Dion Dakis unloading NGF AES games on eBay


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dion’s time has come and gone, now that lowly 8-bit Nintendo carts (albeit, VGA graded cabonite sealed fuckery) have entered big-tymer price points.

He’s worse than a has-been...he is a never-was.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
No, it's not the same really. For we are on the Internet, thus I seriously think it's mentally hygienic to always speak out of real and personal experience.

there is a mutual expression of respect in two people who have something to gain of the other, I guess.


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
Dude looks straight up like 85% of the guys I've seen at swingers clubs here in Vegas. Older guys who either have money, or pretend to have money in hopes of nailing the hot, young chicks.

I bet he's got VIP membership at the Green Door.



Friend me on Facebook!,
20 Year Member
Aug 13, 2001
Dion looks like a cheap boss from a 3rd tier Data East fighter.


King of Typists,
20 Year Member
Jan 4, 2002
there is a mutual expression of respect in two people who have something to gain of the other, I guess.

Your guess, or better said "assumption", it's just plain wrong and malevolent in a not even subtle way. Can't figure out you own interest in taking such a stance but what can I know.


Leona's Therapist
Feb 10, 2016
Your guess, or better said "assumption", it's just plain wrong and malevolent in a not even subtle way. Can't figure out you own interest in taking such a stance but what can I know.
And you’ve been around the community for so long that you should know the overall stance on Dion AND Chris. Seriously, you can’t be surprised at Wasabi’s response.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Your guess, or better said "assumption", it's just plain wrong and malevolent in a not even subtle way. Can't figure out you own interest in taking such a stance but what can I know.

My interest is because you're a good guy, and maybe you hope he can help you with your collection. Maybe that's what you have to gain. But what can he gain from you? If it's anything like the other people who have done business with him, it will be malevolent. You're playing with fire.

In fact, the best way to judge a person is by how they treat people with whom they have nothing to gain. But you know, he fucked over other people and not you, so great guy... for now.


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Your guess, or better said "assumption", it's just plain wrong and malevolent in a not even subtle way. Can't figure out you own interest in taking such a stance but what can I know.

He's not wrong. You're just in denial. Chris is still a shitty person for what he's done with this hobby.

You've always been like this with Chris even tho you're 100% aware of what he's endorsed to what dion's actions have created.

You can say he's a nice guy all you want but there are people who he's fucked over by just him parroting the same shit dion did over the years.
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They call him Mr. Windy
15 Year Member
Sep 29, 2007
Wow Shito dancing around the truth.

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King of Typists,
20 Year Member
Jan 4, 2002
My interest is because you're a good guy, and maybe you hope he can help you with your collection. Maybe that's what you have to gain. But what can he gain from you? If it's anything like the other people who have done business with him, it will be malevolent. You're playing with fire.

My collection is completed since 15 years now. And by saying "completed" I don't mean just "complete". I have nothing to buy, nothing to sell. So I'm not playing with anything really, not playing at all, just voicing my honest and strictly personal opinion out of my honest and strictly personal (individual) experience. That should be taken for what it is and nothing more. :-)

In fact, the best way to judge a person is by how they treat people with whom they have nothing to gain. But you know, he fucked over other people and not you, so great guy... for now.

That's not the way I think. As a matter of fact, I am no judge nor jury, you know. I'm not here to give anything like a judgment on anyone, I'm not in the position to do so. What I know for sure, is what I lived myself. That's what any man is supposed to be sure of in life: his own experience. So I dealt twice with Chris Ray, the first deal was a simple purchase of some carts back in the early years 2k. Deal when perfectly smooth, and all ok. Second time, few years later, I bought two little SNK-related goods from him. He was nice enough to send me a PACKLOAD of original SNK materials just for me so see and enjoy, I mean original materials coming for the NeoGeoFreak (original Japanese mag) buyout. Both digital and paperworks, unique items he sent to me out of his own good will, for no charge at all, asking NOTHING in return, just for the pure personal pleasure of sharing the good with another passionate NeoGeo lover he considered myself to be. He never ever asked me anything, anything for that. Not a penny, not a word of public recognition or feedback, nothing at all.

