It's So Cold in the D


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
Limited Run is starting to release 3DO games....
I'm actually tempted by this one... Finally, something to play on the ol' Panny . Sadly they don't do a regular jewel case version. i have no interest in all the extras



Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Now I’m ready to listen to Eli Porter raps, ghost ride the whip, and order some bukakke milk. Web 2.0 was the jawn.


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
well Kenji Eno has been fucking DEAD for almost a decade now, great disposable collectible from a company with shitty FOMO tactics though, yay
I see that actual copies of D on the 3DO aren't that much more expensive than this collection. Who is this even for?
Maybe his children need the money.

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
well Kenji Eno has been fucking DEAD for almost a decade now

That will be why I haven’t seen his name for a while then!

In the late 90s that guy was hero’ed as some sort of videogame equivalent Ridley Scott or Tarantino.

I’ve played Enemy Zero as a kid but it bored me at the time. Maybe I’d have more patience with it as an adult? It was genuinely frightening having an invisible enemy following you about a ship - more scary than what they could probably make a evil alien thing look like with the crap 3D that the Saturn produced. But also frustratingly unfair as your little shit gun could only do one shot what felt like every 30 seconds.

I’ve never played D or D2, are they worth a look at or nah?


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
I have all kinds of issues with Limited Run - But this 3DO stuff is baffling. It was never popular, was more expensive than an AES, and most of its best games were either PC ports or eventually got ported to Saturn and PS1 (some with varying degrees of quality). I mean, didn't D get a release on Saturn and PS1 as well?

I actually had a 3DO as a teenager - got it Christmas 1994 with the only port of SSF2T at the time. That said, I have ZERO nostalgia for this console despite playing some real bangers like Road Rash in the day - which I have the PS1 port these days. The only 3DO game I'm even remotely interested in revisiting these days is that weird EA party gameshow Twisted. That was fucking fun. Not interested enough to ever spend any amount of money on this stuff, though.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
I remember that ppl made a huge fuss about D back then, what with it being an interactive movie which you have to complete in two hours and OMG there's no pause or save option, etc. A friend of mine rented D for his Playstation and I watched him play it for a while, graphics looked good and the time pressure made it exciting at first but even though my buddy liked it a lot I got bored after an hour.

Dunno why someone would want to have a reissue of D on 3DO but I guess the game still has its fans.

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
I dont understand a 3DO rerelease, but im in. All 17 of us 3DO fans are excited.

I’m the 18th fan that hasn’t preordered it.

Will it make me a cool kid if I buy it too?

Of course it will make me cool.

… god dammit… add to shopping cart…


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Can there possibly be enough people who a) still own a working 3DO and b) give a shit about D to warrant this?

Dumb question, I know... people who buy Limited Run's crap don't do it because they actually play video games or care about the thing they're buying beyond the idea that it's rare and looks nice on a shelf next to the rest of their treasures.

Looking forward to the CDi rereleases coming soon. Nuon Tempest 3000 when?


Viewpoint Vigilante
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
I quite enjoy D but it's not really a game you replay tons of time imo

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
Ok, people kept bumping this so I decided to actually open the sales page for this collectard's edition.

And LMAO, zero mention of Kenji Eno, the story of the development of the game and its significance to gaming in general, not even a little booklet paying homage to one of the most interesting men to have an interest in creating videogames. Only a description:

D: The Game is on a physical disk for the 3DO.

They care about this to the extent that it's probably cheap to license, the system has no copy protection so it's viable to replicate, and it's something they can sell. I guess they're already past the need to pretend they actually care about the games they rerelease. This is sad.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
They care about this to the extent that it's probably cheap to license, the system has no copy protection so it's viable to replicate, and it's something they can sell. I guess they're already past the need to pretend they actually care about the games they rerelease. This is sad.

Yes. You just described how a business works. Good Job.


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
Can there possibly be enough people who a) still own a working 3DO and b) give a shit about D to warrant this?

Dumb question, I know... people who buy Limited Run's crap don't do it because they actually play video games or care about the thing they're buying beyond the idea that it's rare and looks nice on a shelf next to the rest of their treasures.

Looking forward to the CDi rereleases coming soon. Nuon Tempest 3000 when?
There has already been a release for Nuon games (but not t3k) . Check songbird.
And one of the best cdi game is actually a homebrew that came out last year. A bimberman/Zelda clone

Btw isn’t the 3DO like the cdi or Sega cd that you can basically burn a copy of a game.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
Yes. You just described how a business works. Good Job.
except what I just pointed out would also make the release more interesting and would move more copies, but don't let it get in the way of your sick burn


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
except what I just pointed out would also make the release more interesting and would move more copies, but don't let it get in the way of your sick burn

Why would they put a lot of effort into such a small fringe collecting catagory? It doesnt need limited edition statues and books and stickers to sell. There's not a group of 3DO collectors sitting around waiting for a very LE heavy edition to buy something.

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
There's not a group of 3DO collectors sitting around waiting for a very LE heavy edition to buy something.

Actually some on the Panasonic 3DO facebook group have very hard D‘s for this release.


Butthurt Enthusiast
20 Year Member
Sep 18, 2003
Why would they put a lot of effort into such a small fringe collecting catagory? It doesnt need limited edition statues and books and stickers to sell. There's not a group of 3DO collectors sitting around waiting for a very LE heavy edition to buy something.

What he may have meant was that they fail to generate the slightest enthusiasm for something they are selling an LE of. That makes no sense. They’re behaving like honest used care salesmen.

Sure, we KNOW it sucks and isn’t worth reprinting…but they reprinted it…so you’d think they give a shit.