Ok, I feel sick, Did I do the right thing? Was it so bad?

J' Kusanagi

Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 28, 2002
Ok, I'm a Asistant Manager at this Grocery store right, and I became good friends and eventually fell in love with this girl that works there. And I know she has some feelings for me too, maybe not as strong, but potential. But she has a boyfriend, who's she dated on and off for 3 years. She comes over now and then to play Mario on my emu and we shared one soft tongue kiss. A few weeks before we had that kiss, I started dating this other chick that works there thats totally the opposite of Girl A. This Girl B is just as hot, but kinda on the ghetto side, she's loud, she'll fight your ass if you piss her off, she can be quite a handful. Now, I'd say about her 3rd day working there she gives me her #. 3 days later I'm over her house fucking her brains out. I'm thinking like...gee 3 days, could she be a *h*re but she says she really likes me and stuff and would normally not do that so fast with anyone else. Oh, BTW, I'm 19, she's 20 and has a 2yr old kid, and Girl A is 21. Okay, we hang out, Girl A gets jealous, starts paying me more attention and seems to start really wanting me and saying how Girl B is bad for me, still could be screwing her baby daddy and what not, and stuff. Meanwhile, Girl B does stupid shit at work, and embarasses me and makes me look stupid in front of the other girls that work there. Then the other girs that work there say that she's just using me for money and that Girl B actually said those things to them. I ask Girl B about it and she denies all of it. Then I caught Claymidia from her, she says she must have gotten it from her kid's dad like in June cause thats the last time they been together. We both get treated and tested, I came up + she came up - but I know its her cause I haven't been with a chick in 2 years before I met her, and she's the only one I ate out and use unprotected sex with. So anyways, I was pissed for a few days but was like, its not her fault, since stds can hide in chicks for long periods of time and never show on tests for a while. Then, 2 weeks later I though she would have cleared up so I ate her :p and screwed her unprotected at the airport and got it again. Got treated, doctors said the germ still was probaly there in her. Anyways she strange is growing on me more and more and I tell her I lover her but I still love Girl A too. Then one day I come to work, and like here her best friend who also works there stole like $800 from the store!!! Then she like gets her to slide her grocery and steals like 200 bucks, but they only got her for the groceries. She laughs about the shit and I'm like, you could have cost me my fucking job, don't you care!!! Since everybody know that we date, I tried to keep it a secret but she kept coming out there and saying stuff. Anyways, she tells me later that she really did take the 200 bucks. See it came up missing in the store and they suspected it, but the camera is to blurry to prove. Girl A is like, "if she really loves you, she wouldn't have done that" Meanwhile Girl B says her reasons for doing it was, cause her friend did it and it looked like she was going to get away with it at first. Despite this, I still stayed with her. (to be cont'd)


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
OK, I replied to the other thread you posted... but I have to say you are an idiot... Yeah I decided that. You fucking catch an STD for fuckin this dirty bitch un-protected, get clean, then fuck her unprotected again? You deserved the STDs... filthy bitch. God you are stupid... I wouldn't be surprised if you come back in her and say now she is pregnant, but I still love girl A. Whatever,


[ November 08, 2002: Message edited by: nruva ]</p>

J' Kusanagi

Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 28, 2002
Ok, a little bit between the part where she stole, and the part where I got burned for the 2nd time, Girl A started sending me signals like she wanted me and was through with her on and off B/f. And since I'm really in love with her, I was had to tell Girl B that I still had deep feelings for Girl A. Girl B knew before I met her that I tried to go with Girl A but she didn't know I still had feeling for her, well, Girl B said she really liked me so she wanted me to confront Girl A once and for all and see what those signals meant. So I asked Girl A did they mean she wanted me and she said no they didn't that I misunderstood, and I was like oh, okay :( and told Girl B what she said and Girl B said she needed some time to cool off, so later that day Girl B took me back. Alright, flash forward to last week. Girl B, and I have an arguement, we didn't talk in some days, and she brought me my spare tire back Wednesday and doesn't say a word, so I thought that was her way of breaking up with me, I wanted to break up with her at that time anyway so I can pursue Girl A or this other chick that likes me. All the girls and women and work fucking ragged on me so hard last week about how bad she is for me, blah, blah, and I was so frustrated when I talked to her I kinda told her what those people said, then she called up to the store and caused some people out, and threatned to have some of her brothers beat this guy up and stuff, thats what the arguement was about. Well, i've been working closely more and more with Girl A and getting even closer with her, she's sending these signals again, and when I was in her car talking to her, I go in for a kiss and she moves so it can land on the cheek but she moves softly, and I'm like "what"? Then we look into each others eyes and she says "Wait" Well the same night Girl B calls me like nothing happened and said, I though you broke up with me, and she was like no, then I kinda got all nervous and she sensed it and sensed that I wanted to stop talking to her cause of Christy and what the other people said, and I said it was Christy, but I didn't want to break up with her, cause I like both of them, but she kinda like said okay you want to stop talking to me then fine. Then I started <img src="graemlins/crying.gif" border="0" alt="[Crying]" /> Now I miss her so bad, but she blocked my # so I cant call her, at least not from my house. What would you have done? Did I do the right thing? Was she really so bad for me?
If I'm feeling like this after breaking up with her, does it mean I really love her? Is Girl A series or is she just stringing me along and don't know what she wants either? I don't know what to do? It hurts, I really miss Girl B!!? Heelp!

