I'm thinking of closing up shop

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
I gave everything to this community that I could and for the past year I noticed that the community would rather support people who don't contribute shit to the community who are just here to leech off the community.

It sickens me to the core. I put my heart into everything I build with very high standards. I don't just slap shit together and kick it out the door. Everything I've made has come from a hardworking father of two who suffers from carpal tunnel in both hands. I do what I do because I love the Neo and the arcade scene. I'm one of the last CMVS builders out there who can use anything to make a CMVS. It saddens me how mainstream the Neo has become and the creativeness out the window.

I'm giving it until the end of the year and decide if I am closing up or moving on.

For those that have always supported JNX no matter what, I truly do appreciate your business.

I used to build CMVS units for fun because I loved building them. After I built a couple, people started asking me to make them units as well and with that also came people that wanted to learn how to make them. Being the person I am, I accommodated both sides by making CMVS upon request and also making tutorials for everyone to learn how to make their own so they don't have to throw money at someone because tutorials don't exist. That's how JNX was born. I always offer a helping hand, I never sell anything to anyone and then tell them to fuck off when something doesn't work right. I am there, every step of the way.

I'll most likely keep the site up but remove the store.

I'd like to thank Angelo, Mikhail, Jim, Juan, Dan, Matt, James, John, Dave, David, Jeff, Robert, RJ, Michele and whoever helped support JNX and helped put JNX together as a collective.


formerly DZ
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
Always been a class act and top notch builder in my book James. You've helped me out with a few issues in the past and this community is gonna take a huge hit in losing you bud. Thanks for everything you've done for the scene.


Whip's Subordinate
May 15, 2014
:( I like JNX, I think I have read through all the manuals just for fun. Thanks for everything you've done. Hope you dont leave.
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King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
:( That would be a very sad day if it comes to pass. You are an integral part of this community and would be sorely missed.


New Challenger
Oct 3, 2013
Hey Xian, I suppose I'm very new to the Neo Geo world but i've known your name for at least the past 2 years from word of mouth and of all the services you provide to the various gaming forums/communities on the interwebs. I had bought several things from Jamma-Nation before realizing it was you who behind it and you've always provided great support on everything. You're definitely the most recognized/well known community member in my eyes and I just want to say thanks again for the recent services you've done with getting my recently obtained CMVS up and running (of which you originally built). You're a staple to the community, to both veterans and noobs, and that is certainly a respectable feat. Thanks again, buddy, I definitely hope to stay in touch and hope to continue seeing you around in future.

TL;DR Don't Leave.
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Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
Damn James. Fwiw, I've learned a lot from you and my cmvs is one my favorite things on this earth.


Geese's Thug
Feb 27, 2013
James plz :(
I only dealt with you once and was hoping to again, got much respect for ya and recognize how important you are to the scene, thx and hope you don't leave.


Rasputin's Rose Gardener
Aug 29, 2012
Dang man.. that's awful to hear.. You've always been one of my favorite dudes in the scene. Well spoken, incredibly knowledgable, and insanely helpful. Heck if I remember correctly I used some of your instructions when I built my very first CMVS all those years ago. I don't think anyone would question that you're one of the pillars of, at the very least, this community, and it seems like more than anyone else here, no one ever has anything bad to say about you.

Probably doesn't mean much coming from me since we don't know each other at all.. but this place just wouldn't be the same without you. :(


Robot Master., Master Tasuke, Eat Your, Heart Out
10 Year Member
Secret Santa Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
You're a great guy James and deliver quality stuff and a great member of the community to boot. I would hate to see you go man. Just the tech knowledge and problem solving you've given for free to people is highly commendable. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you decide to stay with us crazy AESholes.

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
I don't want to leave but honestly JNX has been barely staying afloat. My last CMVS request was almost 3 months ago and my supergun requests are helping some but bills are racking up and there isn't any money coming in. I just want my customers to know that this will not affect your warranties on your systems I built, like I said before everyone gets a 1 year warranty minimum, if you build a quality product then you don't offer a 90 day or less warranty. In fact I think this year I fixed a minor problem with a console I sold 3 years ago.

