Android and Linux Handhelds - Shield, GCW Zero, GP2X, Pandora, Pyra, JXD, etc.


20 Year Member
Sep 24, 2003
Starting a thread for ongoing discussion of the various "open" or semi-open handhelds.


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
I'm really pondering on getting a JXD 7800b. I've been seeing s lot of people use them. It would be a nice replacement for my Dingo A320 and GPX2.


20 Year Member
Sep 24, 2003
I'm thinking about getting another open handheld, though I'm not sure there's anything out there that's really worth it at the moment.

I have a GP2X F100 MK2, GP2X Wiz, GP2X Caanoo, Xperia Play, and Nvidia Shield.

I really like the GPH consoles. The Wiz is my favorite of the three. I've never had any of the "pixel rot" issues that some people have. For me, the Wiz had the right mix of power and portability. The Caanoo's default GUI is wonky, and the Open2x-style GUI is slow to load and introduces some problems of its own. I really wish that an Open2x firmware could have been released for the Caanoo.

The Xperia Play was a disappointment. The internal storage interfered with the smartphone functionality, while the nature of the android software market means that the hardware is now too obsolete for ePSXE and FPSE, which means that I really don't have a compelling reason to pick up the Play instead of one of my GPH consoles, which at least have software that has been hardware-optimized.

I really, really love my Nvidia Shield (or the "Shield Portable," as it's now called). I use it every day. I use it to stream Youtube and Netflix to my TV, I use it to play controller-enabled Android games. I would probably stream PC games to it if my video card supported that. I don't use it for nearly as much emulation as I thought I would, though the hardware is definitely up to the task, both in terms of power and controls. The only downsides are that it does take forever to boot and it's gigantic. It weighs over a pound. It is a handheld, but it's only slightly more portable than a Gamecube.

If a "Shield Pocket" were announced, I would pre-order it in a heartbeat. Since it doesn't, I'm looking for the next best thing.

The GCW Zero looks pretty cool, though I'm seriously wary of crowd-funded handhelds. The OpenPandora had amazing specs, but it was shoddily constructed and subject to delays and support shortcomings. Because of all the problems with the OpenPandora, I'm skeptical that the Dragonbox Pyra is ever going to even materialize.

I hear that the Kickstarted GCW Zeroes had sticky buttons and scratch-prone screens. I also hear that Justin is a hard man to get hold of if one wants a repair performed. Have any of those issues been addressed in the ThinkGeek models?

Is there another option that I'm overlooking? My ideal new handheld would be a successor, and a clear upgrade, to the GP2X Wiz.


Armored Scrum Object
10 Year Member
Mar 28, 2012
For under $40 the Leapfrog LeapsterGS can run Linux and is powerful enough to emulate the Neo 100%. The button layout isn't ideal but it works.

I'm considering making a few more of these over the next few weeks for my little nephews. I was selling these systems with my custom linux OS + Emulator last year around this time.


20 Year Member
Sep 24, 2003
Dude, that's awesome!


Edo Express Delivery Guy
10 Year Member
Jun 7, 2013
For under $40 the Leapfrog LeapsterGS can run Linux and is powerful enough to emulate the Neo 100%. The button layout isn't ideal but it works.

I'm considering making a few more of these over the next few weeks for my little nephews. I was selling these systems with my custom linux OS + Emulator last year around this time.

That's amazing. What's the screen like on the unit? It really doesn't look that bad in the video.


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
As a Christmas gift to myself, I decided to pull the trigger and buy a JXD s7800b today. Once I get it, I'll let you know what I think.


Armored Scrum Object
10 Year Member
Mar 28, 2012
That's amazing. What's the screen like on the unit? It really doesn't look that bad in the video.

The screen is real nice on those, especially for classic games since it's 4:3 320x200 .

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Funny, I've been looking at the same model and so far I like it better than the alternatives. My only concern is the dpad, let us know if it's any good. I read the screen touch is not very good but that's not what we're getting this for anyway. Also read the screen is a mix match from the 1st to second batch run. Oh I almost forgot, the PSUs seems to be faulty but it's an easy fix, look it up on youtube if you have any problems, there's plenty of info there about it.

Is till have my GP2X Wiz, the thing works well but the dpad and buttons aren't that great, I mean they do the job for anything that's not a fighting game, forget playing fighters on this thing but that's ok, fighting games are meant for joysticks anyway.
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Baseball Star Hitter
Jun 9, 2004
While not fully a handheld the shield tablet is pretty damn boss. $300 and yet still the most powerful android device out there (and to an extent the latest ipads). It would be nice if nvidia made a new shield portable using the same K1 processor (or it's 64bit variant brother found in nexus9).

Someone ported a gamecube emulator to the Jetson TK1, linux pcb that uses the same K1 processor.