Kid Aphex

samus' love slave,
Nov 23, 2001
why are you wasting your time with this girl? because she's a slut? life's bigger than that. jerk off before you see her next time; and see if you still feel the same "feelings" for her.

J' Kusanagi

Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 28, 2002
Well she is on the shot. But yeah, the few times we had it unprotected, I admit I was and idiot!!

J' Kusanagi

Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 28, 2002
Thats right, don't hold back guys! Keep your comments and opinion coming!


Amano's Drinking Buddy
Jun 27, 2001
OK, here goes........

1) Girl B - ditch her like a clapped-out Ford Transit van. She sounds like high maintenence to me. And you WILL screw yer life up with her.

2) Forget about girl A - being strung along and teased is just as annoying, so juts keep it frendly.

3) Girl C - she'll always be there for you and never complains. Her name? Rosy Palm (sorry, cheap joke)

4) Like Joe says - Paragraphs are good.

5) Quit working in a Grocery store ASAP - especially one filled with a bunch of bitchy women!

6) Get the mods to delete one of these threads as having 2 ongoing at once is confusing my tiny little mind,

[ November 08, 2002: Message edited by: toy_brain ]</p>


Support your local Sheriff, ,
Staff member
Aug 13, 2000
<a href="http://www.neo-geo.com/cgi-local/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=8&t=014335" target="_blank">http://www.neo-geo.com/cgi-local/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=8&t=014335</a>

Duplicate thread (closed)


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Never put your shit where it dont fit... ERR
Thats like messing with a rose, it smells sweet and feels good, but its got thorns you will find in your ass at inconveinant times. Stick with the good girl. Remember, alot of hoe's make you there hoe's... They dont have to be with you to do that either. When you got a viral std you will know...

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
I don't undestand how you can be in love with someone, and then bang a slut after knowing her for, honestly... just hours.

I don't think you ARE in love with the first girl.

The second girl IS a slut, and so are you.

I think because of this stupid start, you should leave them both alone, and cut your dick off. You don't know how to use it, obviously. What happens if the super loose slut says "I'm pregnant"?

See you on Jerry Springer... from home.


Support your local Sheriff, ,
Staff member
Aug 13, 2000
To tell you the truth, it sounds as if you already made up your mind.

Basically, it sounds as if Girl A wants you, but she basically wants you to prove it to her, hence she is playing hard to get.

Girl B should just be sent out with the trash IMHO.

You were foolish too, get the clap once, and still didn't learn. Anyway, anyone with kids that young is definitely on the "don't hit it" list. Kids = baggage at that age when one is single.

Work Girl A (Christy?)


NeoGumby's Sycophant,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2002
if I were you:

- I will wait 7 days (I now it will be too long for you)

- will see my feelings toward them

- follow my heart and choose the one I still love (if it was girl A , I will ask her if she loves her boyfriend)

- if I didn't have any feelings any more toward any of them ............... I will keep away


Bead Banger
Oct 25, 2001
Originally posted by lllllllllllllllllllllllll:
<strong>I think the slut want you to take care of her baby. She probably want you to be the role model for her kid. hahaha</strong><hr></blockquote>

She probably wants another one by him so she can have yet another guy giving her money. Sluts tend to earn that way.


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
Originally posted by Kid Aphex:
<strong>why are you wasting your time with this girl? because she's a slut? life's bigger than that. jerk off before you see her next time; and see if you still feel the same "feelings" for her.</strong><hr></blockquote>

LOL! Amen! Number one way to stay faithful to your love is to crank one off whenever you feel like you want to have sex with someone else. Immediately afterwards you're cured. <img src="graemlins/loco.gif" border="0" alt="[Loco]" /> I imagine it would work to keep yourself away from virtueless hoebags as well.

Daisuke Jigen

R.I.P.,, Dear Friend,
Sep 18, 2000
Such a dirty man-whore. If some chick gave you the clap, and you went and fucked her unprotected again, you deserve having your dick ooze green fluid. <img src="graemlins/shame.gif" border="0" alt="[Shame]" />


May 23, 2002
Here's what you do: quit fucking the dirty STD bitch. Dump STD bitch. Go after Girl A hardcore and forget Girl B (girl B was the dirty STD bitch, right?). Problem solved. Fire Girl B (or get her fired) once you're in good with Girl A.


