What is love????

Daisuke Jigen

R.I.P.,, Dear Friend,
Sep 18, 2000
Originally posted by HIDDEN WARRIOR:
<STRONG>to DAISUKE JIGEN: I wont bullsh*t you.You probably wont find a chick that would love the physical you.But can you fall in love?can you feel it?do you have this "feeling"?if so theres hope.If so theres a 1% chance.When you do die and on judgement day you are deemed worthy because you gave yourself to god before you died,you will find love their in the after life.The same cant be said for me.The way you look physically is what I look inside.Your dying on the outside but im dying inside.When you see me in the afterlife you will find out what I am.We'll have words ok?With the way im slowly killing myself it wont be long.I'll say this,dont loath yourself.Dont be like me with pure hatred for yourself.If you physical side is unpleasent but inside your heart your a desent person then feel some love for yourself.Im sure their are many a days(or always) that you loath yourself when you think about your situation or when you look at yourself in the mirror.Inside your crying in frustration at everything knowing nothing could be done.I feel your pain.Anybody like me or you understands pain.Your body may be messed up but if you give up on yourself then your killing yourself just like me.</STRONG>

I don't hate myself, I hate the fact that I am just like every other normal person, except I am trapped in a failing body that no one wants to touch with a ten foot pole. I know I can fall in love. I have fallen in love, only to be rejected because of the failings of the flesh. The torture is knowing that my love will never be returned in this lifetime. I am going to die alone. I will have the love from my family, but not the love from a man to a woman. I don't even care about the physical side of love. I would settle for the companionship that you only find in a mate. Not in a friend, mother, father, brother, or sister.


Ninja Combat Warrior
Apr 12, 2001
you said that no one wants to touch you with a ten foot pole.Does your family cringe when they look at you?I hope not cause that would be cruel.

dying alone....I know what you mean.I percieve my future where im an 80 year old bitter old man with no one left who loves me and no one to die with.It will come true for a monster like me always die alone.I think people get married because of the fear of dying alone.I believe deep down inside they know this.Love?where they married cause of this elusive phenomenon?I highly dought this scenerio.Just fear.Fear of dying alone.Its very human.

I cant offer you words of encouragement about love since i've never felt it.You'll just find negativity in me.The world is cruel indeed.Small Children in 3rd world countries work in mine fields getting blown up for a living.Wheres there happiness??wheres their chance for love or finding what can give you true happiness??they never had a chance......

Gennosuke the Ronin

Edo Express Delivery Guy
May 25, 2001
Sorry if I break down what optimism you all have gained, but what's the problem with dying alone. I have already come to terms with it. I know I'm only 18, but I think I know a little more than the average teen who's priamry concerns are whether he'll be in style next week, and how many minutes are on his cell phone (I don't have one). If I were dying the way I want to, in battle, of course, I wouldn't want to have the woman I love anywhere near me. I think she'd do nothing but think about it for a very long time, if not her whole life. I could never intentionally give that type of pain. I'd want her to live her life as if she'd never met me. I keep telling her to do that now, but she's stubborn... that's what I love about her... Love is a dangerous thing. For an ideal so intangeble, it has the power to destroy with great ease and with no remorse or pity or mercy... Anyways... I'm sorry if you guys are sunk a bit, but I'm the guy who provides multiple points of view. Why? That's what I do. You can't philosophize without multiple opinions. If you do, all you have is an opinion. I'll agree, though, love is a great thing. I just look over my shoulder and I sleep with one eye open. Always... but that's due to lack of trust... for everyone... including the woman I love... tragic, yes... debilitating, no. I refuse to die because of or for love. I die for honor!

Anyways... I'm done. I'm rambling already.


Aug 14, 2001
Okay, I know I'm pretty late on this post, but that's okay. I had to respond.

Love does exist. The thing is, there are a lot of misconceptions about it... Or at least that's what I think. SOme of the posters have been going in the right direction, but others are confusing love with another, different feeling -- that of "Falling in love."

