Resident Evil Chronicles Selection HD announced for PS3


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I have to admit that last Operation Raccoon City trailer was a pretty loving fanservice vid to all the series' fans. That definitely sounded like Alyson Court as Claire, which is always a plus because she's the best voice in the whole series. And it's cool seeing them pay RE 3 some tribute with Nikolai and Nemesis, too. I wonder if we'll see some Outbreak in there before it's all said and done? And was that HUNK I saw at the end?

But I'm a real stickler for continuity. I always will be. If they're going to go through all this trouble to include series elements from 2 and 3 into some conjoined narrative, I want it to fit in with the storyline and not change what already happened. I still don't know what I think of the four UBMC special agents, but I'm buying this game in March anyway, so I guess I'll have to deal.

As for Chronicles selection, I don't think they'll fix or change anything. I think it'll just be the same thing all over again.