Breakers or Breakers Revenge... you decide


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
OK, so I use to say Breakers Revenge was the one to own. The additional character, and everything else was the same... so of course, go with Revenge.... WELL, I just did a side by side comparison of the two games and I feel like I made a hasty choice.

Breakers Revenge is very similar to Breakers, but it is different. For one, the difficulty has been tweaked and Revenge is much "cheaper" then the original. Rila comes to mind. Most characters will pummel you with Supers and pull of very cheap fireball victories... Also, the backgrounds have been changed in Revenge... Ever so slightly, but all are darker and more washed out looking.... Compare any, like Rila's who was in a great amazon scene in Breakers, now it is the same board, but it is so dark you miss all the cool details of the stage in Revenge. And Tia's stage looked tons better in the palette used in Breakers, it looks very washed out in revenge... most characters suffer the same problem, minus maybe Sho's background, which got a cool setting/rising sun.

Winning poses and before match shots are much cooler in Revenge, the hand drawn sketchy look is cool and gives it a nice feel....

The new character, Saizo, is unbalanced and is very powerful, and has some bizarre specials... I don't think he fits well in the game.

The intro has been tweaked, we no longer have the ghostly eyes from Breakers, now it is the same length but has a small interlude for Saizo.

The selection screen art was also updated and looks nicer in Revenge, but all and all pretty similar.

Anyway, there are differences between the two, and I actually think Breakers one is a little bit more fun to play. IT has the more colorful backgrounds that fit with the characters, less cheap play, better balance (due to Saizo not being in it)... and all over just feels a bit tighter to me.... Does anyone have an opinion on this? Maybe some other observations?



Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
Here is a little fun... view the subtle differences between the games,,, I really like breakers, I think it is the closest thing to SF2 Alpha the Neo ever got... and sometimes I feel like frantic fighting, so this fits the bill.

<a href="" target="_blank">Breakers vs Breakers Revenge</a>



The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I have a breakers (1 or revenge, I cant remember) combo vid at home, quite flash as well.

I can host if anybody wants

Real Bout Maniac

Corporal Dick,
Sep 17, 2001
Originally posted by kernow:
<strong>I have a breakers (1 or revenge, I cant remember) combo vid at home, quite flash as well.

I can host if anybody wants</strong><hr></blockquote>

I would love to see that! :)

Breaker's Revenge is one of my favorite games on the system, so I'd love to see some of the crazy-ass shit that's actually possible in it! :D

Real Bout Maniac

Corporal Dick,
Sep 17, 2001
Originally posted by nruva:
<strong>Here is a little fun... view the subtle differences between the games,,, I really like breakers, I think it is the closest thing to SF2 Alpha the Neo ever got... and sometimes I feel like frantic fighting, so this fits the bill.

<a href="" target="_blank">Breakers vs Breakers Revenge</a>


Thanks for the link, Nick!

Hmmm... looking at this, I have to say that I prefer the color pallate on Breaker's Revenge. It seems to have a bit more detail (check out the bushes in Pielle's stage for example), and I think it gives the game less of a cartoony look.

Some of the stages you mentioned are simply darker because of the "atmosphere" - i.e., Rilla's is now taking place at night, while the action on Tia's stage appears to be either early morning, or during a rainy day (judging by the mist effect). So I don't really think they're necessarily out of place.

I do prefer the lifebars on the original however - the yellow is a bit nicer than that ugly baby-blue they used for Revenge! ;)

Other than the inclusion of Saizo, and some additional CPU cheapness (which I've experienced first-hand - goddamn Condor and his "Vacu-Suck" throws... <img src="graemlins/veryangry.gif" border="0" alt="[Very Angry]" /> ), are there any real differences in the gameplay between the two? If not, then I don't know if it's worth it to try and hunt down a copy of the original, since I'm more than happy with Revenge.


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
You know, to be completly honest, I go back and forth between the two. Sometimes I really like the bright and colorful backgrounds of Breakers, and sometimes I like the more realistic (sic) backgrounds of Revenge. To tell you the truth, I wanted Revenge, and I bought Breakers by mistake (I didn't even know there were two games)... I then bought Revenge. I really don't think there is any need to have them both, and I think if you have Revenge already, getting Breakers may not be enough different to warrant the purchase.... of course it is only like $25-35 on MVS.



Master of Disguise,
Oct 7, 2000
I am a total lameass because I've never played Breakers or Breakers Revenge...

All I've read is some bland reviews and seem some screenshots.

I always kind of assumed Breakers was one of the lamer Neo titles, but I have to admit I really wanna play it now.

Overall though, how does it rate? Is it really comparable to Capcom's Alpha series? Gameplay wise I mean?

Real Bout Maniac

Corporal Dick,
Sep 17, 2001
Originally posted by neobuyer:
<strong>I am a total lameass because I've never played Breakers or Breakers Revenge...

All I've read is some bland reviews and seem some screenshots.

