Modded AES or consolized MVS?


Mr. Big's Thug
Jul 20, 2004
To whoever blamed emulation, it's funny, because playing N-G ROM's just made me want a system MORE.

So now I think I'm finally going to get one.

What I REALLY want is an MVS. A full cabinet MVS, that is. But the problem is that m and my friends always travel with our consoles whenever we go to each others' houses and such, and we all know it's not easy to drag around a 6-foot-tall arcade cabinet from house to house for a night of gaming.

So I've narrowed it down to a modded AES and a consolized MVS. After I buy my Nintendo DS, I'm going to be looking for one. I think the AES is much more aesthetically pleasing, but the games are more expensive, and the MVS just seems like a better idea. Though there is the Phantom.

What would you guys suggest? Keep in mind I'm a poor high school student who has a sickening addiction to video games (14 consoles with about 1,000 games total :buttrock: )


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Jun 15, 2002
Dang, you're younger than I am!

In your situation, I'd get a consolized MVS. The Phantom is bulky and won't work/work well with some games (search for it). Plus a poor highschooler like ourselves can't afford $400 for a MOTW AES cart, but $70 or so for MVS is a lot better. If you gotta have nice presentation, get shockboxes; getting the boxes and getting the inserts printed at Kinkos will still be cheaper than buying the AES counterpart.


Mr. Big's Thug
Jul 20, 2004
DanAdamKOF said:
Dang, you're younger than I am!

I believe it, I'm younger than pretty much everyone on this board (except for possibly Now Loading).

In your situation, I'd get a consolized MVS. The Phantom is bulky and won't work/work well with some games (search for it). Plus a poor highschooler like ourselves can't afford $400 for a MOTW AES cart, but $70 or so for MVS is a lot better. If you gotta have nice presentation, get shockboxes; getting the boxes and getting the inserts printed at Kinkos will still be cheaper than buying the AES counterpart.

That's what I've been thinking, though I'd probably look for a consolized MVS with a cover/case/whatever, then strategically slap some SNK Neo-Geo stickers on there for that "professional" look.

Yeah, I'm extremely anal-retentive as well.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Jun 15, 2002
SlickDizzy said:
Yeah, I'm extremely anal-retentive as well.

Hopefully not about cart condition. A lot of the MVS carts out there aren't in the best shape.

You could build a supergun for science fair and get sponsored for it like I did (and am doing again), or if you have no soul you can just say you are :smirk:. But that's not the clean-looking setup you're looking for.


Mr. Big's Thug
Jul 20, 2004
DanAdamKOF said:
Hopefully not about cart condition. A lot of the MVS carts out there aren't in the best shape.

You could build a supergun for science fair and get sponsored for it like I did (and am doing again), or if you have no soul you can just say you are :smirk:. But that's not the clean-looking setup you're looking for.

I wouldn't really care about cart condition as long as it worked right. Some shockboxes and a sprayjob to match the board case to the controllers would be pretty much good enough for me.


Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
Mar 14, 2003
This is really a easy decision for me - go with the consolized unit. Grab a 2 or maybe a 4 slot, and enjoy the freedom to be able to get pretty much any game you want without having to sell yourself on the street.

There's just no way that someone in high school will be able to afford all the great games that came out for the AES - you just wouldn't have a fighting chance. I wouldn't exactly call MVS collecting a cheap hobby either, especially if you like kits or even bare carts in good shape, but it's much more reasonable than AES collecting.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Aug 14, 2003
If you're on a budget, go for the consolised MVS.
Carts are much cheaper and you've got more titles available.

You could also go for an AES+Phantom if you're planning to start a homecart collection in the future, bit I think it would be more expensive. Also, AFAIK some carts won't work perfectly with the phantom.



Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 12, 2004
Gamer=consolized MVS
Collector=modded AES or consolized MVS (if you want to collect only complete MVS kits with matching serials, mint condition, etc.)


Choi's Clawmaker
Jan 26, 2003
I would recommend a consolized MVS for the price over the long haul. Initial investment is obviously more, but cart price is a big plus.

BUT, as said, a modded AES + Phantom costs about the same as a consolized MVS and with it you can play AES and MVS.

But if you were a true Neo freak, you'd buy both AES and MVS, wrap the AES carts in ziplock baggies, remove the cover of your AES, buy both the complete MVS kit and a loose cart to play. :make_fac:


Mr. Big's Thug
Jul 20, 2004
D-Lite said:
I would recommend a consolized MVS for the price over the long haul. Initial investment is obviously more, but cart price is a big plus.

BUT, as said, a modded AES + Phantom costs about the same as a consolized MVS and with it you can play AES and MVS.

But if you were a true Neo freak, you'd buy both AES and MVS, wrap the AES carts in ziplock baggies, remove the cover of your AES, buy both the complete MVS kit and a loose cart to play. :make_fac:

That part comes when I have a real job and a steady income. :D


NeoGumby's Sycophant,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2002
you will spend less money on a consolized MVS on the long run.

shock boxes and printed inserts will make the carts look more pleasant and convenient (they just look like home carts), but they are not necessary of course.

and I agree with you on that Romz help getting people into buying a system. your very same story applies to me as well.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
One more vote for consolized MVS here. Norton9478 did mine and I've been loving it ever since. I totally agree with everyone else that it was nice to be able to pick up a brand new SSV kit for $99 instead of having to spend $300+ for the AES version. The members around here do some great work; you should be able to find something you like for a very fair price.


NEST Puppet
Nov 1, 2004
I just bought an AES (I'm still waiting for it to arrive... god that's a tough wait), and already I'm almost regretting not going the MVS route. MOTW is actually $500 for the AES... and that's still settling in for me - I really can't believe I got myself into this. However, the games that I'm going to be playing the most are the games that I am really nostalgic about are the ones that I remember playing back when I was a kid in the arcades (FF2, AOF2, KOF94, etc), and those are relatively cheap, but if your only real exposure to the Neo was emulation, that probably won't apply here...

It's a tough call, but I think it really depends on whether or not you're going to be collecting or playing the games, and whether or not you're primarily going to be playing Playmore releases, or classic SNK titles. I could be wrong though... I am just starting collecting now, so, yeah.


Astra Superstar
Feb 17, 2004
I have a modded AES and a Phantom-1.

I can play EVERYTHING. MVS- Yep. AES-Yep. The Universe BIOS 2.0 in my system lets me play any mode, any dip setting, any censorship level I want. I had a cab owning buddy over, and he was stunned at how good it looked, and the options for play I have on my AES with the Universe BIOS. He's from the old school of thought that AES means -censored, limited options- .

I showed him you *can* have it all. :multi_co:

However, some AES's have issues with the Phantom and some games (mine does not), and some new releases don't work with the Phantom (SVC Chaos, MS5). The most practical way to go is some iteration of MVS.

However, unlike many of you MVS owners, I'm already enjoying SSVS. At a cheaper price than you can pay (for now anyway). So... :p