Rot should be made a regular member, no special treatment.

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20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Sure. Sometimes it just gets stuck there. Sometimes you can move it. Worth the effort to hose off some of the metaphorical dirt and give it a try.
I was reffering to the assortment of critters that live under there ha


Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
90% of the forums wants to fuck her/him/xir, what are you on about?

The people who book Black Eyed Peas on Superbowl halftime shows and Grammy things think the same thing. %10 thinks they are %90, a tale as old as time. Black Eyed Peas are a band "everyone" likes. "Everyone" likes Silvie.



20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
M, your defence of Rot is almost offensively dumb. You know he made the mess he's in himself right? Serious talk. Plus all my previous insults where for jokes. But please get a grip


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
M is clearly triggered by me thats why he is focusing so much on "Rot good Sylvie bad" . I must have offended him when I called him brain damaged or when I gave him detailed advice on how to stop using his savings account to buy legos.


Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
Will you please stop with the Black Eyed Peas thing?

Sorry, I only meant it to be one post...but then multiple motherfuckers needed explanations on multiple fronts. I failed to foresee that, I take full responsibility.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Sorry, I only meant it to be one post...but then multiple motherfuckers needed explanations on multiple fronts. I failed to foresee that, I take full responsibility.

Your small contribution towards making black eye peas omnipresent


a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
There, see? Rot didn't restrict Sylvie and doesn't have any mod powers at all.
I have nothing against you bro, but there's a lot you don't know. I used to love Rot, like a lot of people here. He used to be that naked funny guy always in for the lolz. But he became something else entirely over the years. The power went to his head. He ended up banning people left and right for the dumbest reasons. You don't agree with me? Ban. You don't like the colors of the forums? Ban. You use the word rot as a verb? Ban, You scammed your friends and keep forcing your way back in with fake accounts? hum, tough one, I'll let you stay if you chat with me, I'll even allow you to sell that stolen laptop of yours and hide your true identity to the forums.

I mean, he didn't have the moral compass for the job and no, he's no regular member.



Since when the forums Admin can't ban a regular member? Something isn't right here.



Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Diplomatic immunity makes for no ban?

The one (1) day I had 'THE POWER' (check under my avatar) I noticed a ban option, whether intentional or not. Of course that was during the glory days of the VB version of the forum, natch ;)

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
Cool, ban the few regulars who are still posting on this shithole, great idea.

shawn gave rot's account special protection because he knows the little faggot would throw himself in front of the nearest train if he ever got banned for real.
don't be surprised about the lashing you're currently getting due to years of misbehaviour as a mod.
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Hi, I'm Gmegbln
10 Year Member
Apr 4, 2010
I like this forum. A lot. I've interacted with a bunch of cool folks and I'm glad I grew enough of a pair to start posting consistently a couple years ago and get to know some of you. I genuinely care more about a lot of you than you'll ever care about me.

I say all this to say that I've never seen Rot contribute anything of value to the community since I've been active besides whatever mod janitorial work he was in charge of. He's never done anything to me in particular and I didn't really dislike him personally (l33tspeek aside) but he only ever posts on the forum when it's about him or to insert himself into some forum drama. When he does pop into the chat it becomes the ROT hour and talks about very little besides himself, or vagueposts publicly about PMs or Mod stuff because ???. I've seen him give the "I'm the warden here" speech to noobs in the chat before and threaten to "test" the ban feature, which is especially infuriating to have representing your already geriatric-ass site.

And ever since his neutering it seems like his only reason to log in is to antagonize and incite the member base for absolutely no reason, and to bring up drama that nobody's actively talking about, and today he was incredibly disrespectful to the mods (who deserve way better than any of this babyshit) by issuing demands(?), asking for compromises(???) and pulling the most asinine and petty internet thing I've ever seen by asking Cory to repeat his previous message directly to him again in the chat or in a PM instead of just scrolling is stupid chat window up a couple lines. It was such a pussy loser move that I lost all respect for him and how he treats his supposed "friends". I usually try keep my head low and let the oldheads hash it out with forum drama but it fucking sucks to see a forum being ruined by a little man from the site's past so soon after everyone was happy with the passing of a torch and talking about a "sea change" for the forum in general, which is what fuelled this stupid manifesto in the first place.

If we're talking about people that are ruining the site then Sylvie's done her share for sure. I personally wish you'd cool down the aggro a bit. That being said, I like Sylvie, I've seen her actually contribute to conversations, interact with members and participate in the forum. I enjoy reading her perspectives and think the site is better with her here. I see capacity for Sylvie to listen, change and adapt if required and I don't see that with Rot. If Sylvie's an interesting wrinkle in the fabric of the site, then Rot's a 1518-year old cumstain that won't come out in the wash. I have no sentimentality to the old guard or this site's history. I'd keep literally any member who's thinking about logging off over keeping Rot around, but I really wish he'd just relax a bit
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20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
I have nothing against you bro, but there's a lot you don't know. I used to love Rot, like a lot of people here. He used to be that naked funny guy always in for the lolz. But he became something else entirely over the years. The power went to his head. He ended up banning people left and right for the dumbest reasons. You don't agree with me? Ban. You don't like the colors of the forums? Ban. You use the word rot as a verb? Ban, You scammed your friends and keep forcing your way back in with fake accounts? hum, tough one, I'll let you stay if you chat with me, I'll even allow you to sell that stolen laptop of yours and hide your true identity to the forums.

I mean, he didn't have the moral compass for the job and no, he's no regular member.



Since when the forums Admin can't ban a regular member? Something isn't right here.

The plot thickens
With puss and shit
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