Feedback on new blog


His Excellency BoriquaSNK,, The Ambassador of Appl
15 Year Member
May 9, 2003
Hey guys, it's been a while.

Last year I started a political blog with wasabi and Bobak helping out, and while it was a lot of fun it was pretty cumbersome to maintain and fairly limiting in what I could actually do.

So fast forward, I truly miss blogging, and have begun working on a new site that I run personally and host thru MobileMe, as opposed to keeping it on Wordpress or Blogger and bascally having it look like a facebook page.

Anyway, I'm looking for some honest feedback as to how it looks, responds, functions, etc. This isn't a solicitation for attention, I swear, I truly just want some web savvy eyeballs to take a look at it. is the new address. I'm wondering whether it's responsive on PC's as well as Macs, how the layout looks, etc.

For iPhone and iPod Touch users, when you add it to your homescreen do you see the icon that I made?

Thanks in advance for all of your insight, the events tab is just a placeholder for some ideas I've been knocking around.


Canadian Moderator
20 Year Member
Apr 9, 2003
I love the design. Very user friendly, easy on the eyes, and intuitive.

I use blogger, have my own site done in wordpress, and have dabbled with other stuff as well, and I like your site better than all of them.

Good work man. :cool:


Host for Orochi
Apr 6, 2004
I'm normally very critical of web sites, but I think it's nice and clean design. The tabs coming down from the top eat up a little more vertical space than I would like though. The site loaded a touch slower than I expected since there isn't much content there yet. Looks fine in both Firefox 2 and IE7 in my PC. No errors in Firefox, but I keep getting a JavaScript error in IE7 as I click around. The rating stars don't show up in the same spot for Firefox and IE7. Firefox shows them left-aligned under the tags section, but in IE they're right-aligned above the 'Comments' and 'Trackback' links. Site looks ok on my iPhone as well, but I don't see any special icon when I add it to my homescreen. I just see a small image of the PS3 Firmware dude.

There are some minor things that bother me, but I assume it's just part of the blog software. When I load the site (or any page), the panikBrowser is expanded but quickly closes. I find that pretty annoying to constantly see that. Usually sites will let you toggle something like that open or shut and it will remember your last state. The links in there have a strange layout as well. One column of tags I suppose with the little document icon. Then there's a big gap and then the 'Announcements', 'Firmware', 'PS3' and 'Sony' links that have no icon and are in a different font size and style. Sorry is this is more detail than you wanted. I've been testing website professionally for years so I tend to get nit-picky. :emb:


His Excellency BoriquaSNK,, The Ambassador of Appl
15 Year Member
May 9, 2003
@qube - thanks for the kind words buddy!

@talks2wall - thanks for the frank answers. The font issue in the panikBrowser is kinda weird but I think it will sort itself out. Basically the text on the left are categories, Tech, Apple, Gadgets, Politics, et al, while the text in the center are tags. Overtime, there will be vastly more tags than categories, and I may get rid of categories altogether at some point.

Rapidweaver, the program I use, is very CSS heavy and is driven from templates that you mess around with. I'm not really sure where the Java script errors are coming from, but it could be from a couple of plugins I was using that might not be playing nice with dotMac/MobileMe. That also explains the panikBrowser hopping up and down. I'll tweak it continually.

What's great about working in RW is I can completely overhaul the entire look of the site instantly.

EDIT: There SHOULD be a homescreen icon, it's on my iPhone, hmmmm. I'll have to redo it.

@wasabi - you might be right, but I got adsense running. Even if I make $1 a month I'll be happy.
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