Out of Interest... Who here still believes in a Higher Power & goes to...


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
Why did god invent baby cancer?
Baby cherub shortage in heaven. He has to spend like 99% of his time making 40 hot virgin women for every one of His devout Muslim followers and that's a lot of work, almost as much as saving this forum was, so, He's gotta cut corners somewhere. There is no God but Allah.


way more american than wyo, way more
15 Year Member
Oct 9, 2005
I really want to, but just can't/don't. I grew up in Utah, and the mental gymnastics required to try to believe in something more than what I could see in front of me was absolutely exhausting. I respect those who have a faith though, especially those who live it.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Why cant religion be progressive. It was written so long ago. If you think people were close minded now, imagine back then? Whatever though, i never claimed to be the be all end all to what a Christian should be.

Religion (Abrahamic religion anyway) can't be progressive because the Bible/Quran/Torah is the word of God and saying that there are things in the Bible that are wrong/misguided/woefully out of date is admitting that God is fallible which kind of undermines the whole point. And if you don't think it's the word of God, why would you give two shits what some Bronze Age sheepfucker thinks is moral (apart from "that's what my mommy told me when I was young and impressionable")?


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Parents didn’t go to church. Had some religion through Boy Scouts, but yeah.


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
If only this were true, but thank you just the same, my friend.
It's actually pretty true

What I don't understand is how anyone can know things about the bible and still believe it was written thru anything but the study of religions that preceded it. There's not an original concept in it, and not in a thought-provoking way. I also find it odd that Christians are so at odds with Jews. It's their religion. Christians are literally just choosing to believe in the revised wonderbread version of it.

Maybe it's because Christians like Mr. Bojangles think it makes sense to believe in "some things" but not "others". Such as: Jesus was anglo-saxon, but sadly we will not be feasting on giant dead mythical watersnake whale when God comes to save Earth.

Get your shit together and read the fucking Bible. Your only option as a true believer will be to eat Lotus flowers and wander around believing in invincible beasts and erotes.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
I volunteered at the Immanuel Lutheran Church again tonight. Same Palm Sunday service again, so, I mainly focused on not repeating the same small mistakes I did yesterday. And a woman played Jesus today, so, that was amusing for me at least.


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Mar 1, 2012
What's lame as fuck is how faggots like you pick and choose what you believe to be Christianity.

Say what you will about Islam but at least Muslims are serious about their religion and aren't as wishy washy as retards choosing what to believe from a sacred text.
They are the same amount of wishywashy. The difference being is that Chrisitian zealots no longer police the faith with the blade, while Islam still has this. Daesh is the perfect example of old-world religious zealotry still existing in the modern day.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
some interesting discussion lately that review how hell was an invention of Christianity in order to scare people to the church. And it worked.


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
Been an atheist since I was 12. Got in trouble at church before then for asking too many questions, which sealed the deal for me.

I read an interesting stat recently that church attendance has fallen below 50% of the US population for the first time since people have been keeping track of that sort of thing here. No doubt the pandemic has been a contributor.


War Room Troll
Mar 12, 2020
It's actually pretty true

What I don't understand is how anyone can know things about the bible and still believe it was written thru anything but the study of religions that preceded it. There's not an original concept in it, and not in a thought-provoking way. I also find it odd that Christians are so at odds with Jews. It's their religion. Christians are literally just choosing to believe in the revised wonderbread version of it.

Maybe it's because Christians like Mr. Bojangles think it makes sense to believe in "some things" but not "others". Such as: Jesus was anglo-saxon, but sadly we will not be feasting on giant dead mythical watersnake whale when God comes to save Earth.

