Women's world cup 2019


Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
I think we should consider adding women to the mens team and just having a non-gender sport.

It would make for a more talented team.
It goes back to how we steer athletes in this country, I was talking about it awhile ago.

Anyways why not? If a women is better than the men then why aren't they playing pro?
They need separate lockerooms, ok make it happen!
Hope Solo should have played in the men's league, now the world has lost out.

With Rapinoe sitting out this game I got to thinking about how it must be a really good program and team.
Even when it looses it's superstars, Hamm, Wambach, Solo and so on...
The machine keeps moving forward and somebody else steps up to take their place
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Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
It would make for more talented team.
It goes back to how we steer athletes in this country, I was talking about it awhile ago.

Anyways why not? If a women is better than the men then why arn't they playing pro?
They need separate lockerooms, ok make it happen.
Hope Solo should have played in the men's league, now the worlds lost out.

With Rapinoe sitting out this game I got to thinking about how it must be a really good program and team.
Even when it looses it's superstars, Hamm, Wambach, Solo and so on
The machine keeps moving forward and somebody else steps up to take their place

How much professional mens football do you actually watch?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
How much professional mens football do you actually watch?

I watch a lot of mens football in the EPL and Serie A. If you bring in women, obviously not all will be able to compete at all. But there are some women who will be able to make the cut and improve their squads. And once that happens, we can have a real discussion about how much they are paid, because right now, the whole discussion is bullshit. You can't entertain paying them what the men make when the revenue stream for their league is 90x smaller. If you give them a chance to compete on scale, you give them a chance to put their money where their mouth is. It's time.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I watch a lot of mens football in the EPL and Serie A. If you bring in women, obviously not all will be able to compete at all. But there are some women who will be able to make the cut and improve their squads. And once that happens, we can have a real discussion about how much they are paid, because right now, the whole discussion is bullshit. You can't entertain paying them what the men make when the revenue stream for their league is 90x smaller. If you give them a chance to compete on scale, you give them a chance to put their money where their mouth is. It's time.

The best female player on the U.S team wouldn't be able to compete with the worst male player on the U.S team.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
The best female player on the U.S team wouldn't be able to compete with the worst male player on the U.S team.

Rapinoe has way better shooting skills than Wondolowski.


evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
It takes more than just shooting skills to be a pro on the Mens level.

If you're going to defend Wondo against even a steamy turd then I question how much usmnt football you watch.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
If you're going to defend Wondo against even a steamy turd then I question how much usmnt football you watch.

I'm not defending Wondo. Just find it funny how some people who are probably watching Women's soccer for the first time are comparing them to the Men. The Womens soccer program in the States has always been pretty solid. The Men, not so solid. Could it be that most U.S mens athletes play other sports like Basketball, Football, Baseball. Could it be there youth programs just dont compare to Europe and South America.

But to say the U.S Womens team who are good but play against other Women can play on the same level as the Men is a bit of a stretch.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I'm not defending Wondo. Just find it funny how some people who are probably watching Women's soccer for the first time are comparing them to the Men. The Womens soccer program in the States has always been pretty solid. The Men, not so solid. Could it be that most U.S mens athletes play other sports like Basketball, Football, Baseball. Could it be there youth programs just dont compare to Europe and South America.

But to say the U.S Womens team who are good but play against other Women can play on the same level as the Men is a bit of a stretch.

You're contradicting yourself now. If the men's team is suspect, then let women compete for their positions. I would bet money that there are women players who don't want to be protected from the physical nature of the mens game. They would relish the opportunity to be judged on the same pitch and given the opportunity to make the same money. Besides, fouls are fouls. Ref would need to call them.


Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
How much USMNT football do you actually watch?

Not a lot because they play like shit.

No I watch the Olympics and the World Cup..maybe. If there's a premiere league game while flipping I might leave it on in the background while I do other stuff and maybe catch a few minutes of it.

Since I've become an adult I don't watch much sports, I have other things to do than sit on the couch drinking beer all day.

I'm a fair weather fan, I watch the women because they've dominated for the last 25 years. I know they'll put up a good showing on the world stage. If they sucked I wouldn't watch them.

So in today's world we are supposed to let women in the infantry and special forces if they qualify. Why can't they be a pitcher or a goalie? No I think there could easily a handfull in professional sports. You'd have to allow it to happen and break down that mental barrier first.

As we, the human species progress I'm sure it will happen one day.
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Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
Not a lot because they play like shit.

No I watch the Olympics and the World Cup..maybe. If there's a premiere league game while flipping I might leave it on in the background while I do other stuff and maybe catch a few minutes of it.

Since I've become an adult I don't watch much sports, I have other things to do than sit on the couch drinking beer all day.

I'm a fair weather fan, I watch the women because they've dominated for the last 25 years. I know they'll put up a good showing on the world stage. If they sucked I wouldn't watch them.

So in today's world we are supposed to let women in the infantry and special forces if they qualify. Why can't they be a pitcher or a goalie? No I think there could easily a handfull in professional sports. You'd have to allow it to happen and break down that mental barrier first.

As we, the human species progress I'm sure it will happen one day.

