You've been around the gaming scene.... since you can remember....


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
My original NES which came with Mario 3. I begged my parents for what felt like forever for an NES and one day my dad finally came home with that bundle and the tmnt arcade game.


20 Year Member
Jun 27, 2001
As stupid as it may sound to some, I can and have let go of everything twice before. To me this place just brings back wonderful memories of crazy ass fighting we had between NSX and Tonk, Bobak and Dion. Those were the times!


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I could get rid of all my shit today except a Genny and Sor2.


Philadelphia Freeman,
20 Year Member
Mar 10, 2002
I could never willingly part with any of the original art(sketches, charcoal or ink drawings, etc.) I have been personally given by various games' creative staff. These are mostly conceptual illustrators & character designers I was determined or lucky enough to cross paths with on one or more occasions. People such as Tsukasa Kotobuki, Range Murata(Power Instinct), Yoshitaka Amano, Mutsumi Inomata(Namco RPG fare), Haruhiko Mikimoto, and Kenichi Sonoda.


Igniz's Servent
Apr 30, 2010
I'm not sure what I would have said before. But the other weekend my brother and I started digging through old moving boxes in my parent's basement. Found my old Atari Empire Strikes Back game box. Opened it up and found a stack of old Atari game manuals I haven't seen since we moved from the Northwest back in the late 80s. In the middle was this little beat to shit strategy map. I completely lost my shit remembering all the hours I pored over it. Then referenced as I expanded the map on grid paper. Yes. I burned and bombed ever square in the game.

It's getting framed as soon as I find the best way to mount it.




Mr Bakaboy

Beast Buster
Aug 27, 2006
A tie really. Art of Fighting AES because it was the exact cart that was being demoed when I first saw or even heard of an AES.

Tekken 3 (JP PSX) My ex roommate used to own it and it was the 1st game that made a bunch of the local friends all come together and play fighting games. We ended up importing games a lot and having bigger get togethers to play them, but to me that was the start of it.


Belnar Institute Student
Jun 27, 2005
For me it's the Dreamcast my Dad got me for my birthday and the Neo geo pocket color my Mom got me for Christmas.
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General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
Some friendships I made, which I know wouldn't happen if I strictly dedicated my life to sell broodjes.

Video games are meant to intensify loneliness, solitude, nerdism or neckbeardism of any kind and the occasional drop of misanthropy in any of us, which, simply put, makes for the best hotbed for lifelong friendships.


Just buy my shit. Seriously. You can call me Susan
10 Year Member
Jan 20, 2009
My Earthbound (loose cart) is the most important to me. It belonged to a friend who we lost to cancer in high school, and I remember him geeking out about that game. That would be the single last game to leave.

I also had his copy of Silent Hill 3; we played 2 together. Sadly, I think that one got lost when I moved.


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
Probably my Gargoyle's Quest cart I got for Christmas in 1990. I have the manual, too but, it has someone's phone number on it. My favorite game ever.

One other is my PCE LT SuperCDROM Adapter (PI-AD18) which I had been looking for over 10 years before 16-bit hooked me up with it. Just stupidly rare and hard to find...



Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
Yah... that's my point... Memories make us come back to the site...

I confess there are some people who see the site as a market only forum... BUT... to me... it's more... MUCH more...

Games come and go... It's the important things that matter to me...

THIS is the only thing I would never part with (...with my eternal gratitude to cdamm...):



PS. After 3 decades in the so called "scene"... this is the item I'm most proud to own... and I've owned a LOT!

ha. i came here to post about that ghosts and goblins board. same reasons.


Fu'un-Ken Master
10 Year Member
Oct 11, 2011
Mine would be the Tele-games console (Sears' Atari 2600 clone) and Sega Master System my parents bought me. The Tele-games died a long time ago, and I failed at trying to get it fixed. So, I swapped the internals with one from another 2600 heavy 6er...the Tele-games has a lot of nostalgic value for me.

The SMS is still going strong since day one. All I've done to it was S-video and Composite video and audio out mod it.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
super mario world. the firrst. perhaps earliest mmry. its gone now though. started everything. i had the cart from what, like 1991 or 1992 until whenever ma sold it,

Ip Man

15 Year Member
Aug 14, 2006
i do have a kof 95 saturn ram cart which is the only thing left of my saturn collection from the mid to late 90' and a akira vhs tape which both have a lot of sentimental value. sega-saturn-king-of-fighters-95-rom-cart-loose.jpg

but with all the emulators, i could get rid of everything to do with gaming i own up to the part where i can't emulate it, like from the ps2 and onward.


