Is Motw worth buying?


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jun 15, 2002
I was looking at a combo movie they have posted up at gamecombos ( and after seeing that and hearing so much about how Terry and Rock is in the game I've wanted to find out a bit more. So I'd like all of your opinions. Is it really worth getting (either mvs or aes) and what's the good/bad things about it?

Kyo 2000

In short, YES.

Which version depends entirely on your preference though.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jun 15, 2002
Ugh, it's still going for around 200+ USD though...think the price will drop in the next couple years? Probably not huh..


Jello Pudding Pop, Y'know? Like that whole Bill C
Jun 27, 2001
If you don't want to shell out the cash for the AES version either go for the MVS version if you can, or just buy the Dreamcast version. You can buy it in English or Japanese for pretty cheap. Check eBay out or your local VG stores that still have DC games for sale.

And yes the game plays EXACTLY the same as the AES version.




Mr. Big's Thug
May 12, 2001
good:animation ,background,music
bad:not fun , boring game
at last if you really wants this game,buy it on mvs
the game is now too expensive on aes
but if i were you i will look for an other title ,cheaper and better than motw(kof 98 4 example)


The Rock,
Jan 20, 2002
Originally posted by Alkanan:
<strong>Ugh, it's still going for around 200+ USD though...think the price will drop in the next couple years? Probably not huh..</strong><hr></blockquote>

where are you getting it for 200usd

Let me know so i can get it

try 400+

to answer your question, its not the worst fighter on the Neo

But it is no where near the best basically its eye candy - go for Fatal Fury Special much better

I have to buy it because i own all the other fatal fury's and i gonna get pissed off when i have to pay top dollar for it

<img src="graemlins/crying.gif" border="0" alt="[Crying]" />


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jun 15, 2002
Thanks for the feedback, I guess I'll try it out on DC first before I look into getting it on mvs.


May 23, 2002
Go for the MVS version, as it's arouind $80-100 or you can get a NIB one here: <a href="" target="_blank">eBay</a> for about $150.

The hell with the DC version. It was a good port, but since you have the ability to play the "original" why not play it that way instead?

MOTW is a great game, even if I can't ever seem to get an ending...


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Mar 7, 2001
i personaly think it is well worth getting especially if you like to play with freinds it has the fastest frame rate i have seen on a neo game and imo one of my favs try to find it at a arcade before you spend the cash or go to your local gamestop and ask to try it out when i first played the game i had to get is if you want the aes version you will have to spend 300-500 depending on the condition and the mvs you can get a kit on ebay i see them their all the time for 140 buy it now and you could probly find a loose cart for half that and the dc version usally runs about 20-50 bucks depending on what version you get the us,playmore or snk versions


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
MotW (which I own on DC and a friend of mine on MVS) is a good 2P game, while I get bored in 1P matches quite quickly. The engine, tho packed with features like just-defended, the T.O.P. system, breaking, lotsa combos, three-way blocks and other nifty stuff, is quite simple, and the loads of qcfx2+button moves are... well, boring.

It must be the way they implemented all these elements into the game what gives me headaches.

it's really not the pinnacle of the Garou series. If you want to get down to some serious fighting, try the first Real Bout, or FFS.

Graphically, it's really beautiful, specially the anims. But that's only half of the way to a cool fighter.

Oh, and before I forget, there are differences between the DC and Neo version, mostly in move timing, playing speed, minor anim cuts and specially sound. I have a Neo joyboard-to-DC adaptor, so I play both versions with the original old style, and I always notice small differences in game play. They don't ruin the DC version or something, but it feels different. Maybe that's just me.


Neither Big nor Fred, ,
Apr 10, 2002
hmm... It's ok I guess. I don't consider it a part of the Fatal Fury games 'cause it's missing the line sway system. In any case there's only around 14 characters to pick from, I still prefer the Real Bout/Fatal Fury games over my DC copy of Garou: MotW. But don't let other people make your mind up for you, I know some people who are are hooked to the game, your best bet is to try it out for yourself and decided whether it's worth buying.


Maxima's Barber
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
This is one of those love it or hate it games. I for one love it. I shelled out 400 bucks for the AES version and think it worth every penny. This is my all time favorite fighting game (with KOF 98/2001) a VERY VERY close second). The game is deep, beautiful and fun to play. Some character designs are a bit strange, but the way the characters play more than make up for that. I have played the DC version, and the gameplay is exactly the same, but there are little things here and there that I nit picked over just because I'm one of those freaks that has to have the original :p
Jul 4, 2002
MotW worth buying? most resounding YES!

the only minute complaint i have is there should have been more characters in there. terry bogard, freeman, and the KIM boys rocked! :D

10 in 2010

you have to put in a lot of time and effort to truly appreciate it. i bought in back in febuary and wasn't so impressed. i played it a little every day since (except for whn i playing through shenmue 2 though :D ) and ive learned to use the TOP system, breaking moves :D and just defended tactics for my benefit. this is whree the game gives you such a large amount of satisfaction, try doing terry's power dunk <break> into buster wolf, or Kim jae hoon's back kick <break> into pheonix flatterner.
also the presentation of the game is superb , and the character art (expecially the endings) is the best ive seen in an SNK game. great music as i say definetely pick it up.


Try it before buying if you can...

I got mine because everyone told me "it's amazing! It's great!" But I simply think it's decent :p

Impressive, but there are better fighting games out there...