Embryonic Stem Cell Research Advances


Franco's Trainer
Jun 22, 2004
New York Times said:
Stem Cell News Could Intensify Political Debate
Published: August 24, 2006

Biologists have developed a technique for establishing colonies of human embryonic stem cells from an early human embryo without destroying it. This method, if confirmed in other laboratories, would seem to remove the principal objection to the research.
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Derived From Single Blastomeres (Nature)
It could also redirect and intensify the emotional political debate over current limits on federal financing for research on human embryonic stem cells, which give rise to the cells and tissues of the body and which scientists and patient advocate groups see as a potential source for treatments for diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and diabetes.
But the new method, reported yesterday by researchers at Advanced Cell Technology on the Web site of the journal Nature, had little immediate effect on longstanding objections of the White House and some Congressional leaders yesterday. It also brought objections from critics who warned of possible risk to the embryo and the in vitro fertilization procedure itself, in which embryos are generated from a couple’s egg and sperm.
The new technique would be performed on a two-day-old embryo, after the fertilized egg has divided into eight cells, known as blastomeres. In fertility clinics, where the embryo is available outside the woman in the normal course of in vitro fertilization, one of these blastomeres can be removed for diagnostic tests, like for Down syndrome.
The embryo, now with seven cells, can be implanted in the woman if no defect is found. Many such embryos have grown into apparently healthy babies over the 10 years or so the diagnostic tests have been used.
Up to now, human embryonic stem cells have been derived at a later stage of development, when the embryo consists of about 150 cells. Both this stage, called the blastocyst, and the earlier eight-cell stage, occur before the embryo implants in the wall of the womb. Harvesting the blastocyst-stage cells kills the embryo, a principal objection of those who oppose the research.
“There is no rational reason left to oppose this research,” Dr. Robert Lanza, vice president of Advanced Cell Technology and leader of the research team, said in an interview.
With the approach of midterm elections, in which some candidates are already making the research a central theme, some scientists speculated that President Bush might embrace the new method as meeting his principal objection to the research and showing that he had been right all along to wait for a better technique to turn up.
But Emily Lawrimore, a White House spokeswoman, suggested that the new procedure would not satisfy the objections of Mr. Bush, who vetoed legislation in July that would have expanded federally financed embryonic stem cell research. Though Ms. Lawrimore called it encouraging that scientists were moving away from destroying embryos, she said: “Any use of human embryos for research purposes raises serious ethical questions. This technique does not resolve those concerns.”
Last year, Dr. Lanza reported that embryonic stem cell cultures could be derived from the blastomeres of mice, a finding others have confirmed. He now says the same can be done with human blastomeres, and that the colonies of cells behave in the same way as those derived from blastocysts.
Although he used discarded human embryos, he said that anyone who wished to derive human embryonic stem cells without destroying an embryo could use a blastomere removed for the test, called preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
“By growing the biopsied cell overnight,” he said, “the resulting cells could be used for both P.G.D. and the generation of stem cells without affecting the subsequent chances of having a child.”
Ronald M. Green, an ethicist at Dartmouth College and an adviser to Advanced Cell Technology, said he hoped the new method “provides a way of ending the impasse about federal funding for this research.”
Professor Green said he believed the method should be seen as compatible with the Dickey-Wicker amendment, the Congressional measure that prohibits using federal money for any research in which a human embryo is destroyed or exposed to undue risk.
Dr. James Battey, head of the stem cell task force at the National Institutes of Health, said that it was not immediately clear if the new method would be compatible with the Congressional restriction, since removal of a blastomere subjected the embryo to some risk, but that embryos on which the genetic test was performed seemed to be as healthy as other babies born by in vitro fertilization.
Mr. Bush has allowed federal financing for research on human embryonic stem cells, provided they were established before Aug. 9, 2001. Although that might seem to rule out any new cell lines derived from blastomeres, Dr. Battey said that was not clear because the embryo would not be destroyed, and that he would seek guidance on the point.
The federal policy does not affect privately financed stem cell research, like that done by Advanced Cell.
Critics have a range of objections to deriving human embryonic cell lines with the new method. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in particular, oppose both in vitro fertilization and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and therefore still object to the research.
Richard Doerflinger, deputy director for pro-life activities at the conference of bishops, said the church opposed in vitro fertilization because of the high death rate of embryos in clinics and because divorcing procreation from the act of love made the embryo seem “more a product of manufacture than a gift.”
Dr. Leon Kass, former chairman of the President’s Council on Bioethics, said, “I do not think that this is the sought-for, morally unproblematic and practically useful approach we need.”
Dr. Kass said the long-term risk of preimplantation genetic diagnosis was unknown and that the present technique was inefficient, requiring blastomeres from many embryos to generate each new cell line. It would be better to derive human stem cell lines from the body’s mature cells, he said, a method researchers are still working on.
Dr. Andrew La Barbera, scientific director of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, said that more than 2,000 babies had been born in the United States after a preimplantation genetic diagnosis. There is no sign yet that they have any greater risk of disease than other in vitro fertilization babies, but the society needs more data to be sure, Dr. La Barbera said.
Scientists welcomed the new development but also expressed concerns. Dr. Irving Weissman, a stem cell expert at Stanford University, said the new method, if confined to blastomeres derived from preimplantation genetic testing, would not provide a highly desired type of cell, those derived from patients with a specific disease.
Many scientists have come to regard this use of the cells, to explore the basic mechanisms of disease, as more likely to provide new therapies than direct use of the cells themselves.
Dr. Weissman said the new advance could lead into a “Congressional trap” if Congress permitted new lines to be established only during the preimplantation genetic diagnosis procedure. This test looks for only a handful of diseases, he said, and not for Alzheimer’s and the other degenerative diseases for which better therapies are needed.
Congressional Republicans who led the resistance to the embryonic stem cell legislation that had bipartisan support in the House and Senate also said the new technique did not ease their opposition. Brian Hart, a spokesman for Senator Sam Brownback, Republican of Kansas and a prominent opponent of federal financing for embryonic stem cell research, said Mr. Brownback’s moral objection remained.
“You are creating a twin and then killing that twin,” Mr. Hart said.
Dr. Lanza said, however, that twinning is a phenomenon that occurs at a later stage of embryonic development and that there was no evidence that a single blastomere could develop into a person.
Democrats and others who had pushed for added research using embryos that were ultimately going to be discarded stepped up their criticism of the president and his allies for holding back science.
“It’s tragic that the current Republican Congress continues to rubber stamp the restrictions that deny federal funding for scientists engaged in medical research that could save or improve countless lives,” said Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts.
Political analysts said the new findings could elevate embryonic stem cell research as a campaign issue by both keeping it in the news and making it more difficult for opponents to explain their position.
“It paints the pro-life community into a corner,” said Stuart Rothenberg, a nonpartisan analyst of Congressional races. “As a rule, you don’t want to oppose scientific advances.”
Heh, of all of the reasons listed not to federally fund the research, only one of them was logical (the question about twinning). I swear this is ignorance at its best and a damn good reason religion and legislation SHOULD be separate!


