BBH on Retronauts podcast,Metal Slug retrospective


Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
It really is a mystery as to why I kinda stopped posting on this forum.

While this for sure is a forum filled to the rafters with antagonistic assholes…I don’t think that’s the issue in this case. Lots of people hate gamer podcasts. One of my best friends is a somewhat well known video game podcaster and he knows I never listen and he understands completely. He wouldn’t listen to it either. The shit is torture…


Hi, I'm Gmegbln
10 Year Member
Apr 4, 2010
Highly recommend Retronauts, especially Bob Mackey episodes - the amount of research done on the development of some games is outstanding.

@BBH - really cool to see you popping up! Working through my podcast backlog so haven't got to it yet but looking forward to hearing what you say about Metal Slug 3 :keke:


back to basics
15 Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
While this for sure is a forum filled to the rafters with antagonistic assholes…I don’t think that’s the issue in this case. Lots of people hate gamer podcasts. One of my best friends is a somewhat well known video game podcaster and he knows I never listen and he understands completely. He wouldn’t listen to it either. The shit is torture…
hey, fuck you too my guy


1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
Dont get your knickers in a twist princess.

You decided to take some time to post about how my involvement in a podcast is the "sonic equivalent of a room full of farts". Is this bitching just for the sake of being a whiny bitch? I don't recall having any beef with you, but maybe I pissed you off in some other way.

While this for sure is a forum filled to the rafters with antagonistic assholes…I don’t think that’s the issue in this case. Lots of people hate gamer podcasts. One of my best friends is a somewhat well known video game podcaster and he knows I never listen and he understands completely. He wouldn’t listen to it either. The shit is torture…

I totally get why people wouldn't want to listen to them but you can just say "yeah that's not my thing" and not liken it to torture.

@BBH - really cool to see you popping up! Working through my podcast backlog so haven't got to it yet but looking forward to hearing what you say about Metal Slug 3 :keke:

I'm surprised I haven't gotten more hate from MS3 fans.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
The problem with a lot of these podcasts is that they're maxed out to the geek, and they're just not engaging enough.

It's difficult for me to listen to many for the same reason I have trouble with many YouTubers - they've had zero media training and it just sounds like amateur hour. But that's just me, and I come from a broadcasting background where the standards are set very high.

I find BBH quite entertaining... but that Stuart guy - he may be a good writer / cartoonist - he does not have a voice or personality for broadcast media, at all.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
You decided to take some time to post about how my involvement in a podcast is the "sonic equivalent of a room full of farts". Is this bitching just for the sake of being a whiny bitch? I don't recall having any beef with you, but maybe I pissed you off in some other way.
Not your involvement specifically, in fact not at all but alright Mr. Ego.
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Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Retronauts is one of those podcasts I listen to only when they're talking about something that interests me. Some of the regulars are just insufferable. Good to hear you on there keeping them in line, BBH.


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Yeah lach said you got involved with a room of farts. Not your addition made it that way.


Fio's Quartermaster
20 Year Member
Jan 21, 2004
Retronauts is one of those podcasts I listen to only when they're talking about something that interests me. Some of the regulars are just insufferable.

The 1UP days were great, I have dozens of those saved and can still get some enjoyment out of listening to them to this day. Some of their episodes ranged from wet farts (the SMS one where nobody knew anything) to fantastic (the Tengen one).

While I admire Jeremy's determination to keep it going through several iterations, I haven't bothered listening in several years. Once the main contributors started using it as a platform for personal politics I tuned out.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
I don't even know what this podcast is, I just thought a bunch of guys babbling about the history of metal slug was stuffy, ie. Room full of farts.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Careful Lach... next you'll be inferring that Mercs > Shock Troopers... and that will upset him.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Not that you give a shit lach but...

The podcast is generally an in-depth discussion about a game/series of games by a panel of game journalists/hangers-on. There's a usual group of 5 or 6 people that cycle in and out as they're available and then they'll sometimes bring in people who have expertise on the topic (like BBH was brought in to talk about Slug). It's been around for like a decade-plus and Jeremy Parish (formerly of 1up, RPGamer? and the NES Works Youtube series) is the main host.

When they have people on who know what they're talking about, it can be fun as those people can fill in a lot of fine details about a game you may not know a lot about and Jeremy is generally very knowledgeable about old games (his Youtube series is more or less a series of mini-documentaries about every game release for a platform that dive deep in to subjects). However, a lot of the other regulars are your typical 21st century game journalism nonces who make everything about identity politics (of the "this 30-year-old game has problematic representations of <insert marginalized group here>" and "cleavage = bad" variety) and rarely have more than a surface-level knowledge of anything they're talking about beyond their personal experiences playing something. Eventually, you get tired of a bunch of halfwit liberal arts majors who are supposed to be talking about Rambo for the NES regurgitating their identity talking points no matter how much of their worldview you would probably agree with in a bubble. Shit's exhausting when the remainder of the show is generally pretty light and breezy and not super fart-sniffy.
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20 Year Member
Nov 27, 2002
I actually listened to this while in the basement the last week, what did I have to loose? Had it on while I worked. BBH seemed just as I imagined him, knowledgeable. That Brit who kept saying the different catch phrases was getting on my nerves though.


margarine sandwich
15 Year Member
Oct 25, 2007
I agree with what was said for most of the Neo Geo Slugs, except maybe Slug 5.
2 is better than X, as the slowdown (and other factors) make it easier to 1CC. IMO a good arcade game has a reasonable prospect to 1CC it (except scrolling beat-em-ups), which isn't really the case for Slug 3.
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Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
Not that you give a shit lach but...

The podcast is generally an in-depth discussion about a game/series of games by a panel of game journalists/hangers-on. There's a usual group of 5 or 6 people that cycle in and out as they're available and then they'll sometimes bring in people who have expertise on the topic (like BBH was brought in to talk about Slug). It's been around for like a decade-plus and Jeremy Parish (formerly of 1up, RPGamer? and the NES Works Youtube series) is the main host.

When they have people on who know what they're talking about, it can be fun as those people can fill in a lot of fine details about a game you may not know a lot about and Jeremy is generally very knowledgeable about old games (his Youtube series is more or less a series of mini-documentaries about every game release for a platform that dive deep in to subjects). However, a lot of the other regulars are your typical 21st century game journalism nonces who make everything about identity politics (of the "this 30-year-old game has problematic representations of <insert marginalized group here>" and "cleavage = bad" variety) and rarely have more than a surface-level knowledge of anything they're talking about beyond their personal experiences playing something. Eventually, you get tired of a bunch of halfwit liberal arts majors who are supposed to be talking about Rambo for the NES regurgitating their identity talking points no matter how much of their worldview you would probably agree with in a bubble. Shit's exhausting when the remainder of the show is generally pretty light and breezy and not super fart-sniffy.

Dang. That’s was…accurate.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Retronauts is the only gaming podcast I've ever listened to more than one episode of. The knowledge shared in the original run was pretty outstanding. I've listened here and there to episodes after the 1Up era, but will try to jump back in.