Bump. Chasm and Pea Collection are on pre-order at play asia.
Pea Collection. What are these releases coming to?
Do i want this? I can't tell.
it's a unique RPG and one I always meant to go back and finish. I've bought 2 now. The first I sold for $150....so, it might be a smart grab
awwwww yeah - Tokyo Xanadu was damn fine, highly recommend playing through that one.
Really man? I couldnt get into it. Felt like a poor mans loh with ys combat. Maybe i'll give it another shot.
Damn! Congrats man. My vita stuff is in a box in the attic for now.
if i weren't in the middle of a move I'd be doing the same.Current State of Vita is crazy. Everything Vita has shot up in price outside the consoles themselves. I'm real happy for the Vita, but the community is obviously struggling with the prices. On the upside, there's a handful of groups for some of the online games again.
We are down to the last 1, 2? physical releases.
Super Meat Boy was gone in 1-2 seconds. LRG claims not many bot buys, but that's doubtful.
VVVVV is supposedly printed. Likely waiting for simultaneous release like SMB.
Personally, I'm selling the games I've finished playing. These prices are too good.
Its retro gaming man the prices will always only go up.if i weren't in the middle of a move I'd be doing the same.
Its retro gaming man the prices will always only go up.
Well to be fair everything before nes is a pile of shit. Look at nes and up and the prices only keep creeping and creeping. I remember selling a slug 3 for around 600 way back and in the day and yet that would be consider an amazing deal now.ask Atari collectors how that went...