Official Neo Geo High Score Thread - Top Ranked Players Only


1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
UPDATE [May 2010]
Neo Geo High Score Wiki!

[highlight][EDIT: [Bobak] TonK handed this thread over to BBH so Tak and I inserted this "new" older post above TonK's original post and pasted in BBH's original post which is down at #17).][/highlight]

[highlight] The High Score Leader Board [/highlight]

  • Art of Fighting 2, Superfamifreak - 724,786
  • Blazing Star, MNK - 29,685,300
  • Eight-Man, NEO GOLD - 232,900
  • Fatal Fury 2, Lee Gray - 1,132,500
  • Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Giby - 10,957,100
  • King of Fighters '96, Superfamifreak - 714,500
  • King of Fighters '98, Mushiki - 647,700
  • Last Resort, BBH - 568,100
  • Magical Drop 3 [Challenge Mode], Superfamifreak - 518,050
  • Magical Drop 3 [Magical Journey], Superfamifreak - 692,528
  • Metal Slug, MNK - 1,836,730
  • Metal Slug 2, talks2wall - 2,862,710
  • Metal Slug 3, talks2wall - 1,898,670
  • Metal Slug X, MNK - 4,260,760
  • NAM-1975, BBH - 984,000
  • Neo Drift Out, Superfamifreak - 7'03"62
  • Neo Turf Masters, Zenimus - -4
  • Nightmare in the Dark, TonK - 30,692,200
  • Prehistoric Isle II, jpj - 33,607,600
  • Pulstar, BBH - 1,079,290
  • Real Bout Fatal Fury, Superfamifreak - 1,098,900
  • Samurai Shodown, talks2wall - 636,320
  • Samurai Shodown 2, talks2wall - 258,800
  • Shock Troopers, BBH - 29,594,600
  • Shock Troopers 2nd Squad, jpj - 1,628,420
  • Spinmaster - BBH - 630,300
  • Strikers 1945 Plus, jpj - 471,300
  • Twinkle Star Sprites, talks2wall - 934,310
  • Zupapa!, TonK - 10,760,400


In this thread you will find many high scores for various Neo-Geo titles. To have your name entered into the Leader Board you must provide the following.

- You must post a picture of your high score.

- When entering your name, please choose something that will prove that its you. (see my signature for examples)

- Emulators are not permitted, unless you provide a complete video of the achievement.

- Emulators include Modded Xbox Systems and other ROM playing devices.

- If the game you received the high score on is not listed, you will automatically be entered as the top ranked player for that game.

- If your score is defeated, you will not be notified, so please subscribe to this thread by clicking [URL=]here[/URL].

- You may enter as many times as you want and for as many games as you want.

- This is a high score thread, completed games are a great accomplishment, but do not count towards your ranking.

- If you need a photo hosted, either send me a private message, or use a free image hosting service such as [url=]ImageShack[/url] or [url=]Photobucket.[/url]

- Please PM/email me with any questions or concerns.
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Least Valuable Player
Apr 24, 2001
Lord BBH will be taking over this thread...

EDIT[2]: Since BBH took over this thread, but his post is all the way down at post #16, it can't be moved back up because these threads are in chronological order. Thus, to save time of looking for #16, Tak and I have come up with an ingenious solution to add a "new" old post above TonK's original post. --Bobak


Edit[1]: This is the new official High Score Thread by BBH, who will be its maintainer from now on. As a result of the merger with TonK's old thread, the official high score list got pushed back to post #16, so please refer to this post for now if you want to check out the current high score table, we will try to rearrange this thread for better legibility. Thank you. - Tak.

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flaming petrosexual,
15 Year Member
Nov 13, 2003

King of Fighters 98 - 611400


Kula's Diamond
20 Year Member
Feb 19, 2002
Magical Drop 3 - Superfamifreak = SFF


Any chance of getting this thread stickied?


1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
are my MARP scores permitted? Most of my stuff was done on MAME due to the monitor on my MVS being broken and me being too lazy to fix it/get a new one. So they all have an accompanying replay video, but they can only be watched on the version of MAME they were recorded with and blah blah blah. It's all legit though, you know I wouldn't lie about this stuff. ;) (it's all in good fun, ya know?)

EDIT: and I guess taking a picture of scores done on a modded X-Box are fair game too right? (which I don't have, d'oh)

I did find two really old pictures sitting around here that I may as well contribute. I wish I'd had the foresight to take pictures of all of my stuff. :( not going to post my Shock Troopers pic because it was a pitiful 29 million, LOLOLOL

NAM-1975 - 984,000 (clear with all "extra" events)
Pulstar - 1,079,290 (1-life clear)

EDIT 2: I think Magical Drop 3 will need to be split into three different categories too... Challenge Mode, Puzzle Mode, and Magical Journey (Superfamifreak's score is Challenge Mode).
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Least Valuable Player
Apr 24, 2001
BBH said:
are my MARP scores permitted? Most of my stuff was done on MAME due to the monitor on my MVS being broken and me being too lazy to fix it/get a new one. So they all have an accompanying replay video, but they can only be watched on the version of MAME they were recorded with and blah blah blah. It's all legit though, you know I wouldn't lie about this stuff. ;) (it's all in good fun, ya know?)

