I didnt post much on this here but I knew of this design for a bit now as my brother is a producer at one of the third party licenses listed as in on this device but I did over at racketboy as this has been discussed for awhile there. This is the first time Nintendo has had if they actually honestly support it, third parties of such quality since basically the SNES era and a bit of the GC. You have a good list of deserters, haters like Epic which is a shock, and a lot of mobile developers too. If you see a spread like that it plays into the stories of NintendOS being like Android, easy to port and develop for at a minimal cost so it makes sense developers would return to Nintendo for another cash source. In a way its like the NeoGeoX but doesnt suck, you have a HDMI dockable multiplayer handheld device except legally on the level with Nintendo stamped to it and a good list of developer support.
Smart name smarter placing NINTENDO back into it, remoing the stench of the Wii/U entirely trying to start oer with their one working line of business -- handheld, but invading with a home dock is smart. With NDA in place it is nice to see Nidia step up with Tegra, it gives a power idea of 2 sorts...Tegra like on nvidia shield console now or the 2nd Gen Tegra which is faster, cooler, cheaper and them not being clear makes me think that which means it is no push over.