Jun 9, 2001
I agree with spike on this i dont think you are in love at all.

Girl b is a slut and you are very silly for doing her again after getting that the first time.

Girl a is playing mind games with you its up to you if you still wanna go for it, maybe she does like you but remember she did say that those signals you read were wrong before.

Just be careful and use your head :)


Bead Banger
Jun 5, 2002
Kill the bitch. All of your, and more importantly our, problems will be solved.


20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
Get a new job.

Never ever have a relationship with someone you work with. The risks when it goes horribly wrong far outweigh the benefits of a quick fuck.


Armored Scrum Object
Jun 27, 2002
OMG! I can't believe I even read all this. Dude, I gotta say you got some balls to even post this on the net, that or the other guys are right about you being an idiot (no offense).
If you don't get your head out of your ass though, you are gonna be one of those guys that marries the first piece of steady ass that you get. You'll regret that later in life.

First off, which nobody has mentioned yet. Never fuck chicks you work with. That is bad news from the start and 99% of the time you will get burned before it's all said and done. Just look at all the shit it has caused you at work so far.

Girl B, otherwise known as the ho. Did I read correctly that she stole money from your store? Do you think that you are so special that she'll never rip you off? That chicks a whore and should be treated as such. Oh and never fall for that bullshit line, well I slept with you right away because I like you so much. I'll guarrantee there's a line of other dudes she likes just as much, hence the STD problem.
From what I read she's also two faced and deceitful. Move on now before you get any permanent baggage from that chick.

Girl A.....She's a typical cunt. Don't fall into that getting strung along game. Girls that play that shit get off on it. It's a power trip for them.
If you want to disregard the no co-worker rule, keep playing her game while you are out hitting on everything that walks.Then when the day comes that you do tag her, then kick her to the curb.

Most importantly! Quit falling in love with every girl you sleep with! and try using some damn protection. Just because a girl says she's using birth control does not mean she actually is. Weigh the odds..... Buy diapers or new Neo games. Have some kids when you're mentally and financially ready for them.


Mar 1, 2002
Originally posted by J' Kusanagi:
<strong>Ok, I'm a Asistant Manager at this Grocery store right, and I became good friends and eventually fell in love with this girl that works there. And I know she has some feelings for me too, maybe not as strong, but potential. But she has a boyfriend, who's she dated on and off for 3 years. She comes over now and then to play Mario on my emu and we shared one soft tongue kiss. A few weeks before we had that kiss, I started dating this other chick that works there thats totally the opposite of Girl A. This Girl B is just as hot, but kinda on the ghetto side, she's loud, she'll fight your ass if you piss her off, she can be quite a handful. Now, I'd say about her 3rd day working there she gives me her #. 3 days later I'm over her house fucking her brains out. I'm thinking like...gee 3 days, could she be a *h*re but she says she really likes me and stuff and would normally not do that so fast with anyone else. Oh, BTW, I'm 19, she's 20 and has a 2yr old kid, and Girl A is 21. Okay, we hang out, Girl A gets jealous, starts paying me more attention and seems to start really wanting me and saying how Girl B is bad for me, still could be screwing her baby daddy and what not, and stuff. Meanwhile, Girl B does stupid shit at work, and embarasses me and makes me look stupid in front of the other girls that work there. Then the other girs that work there say that she's just using me for money and that Girl B actually said those things to them. I ask Girl B about it and she denies all of it. Then I caught Claymidia from her, she says she must have gotten it from her kid's dad like in June cause thats the last time they been together. We both get treated and tested, I came up + she came up - but I know its her cause I haven't been with a chick in 2 years before I met her, and she's the only one I ate out and use unprotected sex with. So anyways, I was pissed for a few days but was like, its not her fault, since stds can hide in chicks for long periods of time and never show on tests for a while. Then, 2 weeks later I though she would have cleared up so I ate her :p and screwed her unprotected at the airport and got it again. Got treated, doctors said the germ still was probaly there in her. Anyways she strange is growing on me more and more and I tell her I lover her but I still love Girl A too. Then one day I come to work, and like here her best friend who also works there stole like $800 from the store!!! Then she like gets her to slide her grocery and steals like 200 bucks, but they only got her for the groceries. She laughs about the shit and I'm like, you could have cost me my fucking job, don't you care!!! Since everybody know that we date, I tried to keep it a secret but she kept coming out there and saying stuff. Anyways, she tells me later that she really did take the 200 bucks. See it came up missing in the store and they suspected it, but the camera is to blurry to prove. Girl A is like, "if she really loves you, she wouldn't have done that" Meanwhile Girl B says her reasons for doing it was, cause her friend did it and it looked like she was going to get away with it at first. Despite this, I still stayed with her. (to be cont'd)</strong><hr></blockquote>
