I'm thinking of closing up shop


Mature's Love Slave
10 Year Member
Dec 22, 2009
also endless bumps and consoles sportin' wood need to come to an end...

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
also endless bumps and consoles sportin' wood need to come to an end...

Any thread not created within the last 3 months needs to end. Goes for all sellers, in fact 98% of the active "for sale" threads were created within the last 3 months. It's just getting cluttered and when people constantly bump and post in the thread they literally become stickies in the market forum. Last time I had a CMVS for sale thread it kept getting buried within 2 hours and knocked to the second page. Totally unfair to other sellers.


Chang's Grocer
Jun 30, 2010
Iirc, you can't edit a post after 3 months.

And there should be some sort of Graveyard for dead, expired, and inactive market threads.

Helps the search functions.


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
I rarely sell in the Market as I pass on deals to forum members locally. I only try and bump every 3 days unless someone has a question.

An Ibara full kit is a hard sale. It is rarely up for sale as it is and its a certain buyer type that wants it. It is even harder as I'm trying to keep it in the US and on this forum as I don't need the cash immediately and can be patient with it.

This is nothing against UK or ppl outside the US. The UK was deprived of many pcbs as it's original arcade market was small. However, with so many boards leaving the US and the increasing buyers market. The UK conversion is giving them a deal at this point and driving the prices even higher for US buyers.

The conversion rate is just horrible and is taking its toll on the US folks.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Sep 3, 2012
Damn, this place should give some more love to xx and jamma nation x!

I say bring on free front page ad to his site and somebody please set up a jnx cmvs group buy thread! Come on!


Funster Mod
20 Year Member
Mar 19, 2001
Damn, this place should give some more love to xx and jamma nation x!

I say bring on free front page ad to his site and somebody please set up a jnx cmvs group buy thread! Come on!

Says the man that bought a CMVS from christoph. :thevt:


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Aug 29, 2012
I suppose I somewhat get the aversion to, and dislike of, ongoing sales threads, but I don't think the paying shawn a commission idea is a good one. It would only lead to the people paying getting even higher recognition and trampling the little guy even more.

Maybe instead, there should be a new market forum for consistently produced products, as well as online stores (Something like "Neo/Arcade Products and Services"), so that the selling forums could be more for one time sales between forum members? I would think things like the NeoSaveMasta, and maybe even the Windy cab threads would best go there. And perhaps Xian wouldn't be against having a thread about his services if he didn't have to pollute the sales threads to do it.

Alternatively, you could have the offending threads (Ai and Omega are the only ones that stick out to me) moved to the "Off site commerce" forum, not sure anyone reads it anyway.
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Life is an Illusion, The Magic is Down My Pants.,
Oct 9, 2003
I can not tell you what to do or see the future to know what you will decide. So all i can say is your work would be missed. If you do decide to close up shop i hope you still stick around the forums an community because it just would simply not be the same without you around sir. I personally have not ordered from you but i know all about your work. As a matter of fact when i came to you an asked you to build me a cmvs 2 slot you told me the price would be more than jeffkurtz was charging at the time. An help me get in touch with him to get a better deal. An there is not many people that would send buisness to another modder just to save their customer a few bucks. So i must say thank you for all you have done for me an this community no matter what you choose to do you will always be a star and a legend to me an this place.


Oct 11, 2011
James, your work is amazing and you've gone above and beyond to help me..someone fairly new the community. I remember you even giving me your number to help me with troubleshooting. Whatever you decide you have my support and I really appreciate what you've done for me.



May 5, 2013
Never did any business with you for a CMVS, but your advice was always helpful to me when I had issues with my first one. I also bought a MVS cart from you and was a pleasant transaction. I hope you don't have to close up, but maybe you can just make it more of a side thing (if it already wasn't). Your site was where I got most of my info to build my CMVS. So basically I just wanna thank you for all you've contributed.


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
At risk of going completely off topic; James and others in this thread, and across the site, are raising a lot of valid concerns about the marketplace.

Good suggestions like:
1 bump per day on a sale thread (no pointless, "PM replied" posts)
1 Active thread per member (with exception of one-off type threads or specialty items)
Sales threads for items for sale on the site only (all off-site stuff should be in the off-site commerce section)
Threads in the wrong sub-forum clutter up the unique markets and should be deleted when spotted / reported
Lots of bumping to critique the OP and their oft crazy way of marketing (txt me for pics) or their crazier prices ($600 for $300 AES carts)
Lots of Group Buys (guilty), Interest Checks, Raffles, and Giveaways - maybe those should be relegated to one sub-forum, or a new sub-forum
A dedicated market mod (perhaps VT is already doing this?) but one person to go to, one place to report violations

Pope Sazae

Known Scammer, DO NOT DEAL WITH!, The Management.,
Dec 9, 2007
I'll be emailing you soon James when I get to a computer as I really need some mod work done on my AES


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Aug 29, 2012
At risk of going completely off topic; James and others in this thread, and across the site, are raising a lot of valid concerns about the marketplace.

Good suggestions like:
1 bump per day on a sale thread (no pointless, "PM replied" posts)
1 Active thread per member (with exception of one-off type threads or specialty items)
Sales threads for items for sale on the site only (all off-site stuff should be in the off-site commerce section)
Threads in the wrong sub-forum clutter up the unique markets and should be deleted when spotted / reported
Lots of bumping to critique the OP and their oft crazy way of marketing (txt me for pics) or their crazier prices ($600 for $300 AES carts)
Lots of Group Buys (guilty), Interest Checks, Raffles, and Giveaways - maybe those should be relegated to one sub-forum, or a new sub-forum
A dedicated market mod (perhaps VT is already doing this?) but one person to go to, one place to report violations

Yeah I'm behind all this, and I think having a dedicated forum for "Products" like the Omega, or "Services" like RGB modding, PCB repair etc. would be excellent. If there isn't a dedicated forum for it then there would definitely have to be clear rules about what's "off site" and what is on.