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
melchia said:
Heh, of all of the reasons listed not to federally fund the research, only one of them was logical (the question about twinning). I swear this is ignorance at its best and a damn good reason religion and legislation SHOULD be separate!
How about this for an idea.. Let them fund the research themselves.


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
BIG BEAR said:
How about this for an idea.. Let them fund the research themselves.

If that was the case with everything, we wouldn't have shit.

AZT for one.

Hell, I bet if AZT was started as an Aids drug (and not a cancer drug), it would have never been funded by the goverment.


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
melchia said:
Heh, of all of the reasons listed not to federally fund the research, only one of them was logical (the question about twinning).

This is of course not realy realevant.

The emryos proposed to be used for stem-cell research arn't going to do anything but get flushed down the toilet. Cell Colonies or not.

If the wackos really had thier way, they would bann the fertillity clinics that create these wasted embryos. But they don't dare do that.

So the fact that you can now get them without destroying said fetus is moot. It's still going to get flushed.

melchia said:
I swear this is ignorance at its best and a damn good reason religion and legislation SHOULD be separate!
The real ignorance in these cases isn't just that the wackos can't grasp the need for seperation between religion and legislation, when you look at thier arguments, it is clear that they have no grasp of the science involved.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
BIG BEAR said:
How about this for an idea.. Let them fund the research themselves.

And then nothing would get done.

You do realize how much government money is earmarked for scientific research, right?

