Anyone still playing Warhammer 40K these days? (tabletop game)


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Just making your figures standing on a bit of rock or something can add some nice visual variety to your figures.

I have a ton of Space Wolves I need to work on. I have some Salamanders and I wanted to eventually do a Fire and Ice type of theme/team-up.


20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001

The army is complete, our FB revival is coming along nicely. Friends of mine have High Elf, Nurgle, Vampire Counts and Bretonnia armies in the works/almost completed. We have scheduled some terrain making meetings since the majority of our stuff is 40k-themed. Feels good to be a nerd sometimes :D

djjimmyjames Tattoo Artist.,
15 Year Member
Jul 24, 2005
I play fantasy mostly, I have Goblins and Dwarfs. I started with battle for skull pass and just added on. I actually am opening a tattoo shop in a small town in WNY and am really going to try and use the shop to do games Sundays all day with friends. I play a bit of Pathfinder with this group also.

I called GW about carrying FB and 40k and they were for the idea. I have a package of material coming in the mail that I have to fill it out in order to be able to carry there product. Im thinking about having a small stand up glass display case filled with stuff. The closest game shop is over an hour away so I would be the only one in 70 miles to carry anything GW. Im still not sure if putting a display of this in a Tattoo shop is a good idea. What do you guys thing? Think it would look tacky?

The misses says if things go well I should open a comic, ccg, toy ect shop?


Presented by the Florida Department of Economic Op
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2000
I stopped by my local-ish hobby shop today to pick up another brush and some paints. I want to support them, but I really don't know how much longer I can buy minis there. The prices are batshit insane.

Sadly, I don't think it's really them. It's GW. I thought the plastic sets were pricey, then I saw the new metal ones. You would think they had made them with 24k gold.

I think I'm probably going to have to go to for any future kit purchases, because the idea of paying $45 for a fucking Dreadnought is insane.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Warstore is good but I prefer Maelstrom Games out of the UK. They ship fast.


Presented by the Florida Department of Economic Op
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2000
Warstore is good but I prefer Maelstrom Games out of the UK. They ship fast.

Are they cheaper? Because 20% off can be pretty substantial when you're buying $100 or more worth of models.


20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001
Battle reports, pics of figures? Contribute, people :D


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Are they cheaper? Because 20% off can be pretty substantial when you're buying $100 or more worth of models.

They do have an online shopping cart and offer deep discounts. Can't remember what the percentage was but it's similar.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
The Grey Knights are sooo badass :drool_2:

I love that new Air Vehicle that shipped with the Blood Angels. I need to get one :emb:


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Rise from your grave!

Finally set up my painting stuff again a week or two ago. I had to get some new paints too. I hadn't realized how many colors I was out of.

ANYWAY, after working on it slowly for maybe two or three weeks I just finished my last Ork Trukk tonight. My other two Trukks are red, but this time I went with a black trukk. I was somewhat disappointed with how it was turning out until I started weathering it. Painting black isn't one my strong points clearly (in terms of highlighting it and trying to make it visually interesting) but I'm actually pretty pleased with how it turned out.

I'm going to do some Deff Koptas next. The ones from Assault on Black Reach.

After that I'll either paint my Battlewagon or some of the Zapp Guns I have. I haven't decided. I have a lot of Ork Stuff I can paint and I'm trying to do the stuff I have assembled an unpainted before I start putting more things together.

I think I have a full 30 model strong Grot mob I could paint!

I'm also pretty sure I have a 30 boy strong mob of Slugga Orkz. It's one of my favorite mobz I've ever built. I took a warhammer fantasy Orc boys mob and added some 40K stuff to them in order to make a Snakebite Clan mob. I almost forgot I had these guys buried somewhere in my closet.

If I put anything together in the near future it will be some of old the Ork Jetpackers I have. But I'm going to buy one of the new plastic sets since they're so fantastic and mix and match the old and new parts. But that's a project for the distant future.

We shouldn't talk about the Space Marines (Salamanders and Space Wolves) and Imperial Guard figures I have. We particularly shouldn't talk about the two land raiders I have sitting unbuilt. LOL.
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20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001

You got any of those "finecast" figures? For those who don't know, metal is being replaced by resin. However, GW really dropped the ball, quality control wise, and many of the new figures are plagued with pockmarks, bubbles, broken parts, and plain miscasts. I need to get me some metal Daemons and Wood Elves as long as stocks last.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
No pics yet, I'll do a group shot of my Trukks together. It's late here and I'd prefer to take the picture with some natural light as I'm not a very skilled photographer.

I like the idea of the finecast models as the sculpts and level of detail does look to be very nice, however, I think I may wait until the quality control is upped a little bit.

If/when I get a finecast model i'll get the Finecast Ghazkull Thraka. Most of the Ork line these days is in plastic anyway. Just a few holdout figures and I generally prefer plastic to metal. That's probably because I started the hobby working almost entirely in plastic though.

I need to pick up the plastic Killa Kan set. That's a fantastic set in plastic as it was extremely expensive to field a unit (or two) of the old metal Killa Kans.


20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001
^Resin will really shine when it comes to bigger miniatures like Greater Daemons, Dragons, etc...

For example, this guy is all metal, bar the wings, and rests solely on one foot. I cussed like a sailor putting it together:

(stock photo)
I might hold back on getting Kairos Fateweaver because of this.

*not very ninja edit*

I just had to share this with you, awesome weathering:
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20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
I'm looking to perhaps pick up some 40K novels.

What are the good ones and where do I start with the Horus Heresy stuff? I'd love to read about the traitor legions and the conflict between Horus and the Emperor.

I feel like nerding out on 40K lately. If not with models then to get deeper in to the universe.

