Trumps record breaking Presidency

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member


Sansetsukon Master
20 Year Member
He had two years to with republicans in charge of the government and he did little until democrats won the house.

He never did his homework as a student I guarantee you. Maybe he would write something down on a piece of paper five minutes before class started. Daddy would go and make sure he got passing grades and clean up his mess, HIS WHOLE LIFE.

He claims he's doing this for national security but TSA agents and Coast Guard are not getting paid and it's getting in the way of federal agents being able to do their jobs.


LoneSage: lithy is just some degenerate scumbag
20 Year Member
Of course Trump did nothing with the Republicans controlling Congress. No one does. Just wait until you can blame the other side again.

Federal employees can suck my dick, they're part of the entire problem that is the bloated federal government. Maybe this will make some of them reconsider their dependency on suckling the tit of a fat sow.

Also lol, this space reserved. For what exactly?


Yeah lithy, those national park/forest workers sure are freeloading pieces of shit.

Maybe its because you're a city slicker faggot these days, but as someone literally encircled by public lands these shutdowns are not funny for my community at all.

My next door neighbor is working without a paycheck.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
My next door neighbor is working without a paycheck.


On a human level... this is bad...

People shouldn't need to struggle because some blonde fuckwit wants to use this as a political device...



I asked for a, Custom Rank and, Learned My Lesson.
15 Year Member
Federal employees can suck my dick, they're part of the entire problem that is the bloated federal government. Maybe this will make some of them reconsider their dependency on suckling the tit of a fat sow.

In some cases, this is true. The TSA, for example, could just continue to be defunded forever, and nothing would change. (I mean, unless you enjoy being groped at the airport.) For some parts of the government, though, I couldn't disagree more. I've seen extremely smart people struggle with their decision to work for the government - they're doing absolutely critical, world-leading work, but could be making so much more privately. Many leave for that reason. Keeping federal employees on low wages and jerking them around for political games drives the competent ones out.


LoneSage: lithy is just some degenerate scumbag
20 Year Member
Yeah lithy, those national park/forest workers sure are freeloading pieces of shit.

Maybe its because you're a city slicker faggot these days, but as someone literally encircled by public lands these shutdowns are not funny for my community at all.

My next door neighbor is working without a paycheck.

Hey pops, and I mean this sincerely despite some Saturday drinking that produced the amount of Rage in my first post. [REDACTED].

You know how business people that depend on national parks for their livelihood went out and did things like empty garbage cans themselves?

Don't you ever think that removing those lands from the possibility of political manipulation would be a good thing rather than a bad thing?


LoneSage: lithy is just some degenerate scumbag
20 Year Member
By the by

Double post no editz!

Your neighbors paycheck is just delayed. He isn't working for no pay. Everyone knows all federal employees end up getting paid anyway. Sometimes for doing no work.


evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Hey pops, and I mean this sincerely despite some Saturday drinking that produced the amount of Rage in my first post. [REDACTED].

You know how business people that depend on national parks for their livelihood went out and did things like empty garbage cans themselves?

Don't you ever think that removing those lands from the possibility of political manipulation would be a good thing rather than a bad thing?

Jesus Christ dude... you want the Us government to stop protecting the forests from assholes who want to make paper products or dump in the water ways? What the fuck is wrong with you?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
By the by

Double post no editz!

Your neighbors paycheck is just delayed. He isn't working for no pay. Everyone knows all federal employees end up getting paid anyway. Sometimes for doing no work.


My wife is a federal contractor who has been out of work and not getting paid. She won’t get this time back. There’s a big difference between the effect on federal full employee workers with benefits, and contractors who get paid hourly. Please stop posting ignorant comments.


Why So Many X's?,
15 Year Member
By the by

Double post no editz!

Your neighbors paycheck is just delayed. He isn't working for no pay. Everyone knows all federal employees end up getting paid anyway. Sometimes for doing no work.


Lol what? No you don’t get back pay during shut downs.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
10 Year Member
In some cases, this is true. The TSA, for example, could just continue to be defunded forever, and nothing would change. (I mean, unless you enjoy being groped at the airport.) For some parts of the government, though, I couldn't disagree more. I've seen extremely smart people struggle with their decision to work for the government - they're doing absolutely critical, world-leading work, but could be making so much more privately. Many leave for that reason. Keeping federal employees on low wages and jerking them around for political games drives the competent ones out.

Agreed. Once you start an agency or program it's virtually impossible to get rid of it, regardless of whether it is worthwhile or not. There is a lot of redundancy, especially with law enforcement and intelligence. Yet somehow they all manage to find a way to justify their continued existence.

People are focused on "reopening the government" but usually fail to mention that the reason the we have these shutdowns is they have to authorize raising the debt ceiling all the time. Instead of continuing this unsustainable practice they should have to raise additional revenue and/or decrease spending.


LoneSage: lithy is just some degenerate scumbag
20 Year Member

lol, k.

