offical wwe thread


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
So Lucha Underground isn't even a real wrestling promotion, right?

It's a more of a stylized TV show?

It seems kind of bad. What's redeeming about it (serious question?)

It is amazing. It's built as a TV product so it works well. They don't swerve or drop an angle because someone forgot to shake a hand or had a bad match at a house show.

The wrestling is intense and takes full advantage of the fact that El Rey has lax standards and practices. The production is slick. The vignettes are entertaining and well done.

And there are some actual innovations. Take for instance the gift of the gods championship where wrestlers compete over 7 Aztec medallions. Medallions are won and lost. When one wrestler has all 7 medallions, they attach to a belt and that wrestler becomes the gift of the gods championship holder. The Championship can be cashed in (with one week notice) for a shot at the title.

It is the only wrestling show on TV that if friends come over, you don't feel obliged to turn it off.
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Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Lucha Underground has:
scantily clad women
cross dressing
a character that gets his eye burned out with a cigar
multiple characters that are straight up murdered, including two who have their hearts ripped out
a character that is death personified
a character from outer space
a character that is a 1,000 year old dragon hybrid
a character that is a centuries-old witch type lady
under cover wrasslin' cops
a god personified
an owner who is a psychotic, coke-snorting sadist
motherfucking Rey Mysterio
a character that just goes around breaking people's arms

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
As Samoa Joe makes his way down the ramp I semi expect him to pop up on Survivor Series tomorrow


Choi's Barber
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
As Samoa Joe makes his way down the ramp I semi expect him to pop up on Survivor Series tomorrow

I think with Nakamura losing that he'll be the next one they push up. Maybe have a storyline of him vs. Styles or something.

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
It's official

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
I think with Nakamura losing that he'll be the next one they push up. Maybe have a storyline of him vs. Styles or something.

There's plenty of great match ups for Shinsuke on Raw or Smackdown, he has wins over the current champs on both shows and Finn so the stories write themselves


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series Results: 11-20-16

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's ongoing report).

(1) WOMEN'S ELIMINATION MATCH: TEAM RAW (Charlotte Dana Brooke & Sasha Banks & Bayley & Alicia Fox) vs. TEAM SMACKDOWN (Becky Lynch & Naomi & Alexa Bliss & Carmella & Natalya)

Everyone came out except for Nikki. When he music played, she didn't appear. They cut backstage to Daniel Bryan and a medic tending to her. She said she was hit from behind. Natalya said she would cover for her even though she was only supposed to be a coach. The Raw announcers said this felt suspicious and wrong. JBL called it an extenuating circumstance.

Charlotte tagged herself in against Lynch, but then Banks tagged herself in before any contact. Charlotte shoved Banks. Bayley played mediator. Becky then gave Charlotte a European uppercut. Chaos broke out with everyone brawling in the ring. Nia Jax managed to intimidate everyone into stopping fighting.

Lynch and Banks eventually battled one-on-one. Nia Jax did some damage on a number of opponents, then tagged in Carmella.

ELIMINATION: Alicia Fox (Raw) eliminated Carmella (SD) at 6:00.

ELIMINATION: Bliss (SD) then eliminated Fox (Raw) seconds later with her splash at 6:00.

ELIMINATION: Naomi was eliminated via countout at 7:00.

Charlotte and Natalya reignited their battle from NXT. Natalya gave Charlotte a nice released German suplex. Charlotte came back with her own suplex. Fans briefly chanted Suplex City. Natalya gave Charlotte a sitout powerbomb out of the corner for a two count, broken up by Jax. Natalya put Charlotte in a Sharpshooter, but Dana helped push the bottom rope to Charlotte. Byron generously called it a slight assist. Charlotte then gave Natalya a big boot for the win.

ELIMINATION: Charlotte eliminated Natalya at 10:00.

