Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
Used chatgpt to write up some bullshit fluff at work around goal setting. It's pretty good at that.

This is a great idea. I hate doing those goals, and explaining them - it’s all wishy washy bs.

How about, I’ll do what I’m contractually obliged to and occasionally do extra training but only if it suites my career progression and not just because you think it’s a cool thing to roll out. Sign in blood, see you next year.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
As Tremblay notes, a major problem for AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard is their tendency to confidently state incorrect information as fact. The systems frequently “hallucinate” — that is, make up information — because they are essentially autocomplete systems.
Rather than querying a database of proven facts to answer questions, they are trained on huge corpora of text and analyze patterns to determine which word follows the next in any given sentence. In other words, they are probabilistic, not deterministic — a trait that has led one prominent AI professor to label them “bullshit generators.”
Fucking finally


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Interesting move by joe9 in attempting to discredit his successor, JoeX.


Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
Blue collar workers have nothing to fear unless they're replaced by robots or cheap foreign workers.

That already happened, in the goddamned 70s-90s!

That’s why nobody you know can weld or sew.


Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
Fucking finally

There has never been a fad that the public has fallen for so hard that I somehow could see straight through instantly.

The packaging is impressive but it’s just packaging. Anyone impressed by the final product doesn’t understand how already powerful the various systems are that it aggregates.

It just Googles shit for ya, guys…then it draws a picture in someone else’s style or writes a story in someone else’s style, etc, in such a flashy way that you can’t see how *deeply* unoriginal everything is that it produces or all the huge flaws.


Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003

A friend of mine who is a producer of games and things sent me the results of an experiment that it did. We are both fans of Gundam so he asked it to come up with an idea for a new series.

The results were impressive. It said the show would be an OVA, had a certain number of episodes. It plotted out the main characters, the moral themes, etc. I think it maybe even had episode titles.

Could this dumb bot get a producer credit on a successful Gundam series? Maybe, but is that what we even want? A series that is “successful”?

If you don’t know…the OG Gundam series was deeply unsuccessful. It was a toy advert that didn’t sell its toy, once got as low as a 0% (zero) viewer share and was cancelled early.

Obviously by the time the movie versions were edited together the fan momentum was enormous. Everyone in Japan has seen those first three movies by now. Eventually it was a success but only because the dudes running it were willing to destroy their careers for a vision nobody would want until after the show was cancelled. Can an AI do *that*? Can it see the future it wants to exist and create art that waits for its audience?

An AI is going to give us the happy ending versions of Bladerunner and Brazil and 38 Avatar sequels. Holographic Beatles reunions and Funcopop shaped bongs that are also dildos. Flush this turd ASAP.
Last edited:

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Fucking finally
Maybe they can get it to make Youtube videos.



Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
Maybe they can get it to make Youtube videos.


Oh, that was done years ago. There were these weird as FUCK videos “for kids” on YouTube like 2018 or so…strange very weird stuff. Venom riding a tricycle over to that girl from Frozen and doing strange shit with a giant syringe or something. It was a plague and at least somewhat AI generated. There were some articles in mainstream press about it. Google actively hunts and kills this stuff now.

It was like a series of bootleg porno Sims fanfic things that M would buy from China for $1.44 made into dozens of very similar videos.

A deep fake head, a preexisting news article and a speech app can make you $10k in a couple of weeks if you’re lucky. YouTube is really weird.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Oh, that was done years ago. There were these weird as FUCK videos “for kids” on YouTube like 2018 or so…strange very weird stuff. Venom riding a tricycle over to that girl from Frozen and doing strange shit with a giant syringe or something. It was a plague and at least somewhat AI generated. There were some articles in mainstream press about it. Google actively hunts and kills this stuff now.

It was like a series of bootleg porno Sims fanfic things that M would buy from China for $1.44 made into dozens of very similar videos.

A deep fake head, a preexisting news article and a speech app can make you $10k in a couple of weeks if you’re lucky. YouTube is really weird.
Knowing enough about how the Youtube algorithm works, they justed needed to make sure a 2018 video includes Frozen, BTS and Minecraft or something for instantly generating views.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Apparently not in full release yet but Microsoft has released their ChatGPT(?) AI bot with Bing. It supposed to be pretty good because it can actually search the Web to gain additional information.