I just hope the info I left behind helps people in the future. The price guides might not be updated any more but neocartman will go on as long as it can.

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
James, I hate to hear this man. You have always done awesome work bro the sticks you done for me are absolutely amazing. Plus you have always helped me with anything I have needed. I totally support JNX this sucks to hear this hope you reconsider your decision.


20 Year Member
Jun 27, 2001
James, even though I never purchased a CMVS from you, you have always been a crucial part of the community and have always helped others. I have been with this community for several years and have always known you to help out wherever and whenever needed.

I would hate to see you leave and it saddens me as well that it has come to this. Please do not leave our community as we always need first-rate members.



Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
While it is sad to see this as an option in your mind, and I'm sure you have put serious thought into this option, you always need to place health and family as a priority. No matter what your decision, the community supports you completely.

What I do wish, though, and this is completely up to you, is that you are still a part of the community here in terms of support and advice. Your experience and knowledge base is invaluable to the hobby, and your professional demeanor has placed you as, in my eyes, an integral pillar to the site and hobby. We would love to keep your presence here, even if its a reduced nature. However, your decision is yours and always supported by us.

You always have a home here brother. Don't forget that.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Feb 7, 2002
James, I am sad to hear about this.

Just a day or two ago in Slashchat we were talking about one specific prick who likes to mooch ideas off people that needs to be dealt with. I think you know exactly who I am talking about.

Hold strong brother!


Rugal's Secretary
20 Year Member
Sep 20, 2004
James my CMVS happens to be one of your builds and it remains my favorite system to this day. I too have read a bunch of your guides and appreciate all the legwork you've put in place as a foundation, truly educational. I've always loved how you are still helping people out with troubleshooting issues in the tech forum and I've learned a lot in there, much of it from you.
I'm not sure what the most recent issue was that's put you at this decision but give it some time, there are still people that appreciate your contributions.


Amusaka's Lacky
10 Year Member
Jun 22, 2010
this is sad news indeed.. I sent my AES to you a while back to get fixed and you did an amazing job with a fast turnaround. You have also helped with advice on doing a controller mod and some other things ive worked on. youre an awesome guy and always a pleasure to do business with, I sincerely wish you the best bro in whatever you decide to do.


Is he greater than XD Master?
10 Year Member
Sep 5, 2009
Shit, a crying fucking shame.

You'll always be top-notch in my eyes. Thank you for all the help over the years, hope things change for the better.

It's a shame how in the little time since I started my collection (2009) the Neo scene has gone completely upside-down, bat-shit crazy.
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Dec 29, 2012
My Neo Fighting Stick II you modded will always be my stick of choice and is quite honestly the best arcade stick I've used.

Would be a travesty to lose you.


My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
I'm not sure what the most recent issue was that's put you at this decision but give it some time, there are still people that appreciate your contributions.

He's mentioned before that JNX doesn't get much business.

I haven't bought much from XX but his tutorials have been awesome. I'll have to look in the store more.
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Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
It saddens me how mainstream the Neo has become and the creativeness out the window.

Fuckin This! Couldn't agree with you more.

I'm sorry to hear your thinking about closing up shop bro, but you'll always be my go to guy when it comes to the Neo.
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Dark Sakul

Marked Wolf
Jun 24, 2013
Xian Xi for all what you done for the community you deserve more recognition and respect than you ever received.


Over Top Auto Mechanic
Dec 10, 2012
I hope you are able to stay open James. You built me an awesome Supergun, maybe a year ago, and business seemed pretty busy at the time. I think I had to wait a bit before you could even start on it.

Maybe you need to update your webstore front. Also you have a lot of stuff on there that is sold out, I think streamlining it a bit might help. Dont pull the plug on it quite yet, update the store and streamline peoples ability to place custom orders through the website.

With that, maybe better advertise other custom services or repairs you provide aside from CMVS and superguns. Whether that be cap replacements, RGB mods, sticks, cables, etc. Not sure if those are money makers or not though.