Why haven't any of you doll fuckers started a Game of Thrones topic?


Armored Scrum Object
Aug 7, 2012
GRRM is very protective of his world, I wouldn't be surprised if he explicitly states in his will that no one can finish his story.

I hope that's not the case. I bet he's not too happy about the show diverging so much from his writing, then. Not to mention seeing someone else finish it before he does.


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
i haven't read the book but it seems in the later season Tyrion & Arya characters got derped. Snow seems consistent & never cared for the dragon bitch. I hope he finishes it & have alternative finish to it. Give me a reason to read a book.


Friend me on Facebook!,
20 Year Member
Aug 13, 2001
I hope that's not the case. I bet he's not too happy about the show diverging so much from his writing, then. Not to mention seeing someone else finish it before he does.

I actually think the opposite. After all, GRRM gave them the outline of how it ends, so what we see on screen at the end should match his vision. However, how we get there will be completely different (i.e. how some of the characters meet their end, and some events happen or not). For example, I would expect the book would be much more nuanced in how LF goes down compared to the silly plot on TV. GRRM is probably happy that the TV is so different as it encourages people to read his upcoming book, assuming it ever comes out.


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
I hope that's not the case. I bet he's not too happy about the show diverging so much from his writing, then. Not to mention seeing someone else finish it before he does.

If I remember correctly, HBO drafted up what they wanted for the story line and had him review it. In the end, he gave it the ok and said he was pleased with their version of the wrap-up.

I may not be 100% on this one, but I swear I remember reading this somewhere.

If anything...it gives his readers reason to read the books, even after the show ends.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
From a storytelling perspective, the result after 2019 is that everyone will forget HBO’s GoT, because it will neatly tie up everything. One of the major negative forces pver the past 2 seasons was that the showrunners were explaining the details too much. When things are explained people stop talking about them. This by default is the assassin of art.


Armored Scrum Object
Aug 7, 2012
If I remember correctly, HBO drafted up what they wanted for the story line and had him review it. In the end, he gave it the ok and said he was pleased with their version of the wrap-up.

I may not be 100% on this one, but I swear I remember reading this somewhere.

I'd feel more confident than I do now with the direction of the show if this is true, so I hope it is. I'll have to see if I can find that.

From a storytelling perspective, the result after 2019 is that everyone will forget HBO’s GoT, because it will neatly tie up everything. One of the major negative forces pver the past 2 seasons was that the showrunners were explaining the details too much. When things are explained people stop talking about them. This by default is the assassin of art.

Agreed. Curious if GRRM will leave anything to interpretation.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I think GRRM knew that the mystery of Jon Snow’s pedigree was one of the best parts of the story, because it was discussable.

And I imagine that after HBO told us Jon Snow’s real name is Aegon, GRRM realized he sold his soul to some fucking retarded devils.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I think GRRM knew that the mystery of Jon Snow’s pedigree was one of the best parts of the story, because it was discussable.

And I imagine that after HBO told us Jon Snow’s real name is Aegon, GRRM realized he sold his soul to some fucking retarded devils.

It's easy to imagine Martin being frustrated with the seasons he hasn't had a hand in influencing. Seasons 6 and 7 did not benefit from his involvement, and honestly...it shows.

It wouldn't surprise me if at some point down the road, we learn that in addition to his 'schedule' preventing from taking part, we discover that he didn't want to tacitly legitimize parts of the story he hadn't written in novel form yet. That way, he can divorce himself of anything post season 5 and plead ignorance.

I suspect Jon's true name IS Aegon Targaryen, since Rhaegar was into prophecies, destinies and reclaiming faded glories and all that. It wouldn't surprise me, at the very least.


Armored Scrum Object
Aug 7, 2012
I suspect Jon's true name IS Aegon Targaryen, since Rhaegar was into prophecies, destinies and reclaiming faded glories and all that. It wouldn't surprise me, at the very least.

I wonder, then, would GRRM have revealed the name and heritage at a similar time as the show? How much weight do fans put on the kind of thing? As Wasabi pointed out, it gives the audience something to discuss and think about. There's a lot still to look forward to, storyline-wise, but when would be the best time to let the audience in? Will this kill some of the excitement? And does it kill some of the excitement for GRRM as well to write the books? I'd bet it does - it would for me.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I wonder, then, would GRRM have revealed the name and heritage at a similar time as the show? How much weight do fans put on the kind of thing? As Wasabi pointed out, it gives the audience something to discuss and think about. There's a lot still to look forward to, storyline-wise, but when would be the best time to let the audience in? Will this kill some of the excitement? And does it kill some of the excitement for GRRM as well to write the books? I'd bet it does - it would for me.

