FF7 Rebirth


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
Aerith die o no die?

Still waiting on my copy to arrive in the mail. What's folk's impressions of it so far?

Moob Butter

Bare AES Handler
20 Year Member
Dec 31, 2002
Reviews have been fantastic, I nearly went for it.

But being a cheap bastard, I’m still going to wait until inevitably they release all 3 chapters as one game in 2027-2030, like they did in 1997.


Bewbs! Z'OMG, Teh BEWBS!,
20 Year Member
Apr 21, 2001
I'd say you're really missing out. Remake alone is so damn good that even if there weren't two more parts, it still would be a very satisfying experience.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Like with the first one, I'll wait until it's on Steam. I have zero FOMO for video games anymore and while I enjoyed my playthrough of the first one, I'm not really chomping at the bit to continue. Their insistence on adding embarrassing Kingdom Hearts-level anime melodrama to a game that already had a convoluted enough story was my only real gripe with Remake and it sounds like they've doubled down on that BS.


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
As it should be. What's to miss?
It's always funny when a big title like this gets released and a bunch of people get themselves all worked up and have to play it along with everyone else like some sort of mass hysteria. Then when sensible people finally get around to playing it a year or two later (at a fraction of cost, with patches and DLC) and you tell a day-oner "Hey I finally got around to that, it's pretty awesome." They're always like "Huh, oh yeah I forgot about that it was pretty good."

Especially for a multi part single player game like this, make no sense to rush into it unless you're actually that big of a FF7 fan or it's your job.

Not to mention the large amount of people that buy jrpgs on release and only play part of them because they lose interest or another game comes out a week or two later. Then never go back because they forgot what they were doing and don't want to have to start the game over again.
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A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
That's life, I guess. Yeah. Well, without the day oners maybe these companies wouldn't exist. I honestly can't remember the last time I "needed" something day one, much less a video game. C'est la vie


Classic. Haven't Played It Yet.
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
without the day oners maybe these companies wouldn't exist.
Maybe but one thing's for sure there'd be more day oners if they stopped releasing $70-90 games that aren't even finished and filled with bugs. Not that it applies to FF7R but in general it seems to be happening more often then not these days. That has definitely soured a lot of people on new release hype.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I loved Remake so much I bought a fucking PS5 for this game. I'm a little annoyed having to choose between "performance" and "graphics" knowing my PC doesn't have to choose, but whatever. My screens only do 1080p anyway so performance mode is just dandy.


15 Year Member
May 20, 2004
Interested in FF7 Rebirth but i don't know when i'll buy a copy.Though of course who isn't streaming the game on twitch and youtube with the amount of hype around it.


Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
Pros: gorgeous landscape that really captures the art style of the original. Junon and Kalm are fantastic. Soundtrack has enough of the original melodies to sound familiar but still be original in scope. Characters are well written and voiced, it doesn't sound stilted minus some NPCs here and there.

Cons: it's designed to waste your time. It's hard to go straight from 16 to this, as the combat is insanely different. Everything takes longer. Story takes longer to hook you, mini games are abundant, context specific button prompts replicate what a simple button press and cutscene can do.

Chocobo riding requires you to hunt for chocobos in each region before being able to use them, which may not be immediately available due to story or side quests. And the capture is a slow ass stealth section with mechanics that haven't improved since FFX.

Despite this, we're now enjoying the game. I do feel that there is some burnout from 16, but it's also clear they were developed by two completely different viewpoints when it comes to respecting a players time.


One Nut,
20 Year Member
Nov 28, 2000
Aerith die o no die?

What's folk's impressions of it so far?

The bitch is still TKO but in this retread they made it convoluting as fuck.

And can someone tell me what the hell is with this black & white ghosts/spirits? I don't remember them from the 90's OG. Aside from being a distraction they are the only thing I have seen in that game that looks like low polly shit.

And why are the big boss fights always in space?

I'm not going to front & act like i'm some seasoned FF7 player/fan. Truth be told I was never an RPG/JRPG guy at all sans Super Mario RPG & FF7. With that being said FF7 was a cultrural milestone for alot of us & I was at the right age at the right time. I''m a poser when it comes to this game so i'm sure I cheated & did not play the whole thing but I still know enough to say that from what I have watched of this remake, with square introducing Sephiroth much earlier & having him pop up more often, they killed alot of the suspense that came with the build up in the original.

I watched the end boss fights & scenes of remake & rebirth and both the "too much too soon" factor (with Sephiroth being in his "one winged angel" form) as well as the repetition (of having Sephy as the boss again in rebirth in the form of an updated version of Genove/Safer Sephiroth as "Sephiroth Reborn") ruined things for me.

I mean how many fucking revisions of "One Winged Angel" do we need........on one game.

By the time we get to the finale (which I was initially looking forward to seeing how they handled that) with Sephiroth it will be completely predictable & stale.

At the end of the day this type of shiz is not for me & others though.

I remember back when the OG was release & gamefan mag saying "Just imagine.......50 hours of gameplay" That seams novel now, but I would argue that was enough. now it's like everything needs to be stretched into a multiverse type, multi installment shitshow that is tailored to feed a fanbase of stand who treat it like a near religion.

Looking back to the early 2000's & onward the FF7 characters & story have been expanded & re-tread in so many spinoff & cameo's & other shit this it's nuts. That game really changed things but i'm not so sure it was all for the best.
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Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
I'm thinking about starting FFIII Pixel Remaster this weekend. I wish there was a GBA version, but it seems like III is better as pixel remaster BS than the polygon remake DS version.


Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
I'm 26 hours in, barely touched exploring and made it to the golden saucer.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
70 hours, just did the story bits of Cosmo Canyon. But I'm back at work this week so progress will be slow from now on.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
I finally broke down and bought the first ff7 remake on steam since it was 50% off and I doubt it will go lower until the next title is on steam.

I should have just bought a ps5 lol.
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Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
What does it feel like to be in your mid 40's riding around on a Chocobo?