offical wwe thread


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Meltzer reporting that Punk threw the first punch backstage and possibly really fucked up his bicep, shoulder, and/or pec


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Specific details have emerged regarding the reported altercation between CM Punk and The Elite after Punk’s appearance at the All Out post-PPV media scrum on Sunday night.

Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks confronted Punk in his locker room after his barrage of allegations and insults aimed at “the EVPs” in general and Hangman Page by name. He accused them of leaking stories to the wrestling media accusing him of being instrument in Colt Cabana being moved from the AEW roster to the ROH roster. He criticized Hangman Page for turning away advice and making comments about him that he said undercut a money match they were building.

A PWInsider report said that the altercation was mainly between Punk and The Bucks. A The Wrestling Observer report said that Punk was the one to throw the first punch at Matt Jackson. Ace Steel, who had been featured at All Out as Punk’s longtime friend and indy wrestling cohort, was involved in the incident. Ace reportedly threw a chair, which hit Nick Jackson, and bit Kenny Omega. Steel was working as a backstage agent for AEW.

AEW security and staff broke up the fight. AEW has not made an official company statement about the incident or Punk’s comments at the All Out media presser.

PWTorch first reported yesterday that one of the reasons AEW officials are not commenting is because there could be legal ramifications from the fight. People in the company tell PWTorch that people are shaken up over what happened and believe the fallout could be significant in terms of suspensions, firings, and new edicts on public comments wrestler make.

CM Punk won the AEW World Championship from Jon Moxley in the main event of the All Out PPV. After the match, MJF made his return to the company, his first appearance since the post-Double or Nothing episode of Dynamite. Earlier in the show, Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks became the first ever AEW World Trios Champions, defeating Dark Order in the finals of the Trios Championship Tournament.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
One can only hope he put himself on the shelf again
Now it sounds like he may have actually hurt himself in the match itself and not the locker room fight afterwards.

Either way though, he's hurt. Not sure if it's a minor or major injury.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Kenny Omega, the Young Bucks, Brandon Cutler, Michael Nakazawa, and Pat Buck have all been suspended by AEW.

Ace Steel and CM Punk are both suspended at a minimum and Tony Khan will decide later today whether to fire them completely.


Viewpoint Vigilante
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
Kenny Omega, the Young Bucks, Brandon Cutler, Michael Nakazawa, and Pat Buck have all been suspended by AEW.

Ace Steel and CM Punk are both suspended at a minimum and Tony Khan will decide later today whether to fire them completely.
Working themselves into a shoot


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
According to a new report from Fightful, the AEW EVPs and wrestlers The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) kicked down C.M. Punk’s door to enter his locker room.

Fightful noted in this report that they were reporting on Punk and AEW agent Ace Steel’s side of the story and this version of what happened in the locker room fight comes from people close to Punk and Steel.

The report states that after Punk appeared on the Scrum, the Bucks allegedly approached Punk’s locker room and pounded on the door. After Punk didn’t answer, they went on to kick down Punk’s door to get into his locker room.

Steel’s wife was reportedly in the room and Steel told people that’s what set him off. Steel threw chairs and ended up biting AEW EVP Kenny Omega, who was also entered the room. The report states that one of the chairs connected with Nick Jackson’s eye.

The report also states that the rumors going around that Punk hurt his arm during the brawl are false. According to the report, those sources said that Punk hurt his triceps during his match against Jon Moxley at All Out.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Yeah, apparently Punk managed to get himself hurt in the actual match, likely bad enough that he would have had to drop the title anyway even if he wasn't about to be suspended or fired. I know he's never been afraid to say what he thinks, but he might have been especially likely to nuke those bridges if he already knew he was going to be away for a while or for good, as sounds more likely now (sounds like the answer is going to be that he's now injured and will end up "retiring" due to injuries instead of ever coming back).

Sounds like it's going to be Moxley vs. Jericho for the vacant title tonight, since both were originally supposed to have the night off but are now reported to be working. I assume that Tony will make that announcement and then MJF will argue that his chip means he can schedule his match for whenever he wants, so it's against the winner immediately after, (or something along those lines, likening it to the MitB briefcase would be a good callback to all his WWE rants), and he'll end up with the belt at the end of the show.

