25th Amendment or Impeachment, none of this shit is going to happen.


20 Year Member
I figured we'd make a thread about it in case, you know, I'm wrong again.

But it doesn't look like they're going to invoke the 25th amendment and these spineless fuckers won't impeach him.

I don't believe that for a second.

So I guess Trump is going to continue to keep buttfucking the constitution until Jan 19th 11:59 pm.

Thoughts? Comments? Insults?


Athena's Stalker
15 Year Member
I know he has less than two weeks left, but that's still too long. Pence will never do the right thing, and Dem leadership is too cowardly.

Anybody else on these forums burning bridges with family members?


I'm gunna nut!
20 Year Member
10 Year Member
15 Year Member
1 Year Member
It's all for show, wanting to be seen doing the right thing. Eh at this point why not stoke the flame of trump hate now that the Dems are in control?


ng.com SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Impeaching him now runs the risk of martyrdom. Let him dribble out of office like a damp fart.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Impeaching him now runs the risk of martyrdom. Let him dribble out of office like a damp fart.

Whatever. Any time some dickhead faces the reaper it’s all “strike me down and I will become more powerful...” I’ll take my chances. Put them all on trial.


LoneSage: lithy is just some degenerate scumbag
20 Year Member
It's all for show, wanting to be seen doing the right thing. Eh at this point why not stoke the flame of trump hate now that the Dems are in control?

They technically are not in control of the Senate until the newly electeds are seated. And even then, at 50-50, Pence is still the tie breaker.

Not that you may not be able to sway some Republicans because of all this but it isn't as straightforward of a vote as it would be on Jan 20.


Athena's Stalker
15 Year Member
StevenK said:
Impeaching him now runs the risk of martyrdom. Let him dribble out of office like a damp fart.
To his cultists he's already a martyr, so there's no winning on that front. Kick him out before more people die.

I am so, so thankful my family never bought into it - despite many of their friends doing so.

Strangely enough, my blood relatives (minus one or two numbskulls) are anti Orange Traitor, it's their spouses I'm alienating. Nothing of value is lost.


20 Year Member
The house will draft articles of impeachment and send them to the senate. Trump won’t be convicted.

25th Amendment removal is only going to ever happen if a president is brain dead or diagnosed as gravely disabled or otherwise mentally incompetent/cognitively disabled.


20 Year Member
The house will draft articles of impeachment and send them to the senate. Trump won’t be convicted.

Disqualification from future office only requires a simple majority, though. McConnell's wife was one of the cabinet members who resigned with a statement blaming Trump's response. There might be just enough senators who would rather risk the backlash to try to make a break from Trump(ism).

Edit: I don't think disqualification would be in the realm of possibility if it weren't for the loss of both senate seats in Georgia. That, plus the riot at the Capitol, plus whatever the president does in the meantime, may shift things more than you'd expect.
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20 Year Member
Disqualification from future office only requires a simple majority, though. McConnell's wife was one of the cabinet members who resigned with a statement blaming Trump's response. There might just enough senators who would rather risk the backlash to try to make a break from Trump(ism).

I wonder about the path people on the right would go with this. Even if Trump is prohibited from running, his own independent brand of domestic terrorism will just split the party and a first real threat to having a third party will be formed.

It's lose lose.

But they should do the right thing and at least take him out of office for the last two weeks


20 Year Member
Disqualification from future office only requires a simple majority, though. McConnell's wife was one of the cabinet members who resigned with a statement blaming Trump's response. There might be just enough senators who would rather risk the backlash to try to make a break from Trump(ism).

Edit: I don't think disqualification would be in the realm of possibility if it weren't for the loss of both senate seats in Georgia. That, plus the riot at the Capitol, plus whatever the president does in the meantime, may shift things more than you'd expect.

Apologies I meant to say I don’t think he’ll be convicted and removed from office before Jan 20.

I can absolutely see that majority vote disqualifying him from holding further office. Agreed that there are many republicans looking to jump ship and/or who feel politically safe enough to cut ties from Trump(ism) as you say.

Apparently the senate can still have the trial after he is out of office?

I need to do more reading on the impeachment process.

I wonder what’s in store for the Republican Party? Trump lost them the White House and Congress.

Guess Trump was a far left ANTIFA plant the whole time, amirite?
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20 Year Member

I wonder if Sorbo is rich or if he squandered all his money?

One would think that at a certain point you’d be rich enough to just not care about politics and live a life of leisure. Yeah, I dunno.


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
The house will draft articles of impeachment and send them to the senate.

Knowing how fast the government operates when there is no money being handed out, what will happen if the proceedings go beyond the 20th?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member

I wonder if Sorbo is rich or if he squandered all his money?

One would think that at a certain point you’d be rich enough to just not care about politics and live a life of leisure. Yeah, I dunno.

He’s on Cameo, you can ask him


20 Year Member
Knowing how fast the government operates when there is no money being handed out, what will happen if the proceedings go beyond the 20th?

Trumps video about healing the nation will be out by then so everything will probably be all good.


way more american than wyo, way more
15 Year Member
Looks like Twitter finally woke the fuck up and suspended chump's account.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
I can absolutely see that majority vote disqualifying him from holding further office.

Hopefully they can disqualify those shit-stain children of his from ever holding any office as well.



20 Year Member
There are many memes that make Donald Trump out to be Warhammer 40K’s God Emperor of Man.

They’ve all got it wrong.

Trump is not the Emperor.

Donald J. Trump Jr. is Horus Lupercal, the arch-traitor.

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
So I guess Trump is going to continue to keep buttfucking the constitution until Jan 19th 11:59 pm.

Thoughts? Comments? Insults?
Inauguration begins at noon on January 20, not at the stroke of midnight the night before. Many of us will be on edge right up to that last hour.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
To his cultists he's already a martyr, so there's no winning on that front. Kick him out before more people die.
Yeah, imagine if the body count gets to 5.

Also, are we ignoring the fact he already got impeached last year? It didn't accomplish shit.