So is there interest in a UK meet?
The reason I ask is a that years ago (around 1998 to 2000) I was involved with a couple of mates with booking and putting on BritMeet which was a retro meet with gaming, trading and more.
Then during the Dreamcast era we ran a couple of smaller, Dreamcast focussed days.
Essentially we hired a local hall (with a kitchen so people could make hot drinks/food) and set up consoles, screens and a projector. People could play various games and we ran a couple of competitions (Soul Calibur tournament if I remember correctly. Everyone chucked in a tenner I think to cover the cost of the hall.
At the start of the year I was chatting to my mate about to be possibility of running another Dreamcast event. However if there is enough interest I would happily help organise a Neo Geo meet.
What would people want from this?
Consoles and CRT's set up to let people play games (single player and head to head etc)
Just a chance to get together and chat Neo Geo?
Happy to organise something and put some money in upfront to hire the hall etc Just depends what people want. I would also need some help with hardware/games as I can provide about three CRT's (a PVM and a couple of 14 inch portables) and a Neo console and a consolized MVS. Not sure that would be sufficient? Would need a way of making sure people knew what was theirs if they bring stuff along. If a couple of screens and a projector is enough then that is all good although I only have a limited collection of games (mainly common stuff) although I could also bring a couple of Dreamcast consoles and LCD screens so Neo ports could be played via them?
The event would be based in Milton Keynes (easy access via M1, A5,A421 roads) easy access by train from London (35 minutes from Euston) and Birmingham (about 45 minutes). The hall I am thinking of has a decent amount of room, parking facilities, a kitchen for drinks/food, toilets and is located near shops/pub/petrol station etc. Would likely be a Saturday in October/November
If there is interest in an event I can make enquiries as to cost of hiring the hall and report back