I agree with you to a certain extent but we have transgender Males dominating women in Olympic sports and how is that working out for Women? And these are transgenders who couldn't make the Mens team and are on hormone blockers. Why not just leave women alone and let them do there own thing.

I believe eventually you'll have some woman in some sport play on a mens team. I guess we'll see what happens when that time comes. Don't know how much they would be able to take in a contact sport.
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Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
Hey wheres ElectricGrave?
Go Colon-bia!


Hyperactive Stoner
15 Year Member
Apr 27, 2008
Get ready USA!
The dutch are coming!


ng.com SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
Thanks a fucking lot BBC.

They've hyped this women's world cup like you wouldn't believe, every match a full page headline, every interview on repeat, every word from Neville a new commandment brought down from mount Sinai.

I avoided it like the plague.

I love sport when I don't feel invested in it. I love tennis, I love boxing, I love premier league, serie a, la liga etc etc. I have no hat in any of those rings.

The only sports I watch with a team in mind are the olympics and mens international football. The olympics because we physically cannot possibly win overall so every individual win is a genuine joy, and the football because I just do not have a choice, it's like some kind of horrible addiction.

If someone wants to taunt me about cricket I just do not care, rugby, who gives a fuck, womens football, lol, it's like the sport doesn't even exist.

Until now.

So I repeat. Fuck you BBC, you've given an Englishman, in fact the nation of England, something new to be fucking miserable about once every 2 years.

Can't wait for the 2021 Euros.


Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
You can't entertain paying them what the men make when the revenue stream for their league is 90x smaller. If you give them a chance to compete on scale, you give them a chance to put their money where their mouth is. It's time.

I found this article about Hope Solo fascinating

It represented “an almost classic example of gender discrimination,” Kessler told ELLE at the time. In 2016, if the women won every one of their required 20 annual exhibition games, they could make $99,000. If the men lost everyone, they’d be paid $100,000. And while top female players earned a salary similar to that of top men—in 2015, Solo made about $366,000—lower-tier male players could make 10 times as much as comparable women. The claim also referenced the federation’s own financial reports, which stated that in 2015 the women generated $24 million in event revenue, $2 million more than the men.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I found this article about Hope Solo fascinating

It represented “an almost classic example of gender discrimination,” Kessler told ELLE at the time. In 2016, if the women won every one of their required 20 annual exhibition games, they could make $99,000. If the men lost everyone, they’d be paid $100,000. And while top female players earned a salary similar to that of top men—in 2015, Solo made about $366,000—lower-tier male players could make 10 times as much as comparable women. The claim also referenced the federation’s own financial reports, which stated that in 2015 the women generated $24 million in event revenue, $2 million more than the men.

The crazy part of that is realizing that women are paid more for what they are doing than men are.

As Dwight Jaynes pointed out four years ago after the U.S. women beat Japan to capture the World Cup in Vancouver, there is a big difference in the revenue available to pay the teams. The Women's World Cup brought in almost $73 million, of which the players got 13%. The 2010 men's World Cup in South Africa made almost $4 billion, of which 9% went to the players.

The men still pull the World Cup money wagon. The men's World Cup in Russia generated over $6 billion in revenue, with the participating teams sharing $400 million, less than 7% of revenue. Meanwhile, the Women's World Cup is expected to earn $131 million for the full four-year cycle 2019-22 and dole out $30 million to the participating teams.


Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
The crazy part of that is realizing that women are paid more for what they are doing than men are.


I'm going to have to do some homework, might be a few days. I'm going to need to dig through the financial statements. You know there's three things going on here MLS, FIFA and the Olympics.
It sounds like your trying to compare apples to oranges. No doubt on the world stage there's a lot more money involved than here in the US.
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ng.com SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
The simple fact is that footballers are entertainers. They are paid, very broadly, in line with how much money they draw in for their ringmasters. How good they are, how hard they work and the results they achieve are irrelevant to the ringmaster if no one is paying money to sit in the big top and watch them perform.

We wouldn't be discussing the injustice of Tak being paid less for a DJ gig than Taylor Swift makes for a concert.

No offence there Tak - you know who I'd rather watch :)


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
maybe you should wear sexier clothes, like a skimy pair of shorts, or hotpants if you will.

Once I wore leather trousers, a t-shirt and fancy jacket. When I wanted to get back to the club after I had smoked a cig outside, the doorman did not want to let me back in because he thought I was a cop. Almost missed my own gig.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
One I wore leather trousers, a t-shirt and a fancy jacket. When I wanted to get back to the club after I smoked a cig outside, the doorman did not want to let me back in because he thought I was a cop. Almost missed my own gig.

so basically, not sexy at all.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I'm going to have to do some homework, might be a few days. I'm going to need to dig through the financial statements. You know there's three things going on here MLS, FIFA and the Olympics.
It sounds like your trying to compare apples to oranges. No doubt on the world stage there's a lot more money involved than here in the US.

Pretty much what Wasabi and StevenK said. It's not some conspiracy to shit on women who play sports but they just don't draw the same amount of viewers as the men, not even close. The players from the WNBA tried making the same argument and failed when they actually broke it down. Female players like Serena Williams are making bank because people actually give a shit. She sells out matches and is one of the best female tennis players of all time. Ronda Rousey also did pretty damn good while she was on top in the UFC.
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