20 Year Member
Sep 24, 2003
As a Christmas gift to myself, I decided to pull the trigger and buy a JXD s7800b today. Once I get it, I'll let you know what I think.

Has it arrived yet?


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
It just got to my post office today. Unfortunately, I won't be able to pick it up until Monday.

Delivery time frame was from 12/11 to 12/24. This is from the official site.

I'll post my review once I get it in my hands. Hell, I might even make a video.


Setsuna's Owl Keeper,
15 Year Member
Apr 22, 2006
My Pandora 1Ghz is still holding up. I haven't explored any of the other handhelds as the Pandora is still adequate for what I do. I'll jump on the Pyra bandwagon after it gets revised a couple times.


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
The JXD s7800b:

Now I'm not going to all out dingoonity on this. For the gamer that wants to play FC, SFC, MD, PCE, Arcade, Mame, NEO, and even Dreamcast, this system is for you. The Nvidea Shield is comparable to this unit, but the Shield is definitely faster.

Right out the box:

Tablet, USB cable to Modem, charging ac cable (can't be charged with USB).

To get you started, there's an APK preloaded with access to games. This system has access to most popular games within this hobby of ours. Also included are some preloaded games from PSP and Android platform.

I'm currently trying to run PS games and will report back when I'm done. So far, Ikaruga ran flawless without issue. The controls allow you to map out whichever way you want to control the game. As in Mame4All/droid, you can rotate/stretch every game to full aspect.

It's portable in the sense you can pack it to go, but definitely won't fit in your pocket. Screen is nice and crisp, also doesn't look like a cheap tablet screen. The whole system is rooted but does not have GPS capability.

I spent a good portion of time before bedtime playing Musha:Aleste on it. Flawless emulation.
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Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on the SNES emulation. I have a few handhelds with homebrew SNES emulators that supposedly "ran fine" but frameskipped like a motherfucker and slowed to a crawl during any Mode 7.


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
Played through Starfox's 1st level, ran smooth. Playstation emulation ran smooth (wife played Crash Team Racing). I did notice some audio crackling on some Dreamcast games (Border Down) while using Reicast emulator. If there's another emulator, I'll give it a shot.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
If it can run Starfox it should be able to handle anything the snes can throw at it. Awesome.


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
Pretty good. I had no problems playing CPS1/2/3 with both d-pad and stick. They were very responsive to multiple inputs and cancels in KOF. This has easily turned into my favorite travel unit for MOTW gaming.

If people are looking into this model, make sure you get the s7800b versus the original. Some places are selling the s7800 as the s7800b.


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
Here's Star Fox running on the JXD s7800b.

Wife has been playing Tomba! and Crash Team Racing on ePSX emulator. Since earlier today, I haven't been able to get her to relinquish the JXD s7800b.

The unit also works well with Chromecast and streaming videos to the TV. I'm trying to get wireless gaming on the TV now. HDMI out works great physically plugged in.
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Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
Are you intentionally running Star Fox too fast? Regardless, that's pretty awesome,I might have to hunt down one of these.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
I have the archos gamepad mk1 - it sucks. It's a little buggy here and there but I can handle that, the killer though is the d-pad, it's four individual buttons and just total garbage to use. I gave it to my 2 year old to play counting and abc games and to dribble on.

I heard the mk2 had pretty much all of the mk1 issues sorted though.


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
Are you intentionally running Star Fox too fast? Regardless, that's pretty awesome,I might have to hunt down one of these.

No, that's the original settings with Auto Frame skip turned off.

After getting the thing back from my wife, I played Einhänder for a good hour. Soukyugurentai on PS is currently paused.

The dpad and both sticks work well. The stick is my favorite for playing MvC, SFA2, and other fighters.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I finally took the plunge and ordered a JXD just like yours, can't wait, this thing looks amazing. I've been eyeballing this for a while, seems like the ultimate rig for the road, I've always wanted something like this.

For a while there I was toying with the idea of making one with my GP Wiz and a PSOne screen and go custom with everything else but the truth is that the hardware interaction between the 2 could be pass my ability to mod. Who cares? this JXD surpasses it tenfold, I do however like the PSOne screen a lot 'cause the native resolutions looks amazing with PSX games, it looks as good as a DSi XL screen, every pixel is clean and separated so perfectly. I know, I'm just rambling, there's just something about that screen I like a whole lot.


formerly BanishingFlatsAC
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
No, that's the original settings with Auto Frame skip turned off.

After getting the thing back from my wife, I played Einhänder for a good hour. Soukyugurentai on PS is currently paused.

The dpad and both sticks work well. The stick is my favorite for playing MvC, SFA2, and other fighters.

Can you post up a video or if running Dreamcast? Maybe some JSR?