Firearm enthusiast thread


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
DolphinLord said:
Does anyone here have an issue with cross ocular dominance? I do. I'm right-handed but my left eye is strongly dominant. It's not much of a problem with pistols, but can be problematic with certain rifles.

To compensate, shoot your gun in the horizontal possition.


Ghost of Captain Kidd
Sep 2, 2002
Kim _Kaphwan said:
i say cars. they're much more fun. and i have a gun, i still prefer my cars.

you read my mind! one of my other alternatives is a project car to mess around with. i want a 40's or 50's (possibly early 60's) "kustom kulture" or rat-rod type car


Ghost of Captain Kidd
Sep 2, 2002
Sp0o/\/?! said:
Order of importance:

1. Women
2. Cars
3. Guns
99. Smashing Fabergé eggs on the sidewalk
100. Golf

Anyway, some Japanese gun porno of something the ATF will never let you own.

hahaha nice list:tickled:

nice gun pr0n too. i didnt even know they had handguns in japan:conf:


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
They don't.
The M93R is cool.
But for once I actually like an H&K more,
The Heckler & Koch VP70

More on the VP70


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
DolphinLord said:
Does anyone here have an issue with cross ocular dominance? I do. I'm right-handed but my left eye is strongly dominant. It's not much of a problem with pistols, but can be problematic with certain rifles.

I've got the same problem, so far I just shoot left handed, but I have done very little shooting, the guy I learned with just told me to shoot right handed and get used to it, but I did much better just shooting left handed.


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
Got my PMAGS today.
These things are sweet, Check them out HERE.


Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
Oct 31, 2001
Orochi_invisibleink said:
you read my mind! one of my other alternatives is a project car to mess around with. i want a 40's or 50's (possibly early 60's) "kustom kulture" or rat-rod type car
not a bad idea. i mean especially since you'd be buying all the parts to do the job new anyways. the hardest part would be finding the shell. find yourself an old model A or something. and just literally rip it apart. take everything out you don't need, chop the top and pull everything off. pull that 4 cylinder mount in a 350, run it to a 4l60E tranny or something simple and back to a limited slip on a solid axle. everything else is just brakes and springs. honestly though this is a project that shouldn't be taken unless you have quite a bit to burn because it's gonna cost an arm and a leg just to amass all the parts. at least 20k then several hours of manual labor. good luck with it


15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
For some of the guys that are HEAVY into this shit, could you watch this retarded clip and tell me if this guy is blowing smoke out of his ass or what?

Towards the end, when he's talking about the Glock g18:
"There are 3 in civilian hands in the country and I own all three of them"

Is he confusing "civilian" with "private owner"?

Out of curiosity I started looking into the prices of m93r's and glock G18s and I was getting anything from 20k-125k for a "transferable" weapon.

Then I hear shit about it being impossible to own one because there was an gun control act in the 60s, all guns you see in stores are "demos", you need a level 3 vendors license to own one as a civilian, or you need a SOT....blah, blah, etc.

I guess Hellion is best suited to answer these questions but anyone else feel free to field them for me.

What is a demo?
What is an SOT?
How much is a European fully auto pistol (like the G18/m93r) actually worth?

Thanks in advance.
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Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Dec 10, 2006
In the USA, civilian and personal possession of machine guns that were manufacturered and civilian owned before (some specific date) in 1986 is legal. In 1986, they closed any additional guns going into civilian ownership. Now, we just pass around the ones that have been in that state for the last 22 years.

So, if you know someone who owns a machine gun legally in the US, and you want to buy it, you can, providing your state doesn't prohibit ownership (about 35 states allow it, and not CA, duh). The process of transfer requires federal paperwork, local law enforcement signoff, and a $200 fee (in the case of machine guns), which is a tax paid on the transfer. The process used to take a very long time, but now it's down to just a few months.

Glock 18s were originally manufacturered in 1986. It's possible that there are just a few that missed the cut-off date and this guy has bought them up.

A class 3 dealer, who pays a SOT (special operating tax) can deal in machine guns. However, that dealer can only purchase and stock pre-1986 machine guns or something called dealer samples, which were produced only for a short period of time *in* 1986. In order to purchase a gun for inventory post 1986, the dealer must have on file a letter requesting a demonstration of that firearm from a law enforcement, military, or government agency. They're typically referred to as 'love letters' in dealer slang.

