Why haven't any of you doll fuckers started a Game of Thrones topic?


15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
You know nothing, norton9478.

Please stop trollin'.

It just so happens Arya Stark has been the most lethal warrior all along. Who knew?

Only me, nobody else had a clue....

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Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
Material always gets changed around when transferring from book(or comic book) to TV. Even the Walking Dead TV series is considerably off from the comic.

It was intentionally done that way since Day One with Walking Dead period.

Comrade Porn King Mikhail

TЗh ЯussiaИs Дre CФm
Oct 11, 2000
I'm in the middle of book 2 now. Book one was on tape thanks to Taiso's recommendation but I found myself unable to pay proper attention during traffic so it's back to print. I was never into the fantasy genre so I did not even know of the books' existence until the show started. After seeing the first season right as it came out, I felt that the amount of surprise I would achieve from watching the TV shows raw and then following up with the books would be a better fit for me.

I thought I had been conditioned by Baelor and the Red Wedding, but I was still wrongly seeking "justice" in a world where it's not conveniently dispensed. So the ending was still a surprise to me and dramatically wrapped up one of the best episodes of the season.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000

why didn't anyone else post this here?

Castor Troy

The Esfinter that theMot Chupame's
Oct 5, 2008
I already miss Oberyn. What a way to go. :(
In case you're wondering, all the book talk has pretty much scared me off this topic. I'm sure you book readers have done your best to not spoil the show for the rest of us, but I'd rather not take any chances.


Bolt Thrower.,
Mar 21, 2014
A game of porn is quite an ok show - stupid that they put all this extra porn scenes in that make absolutely no sense story wise and haven't been in the books, when the books are full of the stuff anyways. Oh well - I guess JRR will pull a Robert Jordan anyways and I'll again be left disappointed.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I already miss Oberyn. What a way to go. :(
In case you're wondering, all the book talk has pretty much scared me off this topic. I'm sure you book readers have done your best to not spoil the show for the rest of us, but I'd rather not take any chances.

Read the books then. Get the books on audio. Just catch up.

Castor Troy

The Esfinter that theMot Chupame's
Oct 5, 2008
Read the books then. Get the books on audio. Just catch up.

I'd rather watch and enjoy the show blindly than be one of those book readers who bitch and complain that the show is not living up to the books.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I'd rather watch and enjoy the show blindly than be one of those book readers who bitch and complain that the show is not living up to the books.

This is a ridiculous statement, and I'm just being candid here.

Your comment automatically takes the stance that because you read the books, you'll automatically hate the TV series.

This is by no means an absolute and your logic is flawed.

It's not hate. It's just candid talk. Stop boxing yourself into preconceived notions of thinking just because you see other people acting a certain way.

Castor Troy

The Esfinter that theMot Chupame's
Oct 5, 2008
This is a ridiculous statement, and I'm just being candid here.

Your comment automatically takes the stance that because you read the books, you'll automatically hate the TV series.

This is by no means an absolute and your logic is flawed.

It's not hate. It's just candid talk. Stop boxing yourself into preconceived notions of thinking just because you see other people acting a certain way.

Easy there dude. I didn't mean to generalize all book readers. I just know a few who have read the books and they never seemed satisfied with the show. They complain about certain parts being overlooked, certain characters omitted, and certain characters not having having their story lines properly fleshed out.
Like I said, I prefer going in blindly and enjoy the show.
I did start and finish the first book, but decided to stop there. I might go back and catch up to where S4 ends (after the next 2 episodes are done).


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Easy there dude. I didn't mean to generalize all book readers. I just know a few who have read the books and they never seemed satisfied with the show. They complain about certain parts being overlooked, certain characters omitted, and certain characters not having having their story lines properly fleshed out.
Like I said, I prefer going in blindly and enjoy the show.
I did start and finish the first book, but decided to stop there. I might go back and catch up to where S4 ends (after the next 2 episodes are done).

Honestly, it just sounds to me more like you are annoyed by 'those' people' that are calling out something you like. and the comment is you passively-aggressively taking a shot at them for being that way. But the way you phrased it suggests that there is no way around it for you; that once you read the books, you'll be hating on the TV show.


