Why haven't any of you doll fuckers started a Game of Thrones topic?


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
first of all I've not read thru this entire thread so if it's already discussed get over it lol

anyways, about the white walker that just took the baby, the one riding the horse.

didn't he take a knife (dragon glass) to the back and shatter into a million pieces last season??????

This wasn't discussed.

White Walkers

There's more than one, and they all have the same general physical appearance.

Show is so racist.


Windjammers Wonder
Dec 8, 2013
when they first showed the white walkers marching, I think it was the season 2 finale, they all looked different.

I guess the show head honchos have gone a different route since then.


15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
They still look like the same shit generally speaking.

Ever since the end of S2 I can't see them without thinking of Iron Maiden album covers:


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
I knew I seen the white walkers somewheres. Thank's Spoon.

Anyways, the White Walker from last Sunday had a crown. Apparently, he is a character that doesn't officially exist in the books, just as fairy tales.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I knew I seen the white walkers somewheres. Thank's Spoon.

Anyways, the White Walker from last Sunday had a crown. Apparently, he is a character that doesn't officially exist in the books, just as fairy tales.

False. What you saw was Darth Whitewalker, father of Luke Whitewalker.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
The story takes place in another fucking universe and people assume black people have to be there; even though there's no Asians on the show at all.

HBO may have to be fined and forced to sell their show, for great justice.


Windjammers Wonder
Dec 8, 2013
The story takes place in another fucking universe and people assume black people have to be there; even though there's no Asians on the show at all.

there was one (black dude), the pirate/smuggler who wanted to have the queen fucked by a monkey I think, sorry I can't recall what the exact animal was LOL

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
HBO may have to be fined and forced to sell their show, for great justice.

Somewhere out there someone will point to a constitution and by laws, which don't even apply to the circumstances, but regardless will browbeat.

Comrade Porn King Mikhail

TЗh ЯussiaИs Дre CФm
Oct 11, 2000
I forced Teddy to borrow my Season 1 BR. He's getting into and enjoying the show but was not surprised by what happened in "Baelor." Got me to thinking, what would be your Top 5 TV series moments that completely blindsided you.

My Top 5 (spoilers for various HBO series):


5. Nina Meyers betrayal in the first season of 24. One of the first times where the frenetic pace of the show hid most of the foreshadowing hints.
4. Lost Season 1 cliffhanger looking down into the hatch. Not what I was expecting at all.
3. Red Wedding. Thankfully avoided any spoilers.
2. Ned in Baelor. Completely redefined the traditional TV hero for me.
1. Sopranos ending. Controversial to many, but I remember we were waiting for something else to happen during that 10 second pause before the credits rolled.

Enjoyed Cersei's great conversations from last week's episode. And that Littlefinger...


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Last episode was a very mixed bag for me. I'm getting really tired of characters having conversations that don't mean anything to their particular arcs.

Cersei and Oberyn having a conversation about her daughter does nothing to advance either of their stories. We already know all of the important things we need to know about these plot elements. It's not even character development or growth-nothing about their conversation will have any meaning laer on.

I feel that with an hour to dedicate to the characters and plot, they need to do a better job having meaningful character moments and action no the screen that are not only good conversations and developments but also help to move their arcs along.

Think about Arya and the Hound on the road together. This week's exchange was awesome, but ultimately redundant given that the previous week he punched a farmer in the face and took his silver as a means of hardening her up to the world. I felt that the water dancing sequence where he ridicules her was better because it addressed specific instances of her romantic ideals from previous storylines. It used the past to inform the future. That means they wasted five minutes of my time the previous week doing exactly the same thing in a meaningless conversation with farmers that we will never see again.

Likewise with Brienne and Poddrick. Completely pointless scene with reveals that could have been handled in a much more efficient fashion. Dedicating a five minute conversation to them in an hour long show with as much narrative as this story has needs to be used more efficiently.

And don't get me started on how, once again, Jon Snow is a spectator in his own life in this show. This time, it was the bad guy cliche of ignoring the real threat to taunt a helpless girl so that Jon could backstab him through the head. So now Jon is incapable of even beating one dirty fighter?

The fucking guy was a creation of the show and should have been sacrificed to the altar of Jon's advancement so that the cahracter wold look stronger and FINALLY be takinc control of his own life. Instead, Jon is lucky to survive a climactic battle that smarterr writing would have had him winning, thereby getting audiences on his side not only because he's a Stark but becuase, AT LAST, he's kicking all forms of ass and not needing help to beat one dirty knife fighter who thinks he's hot shit. Good writing doesn't have this happen with throwaway characters.

It's the same with how Rick and the Governor ended their fight in The Walking Dead. The writing does their character no favors by emasculating them for no apparent reason.

Jon should have just kicked the guy in the nuts, ripped a dagger out of his hands and then gutted him with it before saying 'Thanks, I'll remember the lesson next time.' Or even tripped him into the fire, where he burns to death. That would be gruesome, certainly niot the actions of a young man trained to fight in castles and keeps by honorable knights, but a good way for him to adapt and survive in his new role.