It's Time Us Welsh, Stood on our own 2 feet, WEL_S
Jul 19, 2015
My first MD and my snes 16mbit wildcard.
I love the 2 of these to this day and would never sell them.
The MD my first serious GF bought me before she went to college, and outta my life eventually, so sentimental reasons, it's still got a suck my cockle sticker i put on it so we could get reacquainted when she came back during hols.
The wildcard was my entry to the dark side.
I floppied the fuck into every snes cart i could from my local blockbuster after i aquired it, lol good times.


Creator of the Master List,
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
My Nintendo World Championships 1990 hat that I won myself at 11 years old in 1990.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
Arcade power stick for my megadrive. The very first video game 'thing' that I bought for myself, and that wasn't shared with my brother so he had to ask me if he could borrow it. Shame it wasn't very good, I never liked the stick.

Even then, I did consider throwing it up for sale here the other day.


Zero's Tailor
Mar 9, 2014
My copies of ff7/ff8, I used to play through these 2 titles over and over again when they came out. I would handwrite walkthroughs for them and then correct/improve on subsequent playthroughs. Not rare in the slightest but knowing they are the same copies I sunk 100's upon 100's of hours into makes em special.


It's Time Us Welsh, Stood on our own 2 feet, WEL_S
Jul 19, 2015
Arcade power stick for my megadrive.
I got 2 of them stevenK, picked them up for peanuts in boot sales years ago.
I like the stick TBH.
It's not to bad for shooter's.
First time i ever used a weighty stick after being a pad boy, still sit's nice on your leg's.

StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
I got 2 of them stevenK, picked them up for peanuts in boot sales years ago.
I like the stick TBH.
It's not to bad for shooter's.
First time i ever used a weighty stick after being a pad boy, still sit's nice on your leg's.

I just don't like the sponginess. As for build quality, I can't complain about that, it's a solid fucker, like you say sits nice on your legs and feels the same today as it did 25 years ago. And that's even after a decade of the A and B being slammed for Olympic Gold!


It's Time Us Welsh, Stood on our own 2 feet, WEL_S
Jul 19, 2015
I just don't like the sponginess. As for build quality, I can't complain about that, it's a solid fucker, like you say sits nice on your legs and feels the same today as it did 25 years ago. And that's even after a decade of the A and B being slammed for Olympic Gold!
It's a meaty stick no doubt about it.
Don't forget, the more you play with it the harder it get's lol.


aka The Grinch
20 Year Member
Dec 16, 2000
My dreamcast agetec arcade stick.

The memories and fun I had though the years with the Neo Crew at Neo Gatherings.


War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
Sadly I don't think anything really is the most important thing I acquired. For the longest time I would say it was the 1985 (wasn't branded as such) Nintendo Deluxe Set along with 2 added games on the side for Christmas as it got the whole mess started now 31 years ago, but I got rid of that in pieces over the last decade. The only remaining bit would be my original Super Mario Bros cart, sleeve, and manual. It's the very last piece of what once was.

Now going into things I acquired since the fall of the 20th century/2D era I've got just two, and one I sold a few years back as I was paranoid it was going to fail beyond my capability to fix it as the audio was starting to buzz but it was an immaculate Sharp NES TV with the 2 controllers, remote, legs and doors all intact which I got off an original adult owner with no kids a few years earlier. The I still have and it has some sentimental value to it, it won't go anywhere as long as I care about Nintendo. It's the original hanging piece of Nintendo advertising merchandise retailers used to help kick off the Super Nintendo and left them dangling in some locations for years. It's the classic Mario with cape riding on the back of Yoshi fist up, clouds/sky behind and the black bar classic red font' Super Nintendo Entertainment System below it. It's double sided, and it's in amazing shape like someone hung it very little with care or just never put it up that good. I got it maybe 5 years ago now. It meant a lot to me as the SNES was the most meaningful system to me and mind blowing after having the NES for so long. That sign taunted me for so long, always wanted it, never in reach (figuratively and financially) so when I had a chance I went for it. It reminds me so much of my time in high school with friends who drooled over wanting it every lunch until it came, then sharing stories, having people over to play, and so on. The NES was much the same too but something with the boost in quality and friends from that age stuck with me more.
