Financial Checkup, Let's Discuss Positions, Holdings, and Thoughts for Near Future


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
Hey, everyone. It felt like a good time to revive the financial thread. I figure some of us here are actually milling over their strategies, watching the markets roller-coaster this year, and planning on squeezing at least some gain out of 2014.

I'm still full-balls-deep in the stock market. I completely removed all bond holdings, thanks to the almost daily bleeding. They were a constant drain on any sort of return, and as of this spring I did the deep-sigh and moved over to 100% invested for my 401K and personal investment account.

That will likely change once the FED starts to pull back and allow interest rates to rise, which many believe will happen in the Spring.

I'll believe it when I see it. It feels like this market has been on life support for so long that it's going to take some serious nerves for the FED to rip the band-aid off as soon as that.

Anyway, here's how I've fared so far.

401K - YTD Return: 5.98% [Thanks, yesterday...]
30% Mid cap
30% Small cap
30% Large cap [Broken up into 15% Institutional and 15% Growth/Research]
10% International

Personal Investments - YTD Return: 9.72%
50% - Total Stock Market Index
18% - Strategic Capital Investments
17% - Growth Stock Index
15% - Health Industry [NEW for me and unproven. Reduced Total Stock Market exposure to buy it]

Older 401K - YTD Return: 5.76%
100% - Target account for 2045

Home - 8.16% increase since purchase in May of this year
Woo, I finally have a real asset worth paying debt on. The market in LA, especially in Downtown, is going nuts, so I'm riding a bit of a bubble at the moment. Only time will tell where I entered it.

So, it's no 2013 up in here, but I've been lucky with some of the above. Personal investing has favored heavily thanks to the exposure in mid and large cap stocks, and the position into the Health sector is new. Only time will tell if that pays off.

So, how is everyone else faring? Want to share how you've done, what your positions are, what you're thinking for strategies for this and next year?


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003

....I love you like a brother... but FFS... you need to get out more... and stop using excel spreadsheet....


PS. I also have NO idea what any of the above means... just saying...


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
My SNES collection is getting a better return than my investments. That's pretty sad.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
I know this is Unrelated and all but this ain't Charles Schwab. More like...



Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
So, uh... OK. Cool, cool. Last time we did a financial thread, people seemed to care, but I guess that had it's run. Check and check. OK, everyone. Back to wondering how gay Final Fantasy 15 is going to make you, per play through. I'm not sure where it rates on the GPPT index, but I think we have a thread around here somewhere.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
So, uh... OK. Cool, cool. Last time we did a financial thread, people seemed to care, but I guess that had it's run. Check and check. OK, everyone. Back to wondering how gay Final Fantasy 15 is going to make you, per play through. I'm not sure where it rates on the GPPT index, but I think we have a thread around here somewhere.

I sorta care about you....

...but let's get real here... finances don't mean anything in 'murika... cuz the rapture is on every week... depending on which whacko religous nut you talk too...



Ralfredacc's Worst Nightmare
10 Year Member
Apr 30, 2009
So, uh... OK. Cool, cool. Last time we did a financial thread, people seemed to care, but I guess that had it's run. Check and check. OK, everyone. Back to wondering how gay Final Fantasy 15 is going to make you, per play through. I'm not sure where it rates on the GPPT index, but I think we have a thread around here somewhere.

You might want to give the thread more than 45 minutes before you throw in the towel. People interested in this kind of stuff might be, you know, WORKING right now.


Leona's Therapist
Jan 16, 2008
I used to re-balance and move around quite a bit over the last 4 or 5 years but recently stopped. I got sick of looking up fees and worrying about it.

401k target maturity 2040
YTD - 7.25 %
1 Year - 19.30 %

house is up a little bit... other personal investments (BTC in at $108 per coin :) :) :) so that's been a fun ride)

now back to work!


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
I'm also pretty heavy in this year. I sometimes feel like I'm never saving enough.