I can't know this and can only speculate, but I believe that Martin probably would have had Jon's true name revealed directly to him by someone. I'm also guessing Howland Reed will be a bigger factor in the revelation of this information down the road, as well as Benjan Stark, who's still probably running around the North somewhere since his fate is still uncertain in the books.

Or it could still be Bran that drops the name, but if I had to guess...I don't think this information will be made known to the reader before Jon learns of it. The reason for this is because ASOIF's chapter structure is multiple perspective third person, and I rather think that Martin would want to explore the realization of Jon's true lineage through the POV of the person it will affect the most. This is the strongest and best way to engage the reader's emotions in my opinion.

As for when it'll be revealed, I'm guessing that by the end of the sixth book he'll know the truth, one way or another. This way, he has an entire seventh (and presumably final) book to write the character from the perspective of someone that acts with the full agency of knowing his bloodline.

Or, and this would be an interesting twist but also a narrative mistake that would damage the story in an overall sense, maybe he never learns it. Or maybe he'll learn it and keep it on the down low because being identified as anything other than a Stark bastard might not appeal to him. If people start to regard him as a Targaryen, he might see that as a loss of the identity that actually matters to him. Maybe he would be prefer to be recognized as Ned Stark's illegitimate son than as Rhaegar Targaryen's rightful heir.

There are a lot of ways it can go, but I'd bet money that it won't go the way the TV show did.

Also, I just found out that Martin said 'Nay' to the notion of a Dunk and Egg spin-off. At first I was frustrated to hear this, as I think each of those stories could easily be expanded into a whole season with some clever modifications. But the more I think about it, the more I'm glad they're not doing it. Let them create something that can solely be associated with the TV show's interpretation rather than corrupting another one of the written works.

Don't take this to mean I hate the show now. I absolutely do not. But after Season 5, it's been riding on the coattails of its former majesty.

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Armored Scrum Object
Aug 7, 2012
With Jon not being party to the realization of his bloodline by Bran and Sam, I wonder if it may be a few episodes before he learns the truth. And if he learns that truth from a different source.

Curious to see how the show and ASOIF will differ in their interpretations of how Jon will deal with this news. The show seems to want to head in the "I'm still a son of Ned Stark" direction in a strong way, considering Jon's speech to Theon in the finale.

Any ideas on what the spin off shows will actually cover, then?

If the books carry on in a manner similar to earlier seasons of the show, I can definitely see a lot of people feeling slighted, and wishing the show had waited for a completed series to begin. Not that I think the show is bad, but it just doesn't feel the same since they surpassed the book storylines.
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Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I haven't heard anything about what the spinoff show is going to be based on. The only things I know that it won't be are Robert's Rebellion and Dunk and Egg.


Armored Scrum Object
Aug 7, 2012
I haven't heard anything about what the spinoff show is going to be based on. The only things I know that it won't be are Robert's Rebellion and Dunk and Egg.

I'm finding it difficult to feel much excitement for any possible spinoff. Honestly, no matter how HBO handles it, it's going to seem like a cash-grab (which it is) and nothing can really be more important than the story already being told. That's why it's the story being told.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
The best part of GoT is watching the adventures of series on youtube. Really enjoyed Adventures of Bran.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
As well as being the audiobook narrator, Roy Dotrice was also the pyromancer from season 2, who helped create the wildfire:


Dude is 94 this year, incredible.

Aaaaaaaand he's gone.

94 is pretty damn good. Working up until then is goddamned impressive. RIP.
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A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
You guys think Lysa's son, Sweetrobin/Robert/Robin, is Littlefinger's son?

The thought never crossed my mind but makes sense.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Fire and Blood: the history of the Targarians will be released November 20.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
I think it better GRRM release The Winds of Winter after the HBO series has concluded. It's safe to assume he'll use it as a gauge on how to conclude the book. We all know he's going to want to publish something that kicks the series in the ass, despite how ass-kicking it'll be regardless.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I think it better GRRM release The Winds of Winter after the HBO series has concluded. It's safe to assume he'll use it as a gauge on how to conclude the book. We all know he's going to want to publish something that kicks the series in the ass, despite how ass-kicking it'll be regardless.

A GRRM conclusion after GoT ends would definitely put him a little bit closer to Rowlings on the wealth spectrum.