Not sure I'm going to try Genesis or SNES
Still same problems for me as on older versions and don't understand why he hasn't brought in other systems like MSX, C64 and 7800 they do a pretty good job standalone.
He has a
multi-firmware that I haven't tried which might make it easier access those other standalone systems. I agree that the SNES and MD emulators (and Doom) feel like they're taking up space that could be better used. I screwed up my Arduboy trying to install the fx expansion, so I'm using millim's collection of ports to the ODROID-Go instead.
But I've been surprised by the quality of the PCE emulation, so let me test it real quick.
I just copied Sonic and Super Mario World over just to test. Genesis has frameskip set to 3 and SNES set to 4 by default, but you'd have to be pretty desperate to consider those playable speeds. The button layout was less of an issue for SMW than I expected. There are different control schemes you can pick between when you hit the options button (speaker). The default layout assigns Y and X to the Odroid's select and start buttons. L, R, Start, and Select are still accessible by using the menu button (bars) as a shift key. Of course, if you just need to pause, the option and menu buttons do that anyway.
It's neat, like getting Doom 1 and 2 to work with a two-button layout is neat, but it's a novelty.