About 60% in Stocks
20% in Mutuals, tho this number is rising.
20% in ETF's. Mainly Dividend paying.

40% Large Cap
Blend of Mid and Small cap.

85% domestic Stocks
15% international.

30% Healthcare - Pharmaceudicals
20% Technology
20% industrial
20% Consumer Goods
10% Energy, Services, etc.

Pharma has been on a spending spree this year buying up lots of companies. They are also getting better at managing their Patent portfolio's. I'm still concerned with their business practices, but it's been nice growth. Industrial has also been crazy good, though I wouldn't be surprised if more companies trim some fat.

I don't have a good YTD number, but 2 year is 30% without dividend payouts.

Surprisingly Microsoft and Intel have been fantastic.

I'll be expanding more this year, but I haven't decided where to go. I usually do a ton of research, then it feels like I'm throwing a dart really. Maybe a boring index stock.

Neo Ash Audiophile, Club Member,
Feb 21, 2004
I have almost no idea what my diversification percentages are. That's what my financial adviser is for.

I have to many responsibilities, hobbies, and interests to micromanage this stuff like I have in the past.

Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
I just logged into Fidelity today (I don't do it often enough) to check my 401K crap. YTD is 6.16% and is straight 20% across the major caps & Int'l. My allocation has gotten more boring over time which is a direct correlation to having more kids. :lolz:

We bought our house at the peak of the market at the end of '05 in the Bay Area here. It took a massive dump the last few years value wise (35-40%) but has risen back up to close to it's original purchase price. Considering we owe about 75% of what the house is now worth, it's kind of nice to have a nice chunk of equity vs. how things were a few years ago.

PS - After my visit to TX last weekend, it was a depressing reminder that I could get a mansion for a about a 1/4-1/3 of my home's value out here. I want out of CA soon.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
PS - After my visit to TX last weekend, it was a depressing reminder that I could get a mansion for a about a 1/4-1/3 of my home's value out here. I want out of CA soon.

That is no joke. My colleagues throughout the Central US have houses with Tennis courts and 5 car garages. My counterparts in CA have interest-only houses or $3k monthly rent.
I'm still holding off buying a house. Limited space = limited spending. for me at least.


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
PS - After my visit to TX last weekend, it was a depressing reminder that I could get a mansion for a about a 1/4-1/3 of my home's value out here. I want out of CA soon.

I feel you there. I bought a "cheap" place in LA, and the mansion that monthly could have bought in other regions I adore, like Colorado, Texas, parts of the great-wang-of-the-USofA is just sad.

The place I have now will already clear mortgage and monthly costs in rent, so I'm feeling pretty safe to say if/when/the inevitable I could rent this place out for as long as I want and probably pay down some of my mortgage somewhere else as well with the extra.

I'm happy for the time, though. I do look up listings in Miami, Colorado Springs/Denver, etc from time to time, but I can't see myself out of CA for a while.

Oh, and glad to see some people are playing along. Good to see how people are positioning. I know this is a game forum, and everyone is an eternal-child here (myself included), but being completely dumb to finances, or just plain ignorant about planning for the future, is pretty damn scary to me.

I don't expect this to turn into a Bogelheads thread or something, but whatevs. ;)

I've seen far to many friends stuck on the paycheck to paycheck merry-go-round, and through some tough love was able to make even one of my worst offenders start contributing to his 401K. It's been just a little over a year, and this never saver now has just under $20K total. We were talking earlier about stepping it up... He's ready for phase two.

It gets addictive. How much can you save, what can you make your money do. Shit... I saw my parents fight about money until the end. Whatever I can do to take that worry off my plate, I'm happy... and if I can point others in the same direction, I'm happy with that too.

Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
It gets addictive.