I always kind of assumed Breakers was one of the lamer Neo titles, but I have to admit I really wanna play it now.

Overall though, how does it rate? Is it really comparable to Capcom's Alpha series? Gameplay wise I mean?</strong><hr></blockquote>


It's a really great game - easily one of my favorites on the Neo.

The character graphics and animation are both top notch, although there isn't really much movement within the backgrounds, which is a bit dissapointing.

It's got an excellent combo engine, IMO. A lot of people say it plays similair to the Alpha series, and I guess I can see that, although to be honest I haven't played much beyond the first SFA to really make a fair comparrison.

Against other Neo games... I guess the closest would be the Real Bout series, except without the 2-plane fighting, the lack of any sort of Breakshot/Alpha Counter, and only one level of super (which it makes up for by instead having multiple super moves per character). But it's got tons of chain combos, 2-in-1's, etc. and overall is really a blast to play.

Especially since the MVS version of either cart is relatively cheap, you really have no excuse NOT to have one of these in your collection if you're a fighting game fan! :D


Friend me on Facebook!,
20 Year Member
Aug 13, 2001
I have Breakers home cart and used to have Breakers Revenge for the MVS.

I like both, but I probably prefer Breakers just b/c I have that only now :)

I had a strange experience with Breakers, I remember having great difficulty getting past the 3rd or 4th character in Vs CPU (default difficulty) but the last time I played, I finished the game without dying.

Just plain weird, I got into groove and kicked some breakers butt <img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" /> <img src="graemlins/eek2.gif" border="0" alt="[Eek 2]" />


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
I don't like either game really... nice graphics and sound, but it plays nowhere near as good as SFA in any shape or form.

This is one time when I will say Capcom comes out on top... although Breakers was coded by Visco; SNK only published it.

Galford Forever

Krizalids Fashion Designer
Feb 12, 2002
I've only played Breakers but I thought it was pretty lame. Especially that gay French guy... Pierre I think his name was. What a lame character. The gameplay wasn't too bad though, just nothing really special.


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
He isn't gay.. he is French... That should explain EVERYTHING :) hehe, seriously to each his own. I think it is very similar to the Alpha series of games, plays and looks like it to me, but I know it is not everyone's cup of tea... and hell it is Visco, I am on the same boat as you, they are pretty hit or miss, but I like Breakers.


Galford Forever

Krizalids Fashion Designer
Feb 12, 2002
Originally posted by nruva:
<strong>He isn't gay.. he is French... That should explain EVERYTHING :) hehe, seriously to each his own. I think it is very similar to the Alpha series of games, plays and looks like it to me, but I know it is not everyone's cup of tea... and hell it is Visco, I am on the same boat as you, they are pretty hit or miss, but I like Breakers.


Yeah, absolutely. I'm sure that there are quite a few, such as yourself, that love the game. To each his own, you know. I just couldn't get into it. Maybe if I had played it back when it was first released I'd have more appreciation for it. I got to play it for the first time this year though, and as you can imagine, it's been passed by by many other fighters since its release.

Samurai Shodown 2 still owns though :) . Best game ever made....


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2001
Only played Breakers, but I got more enjoyment out it and Double Dragon than I ever did with Zero 2 or Zero 3.


Bead Banger
Jan 22, 2001
Originally posted by Real Bout Maniac:

I would love to see that! :)

Breaker's Revenge is one of my favorite games on the system, so I'd love to see some of the crazy-ass shit that's actually possible in it! :D </strong><hr></blockquote>

Hey, I'd like to see that video also. Any chance of a link?


margarine sandwich
15 Year Member
Oct 25, 2007
Breakers Revenge is better, isn't it? One or two extra fighters.


Zero's Tailor
May 20, 2015

I prefer Breakers, for the same reasons mentioned by OP 20 years ago :keke:


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Breakers Revenge is better, isn't it? One or two extra fighters.
I try not to dog-pile you, but goddamnit.

Did you not bother to scroll up and read the first post? Or play either game?

It’s *one* extra fighter in Revenge.

It’s not necessarily better; it’s slightly *different*.



Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
Ugh... another necro bump...

I see I've change my opinion over the years... I quite like Breakers, I still don't think it's a patch on the SF Alpha series, but it's ok.

BTW, the Neo Geo CD version with the code input is the best version of Breakers hands down.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I thought it's settled science that Breakers Revenge is the way to go.

As long as we're going back to the original, what I'd really love is if we could all compare the Breakers games to the prototype, Crystal Legacy.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
BTW, the Neo Geo CD version with the code input is the best version of Breakers hands down.

What’s this all about, man? Please elaborate and save me a trip to


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
What’s this all about, man? Please elaborate and save me a trip to

From elsewhere:

"The Neo Geo CD received an exclusive mode known as Extra Mode. The changes include an extended combo system, more character colors, and all normals and specials are given more cancels than in the base game. Extra Mode also gives players a push block and Combo Breaker. There are several other changes, such as hard knockdowns being removed and forced Draw Games."