2021 Halloween plans


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
I'd rather he fixate on me than imaginary illegals in his barn. Or maybe he already ordered something off the tv to keep them away.

We should review the time he makes his posts. Some of the early onset Alzheimer’s or Dementia types only manifest in the early evening while the person is otherwise lucid prior to that during daylight hours.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
No visible cleavage at work?

Wtf that’s like one of the best perks.
You've got to remember that women live longer than men. 90%+ of my coworkers and the residents are women and have no interest in staring at the valleys between each other's tits. Plus it's unprofessional or some other anti-moe bullshit lie.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
The other thing with dressing up for work at my job is you can't be too scary either. For example, some of the residents with dementia believe that their baby dolls are real babies and stuffed animals are living pets, and behave accordingly, so, waltzing in as Freddie Krueger probably wouldn't end well.

I know this is a frightening photo, but, bear with me.
This is how I dressed up recently for work on our Hawaiian Day. Black wig, Hawaiian shirt, and a Precious Moments Hawaiian hula girl doll strapped to my chest (which I gave to one of the female residents, at the end of my shift, because she wanted it). It's absurd/silly, but most of the residents, and my co-workers, got a kick out of it. However, one of the elderly women is also secretly a NG.com member and gravely informed me that: "You look gay. YOU LOOK GAY!" 😂
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Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
It's Sunday so I'm off, but the fiance is having foot surgery that week prior so we'll be home either gaming on some scary games or watching some scary movies


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
Well, shit, Wasabi was right after all. I just got back from the thrift store and bought a dress, bra (34B if you must know), 2 wigs (black & red), 2 necklaces, 3 pairs of clip-on earrings, and 2 bunny ear headbands. Didn't get any panties, I draw the line there. The biggest women's shoes they had were 10s, but, those were still too tight to even get on my feet (I talked to my boss about it at the register and she said I'd probably need 12s or 13s.) Might add a purse later too. I don't know about makeup. Lipstick would be pointless, because I have to wear a face mask, and I know, from observing women put on both lipstick and masks, it comes off and stains the material. I might do eye shadow or paint my nails though. I promise I'll share a photo of my shame Halloween time.

Now, the important question, what should I stuff my bra with? I'm thinking water balloons. LEGOs are too noisy and would hurt. I also wonder how many of my female co-workers are going to grope my pseudo tits...

Also, watch for the exciting early November thread about the horrible nipple rash I get from wearing a secondhand bra and not washing it first.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
Nope, sticking with my normal boxers. Might buy some leggings to wear under the dress to keep my legs warm though, sometimes we get snow that early in the year. That way, I wouldn't have to shave my legs either.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
Oh man, my boss tried to unknowingly sabotage my Halloween crossdressing plans the other day. One of my other co-workers thinks that we should all dress like bingo daubers (because we have bingo every fooking day at the nursing home, sometimes twice a day, I shit you not. The elderly REALLY like bingo, like more than Bojangles likes Cyber Lip.)

M: Um, I kind of already got a costume.
M's Boss: What are you dressing up as?
M: It's a surprise.
M's Boss: I won't get to see it, you better take pictures! (She goes home at 1-2, my shift starts at 4:30 that day).
M: (Nonchalantly stuffing his bra with Kleenex) Will do.


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
Drink in the front yard, give candy to kids, eat one piece for every five I give out.


Pao Pao Cafe Waiter
Oct 31, 2016
Drink in the front yard, give candy to kids, eat one piece for every five I give out.
About how many kids trick-or-treat at your house?

The last two years have been totally dead on my block. Maybe a dozen or so groups of people.


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
About how many kids trick-or-treat at your house?

The last two years have been totally dead on my block. Maybe a dozen or so groups of people.

New neighborhood this year, so we will see.

Last place sounds like it was about the same as yours. Enough to buy candy, usually not enough to not end up with a big pile of leftover candy.


Is he greater than XD Master?
10 Year Member
Sep 5, 2009
I dunno yet. Probably something simple/light, because that place is a sauna (even long sleeved shirts, in the winter, make you sweat--the heat is usually set high because the elderly tend to always be cold, even in the summer) and residents like to grab things. Last year, I just wore a Hawaiian shirt and a wig with devil horns--Satan on vacation I guess. Having to wear masks and possibly goggles/face shields puts a damper on things too.

There's a dress code at work as well (no visible cleavage, exposed belly, short shorts, etc.), Wasabi, so, slutty nurse is out. I've seen a resident tear into a CNA when her ass crack showed when she bent over.
Go as the gimp from Pulp Fiction.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Well, shit, Wasabi was right after all. I just got back from the thrift store and bought a dress, bra (34B if you must know), 2 wigs (black & red), 2 necklaces, 3 pairs of clip-on earrings, and 2 bunny ear headbands. Didn't get any panties, I draw the line there. The biggest women's shoes they had were 10s, but, those were still too tight to even get on my feet (I talked to my boss about it at the register and she said I'd probably need 12s or 13s.) Might add a purse later too. I don't know about makeup. Lipstick would be pointless, because I have to wear a face mask, and I know, from observing women put on both lipstick and masks, it comes off and stains the material. I might do eye shadow or paint my nails though. I promise I'll share a photo of my shame Halloween time.

Now, the important question, what should I stuff my bra with? I'm thinking water balloons. LEGOs are too noisy and would hurt. I also wonder how many of my female co-workers are going to grope my pseudo tits...

Also, watch for the exciting early November thread about the horrible nipple rash I get from wearing a secondhand bra and not washing it first.
Dude, at this point if you don’t start serial killing people, someone might kill you. This is tragic.


Robot Master., Master Tasuke, Eat Your, Heart Out
10 Year Member
Secret Santa Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
80's Horror films , A classic like Frankenstein or The Mummy, dinner, Bed.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
I'll be working. But hopefully will turn on the Wii and run through Super Castlevania IV sometime this week.

Had my first Halloween class today and man the kids loved it. Was glad to bring some new happiness to them. I have lots of masks and everyone gets a piece of candy playing a trick or treat game.

PS - is it normal for girlfriends to not watch scary movies.