"Falling in love" with a person is not the same thing as loving someone. After all, who "falls in love" with their mother or father? "Falling in love" is what causes most problems in relationships -- it is the initial feeling of happiness when you are around a person.... The desire to hold their hand, to kiss them, just to be with them or talk to them, ALL THE TIME! These feelings are usually some of the strongest feelings a person has ever felt.... The strongest ones yet, anyway. So people commonly mistake this as "love."

This is where a lot of problems arise. You give the facts of life that there are so many divorces, broken homes, and broken relationships. So many people wondering when the flame stopped burning. Well, in MOST (but not all) relationships, this physical attraction fades. As we begin to know our partner's body, we get bored. The hormones fade as we age.

So then love doesn't exist, you say? I'll say you're wrong if you do, because love does exist. Our society doesn't glamorize it very much though. Beauty magazines and boy bands and MTV give us more images of sex in our typical day than there are Pokemon on the Game Boy. Love is commonly forgotten, because we imitate what we see. Everybody in the media is so cool, so pretty.... We focus on external beauty, rather than what is within.

How many times have you said to yourself something along the lines of, "If I could just go on one date with ______...." and they were a famous singer or model? Possibly quite a few.

We need to focus on internal beauty. Couples break up so often because they don't know how to talk to one another. Communication is often limited to smalltalk and "talking" with certain body parts. Then when they're bored with the s ex life, they fight.... They realize there was nothing there..... They break up.

Love is a complete acceptance of another individual. It is understanding that sometimes you will disagree, but in the end, you'll still have a relationship with them. Love is ALL-GIVING. In love, we completely sacrifice ourselves. I'm not talking bodily, and I'm not talking about handing over a paycheck every week. I'm talking about the inner depths of our souls. In love, you are never embarrassed. Why? Well, because you know that this person won't judge you on something so small. In love, we are completely open. Forgiveness isn't even thought of -- It is assumed.

In love, we think of others over ourselves. This does not mean that we hate ourselves and do not respect our own being. To love another, one must already love him/herself. If we don't know who we are, we can't share it. And thus, love ceases to exist. We have to know that buying the latest fragrence or wearing the nices makeup aren't what make us better people. Good deeds are. Saying "Thank you" does.

Basically, love isn't based on holding hands.

Love is when we hold hearts.


NEST Puppet
Apr 20, 2001

Sorry for not posting sooner. I'm gonna have to keep this short, or I will sound completely incoherent.

Face it, we're all dying. It's just when we die that makes the difference. For all I know, the people in the next building could die as a result of a meteor crashing into said building.

Until then, enjoy what time we have. Positive and negative emotions abound. I'd rather take the positive, as I really want to enjoy the time I have here before moving on. And if I can somehow make life a little less miserable for everyone, I will have fufilled my life's purpose (well, mine, as I have no idea why God put me here).

Smile, laugh, and remember that the heart is an amazing thing. It can be resurrected. After nine years of being locked in darkness (my choice), someone opened my heart. Now whether or not it will stay open is another matter.

If you want to be miserable and languish in the darkness of your soul, go ahead. But I prefer to bask in the warmth of love and friendship. . .it makes for a great tan. And you can always choose the light. Try it; you'll be surprised at how good it feels.

I still believe in you, Hidden. You ain't completely dark! Not even close!


Ninja Combat Warrior
Apr 12, 2001
sorry....I have personal problems/demons that dont allow me to enjoy posting or anything else at this time....sorry...I did read all replies though...


Dodgeball Yakuza
Aug 1, 2001
Love's a choice you have to make to put one person's needs and wants ahead of your own. It's a choice to love that person in spite of their faults and differences you may have. Even if you argue and you don't feel "in love," the choice will get you through it. And in time, the feeling will come back, just like it always does.


May 6, 2001
LOve is the thing you feel when you care for a person it can be your family member or a friend....