Now, law enforcement isn't so keen on simply writing these up. Every Glock 18 owner I know is a Class III dealer with a love letter and owns post 1986 guns.

Purchasing a dealer license to further your personal collection is a felony, but nevertheless, many hobbyists who want to own modern machine guns go into business to allow them to 'stock' (own) them and 'demo' (go out and play) with them. It's a fine line. To do it, plan on running a legitimate business, and enjoy the perks of modern full-auto firearm ownership. Have a lot of friends in law enforcement or government who actually will write you demo letters for the fun stuff.

Otherwise, fall in love with older full-autos, but get your wallet ready. Since the population was frozen in 1986, and the number can only decrease if they are destroyed or somehow illegally handled, the demand continues to surge, and prices are very, very high.

The process for purchasing a machine gun is the same for all NFA weapons, which inculde short barrelled rifles, short barreled shotguns, any other weapons (like pen or cane guns), destructive devices (bores over .500 or rotating cylinder shotguns), suppressors (silencers), and machine guns. Machine guns were the only ones cut off from ownership in 1986, newly manufactured guns from the other categories can be purchased with the $200 registration tax and federal paperwork (except AOW, which are $5). You'll be fingerprinted and write that check for every transfer. You'll need to notify the ATF in writing if you plan to take it over state lines. And you'll be waiting months for every step of the process.

Confusing? You bet. Easy to misstep? Entirely. Most serious NFA weapon collectors have become lawyers as hobbyists to protect themselves. And, don't forget the liability if one is stolen from your property and used in a crime -- most have vaults for their collections. Not safes. Vaults.

Check your state laws, then set aside some time to learn the federal laws. Then find a reputable dealer, and secure your residence. Have many thousands of disposable income. Find a place where you are actually legally allowed to fire it too. Then, enjoy responsibly.

Feel free to PM me with any specific questions and I will do my best to answer.

For values - check the classified ads at or
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15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
I'm in Canada and it's gonna be hard enough just getting a normal handgun up here.
Automatic weapons are simply out of the question.

But that was an awesome answer Danox574, I'm very much obliged.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Dec 10, 2006
I heard, but obviously did not pay a ton of atteniton, that the transfer of full auto firearms in Canada is now not allowed, and those that owned them under similar laws can continue to own them, and they cannot even be passed down in the family. Once the owner dies, the gun is collected/melted by the powers that be. A painful day for those who had a significant investment in these collections.

Being in the US I glossed the story though, I can't say for sure if it's right. You can put short barrels on your rifles though, unlike us! 5rd mags max is what I heard for you up there. :(


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
Danox smacked that one on the head, Great post.
I have no Idea the current market price for a G18/m93r, But because they are what they are I can easily see $15K +++.
Their are still some "affordable" MGs on the market right now, The MAC10/11 can usually be found under $5k.
UZIs go around $5k & a Ruger AC556 can be had between $6 & $7k.
Anything popular, especially stuff from WWII, is insanely expensive.
Last I checked a registered M16 was $10k, RDIAS were bringing $8k+.
They are fun, I have played with a few, But honestly they are not worth it.
I would rather spend the $200 tax stamp on a SBR/SBS...Or a suppressor, Which are not legal here in MO. :crying:


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
We can't have suppressors in MO? :( Didn't know that.

Danox thanks for the refresher on all the NFA/MG stuff.

I always figured if I really wanted to get something full auto that i'd damn well do my research before hand, because honestly it's not worth it to go to jail for something so stupid as not filling out the proper paperwork.

Plus firearms crimes will land you a lengthy prison term. Isn't owning a full auto weapon illegally like a 20 year min (or something else absurd?).

I think BARs (WW2) run something like 15-20K.

There goes my dream of ever owning one. It's a good thing that Ohio Ordinance Works makes a reproduction (semi-auto) version :D that can be had for around 3.5K (Depending on Options).


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
I know duff, It kills me.
I NEED suppressor for my P22!!!


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
Good news for a us MO folks. ('Duff & Me basically)
Suppressors are going to be legal by the end of the year!
In other news I got those I finally got a frame for my A.L.I.C.E. ruck.
Along with it I bought an old style LBV tac vest.

