offical wwe thread


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
A pretty good Raw that was ruined with one awful final segment.

Seriously, a hostage crisis to bring back Trips and Steph?

Pathetic. Now Survivor Series meant pretty much nothing.

They should have waited. And come up with a better storyline for it.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Yeah, that ending was terrible. They waited, what, a month? Invalidates SS, and also throws away even the tiny sliver of hope that Cena would turn in a year or whatever. Awful.

Rollins was awesome, though, loved his delivery at the end "you should know me better than that, I'm gonna kill him anyway."

The whole show was really noteworthy- that, the big D-Bry news (I've never been so happy to be wrong!), what looks to be a mega push for The Ascension (they beat Miz and Mizdow in what, 90 seconds?), a re-push for BNB, new approaches for Ryback (can't even deliver a heartfelt promo about his life halfway earnestly) and Cesaro (looks like a face turn on the way, weird, though, going with the "the bookers don't like me" route). Wow. Big show.

The Ascension are going to win the tag titles, and quickly. They still look like shit, though. Boring.

I still think Reigns wins the RR, but Bryan is obviously a possibility, too. I think it's more likely that he puts in a real good showing (lasts a long time, that kind of thing) and is the last guy Reigns eliminates to win, and then goes on to face heel Sheamus at WM (rematch from whichever one it was).

Bryan would also be a decent possibility to face Rusev at 'Mania, or throw him into the main with Cena and Reigns, though that might feel too much like a rehash of last year. That might be the emergency option if crowds start turning on both guys if Reigns wins the Rumble, though.

Or I could see Reigns and Bryan tying in the Rumble to both "win" it and get a three-way in the 'Mania main. That actually seems entirely likely to me, come to think of it.

Oh, and Heyman's "the last time my client will ever face John Cena" makes it seem like the company is definitely having Cena go over and Lesnar is definitely planning on heading back to the UFC. I don't think you would have Heyman say anything like that if Lesnar was still going to be around. Having Heyman latch onto Rollins doesn't make much sense (and they haven't followed up on it at all, really), but that would also be a proactive move toward Lesnar leaving- it gives Heyman another guy at the top of the card to "manage."
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Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
Bah, I missed D-Bry's speech. Glad he's going to make a comeback. I really miss him getting the crowd jazzed up. Between him and Punk they both got me back into wrestling. I only saw The Ascension make their debut and frankly, I already miss the smoke and strobe lights. Just let them drop the warpaint and LOD vests. Keep the gimmick tag team as The Vaudvillains. (I swear to Christ if they go through that angle of making Nevel into Mighty Mouse I'm gonna be PISSED) I was pissed Randy didn't come "Outta nowhere!!" and break up the whole Authority bullshit coming back. Ugg. Can't wait for another 45 minute opening of HHH flapping his gums next week. I wish NXT was off the network and took Smackdown's place, I'd save my 10 bucks because that's the only thing I enjoy that their producing.
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Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Bah, I missed D-Bry's speech. Glad he's going to make a comeback. I really miss him getting the crowd jazzed up. Between him and Punk they both got me back into wrestling.
Oh my god from Ryback putting the crowd to sleep earlier for ten minutes to Bryan having the arena in the palm of his hand, 180. Not putting him on last kind of gave it away, but in a good way.


The Wonder Years,
Mar 4, 2001
Oh my god from Ryback putting the crowd to sleep earlier for ten minutes to Bryan having the arena in the palm of his hand, 180. Not putting him on last kind of gave it away, but in a good way.

Haha, to Ryback's credit, after a sluggish and awkward start, he began winning the crowd over after the camera showed his scar on the titantron. After that, it was smoother overall and the crowd was behind him a bit.

I think fans (including myself) were just shocked to see a segment like that, where a face was pouring his life story out to us. That's why I think it started out a bit awkward. But once the scar was shown, it got better.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Haha, to Ryback's credit, after a sluggish and awkward start, he began winning the crowd over after the camera showed his scar on the titantron. After that, it was smoother overall and the crowd was behind him a bit.