EDIT: and I guess taking a picture of scores done on a modded X-Box are fair game too right? (which I don't have, d'oh)

I did find two really old pictures sitting around here that I may as well contribute. I wish I'd had the foresight to take pictures of all of my stuff. :( not going to post my Shock Troopers pic because it was a pitiful 29 million, LOLOLOL

NAM-1975 - 984,000 (clear with all "extra" events)
Pulstar - 1,079,290 (1-life clear)

EDIT 2: I think Magical Drop 3 will need to be split into three different categories too... Challenge Mode, Puzzle Mode, and Magical Journey (Superfamifreak's score is Challenge Mode).

Modded Xbox System users must provide a video...

My screenshot was from my copy of the AES NitD...


SouthTown StreetSweeper
20 Year Member
Dec 17, 2004
I'm assuming that these are for 1 credit scores, correct?


Kula's Diamond
20 Year Member
Feb 19, 2002
Vectorman0 said:
I'm assuming that these are for 1 credit scores, correct?

Most Neo games start you off at 0 when you continue anyway.
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SouthTown StreetSweeper
20 Year Member
Dec 17, 2004
TonK said:
No, any score is accepted..

That's good, and will open more games up to more people. (Me included) One thing to consider though is that I believe the Metal Slug 3 Xbox port would allow a higher max score because you start off at the begining of the level on continues, unlike MVS.


Buriki One Master
Feb 4, 2003
Well I took a shot of my Garou scores


Nobody's mentioned difficulty levels yet, what's the standard on that. The above scores of mine are on a Level 8 difficulty which is what I play most fighters on. Non-fighting games usually just get played on default for me.


Collection Gallery Keeper, CD Price Guide Analyst,
May 26, 2002
kernow said:
should be level 4, MVS level

Ditto. That's usually the standard for High scores, Level-4 MVS - 1 credit


1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
The New Official Neo-Geo High Score Thread - Top Ranked Players Only

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Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
- Emulators are not permitted, unless you provide a complete video of the achievement

I don't like this rule. Couldn't someone cheat using a MVS with a new bios just as easy as cheating via an emulator ?

That being said. Excellent thread.


Least Valuable Player
Apr 24, 2001
Abasuto said:
- Emulators are not permitted, unless you provide a complete video of the achievement

I don't like this rule. Couldn't someone cheat using a MVS with a new bios just as easy as cheating via an emulator ?

That being said. Excellent thread.

How do you cheat with the new BIOS?

Only games like Metal Slug get you infinite grenades and such, right?


Ghost of Captain Kidd
Dec 2, 2002
TonK said:
How do you cheat with the new BIOS?

Only games like Metal Slug get you infinite grenades and such, right?

I'm fairly sure you can have invincibility in some of the shooters


Least Valuable Player
Apr 24, 2001
Lashujin said:
I think they mean Raz's UniBios

Holy shit - I forgot all about that thing... what all does it do?

I thought it played music and stuff...

EDIT: after searching, I guess you can't post anything unless its videotaped... or BBH will know more - its a good thing I got my scores before any unibios was out... I did have the 4X BIOS installed in it, and Mikhail knows that I got these scores legit...

Hell, we were on the phone while playing Zupapa and kept beating eachother after each game...

I used the AES system I sold member "Force" and the NitD AES Cart I bought from VGD...

Well, my score would have been much higher if I used the unibios - can't you do your own score or something?


Ghost of Captain Kidd
Dec 2, 2002
TonK said:
Holy shit - I forgot all about that thing... what all does it do?
Well, my score would have been much higher if I used the unibios - can't you do your own score or something?

I don't know about doing your own score, but the UniBios does a load of things from playing music, to checking your carts info (for errors) and having all kinds of cheats etc...

You can also switch console/region etc... it's an impressive piece of kit with my favorite feature being the soft-reset


Host for Orochi
Apr 6, 2004
Lashujin said:
I'm fairly sure you can have invincibility in some of the shooters
Yeah, definitely. I'm pretty sure that every MVS cart I have has an invincible cheat or something comparable to inflate your scores. I just quickly checked SS1, SS2, Slug 1 and Slug X. Even Turf Masters has a cheat for getting a hole in one every time. Guess I'll have to break out my VCR...