Jedah Doma

Chroma Ma' Doma!,
Jun 5, 2004
Need advice on buying a home defense gun

We've got a baby on the way and as of late I've been seriously considering buying a handgun for protection at the house. By no means do we live in a bad neighborhood. It's a nice new area, but that's all the more reasons for home theft etc.. I have a bat, but I'm not too confident in it's ability against a burglar's gun. I've looked around at a few local shops, but I haven't the foggiest idea what would be appropriate. I've got family members that go hunting and know plenty about shotguns and hunting rifles, but know pretty much zero as far as handguns go.

I'm looking for something small and powerful. I'm not out to turn anyone into swiss cheese, but I'd like to have something that could take someone down if needed. I live in Kansas, and my knowledge of what is and isn't legal as far as guns goes is non existent as well.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Because knowing is half the battle.... G.I. JOE!!!!!


15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
For home protection? Pistol grip shotgun.

You will probably never have to shoot it anyway, most people shit themselves when they are on the business end of one.
It's a perfect combination of portability and RIDICULOUS stopping power. And good luck missing with that fucking thing.

But please for the love of God, don't leave it somewhere where your kid can find it.

I'd suggest this (the bottom one):

Contact them and ask them how much they want for it...then get back on here and tell me if they can send one to Canada without too much BS from the BATF. =)

EDIT: if you insist on using a handgun, they are selling police issue SIG 9mm (and other awesome shit) on the cheap at
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J. Maximum Fan Club President
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2002
Sp0o/\/?! said:
For home protection? Pistol grip shotgun.

You will probably never have to shoot it anyway, most people shit themselves when they are on the business end of one.
It's a perfect combination of portability and RIDICULOUS stopping power. And good luck missing with that fucking thing.

But please for the love of God, don't leave it somewhere where your kid can find it.

I'd suggest this (the bottom one):

Contact them and ask them how much they want for it...then get back on here and tell me if they can send one to Canada without too much BS from the BATF. =)

EDIT: if you insist on using a handgun, they are selling police issue SIG 9mm (and other awesome shit) on the cheap at
Would not be so easy to just buy that type of shotty. He would need to pay and apply for SBR.
I would suggest a shot gun for home defense with the min barrel length 18 inches as well.

If you definitely need a handgun that is easy to operate and reliable, I will suggest a G17 or G19. Hell, any 1911 would do too.

Jedah Doma

Chroma Ma' Doma!,
Jun 5, 2004
Sp0o/\/?! said:
For home protection? Pistol grip shotgun.

You will probably never have to shoot it anyway, most people shit themselves when they are on the business end of one.
It's a perfect combination of portability and RIDICULOUS stopping power. And good luck missing with that fucking thing.

But please for the love of God, don't leave it somewhere where your kid can find it.

I'd suggest this (the bottom one):

Contact them and ask them how much they want for it...then get back on here and tell me if they can send one to Canada without too much BS from the BATF. =)

EDIT: if you insist on using a handgun, they are selling police issue SIG 9mm (and other awesome shit) on the cheap at

I shat a brick just by the picture, so I imagine the sight of it would do wonders. I don't necessarily have to have a hand gun, I'm just not looking for something huge and cumbersome. Something I can grab quickly and fire just as quick.


Andy's Clothes Designer
Dec 21, 2003
Jedah Doma said:
I don't necessarily have to have a hand gun, I'm just not looking for something huge and cumbersome. Something I can grab quickly and fire just as quick.



20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
I need a new shotgun. My double barrel is a little old (like from the 1930s) and I want a semi-auto for ultimate stopping power, though I would be fine with a pump action too.


Mr Neo Fix-it
15 Year Member
Nov 29, 2005
You can get a Mossberg 830 for under $200 new. Great pump shotgun that is VERY reliable and takes up the 3 1/2" magnum shells. Five in the tube and one in the chamber will let you clean your house of unwanted vermin.


15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
Was there an internationally accepted mandate to build a bunch of awesome fucking shit in the early 1900s?

Jedah you're a man of faith, right? Look into getting a crucifix gun for divine/ballistic protection.

That ring-revolver is painfully badass as well.