*UPDATED* NeoGeo proto screenshots


Edo Express Delivery Guy
May 6, 2021
They truly made some of the best games on the platform. Magician Lord is among my personal favorites. A sequel would have been one of the most desirable things in the library at least for me
I agree with you. After all, ADK were the ones who designed the Neo Geo in the first place, so it's not suprise that Magician Lord had the best visuals of any Neo Geo launch game.


Proto Hunter
20 Year Member
Nov 10, 2001
It's the page linked in the video description:

No. The site above appears to confirm that Sun Shine and Block Paradise are separate, and have their own NGH numbers. Block Paradise is a refined version of Sun Shine with new rules and mechanics.

I'm quite positive that Fun Fun Brothers is confirmed at 026. As you can see from the video footage we have, someone already owned this game, and most likely put the correct number out.

You mean 258. 026 is way too early.

Just another detail to add here.
(didn’t even see any of this until now as I’ve pretty much checked out of the Neo scene) But in this new “better quality” video that was recently posted, the high score screen (which again, yes, was seen for the first time publicly here) displays the last level reached to the right side of the score.

This was one of the KEY “refinements” / “changes” that was done to the gameplay of “Alpha’s NeoGeo puzzle game” between the phases of development. Basically, in Sun Shine / Block Paradise the players “level” raises steadily as they continue to match colors and clear blocks from the playfield, whereby allowing for an extremely high number (say maybe 99?) to be reached. (an assumption mind you because if the level count where “unlimited?” then it would have been the first and only neogeo game ever made that would have had no ending.) But regardless, the point is that according to the high score table, at the very least, level 22 is reachable because it is clearly displayed as first place.

While with Fun Fun Brothers, the highest possible level that can be reached is 10, because the game only has 10 stages and when the quota is reached at level 10, the game is completed and the ending plays out. And this is because the gameplay is different then Sun Shine. The player does not raise levels through matches made or points scored through gameplay, but rather each level sets a required quota of matches that must be achieved and once accomplished the stage or “level” is completed, and the next level begins.


Cheng's Errand Boy
Oct 12, 2017
I think the winner of the Block Paradise will lose money in the end.. :3

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I think the winner of the Block Paradise will lose money in the end.. :3
If they want to make the rom public, I'll gladly kick in a few hundred dollars to their paypal or patreon. Hopefully others would do the same.
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War Room Troll
Dec 19, 2017
Looking at a few more of his Twitter posts, he says that he acquired it from buying the stock of some place that closed down. He said this happened 20 years ago and he kept it secret until now. I guess it was an old arcade or something? Anyway, there have been emulated screen shots of this since 2005. By the way he is talking, the emulated shots are not from his copy. I guess that there are at least two copies of this out there. So, would be crazy to spend a tonne of cash on it


Cheng's Errand Boy
Oct 12, 2017
don't fucking bid on that game from the japanese guy... the buyer WILL lose money... just saying~


War Room Troll
Dec 19, 2017
don't fucking bid on that game from the japanese guy... the buyer WILL lose money... just saying~
You keep bumping the thread getting everyone excited only to leave them disappointed. I sense you are trying to scare away the competition. You will be outbid my penis teasing friend.


Cheng's Errand Boy
Oct 12, 2017
EDIT: jumped over part of your post. I will not bid on this game past 900'000 yen. I initially wanted to pay around 2 million yen, but this will make the situation take more time to obtain the game anyways.


You're right, I'm trying to scare away the competition because I don't want someone *else* to release the game, because each and every unreleased game that has been released on the Neo so far, the release was orchestrated with a butt. Artsets look bad as fuck, boxes and cart shells look like they were made by underpaid Chinese (maybe because they were), and all that shit...

My opinion is as follows: the last games that SNK have made for the Neo and that are not yet public NEED to be released in a way that anyone even upon the closest inspection could think that they were made by SNK back in the days. I want the very offset weft to be indistinguishable between Block Paradise and something like The Super Spy, KotM or Sengoku, and between Last Odyssey and FF:RB1.

Something like this has no fucking place in ANY Neo Geo game shelf, and with me alive it won't be done twice..........

But, as you say, money talks, bullshit walks. :)
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War Room Troll
Aug 26, 2020
Treasure of Cagaribbean is not already playable in mame? :poop: Why the worth? The sounds looks very bad and vomitable. At least is preservered.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
No, an unreleased game needs to be released as .zip, don't be retarded. Who gives a fuck about bootlegs that will never ever be official or worth anything?

Literally just make your hard copy by hand if you're so bothered, it will have the same effect.


War Room Troll
Aug 26, 2020
No, an unreleased game needs to be released as .zip, don't be retarded. Who gives a fuck about bootlegs that will never ever be official or worth anything?

Literally just make your hard copy by hand if you're so bothered, it will have the same effect.
Do you think i do not know?


War Room Troll
Dec 19, 2017
AFAIK that Treasure of the Caribbean is a fan remake made with some found assets is it not? So its basically a homebrew game, not a prototype. And yes, Block Paradise should be enjoyed by the community however they wish - weather it be a sh1t Chinese knockoff cart or a rom on a Neo SD

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
Well if someone is putting 2 million JPY out of his own pocket, he can do whatever the hell he wants with said item, but some Neo Geo fans have the weirdest fixations about the hobby. Aside from a fundraiser POV it's literally worthless plastic.


