Neo Alec
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    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to Takumaji's post in the thread Why Sony, why? with Like Like.
      $700 won't get you a state-of-the-art gaming PC but it's still a lot of money for an elaborate toy. I can't tell whether the high cost...
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to BeefJerky's post in the thread Post Your Recent Purchases! with Like Like.
      Summer is pretty much over. These are all muh sc00pz from the season. Homecarts (a few cheapos not pictured): MVS: And last but not...
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to kernow's post in the thread Why Sony, why? with keke keke.
      .. $299 actually
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to Yoshi's post in the thread Why Sony, why? with Like Like.
      The Saturn was $400. The PlayStation undercut it at $300.
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to zouzzz's post in the thread All updates for NGDevTeam games with Like Like.
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to kernow's post in the thread Why Sony, why? with Like Like.
      It's had a price increase in a lot of places
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to fake's post in the thread Why Sony, why? with Like Like.
      It hasn’t. That was the whole point of my post pages back and people were derping over it. This is the longest a PS console has gone...
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to kernow's post in the thread Why Sony, why? with Like Like.
      People saying $700 is crazy for something they'd build for the same performance for $1200+ Even said they'd spend that 700 on a single...
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec replied to the thread Why Sony, why?.
      The whole thing is a misstep. No one asked for it. But now that it's out, I don't really get people trying to cancel it. Journalists who...
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to yagamikun's post in the thread Why Sony, why? with Like Like.
      Been busy this week and missed much of this conversation. On topic - I don't think that $700 is unreasonable for a "premium" console...
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec replied to the thread Why Sony, why?.
      No, I always buy mid tier gaming PC's for my main PC, and unfortunately this is what my experience has been. The GPU is usually the...
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to yagamikun's post in the thread Why Sony, why? with Like Like.
      I'm guessing your GPU and Mobo are out of date in your PC-88? :timid: I think PC is a great use case - especially for an all-in-one...
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec replied to the thread Why Sony, why?.
      Because the GPU will break in three years. Then it will be outdated so it will be time to upgrade. But no one upgrades because you're...
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to kernow's post in the thread Why Sony, why? with Like Like.
      What pc you building for that money? I've paid more for shirts I swear you guys forget what forum you're on sometimes
    • Neo Alec
      Neo Alec reacted to basic's post in the thread Tonight’s debate with Like Like.
      don't do it. when I went there in 2017 or whatever, a couple friend went. they said it was super gamey and oily and got sick after. do...
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