Get your shit together and read the fucking Bible. Your only option as a true believer will be to eat Lotus flowers and wander around believing in invincible beasts and erotes.
Look, maybe you all misunderstood what i was coming from. I like certain aspects of the Christian faith, others i find repulsive actually. If i was judged as to the type of Christian i was, id say a pretty poor one. Honestly, its not my top priority and its cause alot of things as of late have made me question whether or not its all a sham. Would i like to believe that there is a god that cares, wants the best for you, has a plan for you, and that there is an afterlife after we die.....sure. But yeah, im not sure anymore and its been that way for a while. I try to hope for the best i suppose, but my faith just isnt that strong. Ive become jaded, yet i try to hold on to an ideals that were instilled in me as a child. Its lame cause you guys would probably respect someone with more conviction and devotion, but ive become disenchanted with it all. It does bum me out, but its just the mindset i have now. Life has repeatedly kicked me in the balls the last 15 or so years. I think i caved in year 12.


ng.com SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
Look, maybe you all misunderstood what i was coming from. I like certain aspects of the Christian faith, others i find repulsive actually. If i was judged as to the type of Christian i was, id say a pretty poor one. Honestly, its not my top priority and its cause alot of things as of late have made me question whether or not its all a sham. Would i like to believe that there is a god that cares, wants the best for you, has a plan for you, and that there is an afterlife after we die.....sure. But yeah, im not sure anymore and its been that way for a while. I try to hope for the best i suppose, but my faith just isnt that strong. Ive become jaded, yet i try to hold on to an ideals that were instilled in me as a child. Its lame cause you guys would probably respect someone with more conviction and devotion, but ive become disenchanted with it all. It does bum me out, but its just the mindset i have now. Life has repeatedly kicked me in the balls the last 15 or so years. I think i caved in year 12.
What, so if life was going well your faith would be stronger?

That makes no sense.

If your life was fine plenty of other people's lives would still be a piece of shit which I guess you think would be because god decided to fuck them up, but if your life is shit that can't be the case, you don't deserve it, so it must just be that there's no god?


War Room Troll
Mar 12, 2020
What, so if life was going well your faith would be stronger?

That makes no sense.

If your life was fine plenty of other people's lives would still be a piece of shit which I guess you think would be because god decided to fuck them up, but if your life is shit that can't be the case, you don't deserve it, so it must just be that there's no god?
No, thats not it at all. My dad is hanging on to life right now and i do pray, my faith isnt where id like for it to be and i guess im just overcome with negative emotion.


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
you need to experience EGO DEATH. This will make it so that your connection to God is selfless, and therefore clarified as completely retarded

Where was God for any of the people who were tortured to death by serial killers? Oh, right, they were looking out for Little Baby Bojangles. Up until about 12 years ago anyway.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
20 Year Member
Feb 10, 2003
Volunteered at the church again last night, which was the Maundy service, something I'd never heard of or experienced before. The ritual of darkening the church and stripping of the altar at the end of the service was kind of fascinating to me--almost like a folding of the flag at a veteran's funeral in a way. Really impressed on me the significance of Jesus' death on the cross to Christians in a way I've never thought of it before. Usually, I'm bored to tears, so, a little "excitement" for a change was nice. The pastor also had a video embedded, in the service software I use, that I played for the congregation, of a guy in a big city with a cardboard "foot washes" sign giving those to strangers. Fook that online dating shit, seems like a REALLY great way to meet women--Jesus knew what he was doing, y'all. Much better than Christine Chandler's "looking for a boyfriend-free girl" dating sign at any rate. 😃


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
Confirmed lutheran.
I don't attend due to the inward creep of political garbage but still believe.
Sometimes I get funny looks when I pray before eating when dining out.
Never had anyone say anything negative to me about it.


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Mar 1, 2012
Outside of weddings and funerals, I haven't gone to church services since I was 12. Maybe some times in my teens I went to church with a relative if I was staying with them. Aside from that I was a member of a couple youth groups during my teenage years. One was Presbyterian and the other Lutheran. After getting out of that boring ass town I haven't done anything with organised religion since. Except for that time I tried to join the Temple of Set or that time I went to the Scientology church on a forum dare.