War Room Troll
Aug 26, 2020
Well if someone is putting 2 million JPY out of his own pocket, he can do whatever the hell he wants with said item, but some Neo Geo fans have the weirdest fixations about the hobby. Aside from a fundraiser POV it's literally worthless plastic.
This game is avaliable on hbmame. But i looks so trash.


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Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Treasure of Cagaribbean is not already playable in mame? :poop: Why the worth? The sounds looks very bad and vomitable. At least is preservered.
No. It is not preserved. The Treasure of the Caribbean we got is a remake from Le Cortex. If the real proto ever existed in anything close to complete form, it remains lost.

I hope people remain aware of this fact. The search for the game continues.


B. Jenet's Firstmate
20 Year Member
Sep 29, 2003
No. It is not preserved. The Treasure of the Caribbean we got is a remake from Le Cortex. If the real proto ever existed in anything close to complete form, it remains lost.

I hope people remain aware of this fact. The search for the game continues.
I wasn't aware. I always tought it was a very early prototype that was missing most of graphics and sound (and at the same time I believed the real proto screenshots were taken from a more advanced build that was never found)... well, that explains many things. I mean, they didn't even try to make it look japanese, as an amateur artist I cringe every time I see those Monkey Island 3-like characters...

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I wasn't aware. I always tought it was a very early prototype that was missing most of graphics and sound (and at the same time I believed the real proto screenshots were taken from a more advanced build that was never found)... well, that explains many things. I mean, they didn't even try to make it look japanese, as an amateur artist I cringe every time I see those Monkey Island 3-like characters...
Actually, the art and characters are one of the only things about it that's original. They look possibly re-digitzed, but they seem to match the proto screenshots

Blame Face for the low quality I guess.


B. Jenet's Firstmate
20 Year Member
Sep 29, 2003
Actually, the art and characters are one of the only things about it that's original. They look possibly re-digitzed, but they seem to match the proto screenshots

Only a few of them - the three guys that can be seen in the proto screenshots - and even those were butchered with a western restyling. The rest of the cast is clearly invented from scratch, sadly.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Only a few of them - the three guys that can be seen in the proto screenshots - and even those were butchered with a western restyling.
I can't tell. For all we know they were all in the proto. I think that NCI received the art in the design documents they received. I believe documentation is all they got, which is why they balked when people requested that they include the original proto.

By the way, here's the original discussion about this:
Post in thread 'New neogeo game aes ?' http://www.neo-geo.com/forums/index.php?threads/new-neogeo-game-aes.205447/post-3064660


B. Jenet's Firstmate
20 Year Member
Sep 29, 2003
I can't tell. For all we know they were all in the proto. I think that NCI received the art in the design documents they received. I believe documentation is all they got, which is why they balked when people requested that they include the original proto.
If those are based on original designs, NCI really screwed up... maybe they only had rough pencil drafts, and that's what they came up with. That's sad.
(Edit: don't wanna bump this thread too much, thanks for the info Neo Alec 👍)


Cheng's Errand Boy
Oct 12, 2017
Just yesterday I had read an interview of NCI (in French) and most of it was about TotC. What they got from a former FACE employee was the development instructions and a very little bit of artwork. And from that they made what they made. The playable version of TotC that we have today is a homebrew and not in any way an unreleased game. It's like I took the Last Odyssey screenshots from Billy Pitt's website, programmed Last Odyssey based on that, and said that oOoOO i found an unreleased game. It simply doesn't work like this. The real ones will surely be dumped, of course, but trust me, some games over which I lost friends and could very happily have died for and that some people have been searching for THIRTY YEARS will be released with the whole dignity they deserve, not as some worthless .zips over the internet.
Many years of such life-destroying work imaginable does not deserve to be summed up to a zip file, and people who think so don't even deserve to play those games. It will be a good thing if they are dumped a bit after the release, because I want them to be like any other Neo Geo game. But like any other Neo Geo game, they first must be released properly.


Cheng's Errand Boy
Oct 12, 2017
Zip files would by far be the best outcome. Then people could do as they please -- put it on a flash cart, mister, or make their own cart from bootlegs. We don't need another overpriced cart "release" like with Ghostlop.

When I say that each and every unreleased game released was done with a butt - I mean it. Every one.

If I am the one to release those games, it will be not only 101% conform to genuine games, but also at the same price as they were back then. I'm starting up a car business with the sole objective to buy these games and release them, and I don't give the lightest care about making money or losing money in the operation. I would have taken a 50k loan or more to buy that game from the Japanese guy.

I just want it done, and done as it should be. In the end, every game from NAM-1975 to Samurai Shodown V Perfect was dumped, and emulated. And I want it to be the same thing with the unreleased games. I don't want everyone to just download the ROMs and play it on MAME for 5 minutes. Back then, a game was dumped by some guy, on his desk. Buying the game at the local shop, taking the seal off the side of the case, playing it for hours, then taking the PCBs out of the cart shell, with the NGH-marked chips off of machine-soldered, SNK-silkscreen boards, desoldering them, putting the chips into his ROM reader, dumping them, sharing them on the Internet and feeling a bit proud for sharing some good games. All I want is guys to be able to do that. Simply, to feel like they did back then. One last time.

Not like Ghostlop. Not like B²B. Not like TotC. Not even like !Arcade! releases.

Like SNK.