It definitely can be, but sometimes my retirement plan stuff ends up being one of those "out of site, out of mind" type of things. I struggle with keeping tabs on what's going on which isn't a good habit to get into and I've lucked out for the most part with my investments. My family has a financial advisor that regularly pings me via email so I should really run my portfolio by him and get some of that "free advice" he's been promising me for years. ;)


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
It definitely can be, but sometimes my retirement plan stuff ends up being one of those "out of site, out of mind" type of things. I struggle with keeping tabs on what's going on which isn't a good habit to get into and I've lucked out for the most part with my investments. My family has a financial advisor that regularly pings me via email so I should really run my portfolio by him and get some of that "free advice" he's been promising me for years. ;)

I've been thinking of doing the same. Personal Capital, which I love, does offer free financial advice and I need to sit down and talk to them. They've called a few times and wanted to run through my portfolio.

I know they're trying to sell me stuff, but it is also nice to hear why they choose the options they do, and to have a sanity check that I'm doing things OK. For instance, I was way too heavy in small cap at the beginning of the year, and I lagged a bit in the early months because of it.

An Adviser would have seen my numbers were out of whack and smacked me upside the head to get back on track way sooner. I've been dumb-lucky for a while, but having a pro give you a little guidance sure can't help... Even if it is good advice you never take.


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
I thought we were getting back to talking about how gay Final Fantasy is going to make me.


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
I thought we were getting back to talking about how gay Final Fantasy is going to make me.

I'm worried about this too. May need a new thread, though. I've already played a ton of Animal Crossing, Tomodachi Collection and some of that pigeon dating simulator game... My GPP is probably somewhere in the 30-40% range already. I'm afraid FF15 is going to push me over to more-gay. I'm not sure I'm ready for that sort of commitment and or lifestyle change right now.

Might have to put off FF15 for some time, even if it's ruled to be like an 8% GPP, because that's putting me really close to the edge. :(


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
My work IRA is through a Franklin Templeton fund. I hate it, it performs poorly and has a huge sales charge, but I contribute for the match plus some extra just to lower my taxable income.

3.95% YTD Return

My Roth is through Fidelity


Domestic Equities 98.29%
International Equities 1.85%

Wife's 401k through Fidelity
5.30% YTD Return

Cash 5.12%
Domestic Bond 9.09%
Preferred Stock 0.40%
Foreign Bond 1.77%
Foreign Stock 29.79%
Others 11.62%
Domestic Stock 42.20%

Wife's Roth through Fidelity - FLPSX - Low Priced Stock
6.69% YTD Return

US Stock 51.19
Non US Stock 33.96
Cash 14.78

Our dinky little house will be paid off in December, so we're planning on upping both of our pretax contributions with the funds that will no longer be going toward the mortgage. But we also have a baby due in November, so I'm sure that'll eat into some spare cash.

I should do a little more research as I'm sure our positions are not great, but I've also been trying to take my mind a little off of money. It is extremely addicting to try and optimize every little thing.

Hope this post formats ok.


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000

You've done really well, Lithy, and congrats on the bundle of joy in November. I hadn't heard, but that's awesome news. I don't think the kid will kill your finances, especially not with parents who have really done some amazing things with their savings already. Having the house paid off already, and having healthy looking savings and retirement accounts at your age is pretty damn inspiring. Congrats all around.


15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
Back to wondering how gay Final Fantasy 15 is going to make you, per play through.

Fucking WOAH HOLY FUCK get off my nuts, nigga!
My threads die after 2 pages and I almost never talk about Final Fantasy...

On topic I never have enough spare cash to blow on investments, but my house and car are paid for since I
A) work like a sonofabitch
B) I never borrow money and
C) I'm basically unlovable outside of this marriage (and statistically inevitable divorce & kids) hasn't happened.
Last edited:


One Nut,
20 Year Member
Nov 28, 2000
A finance/investment thread on

Seems like the epitome of pissing in the wind.

Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
A finance/investment thread on

Seems like the epitome of pissing in the wind.

Sorry this thread doesn't include any metrofabulous "mantastick" men's clothing and accessories for you. :lolz:


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
10 Year Member
Feb 5, 2010
The MVS and SNES games are both at over 100% return.
English Homecarts blow both of those out of the water though. XD