You realize how important federal and (and for big states like CA) state involvement is for scientific research in this and any other country on earth?

You do realize that without government support the US would plummet in yet another category related to the intelligence of its citizens?


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
BIG BEAR said:
How about this for an idea.. Let them fund the research themselves.

I agree, polio and smallpox vaccines shouldn't have been funded either.


Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Nov 20, 2001
Abasuto said:
I agree, polio and smallpox vaccines shouldn't have been funded either.

Think of all those aborted chicken fetuses!

On a serious note, I do hope this new method allows stem cell research to get federal money.


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Abasuto said:
I agree, polio and smallpox vaccines shouldn't have been funded either.

There is a pretty solid theory that AIDS was first transmitted to human during the rush to make Polio Vacines.


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
Bobak said:
You do realize that without government support the US would plummet in yet another category related to the intelligence of its citizens?
Please elaborate.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
BIG BEAR said:
Please elaborate.

Just about every measure of high school intelligence places the US behind the rest of our peers in the developed world --particularly in math and (a bit later) engineering.

This is a prime reason why there are so many foreign graduate students in engineering and sciences --we don't even have enough qualified students to fill the spots anymore.

Americans aren't necessarily getting all that less intelligent (although I would argue we're in the midst of a polar race to the extremes), rather we're being passed by our peers.


Franco's Trainer
Jun 22, 2004
norton9478 said:
So the fact that you can now get them without destroying said fetus is moot. It's still going to get flushed.
And many of their statements make this assertion, claiming that any experimentation on embryonic tissue (even though isn't even an organism, let alone a sentient being - and no embryo was destroyed) raises serious ethical concerns. Give me a break - that statement wreaks of a lack of knowledge about the process. :very_ang:

norton9478 said:
The real ignorance in these cases isn't just that the wackos can't grasp the need for seperation between religion and legislation, when you look at thier arguments, it is clear that they have no grasp of the science involved.
exactly :smirk:


Franco's Trainer
Jun 22, 2004
norton9478 said:
There is a pretty solid theory that AIDS was first transmitted to human during the rush to make Polio Vacines.
I'd like to see the study or at least some documentation on that
Oct 3, 2001
melchia said:
Heh, of all of the reasons listed not to federally fund the research, only one of them was logical (the question about twinning). I swear this is ignorance at its best and a damn good reason religion and legislation SHOULD be separate!

Well gawwlleee, those darn religious folk pay those darn taxes too.

I don't follow the stem cell debate, but Christians, Catholics what have you, have every right to not only voice their opinions against this science, but also to inlfluence and pressure politicians to uphold their views in Congress. People have every right to bitch about how their tax dollars are spent.


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Last edited:


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
melchia said:
Give me a break - that statement wreaks of a lack of knowledge about the process. :very_ang:

exactly :smirk:

You are talking about a group of people who's Argument against evolution is:

"If we came from monkeys, then how come there still are monkeys? Wouldn't they have evolved too?"


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
Who do we blame Bobak? Isn't the US Public School System Government funded?
If the government supports this research your previous statement of categorized degredation would be realized. Everything begins with good intentions like that road paved to hell.
Bobak said:
Just about every measure of high school intelligence places the US behind the rest of our peers in the developed world --particularly in math and (a bit later) engineering.

This is a prime reason why there are so many foreign graduate students in engineering and sciences --we don't even have enough qualified students to fill the spots anymore.

Bobak said:
You do realize that without government support the US would plummet in yet another category related to the intelligence of its citizens?
Last edited:


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2003
BIG BEAR said:
How about this for an idea.. Let them fund the research themselves.

I wanted to quote this so I can feel important
Last edited:


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
BIG BEAR said:
Who do we blame Bobak? Isn't the US Public School system Government funded?
We blame the people.

I do. "No new taxes" and "Lower our taxes" has crippled many, many school districts. For example, in CA, you can trace the fall in quality of schools to the "taxpayer revolution" in 1980; the major drop in property taxes ended up screwing all the school districts.

At least the rich who generally send their kids to private schools and/or suppliment with private tutors and other nicities have been able to transcend the hoi polloi, and get to keep more tax dollars in the bargain! All they had to do was convince the rest of society that taxes are somehow always a bad thing.

BIG BEAR said:
If the government supports this research your previous statement of categorized degredation would be realized. Everything begins with good intentions like that road paved to hell.