I just bought the rulebook for one of FFG's latest 40K pen and paper RPGs. It's called DEATHWATCH and you play as a Space Marine in the Deathwatch.

Of course their newest game where you can play as a Chaos Space Marine sounds even better...


Nov 25, 2003
Start from the beginning: Horus Rising.

Most of the books are in a sequence, but there's one or another that are standalone. But those are more enjoyable after some background following the storyline, or make some references to past events. I read the 1st three, good stuff. Sometimes the quality is not consistent (some authors are way better than others) but a good read for sure.
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20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Care to list me the titles in this series? Is there some kind of collected edition or will I be best served by the books individually?


Nov 25, 2003
I don't think they have any kind of omnibus so far (I doubt they will ever have, since each volume is quite thick, but hell cheap, anyway), but the Wiki page have they listed in order of release/reading:

Keep in mind that it doesn't mean you will need to read all of them, or respect that order in some cases. Some books deal with isolated events during the HH era, or provide some background of a faction. If you are a fan of an specific chapter, and know the overall stroy of them, you can read some books directly, like Fallen Angels (about the Fallen traitor sect of the Dark Angels) or Mechanicum (Adeptus Mechanicus) and Legion (Alpha Legion).

Tales of Heresy is a VERY COOL collection of short stories, that can be read anytime. It would be a very good introduction to the HH series, IMO. Specially if you know who Custodians and Sisters of Silence are ;) Anyway, Horus Rising is still a safe bet, cause it presents the setting, the overview of the galaxy and the Imperium at that time, etc, what will make the other reading easier.

I know for sure that the first 4 are directly connected and need to be read in order.

And get Space Marine from their Print On Demand section. A classic, one of the first 40k books ever released, full of stuff that is not canon anymore. One of the best BL books ever made, you just can't miss it!

Tales of Space Marines and Heroes of the Space Marines are cool collections of short tales as well, but not Heresy related. I recommend.

And ALL 40k players NEED to read the Ciaphas Cain stuff. The best 40k comedy you can get. The best BL book series IMO.
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Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Since this is a boardgame thread, I recommend Battles of Westeros, by Fantasy Flight game.

Tactical boardgame based on A Song of Ice and Fire, the book series Game of Thrones is based on.

All the houses are represented between the main game and the expansions, and most of the characters. The battle system is fun, logical and enjoyable. You can play the battles from the novels or even make up original battles if you like.

The only problems with it are that it's only designed for two players (but you can modify the rules to let up to three play on a side with a second board) and the battles take a little time to set up. It's based on the Battlelore boardgame, which is no longer in print. I think it uses the same rules, actually. Well designed, and I think a lot of the mechanics would translate well to a PC game.

I also picked up the Game of Thrones Living Card Game, but have yet to try it. I wanted to read the books before I played to avoid spoilers.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Not to be a dick but this is a proper Warhammer 40K/Games Workshop thread:

The Board Game thread is here

I don't think they have any kind of omnibus so far (I doubt they will ever have, since each volume is quite thick, but hell cheap, anyway), but the Wiki page have they listed in order of release/reading:

Keep in mind that it doesn't mean you will need to read all of them, or respect that order in some cases. Some books deal with isolated events during the HH era, or provide some background of a faction. If you are a fan of an specific chapter, and know the overall stroy of them, you can read some books directly, like Fallen Angels (about the Fallen traitor sect of the Dark Angels) or Mechanicum (Adeptus Mechanicus) and Legion (Alpha Legion).

Tales of Heresy is a VERY COOL collection of short stories, that can be read anytime. It would be a very good introduction to the HH series, IMO. Specially if you know who Custodians and Sisters of Silence are ;) Anyway, Horus Rising is still a safe bet, cause it presents the setting, the overview of the galaxy and the Imperium at that time, etc, what will make the other reading easier.

I know for sure that the first 4 are directly connected and need to be read in order.

And get Space Marine from their Print On Demand section. A classic, one of the first 40k books ever released, full of stuff that is not canon anymore. One of the best BL books ever made, you just can't miss it!

Tales of Space Marines and Heroes of the Space Marines are cool collections of short tales as well, but not Heresy related. I recommend.

And ALL 40k players NEED to read the Ciaphas Cain stuff. The best 40k comedy you can get. The best BL book series IMO.

Awesome, thanks. I'm going to start out with Horus Rising and go from there.
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20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Since this is a boardgame thread, I recommend Battles of Westeros, by Fantasy Flight game.

Tactical boardgame based on A Song of Ice and Fire, the book series Game of Thrones is based on.

All the houses are represented between the main game and the expansions, and most of the characters. The battle system is fun, logical and enjoyable. You can play the battles from the novels or even make up original battles if you like.

The only problems with it are that it's only designed for two players (but you can modify the rules to let up to three play on a side with a second board) and the battles take a little time to set up. It's based on the Battlelore boardgame, which is no longer in print. I think it uses the same rules, actually. Well designed, and I think a lot of the mechanics would translate well to a PC game.

I also picked up the Game of Thrones Living Card Game, but have yet to try it. I wanted to read the books before I played to avoid spoilers.

I'm totally replying to this in the board game thread, just so the Warhammer thread isn't crowded with non-warhammer/GW stuff....
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20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001
Not Warhammer, but modeling nonetheless.
I got a Tamiya 1:350 Bismarck. Man, this is sweet, it's over 70cm (28") long :D


I need some paints and an airbrush before I start working on it.
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Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Did over 4 games of Warmachines Hordes last night.
My trollbloods went undefeated.

El Capitan

Mai's Apprentice
May 19, 2004
I've had real trouble getting motivation in these sunny evenings to get any work done on a Crimson Fists army I started after Christmas.

Missus is away on holiday in Mid August, so hoping to get a bit of time in...