3DO, Jaguar even the Sega Saturn are almost unheard of today. It's probably fun for a whole 30 minutes to see how these pieces of shit (excluding the Saturn, which has some good games) look for the lucky buggers that were too young to experience them first time round.

I even did it myself in the early 2000s and picked up a CD-i pre-youtube so I had no real idea what I was getting into. It was shit, but I kept it for a couple of years as a Video CD player before then selling it all for about what I paid for it on eBay.

Also, I don't know that some of these millennial folk actually understand what makes a game good or not a lot of the time. If it has good art or something, they can't tell that the game sucks ass.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Also, I don't know that some of these millennial folk actually understand what makes a game good or not a lot of the time. If it has good art or something, they can't tell that the game sucks ass.
I think this is more true than we might think. I mean anyone can look these games up on YT and see that they are mostly unplayable shit. If that's not enough it's easy to actually play most of these with emulation or ports. They either honestly can't tell the difference between a turd and a piece of chocolate or they are actually just collecting meme level trash for e-points with other idiots.

I can't even imagine spending $1400 dollars on a 3DO game and under any circumstance convincing myself that it was worth it.


Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
I really don't understand the recent resurgence and interest in collecting these failures. 3DO, CD-I, Jaguar and a few others seem to be pretty hot right now with the trendy retro goobers. I can't for the life of me figure out why. It sure as hell isn't nostalgia, no-one played these pieces of shit back in the day and those that did don't have fond memories of them. Hell, I owned a 3DO when it came out and it was just awful. People are dropping serious money on some of this stuff. It's one thing to drop a few bucks on a crappy SNES game, it's a whole other to drop several hundred on literally some of the worst games ever made, from easily the worst period in gaming, there are no hidden gems. It's all Jank-ass FMV garbage, digitized sprites and interactive music videos. Even the "good" games are terrible... it's all shit. The whole retro collecting scene now is like some sort of fucked up funhouse mirror version of what it used to be.
Now that’s just not true

I had a launch 3DO and quite enjoyed it. There is plenty of fun to be had. Hell Killing Time is one of my fav games of all time.

Is anyone saying the 3DO wins that generation? No. But there is still value in it. I’ve owned one for a couple decades now and have a decent library. It’s fun.

Do I think people should be dropping wild money on rare 3DO stuff that’s not fun? Fuck no. I certainly don’t do it and wouldn’t advocate for it.

But there is an active fan base that enjoys it


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
I had a 3do at launch as well and enjoyed and continued to play it even after I got later consoles like n64, PlayStation etc.

But I have zero desire to play one in 2023.



Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
But I have zero desire to play one in 2023.

Exactly. It was neat when I was 12 and didn't know any better and we were all dazzled by garbage FMV and digitized shlock. It was all but forgotten the minute I got a PS1.

Playing Demolition Man and PO'ed isn't my definition of fun as a 40 year old.


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
I had a 3DO.
Strong emphasis on had.
It sucked and to this day feel bad I owned it.


Morden's Lackey
10 Year Member
Oct 4, 2011
I still find the 3DOs versions of D and Night Trap to be the best versions of those games, both of which are great/oddball games imo. I love their light gun games too, like all the American Laser shit. I picked up a Goldstar a few years ago and it sees a lot of play when my friends come over due to the lightgun games/trying to get a perfect score in Night Trap. Ill have to check out return fire, id seen it before but never given it a second look. Id love to have a good two player game for that system.
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Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
I still find the 3DOs versions of D and Night Trap to be the best versions of those games, both of which are great/oddball games imo. I love their light gun games too, like all the American Laser shit. I picked up a Goldstar a few years ago and it sees a lot of play when my friends come over due to the lighten games/trying to get a perfect score in Night Trap. Ill have to check out return fire, id seen it before but never given it a second look. Id love to have a good two player game for that system.
D's Diner: Director's Cut on 3DO is the quintessential release of the game


Morden's Lackey
10 Year Member
Oct 4, 2011
D's Diner: Director's Cut on 3DO is the quintessential release of the game

Did we get the Ds Diner over here? I remember seeing something about that only beings Japanese release? (And did it also come out on the Saturn over there?)


Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
Did we get the Ds Diner over here? I remember seeing something about that only beings Japanese release? (And did it also come out on the Saturn over there?)
exclusive Japanese but the game has so little written language honestly it's not bad


Stakes Winner 2
15 Year Member
Jul 18, 2008

Is it advisable to play the first game before, or does it not really matter?
The first game doesn't have a story mode. Any lore about the alien races I think was just a bit of background in the manual and SC2 paints the picture of most of that through the dialog with the races.


Belnar Institute Student
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
I recommend crash n burn. It's driving gameplay was limited, in fact it feels like a 2d driving game. Some people think it is merely a fmv game like megarace, but in fact it is not. It is genuinely rendering polygons and has an insane draw distance for the era due to an interesting technique the developers used. The tracks are pretty wild, much larger than those on driving games of the same era. And the cars are neat, some of them give off a batmobile vibe. Music is cool too. Wish it had a PlayStation or Saturn port so I could play it more easily.


Ikari Warrior
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
Oh this is a new one?
A guy in Russia made one quite awhile ago but it's always sold out and he wants to be paid in bitcoin.
Ahh $250, around the same price as the other one.
At least it appears he has some for sale.

Screw it I think I'm going to sell my 3DO and put the money towards a Saturn ODE device.
I've pretty much played everything on it but there's a whole world of unplayed stuff on the Saturn for me.
I got the Saturn at end of life as well and games were always expensive for it, so I've had maybe a dozen games for it.

Now watch I'll have some sort of derpression after it's gone even though I have touch it in over a year and a half.
Like Turbo Grafx, I don't really even like it that much but I always have some sort of compulsive feeling that I need one.
I'm a couple years now Turbo/PC engine free and doing just fine, at least as far as that goes.

So wait, do you you have to take the top off to get acess to the SD card?
The Russian version puts it all the way in the front and he sells a cover with a USB slot on it.
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Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
Oh this is a new one?
A guy in Russia made one quite awhile ago but it's always sold out and he wants to be paid in bitcoin.
Ahh $250, around the same price as the other one.
At least it appears he has some for sale.

Screw it I think I'm going to sell my 3DO and put the money towards a Saturn ODE device.
I've pretty much played everything on it but there's a whole world of unplayed stuff on the Saturn for me.
I got the Saturn at end of life as well and games were always expensive for it, so I've had maybe a dozen games for it.

Now watch I'll have some sort of derpression after it's gone even though I have touch it in over a year and a half.
Like Turbo Grafx, I don't really even like it that much but I always have some sort of compulsive feeling that I need one.
I'm a couple years now Turbo/PC engine free and doing just fine, at least as far as that goes.

So wait, do you you have to take the top off to get acess to the SD card?
The Russian version puts it all the way in the front and he sells a cover with a USB slot on it.
There is an external ODE if you don’t want to go internal. I have that one too. Someone is making a bracket to extend the card but I just slammed a 1TB card full and entombed it


New Challenger
Jul 26, 2015

because damn it 3DO doesn't suck. Dont believe the internet

Compared to the Amiga CD32 and the CD-i the 3DO was a masterpiece..

What boggles my damn mind is the people who spend heaps of cash on garbage.. If you’re gonna buy expensive games, at least buy good expensive games..


20 Year Member
Mar 9, 2001
Also, I don't know that some of these millennial folk actually understand what makes a game good or not a lot of the time. If it has good art or something, they can't tell that the game sucks ass.

You just described the current state of "video game journalism" perfectly.