I think fans (including myself) were just shocked to see a segment like that, where a face was pouring his life story out to us. That's why I think it started out a bit awkward. But once the scar was shown, it got better.
I found his segment very enlightening. Someone willing to talk about their history and put everything out will either make you a whiner or get you some respect for not only yourself but what other wrestlers go through to make it in the business. It started slow but I think the turning point was when they showed the clip of The Nexus (showing him as 'Skip Sheffield' and very young looking Bryan and BNB). The close-up of the leg scar sealed the deal and got the crowd going.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I think the Ryback segment was okay. One of the things he's had to deal with forever was the comparisons to Goldberg. That's all people saw him as was a Goldberg clone. Even though it's not as strong as it was before, the Goldberg chants are still there. I think the segment is important because it could help to get audiences to see him as a distinct personality, his own guy. Goldberg wasn't the first guy to act like a monster in the ring, but he's certainly the most memorable one in my opinion. I think the segment may help separate Ryback from those comparisons in time. I especially liked the bit where he said that he's not going to do any flag waving. He just wants to destroy a formidable opponent to prove he's a better fighter. I think that's the right direction for the angle and for the character.

I also have to say that Big Show has done a good job as a hated heel. This is the right role for him. Someone to be despised. The storylines for him when he's a babyface are far too complicated and bring in too many narrative elements. Right now, this is where he belongs: as The Authority's willing lackey.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I liked the content on Ryback's promo, I didn't like the delivery. Felt too much like he was delivering lines from a script, not like he was speaking from the heart, which is not how that should come across when he's talking about his life, his comeback story, at least my perception.

To me, at least, it's just a fundamental flaw in his game, pretty much, that was laid bare- he couldn't deliver a heartfelt promo that showed much emotion when he was talking about how he washed out of and then somehow got back into WWE. How is he ever going to get any good on the mic? I guess Bryan and Rollins have shown that practice makes perfect, but man, Ryback just really didn't do it for me, and that seemed like putting the ball on the tee for him last night.

By comparison, I thought Cesaro did a real nice job with lesser material. Interesting how he had to talk about "not connecting with fans" and really, I think he does that fairly well- and they let him use the Big Swing and everything (so they clearly are setting up the storyline to be that he proves management wrong, turns face, seems like).

Also, doing this storyline with Ryback right when he's feuding with Rusev seems like a bad idea- he can't go over Rusev, I don't think. I guess he can stay sympathetic while jobbing (or likely passing out/getting injured to the Accolade), but it might work better to put him over Mark Henry or Show or something...?


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
Felt too much like he was delivering lines from a script, not like he was speaking from the heart, which is not how that should come across when he's talking about his life, his comeback story, at least my perception.


WWE scripted... no waaaaaay !


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
So, I searched for wrestle kingdom 9 on fios, and there is good news, and bad.

The good:
They are carrying it. Also, there is a 30 minute hype special-free to stream on demand.

The bad: I could only find options for the primetime re-broadcast. No option to watch live, @ 2am EST at this time.

Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
I gotta hunt online for full versions of Cesaro's, D-Bry and Ryback's speeches online. Fucking WWE cut to BNB coming out as soon as Ceasaro was starting to get cheers from the audience. What a fucking awful year for him. He had one of the biggest pops at Wrestlemania 30 winning the Battle Royal and slamming Big Show over the top rope. They put him with Paul and everybody thought it was going to be amazing and it didn't work. Now he's jobbing on fucking Superstars. Meanwhile they keep running the same shit every night and they wonder why people are all going towards NXT. (Also, I marked out when I saw Edge wearing Sami's shirt.)


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
I gotta hunt online for full versions of Cesaro's, D-Bry and Ryback's speeches online. Fucking WWE cut to BNB coming out as soon as Ceasaro was starting to get cheers from the audience. What a fucking awful year for him. He had one of the biggest pops at Wrestlemania 30 winning the Battle Royal and slamming Big Show over the top rope. They put him with Paul and everybody thought it was going to be amazing and it didn't work. Now he's jobbing on fucking Superstars. Meanwhile they keep running the same shit every night and they wonder why people are all going towards NXT. (Also, I marked out when I saw Edge wearing Sami's shirt.)
Totally agree. Guy is one of the very best in the company in-ring, and once he started incorporating some of the more innovative moves, he started drawing "this guy is awesome turn him because we love him" pops. Great look. Not bad on the mic. WTF?

Edge looked like he's aged a lot. He looked fine, though. It was great to see a guy who retired in time to not ruin his health (especially a guy who came so close to doing so). I know he stays busy with acting and his family and all, but he and Christian are both still so good in front of the crowd, it would be nice to see them come back more often.

Also, re: Christian- is he officially retired, then? Don't remember him ever saying so, but maybe he is now? Or maybe there will be a storyline where he says hey, you all jumped the gun, one more match? Either way, I still really would like to see him get a shot on commentary.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Jerry 'The King' Lawler in hospital

In a major story that is still ongoing, WWE Hall of Famer Jerry “The King” Lawler has been hospitalized. He has been in the hospital for the last several days. When the story broke, people immediately thought his heart might be a problem once again. Thankfully, Lawler’s heart is currently doing just fine, as for his intestines… not so much.

