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    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to SouthtownKid's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with Like Like.
      There is no such thing as actual communism once you involve more than 20 or so people. If you and 19 other people survive a plane...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to roker's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with keke keke.
      Story time: I once dated this crazy chick from this trashy little lake town in Michigan. She once did backup vocals on a ICP track or...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to basic's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with sweaty sweaty.
      my opinion, internally, has always been that blacks are more aligned with trump than many white, even black, people realize. the moment...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to kernow's post in the thread I just goobed to the max! with kernow kernow.
      I turn it on to update it
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to Stinky-Dinkins's post in the thread Happy birthday Stinky-Dinkins with sweaty sweaty.
      Hold on a second, nobody move. It's not my birthday, not even close, and I wish I was fucking 32. When I was banned they changed all my...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to Lagduf's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with Like Like.
      The best the Democrats could in 2016 was Hillary, followed by Biden in 2020, and now Biden again in 2024? I suppose my point was: who...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to famicommander's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with sweaty sweaty.
      The fact that it's 8 years later and Democrats are still talking about Sanders, the only living human being on earth older than Joe...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to basic's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with sweaty sweaty.
      it is if you really think trump legitimately threatens democracy. mass pearl clutching.
    • Xavier
      Xavier replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      He's not going to be 48, all he eats is fast food His heart beats KFC grease, it's a miracle he's lived this long He's got some sort of...
    • Xavier
      Xavier reacted to SouthtownKid's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with sweaty sweaty.
      But it is an existential crisis. We've had increasingly frequent and irrefutable evidence of Biden's diminishing mental faculties over...
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