Official A/V Thread

Jul 15, 2008
I was surprised to learn that guitar amps are the second biggest consumer of modern vacuum tubes. Yesterday I learned there are vacuum tube DAC’s.

I dunno it seems the hifi world really wants to suck you into vacuum tubes. After having a schiity tube pre I see why but its a dangerous can of worms, I need to have both options available at home. I bet its the same if I try a tube amplifier, I’ll just need both.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
I got offered a decware zen triode in trade for my schiit aegirs.

Seriously, none of you faggots fuck with vacuum tubes?
I do, I have a Peachtree Nova intergrated power amp and a Vincent phono amp.

I went through my tube swapping phase years ago with my previous setup. Decided to just get stuff I was happy with and leave it alone.
Jul 15, 2008
My pre/power is all tube

I didnt realize, I havent tried to look up the rest of your gear, specifically after pricing out some tonearms you had posted I figure its best not to look too close.

Also I didnt realize your gear was vacuum tube because of the enclosed casing. I find this kind of off putting with tube gear. I want to be able to see and touch the tubes.

I am looking at a doge pre as an upgrade from my schiit and it has the most boring black box exclosure for those glorious tubes. So sound first I guess.

I do, I have a Peachtree Nova intergrated power amp and a Vincent phono amp.

I went through my tube swapping phase years ago with my previous setup. Decided to just get stuff I was happy with and leave it alone.

I knew you were a peachtree guy but just assumed solid state since ive never heard you talk tubes.

I would be really fucking mad at myself if I didnt search for those magic tube combos as frustrating and expensive as it is.

Maybe it shows how unfufilled I am with my gear.

I was listening to paul mcgowan talk tube the other day and he talked me out of running vintage tubes any more unless they are nos and from a big reputable dealer, he also mentioned that he changes to a set of fresh tubes in his gear at least once a year.
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The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
The designer of my amps is basically a British legend in making them, he says he could make a similar sound with solid state or tube. I don't think they are even boutique ones as he mentioned when alive that - well, he's not much of a tweaker I guess
Jul 15, 2008
Sorry to be M’ing up this thread so much lately fellers, the hifi hobby has a grip on me right now only matched by candy cabs circa 2010 when I had 3 rooms in my home loaded with candy cab crap. Dont worry we’ll keep it classy this time, lol.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
Sorry to be M’ing up this thread so much lately fellers, the hifi hobby has a grip on me right now only matched by candy cabs circa 2010 when I had 3 rooms in my home loaded with candy cab crap. Dont worry we’ll keep it classy this time, lol.
Nah, it's a cool hobby, the older you get the less you care about gaming imo so it's good to put that into something else.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
I'm not super sure about the benefits of tubes in hifi. They're useful in guitar / bass amps because they help the amp feel more "responsive" to different picking / strumming / plucking techniques and you can overload the pre for really nice overdrive tones. That lack of headroom is a selling point – solid state amps were originally popular because you could crank them and keep your tone clean. With hifi, you obviously don't want to push anything into overdrive.

So I'm assuming it's more of a preference thing than a performance thing?


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
I'm not super sure about the benefits of tubes in hifi. They're useful in guitar / bass amps because they help the amp feel more "responsive" to different picking / strumming / plucking techniques and you can overload the pre for really nice overdrive tones. That lack of headroom is a selling point – solid state amps were originally popular because you could crank them and keep your tone clean. With hifi, you obviously don't want to push anything into overdrive.

So I'm assuming it's more of a preference thing than a performance thing?
Tubes can add a warmer more natural sound if used properly.

It really does depend totally on personal preference and the type of music you most listen to. I can't deny there is a certain cleanness and clarity to nice solid state stuff that's very appealing.

That's why I like hybrid amps, you get the best of both worlds.


fresh out of fucks
10 Year Member
Dec 21, 2010
I think with Tube amps the audio quality is more noticeable with harmonic rich sounds like an orchestra or acoustic instruments.

With something like electronic music or hard rock the mastering process squashes the dynamics to increase loudness and you won't get the same effect from analog output


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I listen to all genres on my system. It should sound good with anything tbh
Jul 15, 2008
I find it opens up the soundstage tremendously as well as adding a warm richness that is super distinct. Tone profile of like an A class solid state amp but with more detail and that much bigger three dimensional soundstage. Ive yet to hear an all solid state setup where I can clearly hear sounds behind me and also high in the air, tube seems to be the easiest way to achieve that kind of thing.

Its amazing the variety of changes that tube rolling brings. I wasnt very accepting of these forte iv’s till I started rolling and finding what they like.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I've been class A valve for about ten years
Wouldn't go back


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Interesting. Thanks for the responses.

Just got my Japanese 7" (ironic) of Maneater (super ironic) this week so I've been spinning that.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
Gutenberg is grounded in reality at least. Paul at psaudio is a bit heavy on the cable foo. Darko is semi grounded
Jul 15, 2008
For me I watch a handful but only pay attention to darko. Just really enjoyed seeing all of these personal systems one right after the other in this video, wanted to share.
Jul 15, 2008
So since I bought these forte iv’s they have been giving me a headache, too bright, too forward, too much pressure in the highs? I dunno. I figured it was just the big change to loaded horns and maybe I was sensitive to them or just particularly annoyed by compressed horns. I mean everyone on the planet raves about these speakers.

Ive tried a dozen small tweaks to dial this out and theyve all helped a tiny bit but I was still getting headaches. Until I dove deep online and got to reading that what I could be hearing was distortion in the highs coming from resistance in the chain.

I instantly thought of my $30 mediabridge speaker cables and also those little bridged fucking bars they put on your binding posts on speakers like the forte that ive heard numerous audio guys say you should change out.

Ordered a set of speaker cables from blue jean cable for $170 made for bi-wiring, swapped em in and removed those binding post jumper plates.

The sound is noticeably more relaxed, the edge is gone, the headaches are gone.

2 lessons here, dont use $30 speaker cables on your 12K hifi. And this is a very sensitive speaker issue. Never had this sort of issue with hard to drive speakers. Buy 5k speakers, get 5K speakers issues.
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Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Buy 5k speakers, get 5K speakers issues.
Yup. Mo money, mo problems.

When you find something that you like it's best to just stick with it, especially if it's simple.

All of my interconnects and speaker cable are from Bluejeans. They make some of the best affordable no frills, no snake oil BS, cables around.
Jul 15, 2008
I knew I was overdue for a cable upgrade but never could have imagined the problem I was having.

Anyways, another $500 to blue jean to upgrade the rest. Noticed they dont do power cables tho.
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