I think it will be better for these types of sellers as well, as they won't get in everyones hair as much.
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Camel Slug
10 Year Member
Jul 8, 2013
I was a noob and an idiot :(

Not sure why the hate on AI. I actually think his cmvs is pretty unique in terms of exterior craftsmanship and his marketing campaign is rather engaging. He don't just bump his sales thread with a "bump", but instead with new pictures of his products to keep potential buyers engaged. I also like shadowkn55's marketing strategy by allowing people to try out his product at game conventions. Both very different marketing strategy, both successful in my opinion. My point is, one needs to market their product.

Commission based sales thread just complicates things. How about paying a small fee each month so your sales thread stays at the top for visibility.

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
I'm being flooded with PM's for work which I appreciate very much guys. I really don't want to close up shop since I love what I do here and try to help out as much as I can.

As for the market place, I think something does need to be done, just some relocation of threads. Any threads only selling a single product over and over should be moved to off site commerce, period. Look at all the sales threads in the selling forum for people trying to sell their similar items, they have a hard time moving them since those two threads stay at the top so noobs instead go for one of the two threads instead of others in the sales forum, this is why they need to be moved. It brings fairness to the Neo market place. People join here all the time trying to get into the scene and then want to buy a Neo and go to the Neo sales forum and that's the first thing they see which is why they need to be moved, it's instant advertising that they have obviously been taking advantage of for years.

The forum needs a spring cleaning of sorts as things have been getting cluttered everywhere. Hopefully some mods that are willing to help can step in and do something to organize this now growing community.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2005
At risk of going completely off topic; James and others in this thread, and across the site, are raising a lot of valid concerns about the marketplace.

Good suggestions like:
1 bump per day on a sale thread (no pointless, "PM replied" posts)
1 Active thread per member (with exception of one-off type threads or specialty items)
Sales threads for items for sale on the site only (all off-site stuff should be in the off-site commerce section)
Threads in the wrong sub-forum clutter up the unique markets and should be deleted when spotted / reported
Lots of bumping to critique the OP and their oft crazy way of marketing (txt me for pics) or their crazier prices ($600 for $300 AES carts)
Lots of Group Buys (guilty), Interest Checks, Raffles, and Giveaways - maybe those should be relegated to one sub-forum, or a new sub-forum
A dedicated market mod (perhaps VT is already doing this?) but one person to go to, one place to report violations

The first three suggestions you have there are already rules.

I'm guilty of having more than one active selling thread at a time (no more than two though--I don't like to mix categories i.e. games and strategy guides, or games and systems unless some of the games are for said system), but I try to only bump them once per calendar day unless someone posts in the thread and it warrants a response. This is they way it's supposed to be done.


Gai's Trainer
10 Year Member
Mar 6, 2012
I'm not here for an argument, or defending anybody. Just voicing my opinion.

Having any sort of passing appreciation or respect for AI puts a target on your back at the moment.

Much like the Illuminati, make a secret sect and never mention AI in public again.


Mature's Love Slave
10 Year Member
Dec 22, 2009
kitkit was on top of all this when he was active. anyone heard from him recently?


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
I'm not concerned with the market place being too cluttered. If you're a noob, learn to navigate it. Veterans will surely spot what's interesting to them. This is a community, not a platform for sellers of mass produced, high priced niche products.

Pope Sazae

Known Scammer, DO NOT DEAL WITH!, The Management.,
Dec 9, 2007
kitkit was on top of all this when he was active. anyone heard from him recently?
Kitkit is completely MIA, that's why I keep saying I would gladly take his spot and try working on fixing and cleaning up the market.


Zero's Secretary
Oct 1, 2003
Xian-Xi ( dunno if I am allowed to just call you James ) , we haven't made business yet, but I think you are irreplaceable. I'm more of a passive Member, I wasn't on this Board ( or any other Board ) for years, mostly for Real Life Reasons. But if there's anything Neo-related that I didn't understand or just want to get confirmed like only a developer from SNK would be able to do, I looked and still look for Threads with Replies from you first. You are a Paragon for this community.

That said, I do agree that the Shop could be cleaned up a bit. It's tiresome to read " Out of Stock " so many Times, and Examples of your Works regarding Superguns and CMVS Setps would be very helpful.As a Guy from Europe, I would also like to get a rough estimate about Overseas Shipping and which Carrier Options would be available. Since this is a known Problem ( I see the many big " US-only , no discussion " signs on the Market Place ) on both sides I understand why many try to avoid shipping overseas.It doesn't help that there are some dubious Guys on this Continent that just want to get easy money selling knockoffs / conversions and so on. But it looks like the Money Conversion Rate alone does depress some also.
I bought from Hawaii before, even if that was about 10 Years ago. Wasn't a Problem though, as the Guy followed the only really Important Rule of sending to Germany : Placing a clean and readable Invoice on the outside of the Package not marking it as a "Gift" .

Fingers crossed for your Shop, perhaps we can do Business in the Future. And many thanks for all the incredible helpful technical Knowledge you shared so far.