Lol what? No you don’t get back pay during shut downs.


My wife is a federal contractor who has been out of work and not getting paid. She won’t get this time back. There’s a big difference between the effect on federal full employee workers with benefits, and contractors who get paid hourly. Please stop posting ignorant comments.

Ah, federal contractors, the only people who can suck my dick more than actual federal employees. Your wife excluded of course, no disrespect intended.

Jesus Christ dude... you want the Us government to stop protecting the forests from assholes who want to make paper products or dump in the water ways? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Maybe I'm artistic.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Sigh... Lithy... I'd have the energy to make fun of you if your views weren't so sad. No, really. It's deflating when I have to remember people have views like yours.

Anyway, my question is WHY didn't Trump get started on the wall when he could have? And why isn't anyone using that point to push back? What was stopping him from starting the wall in his first two years?
Last edited:


Hey pops, and I mean this sincerely despite some Saturday drinking that produced the amount of Rage in my first post. [REDACTED].

You know how business people that depend on national parks for their livelihood went out and did things like empty garbage cans themselves?

Don't you ever think that removing those lands from the possibility of political manipulation would be a good thing rather than a bad thing?

You live in a city somewhere in Pennsylvania.

Come live amongst public land for a FUCKING LONG WEEKEND YOU CONTRARION PIECE OF SHIT.

I will then calmly explain to you how absurd your beliefs on this subject are


LoneSage: lithy is just some degenerate scumbag
20 Year Member
Sigh... Lithy... I'd have the energy to make fun of you if your views weren't so sad. No, really. It's deflating when I have to remember people have views like yours.

Anyway, my question is WHY didn't Trump get started on the wall when he could have? And why isn't anyone using that point to push back? What was stopping him from starting the wall in his first two years?

Because, like I said, that isn't the point. You have let him successfully make you think that the goal is actually to build a wall. The goal is to make you think he actually wants to build a wall. Check. The Democrats goal is to make you think they care about stopping this wall from being built. Check. Now they can sit back for two years until the election cycle and see who played their 'stategy' better. Then after that election, both sides can look at the immigration issue again and decide how they want to posture about it in 2022.

Stop thinking that they don't do anything because they forgot they had full control and start realizing that the best thing for them is not to take action because then you need to own your work. This way they can recycle the same issues over and over with little or no progress.

Why didn't Trump build a wall? Same reason Obama didn't codify DACA.

You live in a city somewhere in Pennsylvania.

Come live amongst public land for a FUCKING LONG WEEKEND YOU CONTRARION PIECE OF SHIT.

I will then calmly explain to you how absurd your beliefs on this subject are

I can't believe you think the best steward of land is our government.

How did 'living amongst public lands' go for people in Appalachia in the early 1930s?


This isn't the 1930s. Our national parks and forests are sacrosanct. Monuments not so much, but thats a detail that someone with an actual opinion would mention. "Libertarians" like you casually enable all the bullshit you deride and ostensibly fear.

So yeah lithy, you dumb fucking asshole, who should take up the mantle of maintaining our national parks? Exxon? Whatever company Zinke works for this week?

Youre fucking retarded.


LoneSage: lithy is just some degenerate scumbag
20 Year Member
This isn't the 1930s. Our national parks and forests are sacrosanct. Monuments not so much, but thats a detail that someone with an actual opinion would mention. "Libertarians" like you casually enable all the bullshit you deride and ostensibly fear.

So yeah lithy, you dumb fucking asshole, who should take up the mantle of maintaining our national parks? Exxon? Whatever company Zinke works for this week?

Youre fucking retarded.

Sacrosanct to who? Everyone? Then there should be no problem maintaining a profitable privately owned park for all who want to use it.

I'm sure some feel the same about their local national monument, but you seem dismissive of that, so the universality of your claim is suspect.

National parks were created by the wealthy as vacation destinations using the enforcement power of the government to condemn private homes when necessary and sold with the logic that they were maintaining a public interest for the everyman. They were created by the very city folk you seem to despise at the expense of the country folk you love.

Lastly, at least I have one reason that I am so glad that I own these parks. Totally free expression, no limits placed on me by private owners since it is after all, public land, administered by the federal government, a body bound by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that cannot abridge my freedom of speech.




I genuinely have no idea how to talk to you about this.

You intentionally misconstrued my comment about monuments. Yes lithy oil derreks and fracking in bear's ears is totally what im about...

You libtardtarians are merely pawns of the right wing. You make grandiose statements of principle all the way to the end where you realize that private industry can't, wont, and never intended to work the way they had promised. Then you act surprised.

I mean for profit prisons are going great though, right? At least we have that going for us...

Your logic about national parks applies to Appalachia, but not the west, where most home owners were given easements or 100 year leases at worst. Yes all the hillbillies up in the GSMNP had to move down into sevier county. Sucks. But is that any fucking reason to keep some twisted interpretation of modern parks over a 100 years later? Yes, if you're a libtardtarian