Lawler was admitted to the hospital due to diverticulitis. According to the Mayo Clinic, “diverticula are small, bulging pouches that can form in the lining of your digestive system. They are found most often in the lower part of the large intestine (colon). Diverticula are common, especially after age 40, and seldom cause problems. Sometimes, however, one or more of the pouches become inflamed or infected. That condition is known as diverticulitis.”

It is quite the horrible disorder. Brock Lesnar was out for months while in UFC due to diverticulitis. It took him from a fighting weight of 285, to under 250. For a man who was mostly muscle, this was quite a lot lost. To many, this ended up costing him his UFC Heavyweight Title and last fight.

Lawler is a good bit older than Lesnar was when he had the issue. Of course, Lesnar had the same problem when he was younger. Usually in younger people, something hereditary is as play. For someone like Lawler, things just happened the way it did. The condition causes a lot of abdominal pain, nausea, and even a fever.

It is a serious issue that needs treatment right off, especially for someone of Lawler’s age.

Lawler was replaced on WWE Main Event this past week by fellow WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. Booker has been an announcer on WWE SmackDown before, but was eventually taken off for other roles in WWE. So he had some experience.

It is currently unknown if Jerry will appear on WWE RAW this Monday, but if he is not, JBL and Michael Cole could probably handle the show at a two-man team. WWE also has the opportunity to use Tom Phillips or Renee Young if there is a major need for a third person.

Lawler is an important part of WWE, and surely WWE will address why he is not present if they feel the problem will continue. The hope is to have him back for WWE RAW, but if he is not, then it is unknown when he’ll be back at the table to call the action. Let us all hope for a speedy recovery.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
I just found out santino is gone. Heart broken.

Gone from wrestling but still signed with the WWE. He retired in July after a third neck injury however had surgery done on it and has been training to see if he can get back into wrestling once more.

Alpha Skyhawk

Windjammers Wonder
Feb 28, 2012
Gone from wrestling but still signed with the WWE. He retired in July after a third neck injury however had surgery done on it and has been training to see if he can get back into wrestling once more.

Thank you for clarifying. BTD's post nearly gave me a heart attack.


The Wonder Years,
Mar 4, 2001
Uhaa Nation signed, Carlton Banks gimmick incoming.

Huh. I thought I saw a report earlier in the week saying he declined. Guess dude came around on the money?

Well, I'm going to list some WWE/NXT names. Feel free to copy and paste and post your own thoughts on them as wrestlers, if you enjoy their character/direction, and the like.


Enzo/Big Cass
Vaude Villains
Lucha Dragons
Baron Corbin
Bull Dempsey
CJ Parker
Becky Lynch


Dust Bros
Big Show
New Day
Jack Swagger
Justin Gabriel
Tyson Kidd
Bo Dallas
Los Matadores




The Wonder Years,
Mar 4, 2001

Enzo/Big Cass: Total New Age Outlaws vibe. Their in-ring abilities are suspect, but they are entertaining as fuck. Love Enzo's mannerisms. He's got a place as a fun midcard act.

Dillinger/Jordan: Dillinger would make for good fodder on Superstars/Main Event. Jason Jordan is the star of the team. I see shades of Shelton Benjamin in him. Surprised they aren't more prominent on NXT

Blake/Matthews: Really like this team. Old school '90s vibe. They can really go.

Vaude Villains: Not the biggest fan. Gotch catches my eye more of the two, but I feel they're doomed to be midcard acts. They're really into their characters, though, so good for them. I just don't find them particularly great

Lucha Dragons: Big fan of Kalisto. Sin Cara is serviceable. Kalisto has a bright future as the next Rey Mysterio. His mic skills are pretty decent too.

Baron Corbin: Former NFL player. Great presence. The NXT counting gimmick is hurting him though. He's been in 15-30 second squash matches. Has not been able to hone his craft. His gimmick is helping and hurting him. He spoke on the mic last night first time. WOW. He fucking sucks on the mic.

Bull Dempsey: I can see why DeMott (Hugh Morris) likes him. Shades of DeMott from WCW. But meh. Old school look and feel. Won't cut it in WWE today.