[EDIT: I updated that second quote to match BB's edit, but I stand by my previous response]


Franco's Trainer
Jun 22, 2004
GunstarHero said:
Well gawwlleee, those darn religious folk pay those darn taxes too.

I don't follow the stem cell debate, but Christians, Catholics what have you, have every right to not only voice their opinions against this science, but also to inlfluence and pressure politicians to uphold their views in Congress. People have every right to bitch about how their tax dollars are spent.
yeah, no kidding, but FUCK. these advances make the basis for their original stance irrelevant, so if they are going to voice their opinions, shouldn't they bother to educate themselves about the issue? one of the primary reasons religion should be left out of legislation is because many of the religious followers take for fact everything that is said at the pulpet, with little or no research before making their minds up and voicing "their" opinions. it's a serious pain in the ass to deal with such ignorance.


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
The fact some people still people we altered HIV to infect humans gives me hearty laugh.


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2003
Abasuto said:
The fact some people still people we altered HIV to infect humans gives me hearty laugh.



this post was a disaster by me
Oct 3, 2001
melchia said:
yeah, no kidding, but FUCK. these advances make the basis for their original stance irrelevant, so if they are going to voice their opinions, shouldn't they bother to educate themselves about the issue? one of the primary reasons religion should be left out of legislation is because many of the religious followers take for fact everything that is said at the pulpet, with little or no research before making their minds up and voicing "their" opinions. it's a serious pain in the ass to deal with such ignorance.

Your connecting dots that aren't there. The Federal government is choosing to stay out of the embryonic stem cell field all together. There is no legislation based on religion here, in fact there's no legislation at all which is a neutral position and a good policy. It's a non-existent federal program, thus it's basically partisan spin and lying to say that it's 'not funded', don't you see?

There's also nothing standing in the way of embryonic stem cell research. From what I understand this science has been going on fine without federal dollars and has produced diddly squat. The scientists in this field could go along way to drum up support for this science by showing the population the long list of cures that embryonic stem cell research has provided us with.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
GunstarHero said:
Your connecting dots that aren't there. The Federal government is choosing to stay out of the embryonic stem cell field all together. There is no legislation based on religion here, in fact there's no legislation at all which is a neutral position and a good policy. It's a non-existent federal program, thus it's basically partisan spin and lying to say that it's 'not funded', don't you see?

There's also nothing standing in the way of embryonic stem cell research. From what I understand this science has been going on fine without federal dollars and has produced diddly squat. The scientists in this field could go along way to drum up support for this science by showing the population the long list of cures that embryonic stem cell research has provided us with.

This can't be serious. There's so much conscious or unconscious bias loaded into that statement, with all its assumptions, that I don't know where to begin.

Thus I will simply vent...

[crosses eyes]
That science can't work because it ain't showed shit!


Ah fuck! Mine eyes' dun stayed crossed!


Franco's Trainer
Jun 22, 2004
GunstarHero said:
Your connecting dots that aren't there. The Federal government is choosing to stay out of the embryonic stem cell field all together. There is no legislation based on religion here, in fact there's no legislation at all which is a neutral position and a good policy. It's a non-existent federal program, thus it's basically partisan spin and lying to say that it's 'not funded', don't you see?

There's also nothing standing in the way of embryonic stem cell research. From what I understand this science has been going on fine without federal dollars and has produced diddly squat. The scientists in this field could go along way to drum up support for this science by showing the population the long list of cures that embryonic stem cell research has provided us with.
bobak is right on the money with his post above, so i will make this brief.

first, you admitedly do NOT follow the progress of research or the issue, so you have no earthly idea whether there is middle ground or not.

second, you clearly did NOT read the article posted above.

third, federal funding or embryonic stem cell research would not only speed research advancement but save lives and enhance the quality of countless more lives.


Formerly Punjab,
Aug 16, 2001
I guess sacrificing innocent lives is only OK in the name of spreading 'democracy' in Iraq...not for curing Alzheimer's or any number of other diseases.

*Peanuts' Teacher chatter*

Wait....we were talking about embryonic cells...not full grown men, women and children. No.........No? *Peanuts' Teacher chatter* OK. Thank you Christian Crusader Junta for your continued excellence in absolute moral clarity.

Fucking retards.