Movie opinions thread (what have you seen, what did you think?)


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Yeah, I watched Pee Wee a couple months ago for the first time in decades and it definitely still holds up. Big Top Pee Wee sucks ass though.


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
I'd add Big Trouble in Little China to that list. Which, coincidentally, the director of Buckaroo Banzai co-wrote.
I actually went back and added it shortly after the initial post lol. I put TLD instead by mistake but it also kind of fits. There were rumors for years that BTILC originally started out as a script for the sequel to BB and Lo Pan was initially Hanoi Xan but I'm pretty sure that's been debunked.

Night School- An above average 80's slasher despite what its incredibly generic title would lead you to believe. Nothing amazing but it's a nice stripped down procedural with strong hints of giallo. Some nice tense scenes and a main character that seems like he actually cares about what's happening go a long way. The plot is basically that someone is killing a bunch of coeds that all happen to be taking the same anthropology class and they're found decapitated with their heads submerged in water. There's a particularly good scene at an aquarium where one of the heads is thrown in a giant tank and bonks an unsuspecting sea turtle. Not quite a hidden gem but worth a watch if you're a genre fan.


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Of Unknown Origin- From the director of Leviathan and Tombstone comes Peter Weller versus a giant rat. Weller plays a yuppie with the seemingly perfect life. He's got the trophy wife (Shannon Tweed), the job and a swanky brownstone that has just been painstakingly remodeled. His wife and kid go on vacation leaving him home to work on the big account he just landed but he soon finds out he's not alone. Between the high pressure job and the rat he starts to crack up and soon him and the rat are at war with each other. It's all pretty silly but Weller sells it and there's some fun camera work for the rat's POV. A little bit of social commentary on 80's materialism and yuppie culture but it's basically a straight forward monster movie that never takes itself too seriously. Recommended.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Deadpool Wolverine - I enjoyed this one. Some genuinely good laughs and surprises. Reynolds’ Deadpool seems a bit more over the top than I recall compared to the previous two films, sometimes bordering on outright annoying, but I guess it was probably as a contrast to a straight man Wolverine, albeit a version of Wolverine which is angrier and drunker than we’ve ever seen before.

Honesty I need to watch Logan again. It’s probably the best Jackman Wolverine but I really, really liked his performance in this movie. I know Logan was rated R but Wolverine in this felt more savage, more feral. Granted there is some over the top shit as one would expect from a Deadpool film, but Wolverine really felt badass in this.

The film attempts to balance making fun of the MCU while simultaneously embracing some elements of it, and I think it mostly succeeds but definitely pretty meta at times.

There is also a big portion of of the film that is essentially a love letter to the Fox Marvel films. A few sections with really great use of music. I know the trailers have heavily featured Madonna’s like a prayer, and It still felt great hearing it and seeing what they put it to in the film.

I think this film squarely ends any meaningful story we’ll get out of Deadpool in film, but as Deadpool jokes Disney is going to make Jackman play Wolverine until he is 90, so we’ll see. If the Disney cash is there I wouldn’t be surprised to see more of Reynolds and Jackman but I hope we don’t.

Oh also, Jackman’s Wolverine suit was absolutely incredible.
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Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Pet Semetery Two- Maybe better than the first, it's pretty close. Clancy Brown's performance alone bumps it up couple notches. It takes a while to get going but once it does it gets pretty nuts and then goes completely off the rails in the last 15 minutes. It's also got a super 90's alternative soundtrack that really compliments the movie's grim and angry vibe. I'm gonna say this one is little bit underrated.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Deadpool Wolverine
You absolutely must be in the mood for Deadpool style comedy. If you are, then it's an excellent movie throughout.
My wife was having a good time with this one. It definitely helps that it is rated R.

I think the only negative is that there is some expectation that you are a consumer of super hero movies, MCU, and recent Marvel shows. My wife was clueless and still enjoyed it, and she does not know anything about the esoteric references to 90's and early 2000's super hero movies. If you are an average super hero nerd, you'll probably catch most reference.

Hugh Jackman is ripped beyond belief. I literally have a hard time believing that 54 year old man is this shredded. There's gotta be some computers involved.


Sansetsukon Master
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
I recently watched Godzilla Minus One because it's all you weaboo's talked about for months and didn't really care for it.
At least it was short and to the point and not a three hour movie.
Glad i didn't go watch it in the theater but I watched worse movies before.
I'd give it a 72%, one of my sons watched it with me and he liked it and gave it a 90%.


