Visco License Obtained by Pixelheart Games


Why So Many X's?,
15 Year Member
Aug 2, 2007
See, semi-official re-releases like this to me only make sense if it's the same price as the original was. Make it distinct enough that it can't be mistaken for the original, but looks and feels close enough that it's not going to detract at all.

Happens all the time in the vintage toy world. Though I guess, adjusting for inflation it's around the same price? IDK...I don't care enough either way.


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
I don't get the pricepoint either. Xeno Crisis is about 250 euro for a brand new game that was developed by professional game developers. Granted it is a port but still a decent purchase and an awesome game. (I got the mega drive port right here).
Anyway I like Andro Dunos I was lucky to scoop up a very cheap local MVS cart last year.


Akari's Big Brother
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
"Kmart version" describes Visco perfectly. They might play well but they always feel like the 'side B' of the Neo.

Exactly. It's like when your parents told you that you were all going out to eat at a nice restaurant for a special treat and then they pull into Outback. Your heart sinks a little, but the food is "fine"; so, you enjoy your meal anyway. That's Visco.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
Nobody collects this shit. This Josh Prod shit (nci) has been available on several sites since like 2018. There are no buyers.

There are no buyers in our circles, but he gets plenty of business. His clientele is the Youtube/FB noobs. The stuff is never out of stock since he can churn them out as much as he wants, probably.


Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 18, 2004
The most I paid for Neo-Geo AES games was around the $300+, and that was for a new King of Fighters 2000 bought at a store in Gunma-ken, Japan with the smutty name of WONDER GOO. I always laughed to myself like Beavis and Butthead going here. The Visco reissues would probably sell better if cheaper.!1s0x601e900c9b78caf3%3A0xee3b05a7f9e0e687!3m1!7e115!!5zd29uZGVyIGdvbyDlr4zlsqHlupcgLSBHb29nbGUgU2VhcmNo!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipP9G1y_jICNzwg1k0PDcbHZfzw3vhTw3hL-GH7H&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGt9Oy1-3qAhXPoHIEHecyAu4QoiowCnoECBEQBg


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
Stop paying high prices for shit and people will stop trying to sell you shit at high prices.

It’s not magic.


Mr. Big's Thug
15 Year Member
Mar 3, 2007
I don't get the pricepoint either. Xeno Crisis is about 250 euro for a brand new game that was developed by professional game developers. Granted it is a port but still a decent purchase and an awesome game. (I got the mega drive port right here).
Anyway I like Andro Dunos I was lucky to scoop up a very cheap local MVS cart last year.
Yeah, they set an excellent price point for Xeno Crisis. Hopefully, they can make enough money to justify doing future games.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Yeah, they set an excellent price point for Xeno Crisis.

Cuz it's a Genesis/Mega Drive game ported to the Neo. Still haven't seen any videos/screenshots of the Neo version yet, either.


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
Cuz it's a Genesis/Mega Drive game ported to the Neo. Still haven't seen any videos/screenshots of the Neo version yet, either.
That is beside the point. Still more work then burning roms with Andros Dunos on it. There is no reason why Pixelheart releases are 399 and BitmapBureau about 250.
I do know that bitmap is also making their own PCB's which they also done for the Mega Drive version. That might impact the pricepoint but still...


Another Striker
Nov 18, 2007
That is beside the point. Still more work then burning roms with Andros Dunos on it. There is no reason why Pixelheart releases are 399 and BitmapBureau about 250.
I do know that bitmap is also making their own PCB's which they also done for the Mega Drive version. That might impact the pricepoint but still...

Maybe it's to do with the licence. Are these actually being made by Visco? If not they will have to pay Visco for the licence. Also who knows what deal they got on making the physical carts and boxes etc

Also Let's face it - these will sell out so why charge less? Also you will be able to sell them for more on Ebay 6 months later. It's not like the value goes down. When has that ever happened? Every NGDevteam release ever is literally twice as much on Ebay a year later.

EDIT : Having said that - it depends if this is limited edition or not. Because if they are just going to keep making them - then the cost is too high
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Why So Many X's?,
15 Year Member
Aug 2, 2007
That is beside the point. Still more work then burning roms with Andros Dunos on it. There is no reason why Pixelheart releases are 399 and BitmapBureau about 250.
I do know that bitmap is also making their own PCB's which they also done for the Mega Drive version. That might impact the pricepoint but still...


The Visco license is dirt fucking cheap. Look at the visco re-releases on Dreamcast - $45 a pop.

Charging stupid “LiMiTeD eDiTiOn” prices to attract collectards is all they’re doing.


Fired up the fuck
Noob of the Year
Jan 23, 2020

The Visco license is dirt fucking cheap. Look at the visco re-releases on Dreamcast - $45 a pop.

Charging stupid “LiMiTeD eDiTiOn” prices to attract collectards is all they’re doing.

Pretty much, gotta cash in with all these collectards we have nowadays.


Leona's Therapist
Feb 10, 2016
This is old news, man. PixelHeart released Breakers Revenge and Ganryu last year, and they've been trickling out Visco "repros" ever since. PixelHeart, JoshProd, and NCI... they're all connected.


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
Thanks Tonk for sharing this for those interested. I just got the email about the aes preorders and Andro Dunos II.

Looks like the Andro Dunos II preorders are now up for anyone looking for that one as well:

ANDRO DUNOS II, The sequel of a famous shoot'em up
Andro Dunos II will be released on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox ONE, Dreamcast, 3DS and STEAM.
The physical versions of these supports are available for pre-order on our website!
The Switch and PS4 version will include a Limited edition and a MVS edition.
Most versions will be limited, numerated and each game will come with its PixelHeart certificate of authenticity.

After months and years of collaboration with this wonderful Japanese studio, we are delighted to announce that we have just acquired the complete catalog of VISCO CORPORATION games.
Thanks to their experience accumulated through the decades, they allow us to get back incredible licenses that we can't wait to make you discover.
You can now pre-order 5 NEO GEO AESgames in US or Japanese edition on our website
These games are limited editions, numberedand accompanied by a certificate of authenticity PixelHeart.
Enjoy the code "Pixelheartlive" which offers 15% on your order. This code will be active until Sunday, March 28th 2021 at midnight
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Mr. Karate II

Edo Express Delivery Guy
Apr 6, 2014
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