This is the very first time I ever write a line about the whole thing you know. And we (me and him) where not like best friend of anything.

So, what can I say? He has proved to be an amazing guy and super kind and gentle person to me. That's a fact, just fact. I cannot speak myself for what I READ about him. >My experience is worth to the reader as anyone else experience, right? but to me, any reported experience is what is called a "second degree evidence". And I'm pretty sure you're very familiar with that is called "evidence source exegesis" in court. :-)
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Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 18, 2004
I heard once that Chuck Norris touched a broken calculator and turned it into a Neo-Geo.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
My collection is completed since 15 years now. And by saying "completed" I don't mean just "complete". I have nothing to buy, nothing to sell. So I'm not playing with anything really, not playing at all, just voicing my honest and strictly personal opinion out of my honest and strictly personal (individual) experience. That should be taken for what it is and nothing more. :-)

That's not the way I think. As a matter of fact, I am no judge nor jury, you know. I'm not here to give anything like a judgment on anyone, I'm not in the position to do so. What I know for sure, is what I lived myself. That's what any man is supposed to be sure of in life: his own experience. So I dealt twice with Chris Ray, the first deal was a simple purchase of some carts back in the early years 2k. Deal when perfectly smooth, and all ok. Second time, few years later, I bought two little SNK-related goods from him. He was nice enough to send me a PACKLOAD of original SNK materials just for me so see and enjoy, I mean original materials coming for the NeoGeoFreak (original Japanese mag) buyout. Both digital and paperworks, unique items he sent to me out of his own good will, for no charge at all, asking NOTHING in return, just for the pure personal pleasure of sharing the good with another passionate NeoGeo lover he considered myself to be. He never ever asked me anything, anything for that. Not a penny, not a word of public recognition or feedback, nothing at all.

This is the very first time I ever write a line about the whole thing you know. And we (me and him) where not like best friend of anything.

So, what can I say? He has proved to be an amazing guy and super kind and gentle person to me. That's a fact, just fact. I cannot speak myself for what I READ about him. >My experience is worth to the reader as anyone else experience, right? but to me, any reported experience is what is called a "second degree evidence". And I'm pretty sure you're very familiar with that is called "evidence source exegesis" in court. :-)

Then you are like the one who got away. A Judas cow to lead the others to slaughter.

And seriously, you did judge Chris. You judged him innocent, because despite all the people who he fucked in the ass, he was nice to your collection.


King of Typists,
20 Year Member
Jan 4, 2002
No, you're getting my whole point terribly wrong. And I am sorry about that (for you).

I am not judging anyone because, again, I'm no judge. Opinion is a thing. Personal experience is another thing. Judgement is yet again a whole different thing entirely.

By reporting my personal experience, and by voicing my own personal opinion based on that, I am not judging anyone either "guilty" nor "innocent" for I have not entered a trial in the first place.

Just like anyone is perfectly entitled to voice his own personal bad experience with anyone else (and I would be no one to disregard or belittle that), I'm just similarly entitled to voice my own very nice experience with that very same person, and I think is not very liberal to assume I should not be perfectly free to do so, as long I am honest and I do tell the truth, just because some else had bed experience, don't you think?

Everyone is simply entitled to read my own personal experience report and opinion, any others' personal experience reports and opinions, and "judge" by himself in his own very personal, private and free thinking.

Out of a court, I think this is just what is called real life and free thinking for anyone, that is. :-)
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Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
Well i know amongst celebs and millionaires etc there is a culture of having the best and most expensive of everything. Want a car? You get a ferrari. Want a watch? Rolex. Bottled water? Some diamond encrusted shit. Gold leaf on all foods. Etc. want a video game? Well back then it had to be a NEO•GEO. Michael Jackson collected high-end arcade machines. I hear chuck norris had a NEO•GEO too. Naturally charlie sheen had one...i wonder if Trump still has his. Is there an AES in the white house?

Neo Geo used to be MAX 330 MEGA until Chuck Norris visited SNK personally to buy a unit.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
No, your getting my whole point terribly wrong. And I am sorry about that (for you).

I am not judging anyone because, again, I'm no judge. Opinion is a thing. Personal experience is another thing. Judgement is yet again a whole different thing entirely.