Sansetsukon Master
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
You didn't like it, that's fine. I don't see why racism was called for.
Is there a negative connotation to the term I'm not aware of?
I asked my phones AI assistant and it wasn't clear, said it used to be considered derogatory but these days is more a cutesy term.
When prompted again it cited some recent quote saying weeabo's go beyond appreciation and are obnoxious and immature about it.
Anyways I was using it affectionately.

Again this was another movie the voice over distracted me from fully enjoying the movie, it gave off some sort of atmosphere that made
me feel like I was watching an anime.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Dogman. Written and directed by Luc Besson. Except it's fucking awful. Awful to the point I question whether Luc Besson actually wrote it. Does Luc Besson have a 12 year old son also named Luc Besson? Luc jr? Who wants to be a writer when he grows up? Because this movie is junior high kid-level "deep", on top of the fact the entire movie is one long info dump of the worst-handled exposition and unnatural dialogue between characters who would never be having such a conversation in the first place that I have seen in a movie by a major director in maybe 20 years.

Don't watch this.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
I feel Luc Besson hasn't landed a good punch in easily 25 years maybe more. Depends on how you rate Fifth Element. Lucy was entertaining, no doubt about that, but well...


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Dogman. Written and directed by Luc Besson. Except it's fucking awful. Awful to the point I question whether Luc Besson actually wrote it. Does Luc Besson have a 12 year old son also named Luc Besson? Luc jr? Who wants to be a writer when he grows up? Because this movie is junior high kid-level "deep", on top of the fact the entire movie is one long info dump of the worst-handled exposition and unnatural dialogue between characters who would never be having such a conversation in the first place that I have seen in a movie by a major director in maybe 20 years.

Don't watch this.
It is really bad, had it been by anyone else I think I would have still gotten something out of the jankiness and how ridiculously serious it takes itself.
So I know in a few years time I will go back to it and maybe enjoy it. To me it's basically what a Night Shyamalan film is, pompous and shallow, pretending to be something more than it really is.


Lasso Champion
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2011
I feel Luc Besson hasn't landed a good punch in easily 25 years maybe more. Depends on how you rate Fifth Element. Lucy was entertaining, no doubt about that, but well...
He'll never replicate his stellar run of films from 1988-1998, but his writing and producing credits on Taken, Unleashed, Revolver, and The Transporter aren't exactly nothing. Good on him for mentoring up-and-coming directors and providing them with good material to work with.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
He'll never replicate his stellar run of films from 1988-1998, but his writing and producing credits on Taken, Unleashed, Revolver, and The Transporter aren't exactly nothing. Good on him for mentoring up-and-coming directors and providing them with good material to work with.
Yes yes, those films you mention are decent action movies but ammount to next to nothing in my opinion as story driven films go.
Opinions are like arseholes
Edit: I really liked Unleashed when it came out.
I really hated Revolver when it came out


Lasso Champion
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yes yes, those films you mention are decent action movies but ammount to next to nothing in my opinion as story driven films go.
Opinions are like arseholes
Edit: I really liked Unleashed when it came out.
I really hated Revolver when it came out
I don't disagree. I've always loved Unleashed. Revolver is just alright - definitely the weakest of the four films I brought up and only significant because of the collaboration of two great filmmakers. I think Taken and The Transporter are really good action movies that were hurt by becoming franchises that were mercilessly beaten into the ground. And of course Léon The Professional and The Fifth Element eclipse everything I mentioned, but they can't all be classics.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Thing is Besson was a very competent 'french' filmaker earlier in his career which is a bit deal.
Fast foward to now and he peppers Lucy with some french flavoured herbs and spices and it comes across as clumsy and dishonest.
This is the guy who made Nikita.

He is competent still, but only because of muscle memory.

Kind of like what happened to so many directors
Including Guy Ritchie
As of Revolver (though he was making rubbish before this and am of the unpopular opinion that Snatch is his only real gem, and it hasn't aged well)

Average Joe

Calmer than you are.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
Robert Downey Jr is going to play Doctor Doom? Desperation is a stinky cologne.
I don't read a lot of Western comics, nor am I invested in the MCU all that much, but I find the current state of this cinematic franchise incredibly interesting.

I'd honestly love to watch some kind of professionally-done deep dive documentary into the choices made by whatever person (or persons) that have been behind these kind of decisions.

I'm still very much befuddled by the whole Reed Richards casting with Pascal over Krasinski thing.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Robert Downey Jr is going to play Doctor Doom? Desperation is a stinky cologne.

I think everyone is having the same reaction: "Why?!?"
RDJ must miss that MCU money. Unfortunately for him, there's none left. He must have spent too much on cars or other failing enterprises to do this.