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    • famicommander
      famicommander reacted to Takumaji's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with fedora fedora.
      :sweaty: Calm down, fami, I obviously wasn't being serious.
    • famicommander
      famicommander replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      And? They were still people. That's a fact about them that all other people share in common, therefore nobody should be qualified to be...
    • famicommander
      famicommander reacted to Takumaji's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with koala koala.
      In recent years, a woman in charge almost ruined Germany and brought us more problems than anyone could handle. So take heed, America...
    • famicommander
      famicommander replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      Hitler was a person. So was Stalin. We should take heed before electing more people.
    • famicommander
      famicommander replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      Like I said, by percentage he did marginally better than other losers like Mitt Romney and John Kerry. The Democrats just opposed him...
    • famicommander
      famicommander replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      He lost a straight up popularity contest with both Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. Two candidates nobody liked to begin with. The...
    • famicommander
      famicommander replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      The population of the country just keeps growing. Most elections are going to set records. He lost the popular vote in 2016 to someone...
    • famicommander
      famicommander replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      Trump ran for president in 2000 as a Reform Party candidate, trying to be the next Ross Perot. He didn't get a ton of support so he quit...
    • famicommander
      famicommander replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      I think they were counting on Biden to go down swinging and for the Democrats to be their typical indecisive selves, fight it out until...
    • famicommander
      famicommander replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      Tulsi Gabbard is another person with her faculties under her control. The bar here is lower than you can possibly imagine. This is not...
    • famicommander
      famicommander replied to the thread Tonight’s debate.
      I wouldn't debate her either if I were Trump. His performance at the Biden debate was unhinged and rambling (even by his own standards)...
    • famicommander
      You joke, but that would actually be much more interesting than this. I can see the appeal of getting a game running on vastly inferior...
    • famicommander
      famicommander reacted to Stinky-Dinkins's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with kernow kernow.
      I’ve never pissed in a sink Sage but I have been loaded enough to piss into a cat’s litterbox at my buddy’s house, or so I’m told.
    • famicommander
      famicommander reacted to gargoyle7's post in the thread NEW Neo Geo Ports To Sega Genesis with kernow kernow.
    • famicommander
      famicommander reacted to Bennett's post in the thread NEW Neo Geo Ports To Sega Genesis with Like Like.
      A fuckin' John Handcock video? Nope, not clicking that.
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