Also, side-note- Punk wasn't a good MMA fighter, but he is a genuine Duke Roufus-trained MMA fighter and a long-time BJJ player. I don't know if either of the Jacksons could win a fight against Riho.

edit: Meltzer says Megha Parekh saw the brawl as it happened. Lol no wonder they're completely worried about legal liability. It sounds comical, but knowing how the Bucks and Omega tend to operate, I could totally see them doing like Jim Cornette suggested they would and claiming that having Punk around creates an unsafe work environment and liability for TK/the company.

Edit again, lol at that intro with zero explanation fear of litigation will do that I guess. So MJF gets the belt in two weeks instead but my basic ideas are the same. I think Punk and all three EVPs are done, only way to salvage the rest of the locker room.
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Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Those upcoming event graphics sure look a bit sparse w no Punk, Bucks, Omega, or Rosa.

I wonder if they'll change the Fight Forever cover art?

Maybe now the women's division won't suck quite so bad with someone who's not retarded booking it. Move Deeb and/or Rayne to the office let them have at it and there's no way it wouldn't get better.
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Viewpoint Vigilante
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
Mox really is their ace. Him vs mjf should be great. I'm intrigued to see how everything plays out over the next few weeks. I'm only bummed about Omega possibly being let go as I enjoy his in ring work a lot.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
It doesn't look like anybody is fired. Seems they all just got suspended.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
They should all get canned and join Control Your Narrative.


Angel's Love Slave
20 Year Member
Nov 10, 2001
I can't imagine the Young Bucks kicking down a door of any sort. That also includes pet doors.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I can't imagine the Young Bucks kicking down a door of any sort. That also includes pet doors.
That was Punk's version. Here is the Elite's version:

AEW's top lawyer and VP was there to see it all so I'm sure the real truth will eventually get out.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Meltzer now saying Punk is out 6-8 months due to the injury, so that makes any suspension pretty much irrelevant


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Both sides and every version is that Punk threw the first punch, that a fight broke out, and that Guy [Ace Steel] hit Nick Jackson in the eye with a chair very hard and bit Omega and pulled his hair. The motivations from the Punk side were that he believed a fight was going to happen and punches would be thrown so he beat them to the inevitable punch that the claim is Matt Jackson was going to throw. Those close to the other side labeled it as a sucker punch. From the Steel standpoint it was about protecting his wife, who had a broken foot and was in the room, although escalating the fight and using a weapon has to be questioned for a producer with that in mind with his wife in the room..

It is known that Chief Legal Officer Megha Parekh was not only a witness to what happened but came to the room with the Young Bucks, likely with the idea that with her there, it would keep things professional. Obviously that didn't happen.

The fact that the Bucks brought the company's top lawyer to the room with them sort of discounts the idea that they came to fight. If you're going to go punch your coworker you don't go get your boss to watch.

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002

The fact that the Bucks brought the company's top lawyer to the room with them sort of discounts the idea that they came to fight. If you're going to go punch your coworker you don't go get your boss to watch.

Bucks and Kenny should basically be fired as EVPs and just get regular talent contracts, no business worth a damn lets their corporate brass get caught fighting with arguably their top money maker


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Ric Flair training for a comeback.

Maybe he can go to AEW and form a trainwreck geezer trio with the Hardys, because Jeff Hardy is about to return too.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Ric Flair training for a comeback.

Maybe he can go to AEW and form a trainwreck geezer trio with the Hardys, because Jeff Hardy is about to return too.
Hopefully he moves better than his brother Matt because watching him move around against Darby Allin last Friday made MY body ache :tickled:


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
He moves a little bit better than Matt when he's not injured or high but he takes 10X as many stupid risks and is thus never healthy.

Jeff has really, really broken down the last few years. Matt has been broken down for a lot longer so it doesn't stand out as much.


Viewpoint Vigilante
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
Hopefully he moves better than his brother Matt because watching him move around against Darby Allin last Friday made MY body ache :tickled:
Matt needs to just be a manager already and retire from in ring work


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Pretty much everybody that started in the 80s/90s needs to hang it up.

The Hardys, Christian Cage, Sting, Daniels, Billy Gunn, Big Show, etc.

Even the early TNA/ROH guys are breaking down. Samoa Joe and CM Punk get hurt every other match.