By reporting my personal experience, and by voicing my own personal opinion based on that, I am not judging anyone either "guilty" nor "innocent" for I have not entered a trial in the first place.

Just like anyone is perfectly entitled to voice his own personal bad experience with anyone else (and I would be no one to disregard or belittle that), I'm just similarly entitled to voice my own very nice experience with that very same person, and I think is not very liberal to assume I should not be perfectly free to do so, as long I am honest and I do tell the truth, just because some else had bed experience, don't you think?

Everyone is simply entitled to read my own personal experience report and opinion, any others' personal experience reports and opinions, and "judge" by himself in his own very personal, private and free thinking.

Out of a court, I think this is just what is called real life and free thinking for anyone, that is. :-)

You judged me wrong.

And a scammer who has not yet scammed you, you have judged a gentle and kind man.

You can have your opinion of Chris, but I won’t let you bend any other members here to get fucked up the ass by him. I will make sure to point out that Chris has a history, so that people can be safe.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
My collection is completed since 15 years now. And by saying "completed" I don't mean just "complete". I have nothing to buy, nothing to sell. So I'm not playing with anything really, not playing at all, just voicing my honest and strictly personal opinion out of my honest and strictly personal (individual) experience. That should be taken for what it is and nothing more. :-)

That's not the way I think. As a matter of fact, I am no judge nor jury, you know. I'm not here to give anything like a judgment on anyone, I'm not in the position to do so. What I know for sure, is what I lived myself. That's what any man is supposed to be sure of in life: his own experience. So I dealt twice with Chris Ray, the first deal was a simple purchase of some carts back in the early years 2k. Deal when perfectly smooth, and all ok. Second time, few years later, I bought two little SNK-related goods from him. He was nice enough to send me a PACKLOAD of original SNK materials just for me so see and enjoy, I mean original materials coming for the NeoGeoFreak (original Japanese mag) buyout. Both digital and paperworks, unique items he sent to me out of his own good will, for no charge at all, asking NOTHING in return, just for the pure personal pleasure of sharing the good with another passionate NeoGeo lover he considered myself to be. He never ever asked me anything, anything for that. Not a penny, not a word of public recognition or feedback, nothing at all.

This is the very first time I ever write a line about the whole thing you know. And we (me and him) where not like best friend of anything.

So, what can I say? He has proved to be an amazing guy and super kind and gentle person to me. That's a fact, just fact. I cannot speak myself for what I READ about him. >My experience is worth to the reader as anyone else experience, right? but to me, any reported experience is what is called a "second degree evidence". And I'm pretty sure you're very familiar with that is called "evidence source exegesis" in court. :-)

You should’ve just kept all that to yourself, no one here is going to benefit from knowing your history with Chris Ray.


King of Typists,
20 Year Member
Jan 4, 2002
You judged me wrong.

And a scammer who has not yet scammed you, you have judged a gentle and kind man.

You can have your opinion of Chris, but I won’t let you bend any other members here to get fucked up the ass by him. I will make sure to point out that Chris has a history, so that people can be safe.

I have not and I'm not judging you, no.

As for Chris, I'm not judging him either, I have just reported some facts. Which are NOT the whole of a person deeds, of course, but I am no God either, so I cannot have a perfectly comprehensive opinion about anyone, let alone someone who I have just two experience with in more than two decades.

Finally, I think and truly believe your are perfectly entitled to voice your opinion according to your own honest beliefs, which I do not intend to disregard nor belittle in any way.

All the best, my dear friend. :-)
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Massive Urethra Chode

Disciple Of Orochi
Aug 27, 2013
I have not and I'm not judging you, no.

As for Chris, I'm not judging him either, I have just reported some facts. Which are NOT the whole of a person deeds, of course, but I am no God either, so I cannot have a perfectly comprehensive opinion about anyone, let alone someone who I have just two experience with in more than two decades.

Finally, I think and truly believe your are perfectly entitled to voice your opinion according to your own honest beliefs, which I do not intend to disregard nor belittle in any way.

All the best, my dear friend. :-)

A type of logical reasoning civilized discourse rarely seen on this website