Maintained by: FTL & Shawn

Values are calculated by researching actual sales conducted through various online sources. Actual sales are monitored from the market forums, experiences from the NeoStore, & eBay ended auction sales.  The ended auctions of eBay do hold relevance related to current market values.

Keep in mind that this guide is most accurate when used in a Western market perspective. More specifically, the North American market. For instance, Japanese games can often be found in Japan for lower prices. However, the super rares should command these ball park premium prices anywhere in the world. The prices on this list are intended to provide both the buyer and seller with a general idea of what they can expect, but item condition and current market conditions are variables to consider. Use this helpful information accordingly.

A couple notes on nationality - an alternate nationality version of a "Japanese only" game may exist, but it will not be documented here until solid proof of an English version surfaces. The use of separate listings for alternate nationalities will only be used when there is an evident difference in both rarity and value.

All items listed are assumed to be in used, near mint condition. Also, they are all assumed to be complete (insert, manual, cart sticker, case) as well as 100% SNK authentic. Depending on missing or damaged parts, prices will vary. As a rule of thumb, the insert, manual, and cartridge each hold 1/3 value, i.e. if the manual is missing for a $100 game, expect the item to be worth 33.3% less or around $66.

The first number is the low range that you will ordinarily find the cartridge selling for in used, near mint condition. Any price less than this is likely a good bargain. The second value is the highest reasonable amount someone might pay for the the item. The far right column is a rarity list. It is meant to give a general idea of how often you find these items for sale.

EC : extra common
C : common
U : uncommon
R : rare
ER : extra rare
EER : extra extra rare, near impossible to find!
EER² : may surface when the planets are perfectly aligned, expect to trade kidney or 1st born
+  = price can often escalate greater than the quoted high value
  = this game is thought to be Japanese only in release origin
dog-tag  = Dog Tag version distributed by SNK USA for North America.
euro  = European (Euro) version that generally released in Europe.
Ý = price increase
ß = price decrease
Title 		                Low    High   Rarity