Angel's Love Slave
Dec 4, 2013
The show and the books are both great, but different.

Obviously the books have more depth, the storytelling has an opaque quality, and the reader is really swept along by the strong undercurrent of the narrative.

However, the point-of-view style in the books is a double-edged sword.

The writers on the show have flexibility to explore characters that are on the periphery of the books, because in the books if you ain't a point-of-view you ain't shit.

The show is actually starting to delve into material ahead of the narrative in the books, e.g. with Theon.

Its an unpopular opinion, but my favorite book (thus far) was Feast for Crows.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I can say with 100% certainty that people who haven't read the books get only 50% out of each episode. Let's call those people "The Illiterati". The Illiterati don't have the benefit of understanding motives.

"Why was it so easy for Daenerys to banish Jorah?" Because you didn't read the books.

"Tyrion was speechless after the Mountain fought the Viper." Actually he had an AMAZING line, but you don't read.

Reading the books lets you get the perspectives of the characters and understand them more. Watching the show is great because seeing your imagination, from what you read, rendered on a screen is cool as shit. And Game of Thrones does that so well because GRRM writes in a way that people see what he's seeing. That's great writing.

So if you are proud not to read the books, stop. It's like virgins proud of jerking off.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
The writers on the show have flexibility to explore characters that are on the periphery of the books, because in the books if you ain't a point-of-view you ain't shit.

Untrue. Varys isn't a POV character in the novels. Would you say he doesn't matter?

Littlefinger doesn't have a POV chapter either. I'd say he's important.

Manse Rayder? Tywin Lannister? Sandor Cleggane?

All major characters. None with a POV.

As for going off on tangents with characters that aren't major in the books, that is a flawed argument because the show is already wasting time with certain scenes and tangential plot points that ultimately won't change the story in any fundamental way.

I'd rather they STOPPED focusing on secondary and tertiary characters, and use that time to mine the novels further and make sure the essential story lines are being played out properly first. Then, if there's any time left over, feel free to put in some pointless conversations with tits.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
So was the implication that Tyrion killed his cousin Olsin?

Anyways, some people who "read" the original source then bitch all the time are annoying. Different mediums are going to play out differently. People should just enjoy variations for what they are. SOme can, some can't. The worst are by far Comic Book nerds. They tend to obsess over meaningless details....

"Ohh you can't do that because it is a major plot point in Comic Book Number 166"
You know what? The movie series is never going to cover Comic Book 166. It will reboot well before it gets that far.

That being said, of course the book (not a comic book) is better. The movie is better in only a handful of cases (Upton Sinclair's Oil! for instance).
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evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Untrue. Varys isn't a POV character in the novels. Would you say he doesn't matter?

Littlefinger doesn't have a POV chapter either. I'd say he's important.

Manse Rayder? Tywin Lannister? Sandor Cleggane?

All major characters. None with a POV.

As for going off on tangents with characters that aren't major in the books, that is a flawed argument because the show is already wasting time with certain scenes and tangential plot points that ultimately won't change the story in any fundamental way.

I'd rather they STOPPED focusing on secondary and tertiary characters, and use that time to mine the novels further and make sure the essential story lines are being played out properly first. Then, if there's any time left over, feel free to put in some pointless conversations with tits.

The greatest drawback of reading the books is that despite putting in the countless hours of reading, we are all on equal ground when it comes to Ramsay.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
The actor that plays Ramsay has the best facial expressions on the show. That dude can make you hate him just by smiling.


Angel's Love Slave
Dec 4, 2013
Untrue. Varys isn't a POV character in the novels. Would you say he doesn't matter?

I didn't say they weren't important. Central to the story doesn't mean the characters are necessarily well developed.

It is true that Varys is well-explored in the books, and in some ways on the show. Tywin sure gets a lot of screen time on the show vs. in the books. The fact that in the books it is Roose Bolton at Harrenhal, for example.

I would say Robb Stark is a great example of an under-explored and somewhat one-dimensional character in the books. More of a symbol or narrative crux than a person, really. Do I think they did a great job with him on the show? No, but at least they tried to make him human.