Well I made an awesome "trade" with my father a week ago. I traded him a .380ACP Bersa
Thunder .380 compact/CC type pistol, that is a spin off of the Walter PPK and CZAK P64; for...
the Taurus Tracker revolver. It's chambered for the .45ACP same as my M1911, but due to keeping it's medium sized frame in that particular caliber, it's only a 5 shot revolver versus a six shot standard. It uses full moon clips to hold the rimless .45ACP round in the chambers and ejects them all at once versus partially one by one from a speed loaded revolver. Personally I perefer "moon clips" to speed loaders anyhow. After lugging around my M1911 for the last 2 1/2 years as my main duty weapon in the Security Enforcement sector, I've decided to make the .45 Tracker my MDW. Only thing that sucks is that I have to find either a decent
low ride / drop down type "duty holster" from like 25 years or so ago when police carried .357 Magnum revolvers, OR modify a cowboy style holster and wear the rig "gunfighter" style. I'm not to big on carrying ANY pistol up high on the hip the way police & security do these days, always opt for a tactical drop down or a low ride style personally... but in order to do this, you have to look, and look some more. It's strange, in the "Security" sector it's kind of an unwritten rule that you're not to be
Tactical, in terms of carrying your duty weapon in the SERPA styled Spec Ops low ride thigh holsters, but one can carry a low ride duty holster or even go "Cowboy" if you have a revolver, and not much is said as long as it's all in the color Black.
I was going to go with a 7 shot "Tracker" in the .357 Magnum caliber, but decided that for what I do for a living, where the duty weapon is more of a last resort PDW, if I can't handle the situation with 5 rounds, it probably isn't going to be done anyhow. I'm not out there responding to bank robberies and such anyhow. But I've got 20 extra rounds of ammo in my double speed loader pouch too, so you never know.
What I'm interested in buying next however is the...
RUGER SR9 in .9mm Luger (Parabellum)
This 17 + 1 non firing pin pistol is the shiznits!
Beyond that I only want one other rifle in the near future and that is the T26 M1 Garand "Tanker" (Paratrooper) model of the .30CAL M1 Battle Rifle. It's chopped down from it's usual link and with the Fulton Armory Tactical top end, a OCS and devoted Sniper scope could be put on it within seconds. After that I'd figure I have everything I could ever want. Thing that sucks is, the anti-2nd Amendment types are at it again. Now they're trying to make the manufacture and distribution of ammunition ILLEGAL! That if some new form of serial numbered ammo isn't registered with the federal goverment per gun owner, then you don't have ammo. Any ammo that you might have from the last 45 years or so would have to be destroyed!
I don't forsee this happening anytime soon, but that's the route the anti-gun bleeding heart fuckwads are championing now. I swear they're going to MAKE legal gun owning citizens from all walks of life (former military, police, security, etc.) ultimately end up criminals, cause we ain't going to hand in shit. It's just another step that the socialist fuck in this nation are taking to ensuring we live in a total police state, and while I might represent some limited capcity of law enforcement, I'm definately not in favor of such a thing happening. It's like the dumb fucks out there can't learn from history or something.
Oh well... glad to see we still have some men with common sense as well as balls in this thread though. Yay guns!