So it was down to Bliss & Becky vs. Jax & Bayley & Charlotte. As Becky and Bliss argued, Jax entered and gave them both a vertical suplex at once. Mauro declared a æ￾œamma mia moment. When Jax lifted Bliss for a bodyslam, Lynch dropkicked her off the top rope. Bliss and Becky tried to work together to double DDT, but Jax just fell down early and the crowd booed the awkward spot. Lynch then put Jax in the Disarm Her and Jax tapped out.

ELIMINATION: Lynch eliminated Jax at 13:00.

I would've had Jax get counted out, not tapout, as they've been building her as a killer heel in squash matches and that just felt like a moment that should have been saved. It was especially bad coming after a botched spot

ELIMINATION: Charlotte quickly eliminated Bliss with a boot at 14:00.

So it was down to Charlotte & Bayley vs. Lynch. Lynch showed nice fire against Charlotte rallied against her. She climbed to the top rope and landed a top rope legdrop for a believable near fall. Bayley broke up the pin attempt. Charlotte crawled over and tagged in Bayley. Bayley looked like this isn't the fight she wanted, but then she made the first move to tackle Becky. Becky returned fire with another signature suplex, then a snap legdrop and snap elbowdrop. Bayley avoided a butt-drop and made a comeback. Bayley hit her Bayley-to-Belly to win for her team.

As Bayley and Charlotte were beginning to celebrate as Bayley's music played, Charlotte attacked her and threw her out of the ring.

ELIMINATION: Bayley eliminated Lynch in 21:00. (*3/4)

(2) THE MIZ (w/Maryse) vs. SAMI ZAYN Intercontinental Title match

Michael Cole took over play-by-play here. Saxton said Zayn looked up to Pat Patterson growing up, and Patterson was the first IC Champion. Zayn caught Miz with a kick, so Miz bailed out to ringside. Zayn went after Miz. When Maryse distracted Zayn, Miz recovered and kicked his legs from behind. Miz focused on Zayn's left leg for a while. At 6:00 Zayn tried to fight back, and eventually took Miz down with a clothesline. He limped on his left leg and clotheslined Miz over the top rope. Then he did a running dive over the top rope onto Miz at ringside. He clutched his left leg afterward. Back in the ring Zayn scored a two count after a Michinoku Driver.

Zayn went for a Helluva kick a few minutes later, but he was unable to get up any speed and Miz rolled to the floor. When Miz went for his Skull Crushing Finale, Sami countered into a victory roll for a near fall. He gave Miz an Exploder Suplex, then set up a Helluva kick again Miz avoided him and then applied the figure-four mid-ring. Zayn struggled for a while and eventually rolled Miz over. Miz screamed in pain, then rolled over again into the ropes, so they had to break.

They were both slow to get up. Miz stood first and he roundkicked Sami in the face and then the chest nearly a dozen times. Sami avoided a final kick and ten slipped on a sudden figure-four mid-ring. Maryse at ringside rang the bell. Zayn released the hold and assumed he won. The ref told Zayn he didn't win. Miz then schoolboyed Zayn to get the three count.

WINNER: Miz in 18:00 to retain the IC Title. (**3/4)

Clever finish. I don't have a big issue with it as it was an escape for doing a pin in a match where I wasn't crazy about Zayn getting pinned clean. It gives Miz a tainted victory without it coming from a more typical interference or distraction finish. And it is Canada, so of course they got this out of their system early I hope.
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Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series Results: 11-20-16

(3) TAG TEAM RAW (New Day & Enzo/Cass & Shining Stars & Sheamus/Cesaro & The Club) vs. TAG TEAM SMACKDOWN (Rhyno/Heath Slater & Breezango & The Usos & Hype Bros. & American Alpha)

Mauro back on play-by-play here. Enzo & Cass did some mic work. Then New Day came out and spoke to the rest of Team Raw on the stage. Then they sang Team Raw Rocks! Sheamus & Cesaro were bickering on their way to the ring already. Fandango was handing out fashion citations. New Day gave him their finisher for a quick elimination.

ELIMINATION: Breezango eliminated by New Day at 1:00.