Neville: Big fan. Get this guy up already

Zayn: Next big thing. I like him better than Bryan

Owens: Haven't seen him to be honest. Heard great things. Like him as a heel

CJ Parker: Hey, we all need jobbers

Breeze: His face reminds me of Orton for some reason. Really good worker with good upside. Like a slightly bigger better Shannon Moore

Banks: Cousin of Snoop Dogg. She's only 22! Superb talent and looks. Good mic skills and presence. Complete package. Bright long future ahead of her.

Charlotte: The future. She continuously impresses. Her finisher looks weak though. I don't find it very impactful. It looks like it hurts her just as much as it hurts her opponent.

Becky Lynch: Meh face, decent midcard heel

Bayley: Like her spunk and underdog character

Finn: Holy shit he is a god in NXT. His paint get up would get over with WWE big time.

Hideo: Transition in progress. Like him, but Finn has overshadowed him. Waiting for him to do the GTS


Usos: U-SO-BORING! Used to love them, now starting to grow stale

Dust Bros: Indifferent. Kinda caught in no man's land. Cody never lived up to his potential

Cesaro: Fukken buried. Future endeavored coming soon

Titus: Claims 2015 will be his year. Meh. Big powerhouse, but little in-ring skill and no character.

R-Truth: Good jobber

Big Show: He's been way overused and exposed.

Cena: He tries hard but so tired of his act


New Day: Kofi has flatlined. Midcard group at best

Fandango: New and improved? Same shit gimmick. Wrestler himself is decent. The act is beyond tired, though.

Jack Swagger: Lack Swagger. Dude is boring.

Rusev: I like him.

Justin Gabriel: Should be used more properly.

Tyson Kidd: Love the heel act. One of their better workers

Ascension: Demolition did it better

Paige: My favorite looking diva. Booked poorly.

Bellas: They gotten better, credit to them

Ziggler: Finally back on the upswing

Rollins: I like him, but feel like he is hit or miss sometimes in terms of overall presentation. That cross-armed rope spot where he flips up is getting so old now.

Wyatt: Sorry, but his promos feel forced and stuck in the mid-late '90s. He tries to sound all cryptic and interesting, but as soon as he speaks I know "Oh this shit again." He's lost so much momentum jobbing to Cena and the likes.

Rowan: Sell him as much as you want, WWE. I ain't buying. Reminds me of a forgettable mid '90s act.

Harper: Good wrestler but meh on the character. Not sure why they broke up the Family so soon. Did they even give an explanation?!

Ambrose: That rebound clothesline is such a tired spot now. He was getting hot for a while, but I feel he's now flatlined a bit. Lots of upside, but long way to go.

Reigns: Slowly getting better in the ring. Mic skills, eh, not good, but I think he's a bit better than what most are saying. Wanna see bad? Check out Baron Corbin last night on NXT

Kane: Should have retired years ago

Orton: Consistently solid with the WWE style match. Has earned my respect

Barrett: He's OK. Never been wowed by his in-ring work. He's just... above average.

Bo Dallas: What the hell happened to him? WWE stopped bo-lieving?

Axel: Bland wrestler that's trying to recharge his career in NXT. Goes up agains Hideo next week. His dad was so good. The son, not so much.

Miz: I like him better than most fans do, but he is strictly an annoying midcard heel act. Can't believe he was Champ in 2010. God the WWE must have sucked balls that year.

Mizdow: Hilarious. Santino with actual wrestling skills.

Los Matadores: Treated as a joke, but they can go in the ring. They should feature that more prominently.

Ryback: Never liked his finisher. It always seems weak.

Sheamus: Needs to turn heel, fella

Ryder: Such a shame what they/Cena/Kane did to his character back in what, 2012? Heard at Survivor Series 2011, he was the hottest chant, even during the Rock comeback tag match.



Don't like them together. They always ramble about shit not related to the match, make stupid ass jokes or do the same tired lines

OH MY -Cole
Moments in time! -JBL

Watching the older stuff on the Network and hearing guys like JR call the action really reminds you how weak today's commentary is.

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
Sasha Banks and Charolette had a match on this week's Main Event

It was the best thing on said episode of course and even JBL/Cole/Booker not calling the match didn't hurt it


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Enzo has no future as a wrestler on the main stage.....

Tweak that gimmick a bit and you have a VERY effective manager (who can sell a beating and take a bump).
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Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
Enzo has no future as a wrestler on the main stage.....

Tweak that gimmick a bit and you have a VERY effective manager (who can sell a beating and take a bump).

Ditto, stick him with a good to great wrestler and let him be said wrestler's mouth piece ala Brock & Paul

"This right here is your WWE champion, BADA BING BADA BOOM REALIST CHAMP IN DA ROOM"