2020 Super Baseball(d-t only)	25	40	C
3 Count Bout                    40      60      C
Aero Fighters 2                 95      135     R
Aggressors of Dark Kombat       75      125     U
Alpha Mission 2 (dog-tag only)  45      70      U
Andro Dunos			60      90      U
Art of Fighting (dog-tag) 	30	40	C
Art of Fighting	euro	        35	50	U
Art of Fighting 2	    	50	70	C
Art of Fighting 3	       Ý360	450	ER
Baseball Stars Professional	30	45	C
Baseball Stars 2 (dog-tag)     Ý85	100	C
Baseball Stars 2 euro	       Ý150	200	R
Blue's Journey		         40	55	C
Burning Fight			30	45	C
Crossed Swords		        40	55	C
Cyber-lip		        40	65	U
Double Dragon euro		600	850+	ER
Eightman (dog-tag only)	       Ý55	85	U
Fatal Fury (dog-tag)		30	45	C
Fatal Fury euro			35	50	C
Fatal Fury 2 (dog-tag)		35	50	C
Fatal Fury 2 euro		35	45	C
Fatal Fury Special	       Ý55	75	C
Fatal Fury 3		       Ý120	150	U
Football Frenzy (dog-tag)	25	45	C
Football Frenzy	euro		30	50	U
Galaxy Fight		       Ý200	265	R
Ghost Pilots (dog-tag)		45	65	C
Ghost Pilots euro		65	85	U
Karnov's Revenge		50	65	C
King of Fighters 94	       Ý85	145	U
King of Fighters 95	       Ý110	155	C
King of Fighters 96	       ß175	220	R
King of Fighters 97             145	175	U
King of Fighters 98		140	165	C
King of Fighters 99	        175	185	U
King of Fighters 2000 		500	700	ER
King of Fighters 2001	       ß145     159	U
King of Fighters 2002	       Ý165     175     U
King of Fighters 2003		285     350     U
King of Monsters (dog-tag only) 35	50	C
King of Monsters 2 (dog-tag)    45	65	U
King of Monsters 2 euro	        45      60      U
Kizuna Encounter euro known copies  15000   19000+  EER²
Last Blade		       Ý380	500	R
Last Blade 2		       Ý600	760	R
Last Resort (dog-tag)		100	125	U
Last Resort euro		100	150	U
League Bowling (dog-tag)	50	70	U
League Bowling euro  		70	100	U
Magician Lord			45	55	C
Mark of the Wolves	         500	650+	R
Matrimelee		       Ý185	199	U
Metal Slug		       Ý2000	2850+	EER
Metal Slug 2		       Ý1200	1500+	EER
Metal Slug X		       Ý550	700+	R
Metal Slug 3		       Ý275     350	U
Metal Slug 4                   Ý250	300	U
Metal Slug 5		       Ý500     600+    R
Mutation Nation (dog-tag)	40	50	C
Mutation Nation	euro	         45	65	U
NAM-1975			35	65	C
Neo Turfmasters		              Ý1500	1950+	EER
Ninja Combat			30	50	C
Ninja Commando (dog-tag)	90	130	U
Ninja Commando euro		100	130	U
Ninja Master's		       Ý900     1200+	ER
Puzzled (Joy Joy Kid)	        145     170     R
Rage of the Dragons		325     385     R
Real Bout Fatal Fury	        270	320	R
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special	230	300	R
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2	       Ý550     700+    ER
Riding Hero			35	50	C
Robo Army (dog-tag)		50	70	U
Robo Army euro			60	85	R
Samurai Shodown			35	50	C
Samurai Shodown 2 (dog-tag)	60	85	C
Samurai Shodown 2 euro	       Ý85	125	R
Samurai Shodown 3		150	190	U
Samurai Shodown 4	         300	350	ER
Samurai Shodown 4(Korean Ver.)  180	260	R
Samurai Shodown 5	        220     245	U
Samurai Shodown 5 Special      Ý700     800	R
Samurai Shodown 5 Special(fixed)450     525	U
Savage Reign		         150	190	R
Sengoku			         50	65	U
Sengoku 2			120	150	R
Sengoku 3		       Ý185     210	U
Soccer Brawl (dog-tag)		30	45	C
Soccer Brawl euro		40	60	U
Spin Master	                65	95	U
Stakes Winner	               Ý900	1100+	EER
Street Hoop                    Ý150             225              R
Super Sidekicks			30	60	C
Super Sidekicks 2		40	60	C
Super Sidekicks 3		65	100	U
SVC Chaos		       ß165     175    	U
Ultimate 11(Super S.4) euro    Ý8000    10000+ EER²
The Super Spy			35	50	C
Thrash Rally			35	50	C
Top Hunter			60	90	C
Top Players Golf		35	50	C
View Point			120	170	U
Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer      Ý360	475	R
Windjammers			140	180	U 
World Heroes			30	45	C
World Heroes 2 (dog-tag)	30	50	C
World Heroes 2 euro		40	60	C
World Heroes 2 Jet (dog-tag)	40	55	C
World Heroes 2 Jet euro		45	60	U
World Heroes Perfect	       Ý525	650+	ER
Title 		                Low    High   Rarity