I'm still holding out hope that this show will figure out its pacing issues this season.

Comrade Porn King Mikhail

TЗh ЯussiaИs Дre CФm
Oct 11, 2000
Instead, Jon is lucky to survive a climactic battle that smarterr writing would have had him winning, thereby getting audiences on his side not only because he's a Stark but becuase, AT LAST, he's kicking all forms of ass and not needing help to beat one dirty knife fighter who thinks he's hot shit. Good writing doesn't have this happen with throwaway characters.

It's the same with how Rick and the Governor ended their fight in The Walking Dead. The writing does their character no favors by emasculating them for no apparent reason.

That was my main gripe as well. I keep waiting for Jon to step up and take control of his destiny. I was hoping that following his adventures north of the wall he would return with a stronger attitude.

Are you referencing the TV Rick Governor? Because the only favors the writers are dispensing in that flaming pile of crap are to Robert Kirkman's pockets. Season 5 could have been condensed into two hours and the search for Terminus was more tedious than the one for Sophia.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Jeeze, you must really hate independent movies....


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Jeeze, you must really hate independent movies....

I hate it whenever a story arc is botched by poor creative decisions.


Yes, I'm referring to TV Rick vs. Governor. But my gripes about that are documented over in 'that other thread.'

As it regards Jon, perhaps now that Ghost is back with him, the show will start veering him towards the character he's actually supposed to be.

Jon and Daario are the only two characters I think the show has completely missed the mark with (so far). Everyone else, more or less, is okay to me. Not 'perfect', but good enough.

I'm going to say this again to anyone reading:

Watch Black Sails. It's the best show I've seen this year. Brilliant pacing, wickedly clever character arcs, a likeable rogues' gallery of characters, good production values, great acting all around and is a lot of fun.
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Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Sep 3, 2012
this was supposed to go here:


evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I hate it whenever a story arc is botched by poor creative decisions.


Yes, I'm referring to TV Rick vs. Governor. But my gripes about that are documented over in 'that other thread.'

As it regards Jon, perhaps now that Ghost is back with him, the show will start veering him towards the character he's actually supposed to be.

Jon and Daario are the only two characters I think the show has completely missed the mark with (so far). Everyone else, more or less, is okay to me. Not 'perfect', but good enough.

I'm going to say this again to anyone reading:

Watch Black Sails. It's the best show I've seen this year. Brilliant pacing, wickedly clever character arcs, a likeable rogues' gallery of characters, good production values, great acting all around and is a lot of fun.

Black Sails is awesome.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
This wasn't discussed.

White Walkers

There's more than one, and they all have the same general physical appearance.

Show is so racist.

Is it White Walker or Wight Walker?

I never read the book I assumed that it was a Wight.

Edit: Nevermind. I read that the Sorcerers are WHITE WALKERS and the reanimated Corpses are Wights....
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15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
The fucking guy was a creation of the show and should have been sacrificed to the altar of Jon's advancement so that the cahracter wold look stronger and FINALLY be takinc control of his own life. Instead, Jon is lucky to survive a climactic battle that smarterr writing would have had him winning, thereby getting audiences on his side not only because he's a Stark but becuase, AT LAST, he's kicking all forms of ass and not needing help to beat one dirty knife fighter who thinks he's hot shit. Good writing doesn't have this happen with throwaway characters.

Would have been satisfying if Jon wrecked him, but the lesson conveyed in that scene is that being a cunt can bite you in the ass....no matter how much of a hard motherfucker you may be, someones gonna do you when they get the chance.

Also, fuck me for having to add another character to my list of "fictional twats who won't get their just deserts in my lifetime".
Fucking Ramsay Bolton and Griffith from Berserk....
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Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Would have been satisfying if Jon wrecked him, but the lesson conveyed in that scene is that being a cunt can bite you in the ass....no matter how much of a hard motherfucker you may be, someones gonna do you when they get the chance.

There was no need for the lesson. Jon's already been held back by the circumstances in his life/the writing on the show long enough. Taking a bunch of volunteers to Crastor's Keep was a good first step but the tension in Jon being disarmed and held at a disadvantage was completely unnecessary. It only made the character look weak at a time when, in all other respects, he was becoming stronger.

The TV version of Jon has already learned ALMOST all the 'lessons' he needs to learn (there is one more yet to come). The show fucking blew it on that count. Shitty end result to the fight. The showrunners need to do better with Lord Snow.

Also, fuck me for having to add another character to my list of "fictional assholes that won't get their just deserts in my lifetime".
Fucking Ramsay Bolton and Griffith from Berserk....

They'll both get theirs in the end.

Castor Troy

The Esfinter that theMot Chupame's
Oct 5, 2008
Loved this past episode, but hated the Yara/Theon part. They really built it up at the end of last season, and in this episode, Yara gave a great speech at the beginning, just so that it ended so anti-climactic. It sort of reminded me of Theon's awesome speech at Winterfell before his troops betrayed him.