Xavier gloated at ringside with his trombone. Jey Uso eliminated a distracted Kofi instantly. That deflated the crowd. The announcers sold it as a big development.

ELIMINATION: Uso eliminated New Day at 2:00.

As Team Raw beat up Mojo Rawley, the crowd chanted We Want Slater.

ELIMINATION: Hype Bros. eliminated with Magic Killer by The Club. when Gallows pinned Mojo.

Chad Gable tagged in against Luke Gallows. It did feel kind of novel to see those two battle given their separate paths in the industry up until that moment.

ELIMINATION: Shining Stars via American Alpha after an avalanche bulldog off the top rope from an electric chair.

A big brawl broke out with the rest of the teams right after. Cass and Rhyno backed into each other and began exchanging blows. Cass ended up tossing Enzo over the top rope onto a crowd at ringside. He threw Rhyno over the top rope, but Rhyno landed on the ring apron. Cass gave him a big running boot. Slater then leaped off the top rope with stage dive onto everyone at ringside.

Back in the ring, Cesaro gave Jordan a Cesaro Swing. Gable made the save. Then Jordan tossed Gable over the top rope onto a crowd at ringside. Gallows surprised Jordan with a kick and then The Club gave him a Magic Killer.

ELIMINATION: American Alpha via The Club with the Magic Killer on Jordan.

Slater entered against Karl Anderson, but when he celebrated taking out the interfering Gallows, Anderson gave him a suplex. Sheamus tagged in and worked over Slater. Gallows tagged in and accidentally knocked Enzo off the ring apron. Gallows turned and yelled at Enzo, which freed up Slater to tag in Rhyno. Rhyno gave Gallows his Gore for the pin.

ELIMINATION: Gallows & Anderson after a Gore by Rhyno.

Cass and Enzo then double-teamed Rhyno and scored a pin after a top rope splash by Enzo.

ELIMINATION: Rhyno & Slater via Enzo pinning Rhyno.

ELIMINATION: Enzo & Cass via The Usos quickly after the previous elimination after a top rope splash by the Usos.

It was down to the Usos vs. Sheamus & Cesaro. Sheamus pounded Jey Uso with a barrage of forearms to his chest. Jey came back with an enzuigiri and tagged in Jimmy. Uso superkicked Cesaro who saved Sheamus for taking the kick. Sheamus took control and set up a White Noise off the second rope. He hit it, but then Jey Uso nailed Sheamus with a top rope splash. Cesaro broke up his pin attempt. Sheamus hot-tagged Cesaro. He went at Jey with a series of uppercuts and a springboard elbow to the chest. He took Jimmy out of the ring with a dropkick, then hit Jey with a 619. He climbed to the top rope and landed a flying crossbody for a convincing near fall. A small This is awesome! chant broke out. Cesaro gave Uso the Cesaro Swing with over ten revolutions this time. When he applied the sharpshooter, Jimmy broke it up with a superkick from behind. Jey then put Cesaro in the Tequila Sunrise one-legged crab submission hold. Cesaro reversed it and applied a sharpshooter mid-ring. Jimmy entered to interfere with a kick, but Sheamus cut him off. Jey then tapped out.

Afterward Cesaro was going to celebrate with Sheamus, but Sheamus pulled his hand away and ran it through his hair. Cesaro then competed with Sheamus for cheers and clearly won.

ELIMINATION: The Usos via Cesaro & Sheamus.

WINNERS: Team Raw with Cesaro & Sheamus as the lone survivors. (***)

A lot of good action start to finish with a some big dives mid-match and then some novel interactions between teams from different brands the rest of the way, with an effective finishing sequence with the final four. If anyone came to see New Day, they might have been bitter. This did show that WWE has pretty good tag team depth company-wide, and that if the tag division was all on one brand, it'll be pretty strong at this point.
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Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Survivor Series Results: 11-20-16

(4) BRIAN KENDRICK vs. KALISTO Cruiserweight Title match

During the handshake before the match, Kendrick mouthed off to Kalisto in a patronizing way. Kalisto opened up with a flurry of offense. Graves said Kalisto has to have a perfect match for the Cruiserweight Division to be lost to Smackdown. They bathed the fans in the stands with purple light. The ropes were purple. The canvas had the Smackdown log in each corner. Kendrick put Kalisto's head between the ringpost and ring steps and then kicked the steps. Graves said Kendrick dances on the fine line between madness and genius.