2020 Super Baseball		25	50	C
Aso II (Carton Box only)        35      80      U
Andro Dunos 			200     300     ER
Art of Fighting 	        25	50	C
Art of Fighting 2 	    	25	45      C
Art of Fighting 3 	       ß200	240	R
Baseball Stars (Carton Box)	35	90	U
Baseball Stars          	20	50	C
Baseball Stars 2	        60	80	U
Big Tournament Golf (Neo T.M.) Ý760     950     EER
Blazing Star		       Ý750	900+	ER
Breakers		         400	500+	ER
Burning Fight		       Ý50	80	R
Crossed Swords		        25	60	U
Cyber-lip (Carton Box)	        150	210	ER
Cyber-lip                       30      50      C
Double Dragon 			130	170	R
Dunk Dreams                     40      80      U
Eightman			60	80	U
Fatal Fury			30	60	U
Fatal Fury 2			20	40	EC
Fatal Fury Special		20	45	EC
Fatal Fury 3 			60	95	C
Fighter History Dynamite        30      65      C
Fire Suplex                     25      50      C
Flying Power Disc (Windjammers) 100     140     U
Football Frenzy			30	50	C
Fu'un Mokushiroku(Savage Reign) 110     160     R
Fu'un S.T.B (Kizuna Encounter)   550     650     ER
Galaxy Fight 		  	40      80      U
Gan Gan Koshinkyoku(A.D.K.)    ß90      140     U
Ghost Pilots(Carton Box only)	40	90	C
Joy Joy Kid(Carton Box)		40 	80 	U
Joy Joy Kid                     30      60      U
Kabuki Klash		         150	190	U
King of Fighters 94 	         50	80	U
King of Fighters 95	         60	85	C
King of Fighters 96 	         80	110	C
King of Fighters 97            ß90	120	C
King of Fighters 98	        ß100 	140	C
King of Fighters 99	       ß100	150	U
King of Fighters 2000 	              ß95      135     C
King of Fighters 2001	       ß125     145     U
King of Fighters 2002	       ß125     185     U
King of Fighters 2003		345     365	U
King of Monsters(Carton only)	25	70	C
King of Monsters 2		35	60	U
Last Blade 			120	160	U
Last Blade 2 			225	280	R
Last Resort			100	140	U
League Bowling(Carton Box)	40	90	C
League Bowling                  40      80      U
Legend of Success Joe	        140	180	R
Mahjong Bakatonosama	         120	180	R
Mahjong Kyoretsuden(Carton Box)	55	100	U
Mahjong Kyoretsuden             55      90      U
Mahjong Minasan no(Carton Box)  90      130     R
Mahjong Minasan no              80      110     U
Magical Drop 2		         380	450	ER
Magical Drop 3		       Ý500	575	ER
Magician Lord(Carton Box) 	60	100	U
Magician Lord                   35      65      U
Mark of the Wolves 	         350	425	U
Master of Syougi		180	300	R
Matrimelee		       Ý175	199	U
Metal Slug 		         1300	1800+	ER
Metal Slug 2 		       Ý380	500	R
Metal Slug X 		       Ý395	500	R
Metal Slug 3 (1st release)	250	290	U
Metal Slug 3 (2nd release)	200	250	U
Metal Slug 4			235	275	U
Metal Slug 5			349     425     U
Miracle Adventure(Spinmaster)   50      80      C
Mutation Nation		         35	55	U
NAM-1975(Carton Box)		30	90	U
NAM-1975                        30      50      U
Neo*Geo Cup 98		         100	135	U
Ninja Combat(Carton Box)	40	80	U
Ninja Combat                    30      50      U
Ninja Commando  		200	250	R
Ninja Master's  	         550	650	ER
Over Top		         400	520	ER
Pulstar			        500	600	ER
Quiz Chibi Maruko-Chan         Ý1300    1800+   EER
Quiz Daisousa   		100	120	U
Quiz Daisousa 2 Neo&geo	         210	240	R
Quiz King of Fighters 		90	125	U
Rage of the Dragons		290	320	U
Raguy(Carton Box only)          30      80      C
Real Bout Fatal Fury 	         80	120	C
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special 	100	150	U
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2  	130	175	U
Riding Hero(Carton Box)		90	250	ER
Riding Hero                     30      60      U
Robo Army 			40	65	C
Samurai Spirit			20	45	C
Samurai Spirit 2 		20	40	EC
Samurai Spirit 3 	         65	100	C
Samurai Spirit 4 	       ß220	280	R
Samurai Spirits Zero		325	350	U
Samurai Spirits Zero Special   Ý450     550	R
Samurai SPirits Zero S. (fixed) 375	425	U
Sengoku	Densho(Carton Box only)	30	90	U
Sengoku Densho 2 		80	120	R
Sengoku Densho 2001	        160     215	U
Shin'ouken (Ragnagard)		240	320	R
Shock Troopers 2nd Squad       Ý400	550+	R
Soccer Brawl			35	65	C
Sonic Wings 2                   100     130     U
Sonic Wings 3		        180	220	U
Stakes Winner 		                150	190	R
Stakes Winner 2		       Ý190	300	R
Super Sidekicks			50	80	U
Super Sidekicks 2		35	55	C
Super Sidekicks 3		35	60	C
Super Sidekicks 4              Ý600     800     ER
SVC Chaos			180     195 	U
The Super Spy (Carton Box)	200	300+	ER
The Super Spy			25	50	C
Thrash Rally			35	50	C
Top Hunter 			110	160	R
Top Players Golf(Carton Box)	40	90	C
Top Players Golf		25	50	C
Twinkle Star Sprites	         600	700	ER
View Point 		         170	250	R
Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer 	240	300	R
Waku Waku 7		        385            420     R
World Heroes			20	40	EC
World Heroes 2			20	40	EC
World Heroes 2 Jet		25	50	C
World Heroes Perfect 	         160	220	R

Initial version of this price guide was organized by Geddon_jt. Suggestions containing your recommended opinions for changes/additions are welcome and will be considered.

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Last Update 08/27/09 09:50 PM