At 5:00 Kalisto made a comeback. He gave Kendrick a Spanish Fly off the ring apron. Mauro sold it big time. There was a small Holy sh? chant afterward. It was a pretty cool move with a big impact. Kendrick knocked Kalisto off balance on the top rope. Kendrick then went for a suplex off the ropes. Kalisto resisted. Kendrick flipped Kalisto off the top rope while having him in a headlock onto the mat right into a Captain's Hook. Kalisto tried to escape, but Kendrick held on and cinched it tighter. Kalisto reached the bottom rope for a small pop. Kendrick applied that hold with 100 times more force than all STFU's in Cena's history combined.

Kalisto made a full comeback and hit a nice sequence of flashy offensive moves. He hit his finisher Salida del Sol, but Kendrick put his right leg on the bottom rope to avoid a three count. Baron Corbin entered the ring and attacked Kendrick and then Kalisto. The ref called for the bell. Graves thanked Corbin for saving the Cruiserweight Division for Raw.

WINNER: Kendrick retained the Cruiserweight Title via DQ in 11:00. (**3/4)

A flat finish to a good match. It's hard to get too excited about a match that lacked any crowd investment in the action. Kalisto just isn't over, nor is the division's championship. Still, the two wrestlers get credit for a very good 11 minutes of action that was crisply executed.
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Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
I'll post the remaining results later or someone else can do it for me. I feel like dying at the moment so I have to leave and find out what's wrong...hopefully nothing serious :(

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
I hope you start to feel better soon AM

Survivor Series ultimately felt like a anime filler episode with a few good moments in it but a lot of WTF as well, the main event ended in a way that is odd yet best for both men involved and I say this as someone who going in didn't give a shit about it and after it's done I still don't


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I hope you start to feel better soon AM

Survivor Series ultimately felt like a anime filler episode with a few good moments in it but a lot of WTF as well, the main event ended in a way that is odd yet best for both men involved and I say this as someone who going in didn't give a shit about it and after it's done I still don't

Though it'd be pretty interesting to see Goldberg in a title match at WM, I assume Brock will cost him the Rumble win, somehow, and that will set up a rematch between the two for WM, with Balor ultimately winning and setting up a WM title match against Owens. Though if the rumors about it are still on and Shane gets Brock at WM, that would free up Goldberg for a win in the Rumble and a WM title shot, I suppose. Throw the hail mary for Network subs, I guess?
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Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Steve Corino is going to WWE to be a trainer at the end of the year. So ROH will need a new color commentator.

I'm wondering if they'll just use Nigel McGuinness/Ian Riccaboni or if they'll bring in someone new. They have sometimes used wrestlers like Veda Scott, Bobby Fish, Matt Taven, and BJ Whitmer to fill in for Corino on a short term basis. Whitmer's getting pretty old and has been in ROH forever, could be an easy transition for him. It's been a while since we've had a good heel commentator.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Mega BS, Goldberg should have been destroyed like the ham that he still is. How does it make sense to lower Brock on the food chain like that. Specially after beating the streak, WTF?! Goldberg is a joke.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
This just in: WWE has no clue how to book a wrestling show and anyone expecting anything they do to make sense is setting themselves up for massive disappointment.

Anyway, on Cyber Monday all ROH VOD shows are 25% off or 50% off for Ringside Members


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
The matches are hit and miss

The booking and storylines are still almost universally terrible


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Or richie what's his name with the red hat and work shirt. I sat behind him once at a house show and thought he was a producer or wwe guy or something.

I guess he is just some obseesed fan. The wrestlers even interacted with him and shit.

I've seen him on TV at tapings all up and down the east coast.
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